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2018/2019 FVSL Rumours

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Dug deep with my FVSL sources for this one ;)

Aldergrove was apparently set to move to Westcoast essentially almost as a whole, but then disagreements with the potential new coach saw four or five top players jump to Langley. Evidently this did not go over well with the team as a whole, who thought they were going to stay together; best quote I have heard in awhile "The rats jumped off the SS Aldergrove and left the others rearranging the deck chairs" I actually laughed out loud at that one.

Hildebrant, I am told, is off to take a crack in Europe in Solvenia or somewhere; their star GK from the Provincial Cup run landed in Surrey and everyone else splintered off elsewhere. Stunning fall from grace for a club that were oh so close just two seasons ago.

I am hearing that Van United has struck a deal with Temple to occupy the vacant spot in Prem and keep the Division at 8 teams. No idea what that will look like, I hear it is supposed to be based out of Newton. I know VanU has some UBC connections but I can't think that they will be sending players to Surrey and beyond on a weekly basis. Should be very interesting to see what kind of quality this side has.

Further on Langley, despite their incomings they are set to lose Provincial Cup Final MVP Elie Gindo. Gindo has reportedly opted not to join CCB's summer recruiting drive (more on that when I do my VMSL season preview) but will be playing for Rino's Tigers. Evidently he has a connection with the coach, Blaise Nkufo, but, despite his domineering force and two goals as a striker in the Prov Final, reports say he will be playing centreback for Rino's as he wants to try and make the jump to professional soccer at that position.

Division 2 is a group of 7 and a group of 6 with a crossover for a 19 game schedule.

Any word on Hicks? I had bet Wagner he'd lose him, he told me to stuff it, and now he won't answer texts. Too bad about Gindo, but man, after his finals performance you had to bet the money would be calling. Allegedly.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The other interesting note on the FVSL this year is I am told that they have scrapped their U21 division. Based on a rule put forward by MWSL regarding Masters teams playing in other divisions for league play and then competing in their respective Provincial Cups, the FVSL has apparently successfully petitioned BCSA for this rule to apply to U21 as well. This means the teams will be split up (based on their competitiveness) and placed in either Division 1 or Division 4 but will STILL BE ELIGIBLE for U21 Provincials.

Definitely a creative way to solve the problem that has become the U21 division in what seems like all three local leagues. I am sure VMSL and VISL will have an eye on this experiment and perhaps consider it for their U21 sides moving forward if it is successful in the Valley. My question would be regarding Provincial Cup allocations. Given that BCSA has allocated Provincial Cup spots based on number of teams registered on "A Forms" and that presumably the U21 teams would still need to be on "U21 Forms" to be eligible for the U21 Prov Cup, regardless of if they are playing in Division 1, then does that potentially affect the number of berths for the FVSL in the A Cup because they have less "A Form" teams overall??

I have to admit, this is quite innovative; the U21 issue has been a problem for years, such disparity in that division. It also solves the problem of graduating kids into the senior league, and allowing natural selection to sort itself out. Hey, if they can come in as a U21 team into Div. 1, and hold their own, fantastic. If not, they get relegated, or find themselves having to fill holes. Either way, it allows these guys to stay together, as is often the desire, but to also play as competitive a level as is deemed they can (based on where there are coming from).

I like it. kudos for that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
BTW, for anyone confused, VanU in FVSL and VUFC in VMSL are NOT the same club...

Interesting. You would think VUFC would want to protect their brand/trademark and not allow another team to play under that moniker.

Having done some more digging on this one it seems like this may be the guts of a youth club based in Surrey that goes by Vancouver United Sports Club https://vancouverunitedsportsclub.com/

Also hearing rumors that this team may be comprised of several former GN Sporting players from VMSL Div. 1. Presumably Temple will also help back fill this one with some players from their now defunct FVSL Div. 1 team.

An interesting mix; not likely to be a powerhouse but it will be interesting to see how competitive they can be.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
AFAIK Surrey's Vancouver United existed decades before VUFC was created.

Seems they've also entered VMSL U21 but were forced to adopt the name "Greater Vancouver United"


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
All correct. VUFC puts a team in the PCSL which is UBC players and uni players home for the summer. Winter ball is just us plumbers


Active Member
Jan 21, 2016
Dirty Money
Don't know if it was the greatest idea tossing the u21 teams into div 1 pretty sure they will not fair to well, unless our surrey u21 team all of a sudden got better they won't be in d1 for long


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
They aren't all going into Div 1, are they? From what I understand is they are being placed where the league feels they may fall in competitively.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A finalist you’d think will be a solid team at div 1. The other, no idea, but what we’re not privy to is if the club is placing some older more experienced players in with them to help with the transition.

Still think it’s innovative.


New Member
Sep 4, 2018
Dirty Money
Looks like just Abby who made the U21 Prov Final and Surrey U21 in Div. 1
Really not sure how Surrey U21 are in Div. 1... They're mostly gold/silver players from youth and a few of our guys (Surrey Div. 2) that didn't get time last year. Played them a few weeks ago and they couldn't touch the ball. Unless they've picked up a ton of talent over the last few weeks, I have a feeling they'll fold before Christmas...
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