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2010 World Cup Qualifiers


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Fifa has a code of ethics, apparently.

FIFA.com - Fair Play Code

1. Play fair

Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns respect, while cheating only brings shame. Remember: it is only a game. And games are pointless unless played fairly.

Of course this code does not apply to the french.

Ah meen reallee, oo are you to tell ze franch what zay can or cannot do?



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
If you read the French reactions in the press to the "victory" there is anything but pride in the content. Embarrassment seems to be the consensus...The blame and burden lay with FIFA and the officiating crew. Henry said sorry and claimed to have told the ref it was a handball so let's not go as far as to blame this on zee franch...

Time fore FIFA to grow balls, that's the real problem.

Edit: Domenech is a total prick and he deserves all hatred aimed toward him. Look up his post game comments...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
What would they replay though? 30 minutes?

I read that the FAI is asking for the match to be replayed at a neutral site. They're awaiting the FFF's reply. Or Platini's reply. Anyone read what Duff had to say?

Go on Irish!


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
I read that the FAI is asking for the match to be replayed at a neutral site. They're awaiting the FFF's reply. Or Platini's reply. Anyone read what Duff had to say?

Go on Irish!

they don't deserve a reply, call me a dick all you want guys. If ireland had of buried the mulitple chances they had during the game they wouldn't of needed to go to extra time. There not gonna get a reply just as no other team in the past that's been treat unfairly did. fcuk it, bitch on but why ask for something there never gonna get and don't deserve!

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
they don't deserve a reply, call me a dick all you want guys. If ireland had of buried the mulitple chances they had during the game they wouldn't of needed to go to extra time. There not gonna get a reply just as no other team in the past that's been treat unfairly did. fcuk it, bitch on but why ask for something there never gonna get and don't deserve!

Actually knobend, that's not the truth.

Arsenal had to replay Sheffield after the infamous goal for Arsenal from the throw in that was supposed to go back to Sheffield. The ref allowed the goal, they overturned it after the match and it had to be replayed. I know the Bahrain/Uzbekistan game had to be replayed but not sure that that falls into the same category.
There are people jumping all over this from other sports as well....FIFA will have to do address this, but I believe in order for a replay to happen, the FFF have to come to the table.
As Marco Tardelli said, 'the game has been diminished today'......

On another note; is there any chance we can have a minimum age to post on here.......yo, yo, yo, whattup dawg:rolleyes:

I can handle Mr Base much easier than missiongrade5englishclassblues10.

No disrespect Mr Base:D

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
And ironically, it was a Frenchman.......Wenge who said it was the fair thing to do in terms of replaying the game against Sheffield United......Will we see the same again? Sadly in this case, no chance. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
Exactly Captain. Just goes to show you can't label all Frenchman with the same black mark as Domenech (that puss sucking prick).

P.S. Thanks for the fix Regs!


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Fifa has a code of ethics, apparently.

FIFA.com - Fair Play Code

1. Play fair

Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns respect, while cheating only brings shame. Remember: it is only a game. And games are pointless unless played fairly.

That's beautifully written by FIFA, only wish they would read more often. Spineless bastards.

And MB10, maybe they had multiple chances to score with and they should have capitalized. But to be inevitably kicked out of contention and lose a spot in the World Cup by a goal that was created by a handball isn't right, pure and simple.

I mean if someone illegally fouled you hard on the field, wouldn't you ask for a card from the ref, or at least speak to him about him. Same thing.

Henry is happy France is in the Cup, but if FIFA and Ireland said ok to the replay, i'm sure he would be content with the decision as he knows Ireland deserve it, and he said that as well to Richard Dunne when he was sitting down with him.

Richard Dunne: Thierry Henry Admitted To Me He Cheated - Goal.com


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Actually knobend, that's not the truth.

