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[AMSL 2006] Banter and other things.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
BlazeArmy said:
Cosmos and Rockets won.

GO COSMOS GO...look what a lil' bit o' commitment will do for your guys, eh? Stunatman the scoring machine!! :wa:

Rockets eh? We never got to play against them this Season...we were supposed to battle on July 9th (World Cup), but for some reason, they couldn't field a team ;)

It'll be a good game tonight vs. Herbalicious...we've had some interesting episodes between us in the past...red cards, trash talkin' goalies :rolleyes:

We got the W on em' this season




New Member
Jul 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Rumour has it stunatman is the man around the cosmos camp... Rumour also holds his the main man at the mirrage nite club! hmmm... Is stunatman a free agent next year, if so could u pleez let us know! Thanx...:)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Restricted said:
Rumour has it stunatman is the man around the cosmos camp... Rumour also holds his the main man at the mirrage nite club! hmmm... Is stunatman a free agent next year, if so could u pleez let us know! Thanx...:)

I'll have his peeps call your peeps ;)
Mirage aka: CHURCH...uh, yeah, he goes there once in a while


GREAT GAME!! We had some amazing chances, and the Herbalicious goalie stood on his head!! Their team played well, but MAN, the keeper was on fire...made some nice close range saves! :eek:

We ended up in PK's where we saw our keeper, Wayne, make 3 AMAZING saves...yours truly capitalizing on a PK (nice :D ) and Paul burying 1, and that was all that was needed...WE'RE ON TO THE FINAL vs. Rockets! :wa:

Again...cudo's to the Herbalicious Goalie in this game!!

Sunday...games at 12, 2 and 4....catch em' all if you can!



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Can somone confirm if Vernon is a go or no go for launch?

Where are the final's being played this sunday?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Yoda said:
Can somone confirm if Vernon is a go or no go for launch?

Where are the final's being played this sunday?

I hear Vernon is OFF!



All games are on the Turf at Reeves/Gates Park


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Yoda said:
Can somone confirm if Vernon is a go or no go for launch?

Where are the final's being played this sunday?
There is no confirmation email as of yet... but I have to assume it's off because the latest email from Gavin Smart was that ther were only 9 teams paid... his email:

Due to the fact that I have only received 9 paid entry forms as of today (July 23rd), the Eight Annual Vernon Coed Soccer Tournament has been cancelled. All cheques will be returned via mail immediately. Gavin.

So... even though people have bantered about more teams wanting in, and that there were rumours about it being back on, there was no email sent from Gavin himself about it being back on. I've sent an email to him, as has Shifty Dwarf, but no response. Nadine emailed me saying she's emailed Gavin, and a few days later she emailed me saying it was off.. I don't know if he emailed her or not. So as of right now, it's all just rumour (unless someone can confirm they've talked to Gavin personally) so assume it's off.

Conductor said:
Thanks to STD's comment and teams Like GURU's who can't make up there minds, the tournament is cancelled.
This is either a very stupid comment, or a bad piss take... Our team was commited to the tourney by email before the deadline. Money wasn't due till today, and had it still been on the money would be there. Not to mention it's not my team... Why don't you finger point Snowman, Yoda, Shifty Dwarf, Frodo, Bored etc etc ... yer just daft.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
I'll make one more comment about the YG's... They are a damn decent bunch of players with very good skills. They deserve most of the wins they get. The thump by Dan was nasty on Snowman, he even said so, the bloody nose to Frodo was an accident (but acknowledgment of a "sorry pal" should have been in order) Dan's a great guy with a great family, his wife plays on our team. Kids are great as well... that wasn't the point... his hit was uncalled for in a league such as this. There's no whining from me that they won by dirty tactics, or that they didn't deserve it. The only comment about them is that it's not fun to play against them. Maybe because they control the game with more serious play than most others teams. I think they want it more, which is fine, it just makes it less enjoyable to play against them. The people on the team are decent as well, my only comment is that they could losen up a bit on the park and not take the win so seriously... just my opinion. Good luck to them as well as the rest of the teams still in the playoffs...

Last comment to the league people... I think it would be better to play this like the co-ed hockey league, and just have games with no stats kept, and no playoffs. Everyone still has fun, they all enjoy post games, but there's no record of how many games each team won, and no playoffs. Put more games into the league instead of playoffs, and maybe a jamboree type of thing as a year end wind up... Draw team names out of a hat, and play a round robin at gates as a final wind up with a beer garden or something. Leave the competition for the winter season .... Just a (socialists) thoughts :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
guru said:
Last comment to the league people... I think it would be better to play this like the co-ed hockey league, and just have games with no stats kept, and no playoffs. Everyone still has fun, they all enjoy post games, but there's no record of how many games each team won, and no playoffs. Put more games into the league instead of playoffs, and maybe a jamboree type of thing as a year end wind up... Draw team names out of a hat, and play a round robin at gates as a final wind up with a beer garden or something. Leave the competition for the winter season .... Just a (socialists) thoughts :)

Nice thought...bring it to the meeting in April 2007.
Volunteers are always welcome!



