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[2010 World Cup Qualifier] Canada vs Mexico September 10th


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sportsnet is also webcasting the game live - you'll find the link somewhere on sportsnet.ca about 15-20 minutes before kickoff for sure.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
nil-nil at the half... don't know if they can hold them off for another 45, especially since they have been crap in the second half of games, but here's hoping they pull it off!


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Mexico got a couple nice ones off headers midway in the 2nd half. Canada got a nice one with 15 left but couldn't tie the score. Final Mexico 2-1. Not surprised, Canada was not even in the same league as Mexico. For all that watched I believe Canada had 1 maybe 2 shots on net. Hondouras was up 1-0 on Jamaica and if that held they have six points, Mexico 9 and Jamaica and Canada only 1. Pretty much impossible for us to make unless we won all of the last 3 and got help. We really blew it the 2 home games.
Time for the CSA to be rebuilt and look at 2014 now.


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Dirty Money
Honduras won 2-0 over Jamaica so they have 6 points now. Not good going to round 4.

Oct 11 Canada at Honduras
Oct 15 Mexico at Canada (Edmonton)


Sep 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Wow. Shite defending on that 2nd goal. But its hard to fault the defenders when they ran their bags off all game. 5 points back with 3 remaining, with 2 of those being on the road. Next game vs HondurASS, a win puts us 2 back. I know I'm being too optimistic. But, its pretty disappointing that we're at where we are. This (at least on paper) was a team good enough to make it at least to the last group stage in my opinion. We gotta start top down or something. Plus why the fukc are games not on prime time tv? I know its about rights and shite, but what a pissoff.
2014 in Brazil...should be a good party


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Dirty Money
More info on Dino Rossi: right here.

Alright, down to the nitty-gritty now:
Interesting how everyone in Canada seems to be calling for Mitchell's head now that the campaign is pretty much over. I wrote an article in our newspaper a year ago saying he was the wrong hire in the first place (and some other journalists also pointed this out)... people wrote letters saying how dare those journalists criticize Mitchell -- he's top scorer in history and all that. The fact is, his CB just isn't up to par. The Canadians should have hired the Brazilian that is coaching Jamaica, but for interior squabbles.

Everyone here is simply too polite to say things like that. Instead we always say, "Give him the benefit of the doubt." etc.

Mr. X

New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Dirty Money
More info on Dino Rossi: right here.

Alright, down to the nitty-gritty now:
Interesting how everyone in Canada seems to be calling for Mitchell's head now that the campaign is pretty much over. I wrote an article in our newspaper a year ago saying he was the wrong hire in the first place (and some other journalists also pointed this out)... people wrote letters saying how dare those journalists criticize Mitchell -- he's top scorer in history and all that. The fact is, his CB just isn't up to par. The Canadians should have hired the Brazilian that is coaching Jamaica, but for interior squabbles.

Everyone here is simply too polite to say things like that. Instead we always say, "Give him the benefit of the doubt." etc.

I think you'll find most people never liked the hire in the first place. And I'm sure if you asked people on this board they's say some things that might not be considered polite. The fact we can't get a top coach to come here just compounds the fact that the CSA is pretty much a weak sauce organization. The most frustrating thing that I find is that almost everyone I talk to or anything I read on message boards reiterates the fact the CSA is not being run properly yet NOTHING ever happens. No overhaul no inquests no nothing. Maybe if we don't qualify after the expectations things will change but I'm sure we all know the answer to that. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm off the bandwagon as Canada keeps disappointing me! We are a huge level lower against oher countries best and have to accept it. What haven't we tried? Coaches...management...players...fans...? I never mentioned funding? Until the money flows and players are paid what they deserve for this level we will suck at that level.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
There are many issues with the CSA, too many to list.

Fact of the matter is that since, for now anyways and barring a total collapse for Mexico against Canada and us beating both Jamaica and Honduras away, we are for all intents and purposes done...They should sack Mitchell imho and appoint Steven Hart the coach...he should have had the job in the first place. While Mitchell was with the youth team Hart had the guys in the Gold Cup Final if not for some dodgy officiating in the Semi.

Also Radzinski, Onstadt, and Stalteri should hang them up and give those positions on the MNT starting roster to kids that will actually feature for Canada in the future.
They need to have more glamour friendlies, at home, here in Canada...so the youth coming up will think twice about leaving to be on the Dutch B squad, or the third string keeper at Portugal, if they are playing Argentina, Brasil, England, whoever, on Friendly dates...the CSA will get large large payoffs by having these games totally sold out, and expose the players to top level quality, as well as internationally televised matches. Then the Jono De Guzmans and Dani Fernandes' of the world may think twice about leaving to cap elsewhere ( I know the Fernandes thing was a shocker, and not so much his fault)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
If Steven Hart was given the job outright, the same people calling for him now would have said the CSA took the easy way out, blah, blah, blah.

Can someone remind everyone please on who the coach of the MNT was recently that lost to Guadalope - a team who isn't even a fcuking country?

Fact of the matter is that the professional players on this team are NOT performing well. Secondly, THERE IS NO DEPTH. All the different fcuking systems of play available can not mask this fundamental issue. Ali Gerba? Please. You might as well put Charles Gbeke in there.

