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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Ghouse you clearly know more then I do on the inside workings but you continue to say on other threads this league is happening(trust me). Is it not a done deal that these VMSL teams are not joining? How is it beneficial for the valley and specifically your team if the VMSL premier teams are not joining and the VISL are potentially not sending their top players?

I see you really want this to happen but pushing it through without top teams and players could result in a major flop without really giving it a chance. My guess is it won't be given a second shot anytime soon if it is a gong show. I'm just really confused at how this makes soccer higher quality, I really am. Most top players play in the VMSL anyway. So for instance how does putting 10 VMSL players on say Langley change the quality of the league. It is really the same players just on different teams.

Don't get me wrong their are clearly plenty of players in the valley that could be playing in the VMSL to make it stronger. However why don't they when they know it is a top league and thats where they should be if wanting top competition. Is it because they don't want the travel? Well they will be travelling more then ever now.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Ghouse are you coaching the allstar game this year?

Millar would the Vmsl Prem Not look good with the addition of a club(s) like acbc and the likes of say a langley poco and or port moody?

Really if we want to see the best soccer locally at an amateur level The vmsl could use Help from a few of the valley teams.. They will give any team in the Vmsl an even matchup and some exciting soccer..

We must stare the future in the face. Reality is that more and more Players are and will be moving this way because of affordabilty.... The cost of living and Convienence of the outer jurasdictions will eventually filter down the Vmsl Squads .. No its not time to panic ....yet ...but the situation does need to be studied & reviewed ASAP...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Now why would Fraser Valley sides join VMSL and Azzi. The reason the league was starten becouse of guys like Azzi. Racist in his own way. No thanks. BC Premier is the only way. All as one on a equal bases. Forget old mans games. Soccer is gone by him. He still holds gradges fro forty years ago. He was always a shity coach. Now if you are talking few teams from VMSL comming to Valley than yes. All they need is Inter Croatia Chile and North Van and Richmond. That would bring the soccer in Valley way up. It is slowley happening. It will take three years and you will see.


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Polska, I am not saying the VMSL should take a stale approach. That isn't the issue. Clearly, it appears at least on the surface, that there are people from the other lower mainland league, that feel the VMSL Premier Division is stronger in an overall sense, so wouldn't it be wise for the Premier Division teams to UNITE and map out a blueprint, and then go forward to their Executive, and then, if they deemed it important to expand to the teams you mention, go to their leagues' executive.

Polska, all I was saying is, for Ghouse to be objective. I am not trying to discuss whether I think others should be included in our league. Because what is being discussed right now is not inclusion, but rather, dissecting of all Premier Divisions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Polska, FYI: There are two Surrey based teams and one Delta based team already in the VMSL Prem division...

ACBC plays in Burnaby and they are in the "Fraser Valley" Soccer League's Premier Division.

~Devils Advocate


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Mr. Base,

With all due respect, shut the fcuk up.

One more accusation/insinuation of a person being racist from you and there will be no more second chance at this website.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
...further to that, there is also Coq. MF Wolves, which I forgot, and a Richmond based team... Geographically speaking the VMSL is just as, if not more so, spread out than the FVSL...

perhaps the leagues should Merge and you have the Metro Vancouver Soccer League...


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Polska, FYI: There are two Surrey based teams and one Delta based team already in the VMSL Prem division...

ACBC plays in Burnaby and they are in the "Fraser Valley" Soccer League's Premier Division.

~Devils Advocate

NO WAY:rolleyes:

my point missed u i guess:rolleyes:

forgive me if i forget i'm talkin to a peanut (time to change the avatar?)


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money

THIS is the issue i was asking some time ago

The resolved Issue of Transportation costs...

that the VMSL and FVSL had apparently aggreed to help off set the costs...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
NO WAY:rolleyes:

my point missed u i guess:rolleyes:

forgive me if i forget i'm talkin to a peanut (time to change the avatar?)

Nothing gets past you eh? Perhaps a counter points "missued u" too:eek: (The first post not the second, hence it being signed off by "Devils Advocate")

I forget about the avatars, I have them turned off, nothing gets angry, middle aged cubicle-neighbors more riled up than Franchises bouncing boobs and other such... My "Peanut" guy was a bit of self deprecating humor when I was referring to myself as the peanut gallery some time ago... as we are apparently now taking up TTP Space to explain ourselves and our every action.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
They are talking about raiseing the number of Premier teams again,wont that water down what is now a strong Premeir division?
Millar I see your point totally and agree on everything and understand how the Premier teams are seeing things from your point of view.
The island didnt say they were not sending thier best . What was said was some of the older vets were not interested because of families. All teams change as players grow older and guys move away,or what have you.
We both know they wont be entering the league to lose.
All i can say is times change and we as a whole need to move forward together.
We need a Provincial League at the top level for so many reasons stated before I care not to list them all again.
And the time is now again for reason listed before.
Weeker or stronger as long as we are all together it would be stronger after a few growing years.
Money is not an issue as its not expensive.
The only real difference between leagues is the Ferry ride,which is only 3 days a season.(really) 4 hours of time added to each of those 3 days.(because you play already)
I would like to see a Provincial League because it would bring soccer up to the level as all the other sports. Something we need, to grow the sport. To keep the younger guys playing because it will carry more notoriety.
Your all right when we say Premier soccer here is not a stepping stone...Well it should be.
A Provincial league will change that, just as a National league changes your National team.
This is why Canada is so far behind the soccer world.
Because we as soccer Canadians strive for Mediocrasy.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money

THIS is the issue i was asking some time ago

The resolved Issue of Transportation costs...

that the VMSL and FVSL had apparently aggreed to help off set the costs...