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
[/Last comment to the league people... I think it would be better to play this like the co-ed hockey league, and just have games with no stats kept, and no playoffs. Everyone still has fun, they all enjoy post games, but there's no record of how many games each team won, and no playoffs. Put more games into the league instead of playoffs, and maybe a jamboree type of thing as a year end wind up... QUOTE]

Guru, you should put your team in the Abbotsford co-ed league, I hear it 's similar to what your looking for. The only thing is you won't get Herb as a ref.
As for Vernon it is OFF. I spoke to Gavin before I left town and he was disappointed but hoping teams next year won't procastinate. As for the cheque deadline GURU it was July 21st extended from July 14th and still teams were to slow to act.
Good luck to all teams playing in the finals.Hoping I will find a cheap flight out of Regina to get back and enjoy the games.Guru maybe we can enjoy a pint together and cut down the YG's together!:D


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I didn't get my chance last season but maybe on Sunday I will. If Nutmegs tries to run past me I will pants her! Let's see how fast she can run with her shorts around her knees. Better do that drawstring up tight Megs!

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
guru said:
I'll make one more comment about the YG's... They are a damn decent bunch of players with very good skills. They deserve most of the wins they get. The thump by Dan was nasty on Snowman, he even said so, the bloody nose to Frodo was an accident (but acknowledgment of a "sorry pal" should have been in order) Dan's a great guy with a great family, his wife plays on our team. Kids are great as well... that wasn't the point... his hit was uncalled for in a league such as this. There's no whining from me that they won by dirty tactics, or that they didn't deserve it. The only comment about them is that it's not fun to play against them. Maybe because they control the game with more serious play than most others teams. I think they want it more, which is fine, it just makes it less enjoyable to play against them. The people on the team are decent as well, my only comment is that they could losen up a bit on the park and not take the win so seriously... just my opinion. Good luck to them as well as the rest of the teams still in the playoffs...

Last comment to the league people... I think it would be better to play this like the co-ed hockey league, and just have games with no stats kept, and no playoffs. Everyone still has fun, they all enjoy post games, but there's no record of how many games each team won, and no playoffs. Put more games into the league instead of playoffs, and maybe a jamboree type of thing as a year end wind up... Draw team names out of a hat, and play a round robin at gates as a final wind up with a beer garden or something. Leave the competition for the winter season .... Just a (socialists) thoughts :)

Guru, I hear you, but we never told Dan to tackle Snowman or to make rough play part of our game plan. I totally agree that Dan's hit was uncalled for. Nobody on our team condoned it. Herb should have carded Dan....is it the team's fault he didn't?

You cannot control the actions of every person on the field, just as Orca Bay can attest to their player who tried to strangle a Cosmos player. For the record, Snowman put me out for about 3 months with a slide tackle in the opening tournament back in 1997...no worries, I'm over it now and never think about it whenever we play you guys. :)

As for the restructuring of the league, what you're considering is something I've contemplated as well since teams don't always care or follow the rules outlined in the league handbook. We either have rules in this league or we don't and I think maybe we can give teams the option of playing in a division or group that has rules, keeps score, playoffs, etc. while other teams can opt for what you are describing. Like Striker said, the league needs volunteers so if someone wants to organize this, it's all theirs.

PS. A few months back my wife brought home a job description to be the coordinator of West Van's field hockey league. This person would book fields (Herb's job), allocate referees (Herb's job), create schedules for 30 teams (we have 24) as well as keep track of league standings (Striker's and my job). (By the way, they don't reschedule games in that league. I always smile when I get an e-mail requesting that a game be rescheduled.) This person would then report to the president of the league who oversees all other matters (whatever else Striker and I do--collect fees, deal with requests (and complaints), collect rosters, order and distribute equipment, help organize the opening tornament, etc.). All this for $7000 more than what we got this year. I wonder what their president gets!

Anyhow, I'm sure the volunteer work looks good on our resumes. Thanks very much to striker for all her help this year as well as to Warren Spence (league treasurer), Herb, Lisa, Chris, Barry, and Brandy (discipline committee) all team contacts, and STD who helped out as well whenever he could. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Oh yes...thanks to KNVB as well--just because.


Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Regs said:
You don't have a league without players. You forgot to thank them!


Ah yes. How could I forget the players. And the FANS! This league would be not exist without our great fans. We have the best fans out of all the other Adult Mixed Soccer Leagues out there. And KNVB. I hope I didn't foget to thank KNVB--just because---and for doing what he can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Thank you Dial. This is all so very unexpected. I've never been one to seek out attention, of any kind, what-so-ever and frankly, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with it all. What I’ve done was all for you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
TRAVIs onething to say... Ur a LOSER !!!!!!!!! PS.. U still have suzie, travis... So all is well...
Restricted... keep your comments to the game and soccer! No need to take personal shots on a subject that obviously has no interest except to a jealous suitor.

PS... I agree with Regs. MSN Called, they want their shorthand back.


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
Dirty Money
notty... i am jealous... he's good lookin.. great soccer player.. and has a good lookin girl! I'd rather not say it to him since i am scared i might get beaten up.. So if their is a place to say it, it would be on here! And furthermore, do me a favor... stop being a robocop and mind ur own business... U always try to restore order with ur big yapper... Stick to soccer and cookin! :knvb: PS: on the contrar i like ur style notty... ALL bark but no BITE !!! ;) PSS: i cannot wait for ur response.... lol... Restricted loves stirring the pot... and notties allittle jealous it wasn t his pot...


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
Dirty Money
My apologies if i took a shot at anyone... PS.. Notty for an irishman ur a terrible soccer player and a wannabe chef.... :rolleyes: PS: i am a jealous guy!:)

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