We have problems between the sticks, central defenders, and up front.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Sure. we have a very competitive Midfield.

Our defenders are ok to below par
Our strikers are hit and miss (Friend has put in some impressive performances in Germany of late)
between the sticks is the big one IMHO...

Hart got the team playing really well in the Gold Cup...The teams only success of note over the last 5 years was there, under him. You know the CSA is not going to hire a foreigner, or at least someone that has not been residing/coaching/playing outside of Canada. They are too shortsighted, look, we almost got the now coach of Jamaica, the brazillian, but that rug was pulled out from under him and gifted to Mitchell, who was outclassed tactically by him in the second half of that game in Toronto...The reason I am calling for Hart right now is that it would be a seamless/painless transition, he is already with the team etc...Then you hire a proper headhunter to go out and find a true coach/manager to go find the best guy possible, with a good budget and total autonomy.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
If Hart isn't the long-term solution, why even bother?

Seriously, it would do absolutely NOTHING other than change for the sake of change.

All of this talk right now about "sacking" Mitchell falls on one goalkeeping mistake. All of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Nope. Agree to disagree I guess.

1 goalkeeping mistake cost them the three points in Toronto. They were unlucky, and controlled the play, De Guzman hits a crossbar, a few squandered chances... That is not his fault so much, however tweaks and changes were not made that in hindsight (which is always 20/20 I know) could have given them a better shot. (Occean or anther true striker could have been introduced...the Jamaicans were on their back foot the last 15 minutes...Canada had no answer to their diving and time wasting, relied heavily in last 15 on kick and run, humping it up the park needlessly.

Against honduras, they lost Radzinski and had nothing, game changed in an instant. Hume was a waste of space, wrong sub. (Had Occean been available, who was not selected, they would not rely on De Rosario who is a winger/attacking midfielder to play up front and put Hume on the wing.)

Against Mexico: Played both Hutchinson and De Guzman as holing midfielders, one needs to push, not both, not none. He got the tactics wrong imho.

His record as Manager of Canada at variosu levels is not indicitive of the talent, at least imho.
Fifa U-20 World Cup, Canada goes 0-3 with a 3-0 loss to Chile, a 1-0 loss to Austria and a 2-0 loss to Congo, not scoring a single goal on home soil.
Since taking over after the tourney above from the interim Hart in June of 07 they have:
Drawn Iceland 1-1 away, Drawn Costa Rica 1-1 in Toronto, lost 2-0 to South africa in Durban, Beat Minnow Martinique (Which isn't a FIFA approved Nat Team) 1-0 in Martinique, Beat a shite danish club team in Florida, lost 2-0 to Estonia in Estonia, Lost to Brasil 3-2 in seattle (probably their best performace under Mitchell against a team that didn't give a toss), Draw Panama 2-2 in Florida, Hump Lowly st Vincent 7-1 on aggragate over two games home and home, then draw Jamaica at home, lose to Honduras at home, and lose to Mexico away.

+4 on goal differential, although they have a +6 in the two games against Hapless St Vincent & Grenadines
4 wins, 6 losses, 4 draws. The wins are against: Martinique (not a recognised team) the danish shite club team, and 2 against CONCACAF whipping boys St Vincent.
Under Hart (I can only find the Gold Cup results)
Beat Costa Rica 2-1
Lost to Guadaloupe 2-1
Beat Haiti 2-0
Hammered Guatemala 3-0
Played the states off the park give up a softy (keeper) then get a dodgy call for Donovan to score a peno, they then pull a late goal back, and are denied a stonewall peno at the death...lose 2-1 to the states who go on to knock of Mexico in final.
that is a 3 wins, 0 draws, 2 loss record in a good tourney with a goal differential of +4

From what I remember watching, Hart had them playing the ball around on the floor, attacking and using the short passing midfield that Yallop could never get them to do. Often times these days Mitchell has them start this way, but they end up playing kick and run by the 60th minute.

Look, I know Mitchell is in a tough spot. As far as keepers, Yallop practically chased Dani Fernandes out. The boy is capped for Portugal and is having a great year at Bochum. Dani still writes "East Van" on his keeper gloves for both club and country matches,
He unsuccessfully tried to get Jono De Guzman capped, and still technically has till the 21st of this month to do so, since De Guzman is not fully capped for the Netherlands, only B-Capped.
and Whoregreaves left for England.

There are others out there besides Hart. Waiters, Miller, or they could go foreign...I just feel like Mitchell doesn't get the best out of the players, they don't seem inspired as evidenced by their performances of late.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
funny, I just popped over to the V's board aftern penning the above eye bleeder, and see that there is another missing link, as funny as it may sound...apparently when Martin Nash is drafted into the MNT they get results, and sitting here thinking about it, I think they are right. He sits in front of defense and let's De Guzman and/or Hutchinson do their thing...he is also about the best free kick taker Canada has, and is exceptional when a long pass is needing to be made.

Interesting stuff, I wonder if he gets a call for the next ones now?

also there is some talk about a split/rift in the team, where the players are wishing to be playing the 4-1-4-1 that got them so much success under Hart, whereas Mitchell has them playing the dreaded 4-4-1-1. The players want the old system, and have been vocal about it...

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