It was flat out denied at the meeting Sunday night that the issue of transportation costs was decided. "Nothing has been decided..." re: transportation costs.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
I think merging the leagues into one is an awesome idea and is something that will happen eventually. It will probably gain momentum, when Mr.Azzi steps down. It should be discussed soon. It only makes sense too. Hockey, Baseball have all done similar moves.

Join all the leagues, the Island, Van Metro, and FVSL, maybe even Interior. And just call it the BC Soccer League, and break each league into divisions or Regional Division. So there can be Metro Van Division, Fraser Valley Division, Interior Division, Island Division. Everyone keeps their cups played within their regional Division. And maybe add one more cup tourney, a Carling or FA Cup style tourney where all the regional divisions go at it. The BC Premier League can also be under the BC Soccer League as well obviously.

And get rid of all these CAT and lettered divisions, just make it Div.1,2,3,4,5.....Have 16-20 in each division.

Also call the Youth league, BC Youth Soccer League, and have the same system.

This way everything becomes streamlined and simple. The league grows as a whole, not divided. And you get rid of some pesky bickering and so on. Yet you still have competition there based on Regional divisions but everyone is under one banner.

Anyways, just an idea.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
It was flat out denied at the meeting Sunday night that the issue of transportation costs was decided. "Nothing has been decided..." re: transportation costs.

Missed your reply

thanks for the answer Oranje...

Was it stated under oath?:D

starting to sound a like politics are taking over ....

Call me a conspiracy theorist if u want, but surely their is more to the motive than what is known?

If not W.A. then who pushin him from behind?:eek:

something smells rotten:(


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
They are talking about raiseing the number of Premier teams again,wont that water down what is now a strong Premeir division?
Millar I see your point totally and agree on everything and understand how the Premier teams are seeing things from your point of view.
The island didnt say they were not sending thier best . What was said was some of the older vets were not interested because of families. All teams change as players grow older and guys move away,or what have you.
We both know they wont be entering the league to lose.
All i can say is times change and we as a whole need to move forward together.
We need a Provincial League at the top level for so many reasons stated before I care not to list them all again.
And the time is now again for reason listed before.
Weeker or stronger as long as we are all together it would be stronger after a few growing years.
Money is not an issue as its not expensive.
The only real difference between leagues is the Ferry ride,which is only 3 days a season.(really) 4 hours of time added to each of those 3 days.(because you play already)
I would like to see a Provincial League because it would bring soccer up to the level as all the other sports. Something we need, to grow the sport. To keep the younger guys playing because it will carry more notoriety.
Your all right when we say Premier soccer here is not a stepping stone...Well it should be.
A Provincial league will change that, just as a National league changes your National team.
This is why Canada is so far behind the soccer world.
Because we as soccer Canadians strive for Mediocrasy.

Mediocrasy? Learn something new everyday :p (sorry Rich had to poke you for that)

Soccer is better in, according to the Mens FIFA Rankings, some 50-odd countries. I don't think all of them have purely recreational senior mens soccer leagues that professional teams get players from. That is a fact.

The league is a good idea, but not for reasons around ideas of some players ending up playing in the MLS or abroad in top flight football.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
JBN thats just it ,to evolve into a higher form of a league you must start somewhere.
If the Province Unites and we have a league similar to the BCJFL or the BCHL then we can start to move towards being a, I dont want to call it ,but a semi pro league.
Where we charge admission to games. Food and Bevys. All press. We can actually build a stepping stone league. And why not use this to step up to a higher form of soccer. Money could be made.Not lots but enough to run with a small profit or give the players gas money and feed the teams on the road aswell as pay thier ways.
Better facilitys can be asked for by clubs because a real need can be shown.
You ask for a small stadium now and the city or Parks board will say...for what?
Show them we need it and it gives you a leg to stand on. You cant ask for something to be built when there is no demand for it. PP Stadium sits empty all the time because no team with spectators use it.(im not talking the field but the stands) MAP gets more people out to watch that stupid div 3 ThrowBall than Soccer and guess what ,they now get priority use. Minoru,the new stadium at Hastings bowl, Swanguard , Mercer, all good little stadiums with a few upgrades.
But the way things now are you wont get anything we all need because were just 3 individual glorified beer leagues. Who cant get along cause of the were better than you attitudes.
We have the teams and the manpower to start a Provincial League.
To Grow into something.

I said it before and Ill say it again.
a National League helps the National Team. I hear it on every soccer talk show and read it everywhere. Infact the World Cup Only came to the USA if they started a Pro league up.
The exact same goes for the Province.
You need a Provincial League to better soccer in your Province.


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Ghouse, do you know that the MLS actually didn't start up until AFTER the World Cup. I was playing at that time in the APSL, when there was 7 teams. As part of the agreement of hosting the World Cup, they were suppose to have the MLS up and running. However, and this is the main point, they did not get it started on time. In fact it was 1996 when it got going. Do you know why? Because they weren't READY, so they decided to make sure that all ducks were in a row first, and then proceeded, so as to not screw things up, and put them further back than they already were. Wow, looks to me like patience and a real game plan that wasn't forced actually paid off.

Also, I'm sorry, but the BCHL and the BCJFL are junior leagues, not senior leagues. So they in fact are stepping stones. Apples and Oranges.

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