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2018/2019 FVSL Rumours

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Whats the scoop on the upcoming year?

Where will the former West Coast Prem guys go?

Who will challenge for promotion in Div 1?

Div 2 with A and B pools, is there a run away favourite or will it stay fairly tight as years last?

Div 3 has some new names in it. Who will be the top squad, will the newly promoted squads hold their own?

Heard Cascade may be making a return, where will he end up?

Any other notables out there?
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2006
Dirty Money
No Westcoast Prem, although they were done last year. No Pomo Rangers Prem or Div 1, can't remember where they were?. No Aldergrove Prem. Div 2 has 14 teams now. No U-21. A lot of changes this season. Looking forward to the season.
Side note, I had heard, only rumors, that West Coast were getting the Prem spot back via Aldergrove. And that a certain FVSL staff member was to coach it. I am guessing that fell thru? Any truth to this?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Whats the scoop on the upcoming year?

Where will the former West Coast Prem guys go?

Who will challenge for promotion in Div 1?

Div 2 with A and B pools, is there a run away favourite or will it stay fairly tight as years last?

Div 3 has some new names in it. Who will be the top squad, will the newly promoted squads hold their own?

Heard Cascade may be making a return, where will he end up?

Any other notables out there?

Meers, Cole, Adam Day, and Rowley all went to Moody last year. And I heard JC will join them this year. Majority of the remaining Westcoast squad play in div 2 for either the Knights or Mission now.

Westcoast United I would assume.

I would imagine it being a tough season again, but Abby likely favourites.

I would say RedBulls have a good chance of winning Div 3.

Back at UFV?

Anyone have any idea what’s going on with div 2, I can only pull up the a pool and it’s only showing 6 teams???


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Meers, Cole, Adam Day, and Rowley all went to Moody last year. And I heard JC will join them this year. Majority of the remaining Westcoast squad play in div 2 for either the Knights or Mission now.

Westcoast United I would assume.

I would imagine it being a tough season again, but Abby likely favourites.

I would say RedBulls have a good chance of winning Div 3.

Back at UFV?

Anyone have any idea what’s going on with div 2, I can only pull up the a pool and it’s only showing 6 teams???
Div 2 has been split into 2 an A and B side, B isn’t coming up on the site yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Meers, Cole, Adam Day, and Rowley all went to Moody last year. And I heard JC will join them this year. Majority of the remaining Westcoast squad play in div 2 for either the Knights or Mission now.

Westcoast United I would assume.

I would imagine it being a tough season again, but Abby likely favourites.

I would say RedBulls have a good chance of winning Div 3.

Back at UFV?

Anyone have any idea what’s going on with div 2, I can only pull up the a pool and it’s only showing 6 teams???
Lol 33 at UFV you’re a sweet lad.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No Westcoast Prem, although they were done last year. No Pomo Rangers Prem or Div 1, can't remember where they were?. No Aldergrove Prem. Div 2 has 14 teams now. No U-21. A lot of changes this season. Looking forward to the season.
Side note, I had heard, only rumors, that West Coast were getting the Prem spot back via Aldergrove. And that a certain FVSL staff member was to coach it. I am guessing that fell thru? Any truth to this?

I will start by saying I know almost nothing.

That said, I think I stated last season that it actually made sense for said certain staff member to take on that role...I didn't understand the affiliation w/ Surrey United at all. I actually felt the fit was pretty good, made complete sense and filled a position of need for club and league.

I also feel it's clear conflict of interest to have any paid staff member of the league also involved as a manger for one team. You can hypothetically do everything right, but you are still in conflict of interest. Just my opinion, which means nothing, though I expect to be banned again to start this season, I think that'll be the 4th time. Maybe he'll threaten to have me banned from all coaching all levels, as he has (not allegedly, actually) done before. Threaten, that is. My daughter has retired from playing, and with that so have I from coaching. Ban away.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I will start by saying I know almost nothing.

That said, I think I stated last season that it actually made sense for said certain staff member to take on that role...I didn't understand the affiliation w/ Surrey United at all. I actually felt the fit was pretty good, made complete sense and filled a position of need for club and league.

