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2019 Gold Cup


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Larin playing on the left side of the front three is so stupid! He doesn't press! Cavalini and Davies will go for the press and Larin won't join them as he's too lazy and is afraid to get burnt defensively. Quite frankly how do you choose bench warmer Larin over Tesho who is in good form in MLS!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
For me the difference in level was massive. This is a depleted Mexico side, missing 11 or so players( lozano, chicarito, dos santos, Herrera etc.) and still the difference in technical ability was clear to see. Ok Canada had a little stretch of good play but boy does Canada have a way to go with development. That game was a piss take with Mexico’s real roster.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Way better second half! Took Larin off for David and we started to actually sustain offensive pressure. David should have scored one himself but inexplicably didn't pull the trigger. Davies went inches wide right before Guadardo scored their third goal. Arfield's introduction and work rate combined with his positive attacking passes made a big difference. He was well covered in the back by Atiba who jumped in to the holding midfielder role from defence and looked great there. Some positives heading in to our next match.

Of course this wasn't Mexico's full strength squad as @bulljive mentioned. I don't think Giovanni will be in there set up again. He's too inconsistent. However if Vela comes back one day then watch the fcuk out!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Last 20 mins Canada played well. The starting lineup they puti n was a bit surprising but given the long tourney I guess they realize the importance of other games.

Larin is Lazy. You need to either sit him or play him up top as number 9. As Machel said he stood while others pressed.

Once the subs came on at 60th minute Canada looked more confident and started to knock the ball around. Players actually playing the positions they are suppose to. It was like a whole new game.

Back line of Canada is a huge question mark. The biggest problem I see is Henry and Cornelius can defend but can't play the ball out on the ground when pressed. Atiba back there can do this but then he can't defend as well. That 4 3 3 system canada played needs Center backs who can play the ball to the mids on the ground, I just don't see Henry and Derek being able to do that as they panic.

On a side note Osorio was angry again, this time slapping the tv camera to the side at the end of the game. Guy is always angry, maybe he has taken over the role of angry Ricketts....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Octavio seems a we bitter, eh? awesome. Herdman....fcuk me he's a great salesman. That smile must melt the panties off Mrs. Jones.

I've never liked Larin for the National squad. on that first goal he needed to win that ball up the line. Biggest man on the park. Win a header; shield a ball. FFS.

Hutchinson has to be our starting HM going forward. different class in that spot. I don't want to see Larin for the rest of the tourney.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
One of those guys coached the national teams of Paraguay, Argentina, Mexico, won an MLS title, and coached...uh...Barcelona. The other guy.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Love that from Zambrano. I would be salty too. He looked to have this program going in the right direction before being unceremoniously ousted for reasons that still have never really been publicly explained. I will give Herdman this though, he has brought some players into or back into the squad that maybe were not interested, even with OZ starting to turn the program around (Cavalini, Osorio, convincing Hutchinson to come play a few more years after he had essentially stepped away) and the players have seemingly bought into his psychological approach. I am fairly certain that's what Osorio was doing by shoving the camera away at the end of the match the other night when Canada were in their huddle; trying to emphasize that this was a "team only" thing not for TV. That being said I fully agree with Zambrano in his comment that you cannot simply out think and/or out tactic the other team at this level. Herdman is supremely confident that he can execute a "game plan", but football is much more than just Xs and Os. At the same time I did like Herdman getting into it with Tata; welcome to CONCACAF where the men's game has a few extra intangibles.

As for the performance against Mexico overall, I think you have to say it was encouraging. Yes it was not Mexico's best 11, but when was the last time we were even remotely competitive against any type of Mexico side? Even under Zambrano in WC qualifying we got thumped. So I think you have to look at the positives. We are always going to be underdogs, they have better payers, period. Our defensive line is less than adequate, but its not like we have other players to throw in there. Like it or not, those guys are the best that we have at the minute. We created a few chances going forward that could have altered the game if we scored and I think that is likely how a side like Canada will have to live against the Mexico's of the world. Hopefully we get another crack at them, which would mean we have made the semis and we maybe start out with the side that finished the match and looked interesting in a 4-3-3.

