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2018 Whitecaps

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
beating a dead horse, but Hurtado and Teibert aren't at level. So, 90 minutes down two men and this is what you get.

I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that their approach is to sit back, let the other team have most of the ball, and hope to weather the storm and use their speed - "he's very fast" - to counter and win 1-0... the problem is that they'll never win a championship that way, because inevitably you give up the first goal eventually and have to chase the game. their style isn't suited to this, nor is Robinson remotely willing to experiment and adapt.

I don't blame Robbo fully though. He's working with what he has. 6 million dollar players get paid 6 million dollars because they have a particularly quality to their game. That quality has a nasty habit of showing up at opportune times for their teams (not the Whitecaps), and thus at the most inopportune times for their opponents (the Whitecaps).

So, at least they've had the decency to tell us what their product is: mid-pack finish, one and done in the playoffs, give or take a game, depending on whether it was good or bad year. It shouldn't get much worse than that, and it also shouldn't get much better.

Spend your entertainment dollars as you see fit...


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
beating a dead horse, but Hurtado and Teibert aren't at level. So, 90 minutes down two men and this is what you get.

What more do you want from Teibert? I know you don’t like the money he makes but what about his game is so bad? he gets the ball and gives it to the more creative players to distribute. He’s not gonna be a 10, maybe he’ll be a good 8. He doesn’t lose possession that much and he doesn’t make glaring mistakes. Although he’s a bit too passive on positive attacking passes at times.

I love Hurtado’s work ethic but he can’t be the target man in a one forward formation. Not gonna happen. His pace would be valuable on the wing to try to get behind defenders and keep them honest thus stretching out the field. But I agree, he’s not up to par for the most part.

I agree with most of the rest of your post. We need to spend money on the Quality players who are capable of making the plays when it matters most.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
The looks on both Teibert and Hurtado's face when they got pulled said it all to me.
They both know they're done and it will take forever for them to be back in the line up now barring any huge number of injuries to other players.

I'm not saying they're garbage Machel but I just feel they are both extremely mediocre players and if this club is going anywhere we can't have them as starters - Full stop.
Short of naming them Robbo all but said the same after.
He got burnt for his loyalty to both of them and it won't happen again.

I was shocked with his player selection and formation, he totally underestimated Bob Bradley & LAFC, and its stupid shite like that which will cost him his job.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
The looks on both Teibert and Hurtado's face when they got pulled said it all to me.
They both know they're done and it will take forever for them to be back in the line up now barring any huge number of injuries to other players.

I'm not saying they're garbage Machel but I just feel they are both extremely mediocre players and if this club is going anywhere we can't have them as starters - Full stop.
Short of naming them Robbo all but said the same after.
He got burnt for his loyalty to both of them and it won't happen again.

I was shocked with his player selection and formation, he totally underestimated Bob Bradley & LAFC, and its stupid shite like that which will cost him his job.
The only thing Hurtado has done well was his role in Hook, hustle and speed work in youth, how the caps haven’t figured that out, is mind boggling. If Robbo hasn’t lost his job yet I doubt he will. Shocking line up against LAFC. Ma and Pop players don’t beat big box players it just doesn’t work. Unfortunately as much as we all love the caps and want them to succeed, we will always be a market that never gets “the name” or will be willing to pay for it. But at least we can advertise the shite out of our E-MLS players....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Too many tactical blunders to mention. I'll try...

~Tiebert and Hurtado to start? That's when I knew we were doomed...three DMs in midfield, and a midget with two cement feet up front against a tall, 3 CB system. At least you could kinda understand Tiebert, with three good performances, but Hurtado?
~No Jordan Much in a match where we needed attacking through CM. Where was he?
~Using Juarez for much of the match as your "10". WTF, he was bypassed and invisible all game.
~The de Jong sub. What exactly is he trying to accomplish? You take your most dynamic attacker, and you slide him back? It's not like Shea was up high as a second striker, the going 3 back, he was a winger, and Davies was LB. At that point, all three of Hurtado, Juarez, and Techera needed off, and in all three of those spots, Davies could have influenced the match, and you could have pushed de Jong forward, which he is quite good at.
~Jordy Reyna is lost. Not sure that's on Robo, but why not actually start HIM at 10, and fcuking try and score a goal?
~Shea, Davies, Reyna, Mutch...there are any number of better options to start striker than Hurtado (why not go with two?), even with the two injuries. Fcuking joke.

All three of his subs were mind boggling. Starting three DMs mind boggling, all of it. Then he was outmanaged in the match by a much better coach.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Couple of observations:

Mutch is injured as are Blondel and Kamara (obviously) and Renya is not 100%. So that's why none of them started. Teibert is not a game breaker. When he is in that midfield with better players around him he can do a job, if you're relying on him to dictate and influence a match you're in trouble...

