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2019 Gold Cup


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
And playing Mexico in Denver compared to at Azteca should keep things a little more even.

Evidently we'll be getting very familiar with Cuba this year.

Assuming they can finish second, their quarter final against the winner of the Costa Rica group should be a good measuring stick.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Tune up from yesterday, 2-0 for the good guys

First match this Saturday @ 4:30PM vs Martinique - who has the broadcast rights?



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Tune up from yesterday, 2-0 for the good guys

First match this Saturday @ 4:30PM vs Martinique - who has the broadcast rights?


With a coupe of tidy finishes from Arfield as well!

TSN has the rights; presumably they will likely only be showing the Canada games though and maybe the final. Might catch some of the Mexico or US games on FOX.

Saturday sets up as an almost double header with the Women playing New Zealand at noon at the WC and then the Men against Martinique in their Gold Cup opener at 4.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Calendar cleared for the game this Saturday looking forward to it!

Talked to the wife and realized we should have hopped on a plane and caught a game at the rose bowl with a big Canadian Flag.

Gold cup just kinda creeped up didn't plan properly.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
4 - 0 win for the good guys. Defence looked shakey.

Hope to see some proper defenders in the game vs Mexico although Herdwoman may not show all his cards to Mexico as he has hinted. He feels they will see Mexico in the semi's again and may just want to save players for Cuba. Not sure how I feel about that one.....but I can see his point.


Up top David Cavallini and Hoilet

Mid Arfield Atiba Mark Kaye

Back line Davies Henry Cornielus Guillard

Possibly Davies higer up if they want to stretch the game but Canada doesn't have may options in the back except for Ashton Morgan.

Either way can't wait for Wed!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
4 - 0 win for the good guys. Defence looked shakey.

Hope to see some proper defenders in the game vs Mexico although Herdwoman may not show all his cards to Mexico as he has hinted. He feels they will see Mexico in the semi's again and may just want to save players for Cuba. Not sure how I feel about that one.....but I can see his point.


Up top David Cavallini and Hoilet

Mid Arfield Atiba Mark Kaye

Back line Davies Henry Cornielus Guillard

Possibly Davies higer up if they want to stretch the game but Canada doesn't have may options in the back except for Ashton Morgan.

Either way can't wait for Wed!

I don't like the strategy, especially when it comes to your backline, of holding out guys so as to not show your cards. A team defense needs to gel and grow as the tourney grows, and this needs to be locked and loaded on day 1. I didn't love Atiba in the back. For us to be successful, he needs to be in the middle of the park. Vs. Mexico here, he was the only player we had that looked the equal or better than the Mexican team.

So, to that, I like your line-up, and you go with your best. Davies in the back gives a real nice counter punch the Mexicans will have a hard time dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
To be honest we were lucky on the day to leave with all 3 points imo. Martinique missed a boat load of chances. Play like that against Mexico and it's going to be an ugly one.
Atiba got burnt for a breakaway but besides that he looked ok back there but he's definitely a lot better in midfield. Piette had a nice assist over the top but what's with him and the soft passes back to his keepers? He does it in MLS too and Martinique almost pounced on one for a goal.

Can't really argue with your lineup although David is full of confidence and Henry is just coming back from injury.

Go Canada go!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
To be honest we were lucky on the day to leave with all 3 points imo. Martinique missed a boat load of chances. Play like that against Mexico and it's going to be an ugly one.
Atiba got burnt for a breakaway but besides that he looked ok back there but he's definitely a lot better in midfield. Piette had a nice assist over the top but what's with him and the soft passes back to his keepers? He does it in MLS too and Martinique almost pounced on one for a goal.

Can't really argue with your lineup although David is full of confidence and Henry is just coming back from injury.

Go Canada go!

I meant to post about those chances- yeah we were lucky. Defense was bad. Put Atiba in the middle, and at least you now have one of the top holding / box-to-box midfielders in your side who'll need to be respected by the Mexicans. He'll still assert himself on the defensive side. Henry has shown he comes back from short term injuries well, and has been coming into his own. With Atiba in front it's a good combo.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I thought having to play Hutchinson at the back was a fairly solid indictment of our defensive shortcomings overall. When your best option at centreback is a midfielder, it says something very damning about the program. If I am Herdman that is my number one recruiting/scouting/development focus over the next year. Got to find anyone with a sliver of Canadian heritage or citizenship eligibility to try an shore up that back line.

Credit to Borjan for making some top tier saves to wallpaper over the cracks in our defending. Always felt like we would have enough on the day to get the points (let's be honest, it is not like Martinique were putting on a defensive clinic themselves in this one...), but definitely felt like it might have been much less comfortable. Easily could have been 4-3 instead of 4-0 or we could have even needed to find a fifth or sixth rather than take guys off to rest.

Also, I was stunned to learn that was our biggest ever Gold Cup victory. I know we have been far from a powerhouse over the last two plus decades, but with how often this tournament is played you would have thought that at some point we would have been afforded the chance to beat up on a true minnow. Anyway, take the win and move on I guess.

As for Mexico, I am guessing that Herdman is aware that this is likely to be a tough match to get anything out of and if he has a tactical adjustment he thinks can beat Mexico, he will obviously save it for a potential semi-final. Realistically, that would mean getting past a solid Costa Rica side that has been to the last two World Cups in the quarters, but I think that has to be the goal for this group.

Line-up wise I figure you go defensive and I actually liked what I saw from Godinho. I had never heard of him, but it looks like he had a fairly good season making 14 appearance for Hearts in the SPL, so I would stick with him at RB ahead of Guillard. Assuming Henry is healthy, play him with Cornelius at CB with Hutchinson and Piette very deep in front of them. I loathe Piette and would love to see Herdman go with Will Johnson instead, but, for whatever reason, Piette is widely considered the one of our top CDMs in the country. I thought Kaye was very exposed at LB and would start Tiebert there ahead of him with Davies at LM. Leave Cavallini up top and see if he can do some unselfish running with maybe Osorio in behind him and Arfield moved out onto the right. If there is a chance to grab something late you can always bring Hoillet on, otherwise save his legs for Cuba as well as trying to get Attiba and Arfield off early if the game is out of reach.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Had me at RT. Are you on real, actual, glue?



Ok fair, my point was I didn't like Gaye there and I liked Godinho at RB. If Guillard is comfortable on the left I would take that as well.

RT is a left sided player though, and I do prefer to have a natural left foot at left back otherwise your fullback is always taking a touch back towards the middle of the park when you are trying to play out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Davies. Give him rope. He'll be first back anyways. problem solved.

Maybe. Herdman has played him in a wingback type role before and he has also done that a bit at Bayern.

However, my guess would be that might be Herdman's secret "master plan" for if Canada make the semis, so I would not be surprised to see him use a squad member there in this game instead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Assume that was Dever Orgill you are referring to? Who was he with again?

He played with Campobasso.
I did sensationalize the headline as he also played some prem the following season and was in the Whitecaps set up in some capacity. ;)

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