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Women's Premier 2009/10

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
You and me..........we were young and free.....now nothing can take you away from me

That's over........baby you're that I want............

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Missed it too. Still trying to shake this damn chest cold. Anyhow, a good result. Even if Richmond is a bit depleted, there's still enough quality there to perform well, so I wasn't expecting a rout. I called 1-0 or 2-0, so I'm hoping my pigskin picks turn out as nicely tomorrow. I heard we defended well, which is a strong plus as I would rank Richmond as one of the better attacking groups.

Hey Gooner, I don't think we're "slow" in the midfield, I'd prefer to say we're calculating and deliberate. The game doesn't have to be played at 100 mph all of the time, despite the recent trend at local parks - youth and senior. Going back to last year's semi, I think we lost to Richmond for just that reason. Richmond played very fast, and excel when the game is played at that pace. We played right into it, rather than slow the game down to a more manageable and patient style.

Having said all that, I do think we have improved our overall pace as a group this year compared to last.

Good luck to everyone else this weekend. Awful weather. Could impact some of the matches. Won't be any classics played this weekend I don't think.


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Dirty Money
I don't think we're "slow" in the midfield, I'd prefer to say we're calculating and deliberate.

I wasn't talking about on the ball....I was talking about off the ball when there were 50/50 balls to be had and Rmd won the majority of them on pure fight, speed, and anticipation to the ball. Agree 100% that your more "mature" midfield players can slow the game (they did it against us when we came out 100mph for our first ever game!) but a younger and more aggressive team last night made KJ and AS look like pylons at times....your back line always had their back so it worked out. MC is playing the best I've ever seen her play in a centreback role...we couldn't play through her and neither could Rmd.
You had great pace outside with MM on the right and CO is always dangerous on the left side....that was clearly a speed/pace matchup on the flanks that Rmd couldn't handle at times.


Oct 7, 2007
Dirty Money
S.U. 4 -0 over Delta this morning. Only 12 players with many away and injured. Delta had us running offside all first half as we tried to adjust to the idea of 45 min halves again. At 42 min. in we got a lucky break off a bad clearance attemt and got the first of our 4. Second half saw the return of Megs and We got 2 quick goals from our right wing Sharon. The second one a blistering shot from about 30 yards on the right side. Nice give and go's rewarded our last as Kate finished with a hard shot that beat the diving keeper. T made an athletic kick save with 7 to go and we ran the clock out to finish a surprising first game back from our trip to the prairies. Nice to see the Delta girls not fold up but played hard to the end. Good game girls !!! Renegades next Sunday.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Gooner, a heads up on our game on Halloween.......the time and location have been changed to our new permanent time slot.

2:30 at Minoru #2 which is the 'older' turf field. Cheers.


New Member
Oct 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Gooner21 said:
....... but a younger and more aggressive team last night made KJ and AS look like pylons at times....

Nice :rolleyes:

Gooner21 said:
FB must be too busy writing the "congrats on WINNING silver" card for SU to get on here with his weekend predictions.

Wow …….. Flattery will get you everywhere on this site. Good luck against Surrey next time you play them.

Gooner21 said:
Last time I checked, this site was about "taking the piss"....

If that's your way of taking the piss, then you seriously need your head examined. Calling players pylons and having a go at Surrey for winning silver at a National Championship (how many have you won btw ??) are personal attacks / criticism’s. With that sort of charm, I bet you bought your wife a vacuum cleaner for her birthday didn't you ??

If you want to ‘go there’ and criticize other players and other teams then just be aware that you leave yourself pretty open to the same. Did I come on TTP and have a laugh for stuffing 5 past you in our first game ?? No. I have a lot of friends on Burnaby and wouldn’t do that purely out of respect.

I’m curious now ….. during our game at Burnaby North, did you ever once think that you should get up off a concrete block that was 20 yards away from the field and try to make any adjustment, tactical change, etc. after you were down 4 after ½ an hour ?? How was the view from there anyways ??

