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[2010 World Cup Qualifier] Canada vs Mexico September 10th


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I can agree to disagree, of course.

And kudos to you for breaking it down, though I don't really think Hart's 'record' is that much better.

Look, I'm not saying Mitchell is the answer. But making a change now does nothing.

From what I remember watching, Hart had them playing the ball around on the floor, attacking and using the short passing midfield that Yallop could never get them to do. Often times these days Mitchell has them start this way, but they end up playing kick and run by the 60th minute.
If Mitchell has them start that way, why isn't it being recognized more? Seriously, think about what the inference is. So far, in all 3 games played, Canada has either been winning 1-0 or tied 0-0 at the 60 minute mark. Each single game has changed at this point with opposition goals. At that point, players tend to start to 'panic' and because of the lack of depth, long-ball is going to win out.

With the exception of the debacle in Montreal, Canada still applied pressure to finish out the game (didn't see the end of the Mexico game last night but from what I've heard/read, chances were there).

Does anyone remember how frustrating it was to watch Gerba/Occean play up front in the Gold Cup? They couldn't hold up a ball played to them at all and their first touch was shocking. There is a wikipedia article on this, check it out sometime: Black hole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Martin Nash, the missing link?

I rest my case.

Canada supporter groups have no fcuking clue. None.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Sure...Gerba and Occean are similar players, that is why Friend exists...The system should be played (if I was King for a day) with either one of those two playing off the shoulder behind Friend. Friend has the ability to hold the ball up, and is good in the air...he does quite well at Borussia Munchengaldbach with Neuville (I know he is a different class altogether) playing just behind him. He is also piling up some goals for Lillestrom (I think he has like 9 or 10 goals in 19 games so far, they play in the summer there, not like the rest of Europe)

I would go with:
Bernier--------------Hutchinson-----------De Rosario
---------------------De Guzman-------------------

or (based on Gold Cup 07)
--------------------------Striker (Friend or Gerba)-------------
Bernier-------Hutchinson/Occean-----De Guzman-----De Rosario

As far as crapping out at the 60th....any Footy guy worth his salt knows that this is where the manager earns his cheque. This is where good managers make changes and tweak the system...Mitchell simply hasn't done it. The other teams make changes. For instance in the Honduras game, Canada by and large outplayed them in the first half, but as soon as the second half started you could see Honduras stopped attacking through the middle and focussed on playing the ball in high and then out wide to exploit Stalteri and Klukowski who were still rampaging forward and then getting burned for pace at the back...Mitchell simply needed to tell them to stay at home, have Hume and De Ro do all the pushing and then direct either Hutchinson or de Guzman to hold and that would have quashed that...instead I looked at KJ and told him Honduras were going to score and the final would be 2-1 Honduras (ask him, he will tell you that is exactly what i said at the time, not 30 seconds before they tied the game, that Mount Gay rum we were drinking has some pretty cool hallucinogenic properties to it ;))

Our boys have no off field leader, and no on-field leader...If directions are not coming from the bench to change (you always see other coaches barking instructionns, not Mitchell) and no player wants to piss off Mitchell for trying something different, we are going to get screwed by teams with good tactical and technical managers.

BTW: Rene Simoes has been sacked by Jamaica, maybe they will offer him the job and actually see to it he starts the job this time :rolleyes:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
And why was he sacked?:confused: Seriously, if this was the guy to pin hopes on and we were outbid for his services by the JFA, why is he free now when the round is still not completely resolved?

JBN, your proposed lineup still looks like hold & hope. You're still trying to rely on one target to get the ball and keep it until his mates arrive to bail him out. I think we've already flogged this style to death in this country as not working.

I hate to say this,:rolleyes::D but I agree with Regs. Unless there are some new wunderkinder hiding in the U20 program that are better than Edgar, the MNT has no depth. And you've got a very long time to wait for the little guy from North Van to come back from Spain. If this team is to be competitive on the level it needs to get to to win and be taken seriously, there will have to be at least half a dozen guys playing regularly at the De Guzman level, not obscure Norwegian clubs you've never heard of.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Martin nash is a nice guy but to play at World class pace he does not have it. He is an older guy that can help White Caps and thats all. Dale knows Martin well. He is a grate Canuck but to play at that pace and have bit of controll only few guys local have it. In BC Brkich could help on that spot. in Onterio the Portuguies kid from Toronto could help. But the biggest help would be Fernandes the young keeper that plays in Greece. He is very good. Him and Dale head a run in and young guy does not want to be part of it.
Dale has to take a risk on one or two guys in order for Canada to maybe have a chance. Our outside attack pace is not good enough .We must presure the D on the other side way more to take the presure off our last four guys. Mexico is a World class side and two to one is not a bad resalt even if it puts us in to dire strait.I wish him and Nick luck,it is only getting tougher by the minute.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Funds and National players. Our players are grate guys trying hard to move up. There is not enough of guys to draw from and thats where the problem lies. How the heck can Dale instill a system when our players play all over the map. We need a local pool for Dale and Nick to draw from and then the things will change. This is where Dale and Nick should talk to our head office an try to get a sponcer for two A league clubs soly for National development. Ottawa and Kelowna would be a perfect place. Both could bring in three thousand people a game and that is all you need to break even or bit beter. Pay the sponcer back each year a bit. All the players in that program should signe four year deal. At the end of that deal they can go and play where they wish. This way a U20 a U23 and Dale could use a player or two in need. These guys would be game fit and ready to step in. Thats what is needed here and a U23 development league for Provinces.
System is to dam old and stuck what who wrote os said. Move on .Help Dale and Nick even doe we are lossing is is better then ever before. One step at the time.

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