I'll subscribe to the theory that Hurtado started out of loyalty and a good work ethic in training, but I still don't like it. Ibini and Shea can both play there or then there's the apparently unpalatable idea of changing the formation. As a coach I always believe that you need to adapt your formation to your players, not force your players into a rigid system just because it's your favoured shape to play. Point is you want to find a way to field your best 11 players available; even with all the injuries I don't think anyone remotely believes that that's the best team that could have started that game.

As for the positional stuff I'm lost. Renya was great as an out and out #10 behind Montero last season, why go away from that? I get that they are thin at the back, so when De Jong went down in Houston it was needs must and Davies filled in admirably, but when you are chasing a game why take a dynamic offensive catalyst and move him farther back? I get that you want to get more attacking options like Shea on the field, but this goes back to the earlier point about field your best 11 from the start or change your formation...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Didn't know Mutch was injured as well, but as you stated above, it's pretty much so bad you don't know where to start.

Any one of us could have devised a tactical approach to put the team on the front foot, and come away with a result.

Shea is in form right now, think he could not have at least made life difficult as a striker? Put Reyna in behind him and park one of your three DMs? Or, fcuk me, Davies in that slot as a low lying striker. He looks really good when he gets centrally. He could have done so much more than Hurtado supported by three DMs. It was garbage, you had crosses going into him, and he'd be marked by three CBs all about a foot taller.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Man watching E-Money go up for headers against the LAFC back line was painful to watch...watching him jump and not even reach the ball was both comical and sad at the same time...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
One of us needs to get press credentials and get ourselves into a presser to ask the real questions. perhaps the next time @Dude rubs elbows with Jay and Ashley he can work his magic.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Jay and Ashleigh need to get comfortable with me trying to hard to be friends before they get comfortable enough to recommend me for a press pass. Maybe I need to stop referring to him as "Jaydemerit" like it's one word, and actually talk to Ashleigh instead of just stammering and drooling. I dunno. They may be a bit creeped out. Optics are everything I guess.

@Regs needs a press pass. He's kinda the press already, ain't he? Would Bobby let you have a press pass, Regs? :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Sidebar: Torres looks likely to be heading to MLS after the season in Europe finishes. Shockingly the Whitecaps are not in the hunt to sign him... Who needs big name players?


Of the teams listed I can't see him ending up at Sporting KC or Montreal. Maybe Chicago and they did splash the cash on Schweinsteiger, but you have to think the most likely spot is NYC FC. That being said, given the start Seattle are off to you could maybe see them making a big push for him.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sidebar: Torres looks likely to be heading to MLS after the season in Europe finishes. Shockingly the Whitecaps are not in the hunt to sign him... Who needs big name players?


Of the teams listed I can't see him ending up at Sporting KC or Montreal. Maybe Chicago and they did splash the cash on Schweinsteiger, but you have to think the most likely spot is NYC FC. That being said, given the start Seattle are off to you could maybe see them making a big push for him.
As far as I know/understand it, Chicago holds his MLS rights or however the fcuk it works in this league.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Jay and Ashleigh need to get comfortable with me trying to hard to be friends before they get comfortable enough to recommend me for a press pass. Maybe I need to stop referring to him as "Jaydemerit" like it's one word, and actually talk to Ashleigh instead of just stammering and drooling. I dunno. They may be a bit creeped out. Optics are everything I guess.

@Regs needs a press pass. He's kinda the press already, ain't he? Would Bobby let you have a press pass, Regs? :D
@Canucks4Ever is the guy who should get a press pass from "here", I didn't even know there was a game Friday night until the game was almost over :rolleyes:

Thank God as judging from the posts here, I saved myself 2 hours of torture.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
My problem with Teibert is that he isn't good enough. At his best he doesn't hurt them. At his worst he kills them. That's not helpful. Full stop. The money is just an added bonus - he shouldn't be anywhere near this team on a senior minimum salary.

Kei Kamara now out a few weeks with that groin flaring up again... didn't see that coming...

The point above about fitting your system to the talent you have? That.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
As far as I know/understand it, Chicago holds his MLS rights or however the fcuk it works in this league.

I think whoever has the top allocation to sign a particular player can trade it, just like they trade cans of alphabet soup and draft picks...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
@Canucks4Ever is the guy who should get a press pass from "here", I didn't even know there was a game Friday night until the game was almost over :rolleyes:

Looking forward to that post game presser...
"Ya Carl, Canucks4Ever from TakeThePiss.com: Seriously, the fcuk are you doing?"

Make sure Lenarduzzi spells my name right on my credentials; it's Canucks4Ever with a capital "E" :cool:


Sep 30, 2006
Dirty Money
If your gonna kick and run, play Davies up top. Yes I'm drunk but it takes ether to stay in the stands. Fine give the points away, but at least entertain. # Attack like Klopp, go ahead and fail but fail well. Lost patience....
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