Arsenal had to replay Sheffield after the infamous goal for Arsenal from the throw in that was supposed to go back to Sheffield.

i forgot about that but it wasn't forced, Wenger offered that replay to shef u. Fifa will not make it be replayed, and they shouldn't if France want to replay the game then so be it but i bet France win anyways so it will be all for nothing in the end. Thanks for the observations on my poor gramma too dancin bear, but if we ever meet make fun of me to my face, not over a computer. thanks :D
I can understand why irish fans are mad but there has been so many injustices in this game that it wouldn't be right to force a rematch. Hopefully fifa do something about it though without doubt (maybe the deal with having an official behind the goal like in the europa league who knows) but a handball is only the same as a dive leading to a penalty a cheap way of winning but it's part of the game. Plus if it was the other way round Ireland would go about this the same way the French are and not celebrating just more ashamed than anything else. As for my comments im just making them public to people who actually care as i've been around alot of people who aren't irish and just laugh at it. Some people on here will be saying ohh i feel for the irish but more than likely laughed when they seen it, i just took the piss as the website suggests we do :cool:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
It's disgraceful.

Henry and the french players shouldn't be tarred and feathered. I honestly think what celebratory stuff you have seen from them is actually advancing to the WC under that fcuking moron Domenench.

He is shameless.

FIFA should grow a pair here, and asap arrange the same players and replay the balance of the game with the "match" restarting with an Ireland free kick from the spot of the indiscretion.

Maradona scoring that goal with his hand goes down as legendary now, because it has been so long, and he is one of these "Legends"... but nobody would have looked again had he been carded and called for a foul and...


Ireland got robbed, here's hoping that FIFA and UEFA do the right thing... But I'd not last long holding my breath on that one.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for the observations on my poor gramma too dancin bear, but if we ever meet make fun of me to my face, not over a computer. thanks :D

Some people on here will be saying ohh i feel for the irish but more than likely laughed when they seen it, i just took the piss as the website suggests we do :cool:

So DB isn't supposed to take the piss out of your inability to string four words together coherently but it's okay for you to laugh at the irish team's misfortune because by doing so, you're following the website's directive to take the piss?

Your intent is certainly two-faced but your attempt at a piss-take could use a lot of work.

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
i forgot about that but it wasn't forced, Wenger offered that replay to shef u. Fifa will not make it be replayed, and they shouldn't if France want to replay the game then so be it but i bet France win anyways so it will be all for nothing in the end. Thanks for the observations on my poor gramma too dancin bear, but if we ever meet make fun of me to my face, not over a computer. thanks :D
I can understand why irish fans are mad but there has been so many injustices in this game that it wouldn't be right to force a rematch. Hopefully fifa do something about it though without doubt (maybe the deal with having an official behind the goal like in the europa league who knows) but a handball is only the same as a dive leading to a penalty a cheap way of winning but it's part of the game. Plus if it was the other way round Ireland would go about this the same way the French are and not celebrating just more ashamed than anything else. As for my comments im just making them public to people who actually care as i've been around alot of people who aren't irish and just laugh at it. Some people on here will be saying ohh i feel for the irish but more than likely laughed when they seen it, i just took the piss as the website suggests we do :cool:

:rolleyes:Uh-huh.....because a lot of the teams I play against are in the U21 league in Mission:rolleyes:

Listen mate, aside from the fact that you have no idea where a sentence should start and stop, I just find that this sort of rubbish is a bit over the top. I am not Irish by the way, but I think when it comes to the country where you are from originally, you need to step carefully.
This is emotional to a lot of people because of the blatant injustice served.

What you are doing is not pisstaking. You really believe in what you are spewing. There's a huge difference my friend. When you get through puberty, you'll understand. Be patient.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
What's worse, having the rug ripped out from under your feet before you qualify to the WC or after you've made it all the way to the quarter finals?

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
What's worse, having the rug ripped out from under your feet before you qualify to the WC or after you've made it all the way to the quarter finals?

Maradona's 'Hand of God' was no better.......mind you, he did go on and score goal of the century right after:D;)
That was 23 years ago....this has been 2 days and is still fresh for a lot of people. Things have also changed since then and I am not sure the English even thought about protesting back then. I don't think that's the issue though Tuna.

However, as an Irishman proclaimed after lifting his head up from his Guinness....'Why did you expect any different? The French have had their hands raised since 1940....'


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