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Zizou & Friends BC Place July 4th?

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Just talked to Daemonspawn #1 who was at the Britannia clinic.

Zizou did actually show up (apparently wearing the same blue leather jacket, and a pair of extremely shiny black non-soccer shoes). Quote: "can't say I was disappointed, because I was kind of expecting it. Really, we only got to see the back of his head for a couple of minutes while he was surrounded by a scrum of reporters and paparazzi. Only a couple of the kids were lucky enough to get autographs from him, and then he left."

"None of the kids were given tickets like they were promised. They kept telling us to go and buy them at Swangard, for $50, like they were a great deal."

Looks like ghouse is spot-on. The deal for these kids was supposed to be a Zizou-sponsored soccer clinic for 100 underprivileged east-side children, with a chance to meet (and supposedly play with) the star, and then be treated to free tix to the big game. The bigshot promoter is losing his shirt so badly that they're reneging on promises to kids now. Real classy...:mad:

Feel sorry for the man who has now lost his reputation as an ambassador for the sport, but sorrier now for the kids who have been let down. As one of my co-workers just said: "if he really wanted to salvage something from this, he'd have ditched the promoter and reporters and just gone and spent time with the kids." Gotta say that I agree with her.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Just talked to Daemonspawn #1 who was at the Britannia clinic.

Zizou did actually show up (apparently wearing the same blue leather jacket, and a pair of extremely shiny black non-soccer shoes). Quote: "can't say I was disappointed, because I was kind of expecting it. Really, we only got to see the back of his head for a couple of minutes while he was surrounded by a scrum of reporters and paparazzi. Only a couple of the kids were lucky enough to get autographs from him, and then he left."

"None of the kids were given tickets like they were promised. They kept telling us to go and buy them at Swangard, for $50, like they were a great deal."

Looks like ghouse is spot-on. The deal for these kids was supposed to be a Zizou-sponsored soccer clinic for 100 underprivileged east-side children, with a chance to meet (and supposedly play with) the star, and then be treated to free tix to the big game. The bigshot promoter is losing his shirt so badly that they're reneging on promises to kids now. Real classy...:mad:

Feel sorry for the man who has now lost his reputation as an ambassador for the sport, but sorrier now for the kids who have been let down. As one of my co-workers just said: "if he really wanted to salvage something from this, he'd have ditched the promoter and reporters and just gone and spent time with the kids." Gotta say that I agree with her.


Bang on. I have to admit my hero worship of ZZ as a player has taken a major beating today.

General law of the land, no matter what we do, never, ever screw over kids.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
Bah, kids, adults, this world revolves around $$$.

Kids grow up. Kids learn that life is hard and can suck sometimes. Some turn into nice people, others turn into Captain Shamrock :D Sup SB?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A lot of truth to that. Maybe we should all just do what we want and not care if kids get steamrolled in the process. I'm sure it would make the world a better place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
yah. those tiny little hands should be put to work stitching up some soccer boots or something :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
A lot of truth to that. Maybe we should all just do what we want and not care if kids get steamrolled in the process. I'm sure it would make the world a better place.

Steamrolled? That's a laugh. It's a fcuking soccer camp for kids who live in a country that affords them a LOT of opportunity. Talk to the kids in Darfur, Baghdad, Congo and any other number of buttfcuked countries who are dying and then tell me that Zidane's local soccer camp matters worth a wank by comparison.


Sep 15, 2006
Dirty Money
Steamrolled? That's a laugh. It's a fcuking soccer camp for kids who live in a country that affords them a LOT of opportunity. Talk to the kids in Darfur, Baghdad, Congo and any other number of buttfcuked countries who are dying and then tell me that Zidane's local soccer camp matters worth a wank by comparison.

Couldn't have said it better!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Zizou is probably just as pissed as us. Lots of things that were promised to him by the promoter is falling through. He probably wants the promoter to look bad as he ****ed him just as much.

I guess its easy for us to say what Zizou should do. But your not Zizou. Flying accross Canada, seeing posters here and there with star names attached to it that you know would not come and play. Slowly starting to learn how shady this promoter is.
Just guessing here,
He probably wanted to just quit and go home, and someone (his wife/children) saying, just play the game Zizou. Do it for the game and the fans. **** the promoter.

Also, Side rant here...
Who would bring a world class player like Zizou here with out already having some money/backing to do it right.
Would it be really hard to put something like this on without CSA?
Could you not sit down with local soccer leaders (clubs, ttp, the drive, soccer stores etc) and some corporate sponsors to put this on. Saying " I have Zizou wanting to come play here etc.. I don't have much money nor marketing plans" I bring the Zizou. You peoples sponsor the event etc..
I'm sure the likes of The Province, SoccerCitys, VanCitys, or whomever jumped on could of really got this going.
I am sure there would be some businesses etc that saw what "could" be as well.
If he hired a professional event planner to run and organize everything. This could have been huge.
Obviously its all about the money though. Even if he paid someone else to do everything professionally. And didnt' get a dime out of it. He would be rolling in the near future as his soccer school would be splashed everywhere for free and tagged with the name Zinadine Zidane.
On the news, everywhere! With promises of more pro players/teams coming to visit his soccer school every summer or something.