I also feel it's clear conflict of interest to have any paid staff member of the league also involved as a manger for one team. You can hypothetically do everything right, but you are still in conflict of interest. Just my opinion, which means nothing, though I expect to be banned again to start this season, I think that'll be the 4th time. Maybe he'll threaten to have me banned from all coaching all levels, as he has (not allegedly, actually) done before. Threaten, that is. My daughter has retired from playing, and with that so have I from coaching. Ban away.
its not to late to start McIvor FC


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, trust me, it's too late. Way. Too Late.

I went out for one (1) match with the kids, a from the club comprised mostly of grade 11 & 12 players, a few older kids who are now in university, and the TD, a young limey who plays for Binger's. They play in a Whistler league, a pretty good league, I'd say Div. 2 level, actually. Lots of guys live in town from soccer first nations looking for a local team, and I believe there are 6 teams between Whistler and Pemberton? All games in Whistler. The pace was lightning (from my now 44 year old perspective), I sat to start, and told myself that, much like most games in my life, pace seems faster from the side than once you are in it. This time that was not true. On my first touch I pivoted and strained my knee. Thought I was done right there, but a little jog seemed to send the niggle away. Sucked it up till half. Got in a few tackles, I'm sure most a wee bit late, and bottled one clear cut scoring chance on a turn at the top of 18. One goal for us in my time. Second half, they scored against, then as I finally got comfortable w/ the pace, got tackled from behind, appealed to the ref. Ref says, "You are still standing, aren't you?", meaning because I stayed standing he viewed it as fair. I told him he was missing a good effing match, he said something like "I think you can handle it, COACH.", we exchanged a few more F-bombs as play continued, I came unglued, took a lunge at some 20 year old kid, and then promptly subbed myself off. No yellow but definitely should have had one or more. Took off my boots, and those will not see my feet again, I'm 100% positive. 45 next year, and I like skiing way too much to give up that time in the winter.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Dug deep with my FVSL sources for this one ;)

Aldergrove was apparently set to move to Westcoast essentially almost as a whole, but then disagreements with the potential new coach saw four or five top players jump to Langley. Evidently this did not go over well with the team as a whole, who thought they were going to stay together; best quote I have heard in awhile "The rats jumped off the SS Aldergrove and left the others rearranging the deck chairs" I actually laughed out loud at that one.

Hildebrant, I am told, is off to take a crack in Europe in Solvenia or somewhere; their star GK from the Provincial Cup run landed in Surrey and everyone else splintered off elsewhere. Stunning fall from grace for a club that were oh so close just two seasons ago.

I am hearing that Van United has struck a deal with Temple to occupy the vacant spot in Prem and keep the Division at 8 teams. No idea what that will look like, I hear it is supposed to be based out of Newton. I know VanU has some UBC connections but I can't think that they will be sending players to Surrey and beyond on a weekly basis. Should be very interesting to see what kind of quality this side has.

Further on Langley, despite their incomings they are set to lose Provincial Cup Final MVP Elie Gindo. Gindo has reportedly opted not to join CCB's summer recruiting drive (more on that when I do my VMSL season preview) but will be playing for Rino's Tigers. Evidently he has a connection with the coach, Blaise Nkufo, but, despite his domineering force and two goals as a striker in the Prov Final, reports say he will be playing centreback for Rino's as he wants to try and make the jump to professional soccer at that position.

Division 2 is a group of 7 and a group of 6 with a crossover for a 19 game schedule.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
The other interesting note on the FVSL this year is I am told that they have scrapped their U21 division. Based on a rule put forward by MWSL regarding Masters teams playing in other divisions for league play and then competing in their respective Provincial Cups, the FVSL has apparently successfully petitioned BCSA for this rule to apply to U21 as well. This means the teams will be split up (based on their competitiveness) and placed in either Division 1 or Division 4 but will STILL BE ELIGIBLE for U21 Provincials.

Definitely a creative way to solve the problem that has become the U21 division in what seems like all three local leagues. I am sure VMSL and VISL will have an eye on this experiment and perhaps consider it for their U21 sides moving forward if it is successful in the Valley. My question would be regarding Provincial Cup allocations. Given that BCSA has allocated Provincial Cup spots based on number of teams registered on "A Forms" and that presumably the U21 teams would still need to be on "U21 Forms" to be eligible for the U21 Prov Cup, regardless of if they are playing in Division 1, then does that potentially affect the number of berths for the FVSL in the A Cup because they have less "A Form" teams overall??
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