If I was on the Burnaby board and came out to see the new Women’s team play in Premier and saw your coaching acumen, I would’ve been less than impressed. And from what I’ve heard recently, they’ve apparently figured that out :rolleyes:

Going back to the Richmond game the other night ….. maybe that Community Children’s Coaching course didn’t teach you anything about tactics but if you were remotely aware at seeing how we played, we were happy to let Richmond’s backline and midfield keep the ball 50 yards away from goal. I don’t know about you but if a team wants to keep possession in that part of the field, then that’s okay with us. Our central midfield roles are different than in years past and that has been evident in every game we’ve played this year. If you thought we looked like pylons, then congratulations, you’ve just shown your ignorance at this level.

Maybe stick to what you do best. Get the kit washed and water bottles filled ......



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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
And there is proof that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! :D

Gooner21, consider yourself served and say hi to Chenger and co. for me.


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Dirty Money
Wow, touchy feelings. I got served alright....haha...love when it gets personal. If I was on the major downslope in my playing career and couldn't make it 5 yards to a free ball in under 10 seconds, I guess I'd throw smackdowns out hard and fast as well. :)
I guess next time we play Coquitlam, I'll pace the sidelines and let out a constant play by play, "run, kick it, quick, run, kick it", just like Coq's coach...I hear players love that.
Kage, I suggest you figure out what good banter is (look at the name of the site perhaps), and not let your overly sensitive feelings worry if someone compared you to something people regularly run over on the road.
By the way, flattered you know so much about our team and myself....can I add you as a facebook friend? I'll file you in the "stalker" group.
Oh, and close, but I bought my wife a food processor! :)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Maybe you should have bought her a vibrator 'cause I think Kage might be kicking you in the nuts pretty hard in the near future.

I'm just sayin'...


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm just glad I didn't see our game on Friday now. ;)

Coquitlam has improved their squad this year and I hope we will be improving our squad. Surrey United is still the team to beat until they stop winning Provincial titles. :) Or even lose a game for that matter. :D

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I love a good pisstake as much as the next cnut, but as soon as I saw that "pylon" comment, I knew that would be locker room material.

The next Coquitlam-Burnaby game just because match-of-the-week material. November 13 just got circled on my calendar. Can't wait. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Gooner for lighting a fire under my team's collective ass. It's tough to get excited to play a team you whacked 5-0, but won't be a problem now. :)

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Time for the old predictions. Got one wrong last weekend.

Coquitlam will beat Westside: I ain't going against my squad. We're far better than last year, and I think we proved it on Friday in our first true test of the season. Plus, I can't figure out Westside. They seem up and down from one week to the next. I suspect this will be another close game - 1-0 or 2-0 for Metro-Ford.

Delta and Langley tie: I liked Langley when they played us. But they haven't matched that type of performance since. Delta has strung together some decent results, albeit all losses.

Burnaby will win over NCUSC: Bottom line, NCUSC isn't good enough right now. Maybe once the college season wraps, but at this point Burnaby has the edge in talent and experience. This one probably won't be close.

North Shore will be edged by Surrey: A good test for the National silver medal winners. They'll need their top game for this Sunday night match - I know how much Nutmegs loves these. I am actually hoping Surrey grabs the three points in this one and next week against Westside - as it would lead to a classic battle of the undefeated on November 6 in Coquitlam.


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
I am actually hoping Surrey grabs the three points in this one and next week against Westside - as it would lead to a classic battle of the undefeated on November 6 in Coquitlam.

Wow - already calling your team undefeated on November 6 prior to playing Westside this Friday night! Counting your chickens before they're hatched, FB? You might have just given locker room material to Westide. ;)

And as for my response to Gooner and his posts, my comment to FB is what I would call taking the piss - tongue in cheek, winky face, all that fun stuff. Your comments involve personally insulting individual players and don't represent the fun, joking side of this website. And that's all I'll say on that....


New Member
Jun 14, 2009
Dirty Money
....ahh gooner, you think you're all high and mighty because you beat langley 4-0?....the score doesn't tell the whole story and i bet Langley had you sweating at the 0-0 half...

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