Agree that Attiba needs to be in the MF. He is easily our best player there. I think he was only at CB because Henry was not healthy for the first game and then Herdman was trying to get defensively tactical to start against Mexico. My guess is he probably gets the day off against Cuba, unless we are in trouble, after playing 180 in eight days through the first two games and then he is fresh for the quarters. Also agree about Larin not seeing the pitch the rest of the tournament. He is a 9 and only a 9 and Cavelini is a better option. His attitude also sucks. You would think he would grab any chance to get into the starting 11 and try and show he can be more versatile, but he is clearly not that type of player. He forced a move to Europe when he was having success at Orlando and now he is down the pecking order at Besiktas and also in the national team set up. Also @Dude I'll take an "I told you so" for RT at LB against Mexico ;)

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Don't forget before we get too grasping that Canada played pretty well for the last 15 or 20 that Mexico had gone down to ten men for the majority or that period.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Yah Canada has a shot at beating Mexico second time around. We held back some cards for sure. I was just honestly a bit shocked, Mexico is missing what 5-7 starters. We still got outclassed. Imagine us without our best 5-7 players, it would be Friday night at John Oliver.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm with you on that, I don't agree with "holding back" players on the international stage at ANYTIME... these are not amateurs.

And I'm gonna puke if I see one more shot of Herdman looking back to scan the crowd after a match to wave at who I can only guess is his mom or something :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Loved KJ's comments post game about how Canada thumping teams should never be taken for granted. Are Cuba and Martinique world class teams? Not for a second. However, they are in that second tier of "better" CONCACAF sides. Heck, Cuba is in our Nations League A group along with the US this year. So for us to be crushing them 7-0, even if they already had been eliminated from the competition, has to be viewed as a solid achievement.

Also, as shaky as our defense remains, our offensive squad depth is fantastic. The idea that Junior Hoillet is likely not going to be able to find a place in the starting 11 for our quarterfinal is something I struggle to believe, and I mean that as a positive. This is a Premier League striker who has scored twice in this tournament already, as well as providing good service, and he looks set to be fourth on the depth chart meaning he will come off the bench. It is unfathomable to me that Canada has that kind of luxury to choose from at the minute.

Really looking forward to Saturday's QF against likely Costa Rica. Costa Rica has been to the last two World Cups and is probably the de facto third best team in CONCACAF right now. Beating them in a competitive setting would be a massive boxed ticked in my mind and put us into the final four. I think that has to be the goal for Canada right now as if they can regularly be in the conversation as one of the top three or four teams in the region that would mean we have a legitimate chance at qualifying for Qatar in 2022.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
@Canucks4Ever Are you assuming they go back to Kaye at LB to push Davies to the wing?
Yes. Even against Cuba Davies 1v1 defending looked a little ragged. Mexico went right at him when he dropped back there when Canada were chasing things which led to the third goal and Cuba clearly seemed to be targeting him as well. Kaye is a top player in the side and just got named to the MLS All-Star team. He is also one of our top defensive bodies on a team that is lacking in that department. I feel his best position is MF but I think Hutchinson, Arfield and Orsorio have all locked down their places in the engine room so I would play Kaye at LB.

As I write this though Haiti have just scored to make it 2-1 and take the lead over Costa Rica with 10 minutes to go. Could be a real twist then and two excited, hungry sides if it ends up Canada vs. Haiti.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Looks like Canada vs Haiti on Saturday. Will be interesting to see which lineup Canada puts out there on Saturday.

Haiti is very quick on the counter attack and I think that will trouble Canada however this is a winnable game.

If you think that Haiti is an easier game than Costa Rica for Canada then the loss to Mexico almost benefitted Canada as they avoid Costa Rica.

Personally I would have liked Canada to play Costa Rica to really see how we measure up.

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