So ya.. corporate sponsors, pay pros to put the event on. Not get a dime out of it now. Even lose a few bucks. But reap the rewards on your school blowing up that very year.
As it would look professional and put together.
I wonder how his school is going to do this year?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Steamrolled? That's a laugh. It's a fcuking soccer camp for kids who live in a country that affords them a LOT of opportunity. Talk to the kids in Darfur, Baghdad, Congo and any other number of buttfcuked countries who are dying and then tell me that Zidane's local soccer camp matters worth a wank by comparison.

Yah, yah. I use that Africa example with my wife all the time whenever she says she wish something was different . . . "I wish the dishwasher would get all the food off" - my response, "people in Africa would die for a dishwasher".

That aside. Screw the Africa comparison. We aren't there, and we aren't under constant hardship. But, not everything is base-related to Africa. He had an easy chance to be a good guy and play with some kids for an hour. If you can't peel that out of your cancelled busy schedule, you are a cnut, especially when everyone expected it out of you. Show them a simple move, teach them a trick, ref a friendly with them - anything. Chumpsville, and that town even exists in rural Africa, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it :wa:


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't the promote be sued for FALSE advertising?? Fine Zizou is here, but other names that were plastered on posters.... i don't think one of them made it to Toronto or MOntreal....

Just saw the promoter on TV.... what a douchbag.... :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Steamrolled? That's a laugh. It's a fcuking soccer camp for kids who live in a country that affords them a LOT of opportunity. Talk to the kids in Darfur, Baghdad, Congo and any other number of buttfcuked countries who are dying and then tell me that Zidane's local soccer camp matters worth a wank by comparison.

So that makes it OK?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't the promote be sued for FALSE advertising?? Fine Zizou is here, but other names that were plastered on posters.... i don't think one of them made it to Toronto or MOntreal....

Just saw the promoter on TV.... what a douchbag.... :rolleyes:

So...even if you could, how and why would you sue someone with NO MONEY?



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
stick that in your pipe and smoke it

I actually use a 4 chamber bong equipped with a filter so as to remove as many noxious elements as possible but thx for the offer! :D

My point is people are acting as if this is the greatest injustice ever perpetrated. Ya ZZ bailed on some poor eastside kids...big deal, it's nothing new. Kids have been disappointed before by professional athletes and will probably be disappointed again. I stopped worshipping these guys years ago when I realized that beyond their paycheques and cushy lifestyles, most of them just don't give a flying fcuk about anything outside getting laid and getting paid. Athletes are not role models! ZZ has already demonstrated the kind role model he is when he headbutted MM citing "he insulted my mommy and sister" and when he stomped the Saudi player saying he made some comment about not representing islam or something to that effect.

Go Whitecaps!!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I actually use a 4 chamber bong equipped with a filter so as to remove as many noxious elements as possible but thx for the offer! :D

Well, I just bought a second hand Volcano Vaporizer and am having a ball with it (F'ed up story on buying this on Craig's list from some guy who found God with it, then tried to tell me that the voices I would hear using it was actually God and I should listen to them). I recommend this "high"ly as you knock out about 95% of the smoke and bad elements. Anyhoo . . . sorry to completely disagree with you, but if I didn't we'd both be wrong :eek::eek::eek: Why the hell can't someone of stupendous stature in a sport (remember, this is like the Gretzky of soccer) turning a lazy blind eye to what he was supposed to do to a community who have never been able to see him in person, or ever will (and now will never give a shite to see him again). I suppose this whole thing boils down to why he agreed to do this in the first place. Does he need the money? Did he think this would be a fun tour with his friends and family? Did he want to promote the beautiful game in a land that needs a push? Whatever the reason, if you say you are going to come out and do a function with hopeful kids, get the FUK out there and do it. I don't give a shite who you are. Fukin do it! If you don't and you feign upper-glut/anal, near-lower-duodenum hommoragic disorder, then you are a fag, and no disrespect to the Gay community, but get off your sore ass and do the right thing. No excuses. And there you have it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
Listen I agree that it's a shite thing to do, but I suppose I am jaded/disillusioned by the things I see out of pro athletes time and again. It used to be a badass was the exception to the rule but now the Cal Ripkens of pro sports are the exceptionally rare ones. Two words: Trevor Linden. If more athletes could be like him, the world we would a happier place for children.

Light it up Freddy and pass it to the left!

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Yes, we know everything's irrelevant compared to Africa. Not the point I was trying to make.

The way I look at it is like this: this is a guy who's got 4 kids of his own. He grew up as a member of an ethnic minority in a country that is not always as tolerant of cultural differences as it should be. If anybody should recognize the potential to make points with the next generation of stars or even wannabe stars, it's someone in his position.

Second source of disappointment: so-called "news" outlets in this town who dialled in their "stories" about the non-event. Extra kudos to Daemonspawn #1 who was elbowed in the head by some fcukwit with a camera lens long enough to pick out a zit on Zidane's forheed from a mile away but wanted to get closer than the kids. #1 resisted the urge to kick Captain Camera in the shin whilst wearing his cleats, and once again has proven more mature than several so-called adults.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Zidane will be putting on a juggling clinic next week since there are no players to play against his 'team'. Shambles written all over it.

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