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Premier [VMSL Premier] Rumors I'll throw out on the back step and see if the cat nips at em'


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Where o' where have all the VMSL posters gone? This is brutally quiet even for this league of mutes.

Rumors and rumblings making there way out to Surrey this week...

I've heard that Sapperton lost yet another young and very talented player to Metro Ford. Superlative midfielder Rob Sing has come back from school (or Europe??) but decided to sign with Metro Ford over Sapperton. What gives, WAB? Emilio to MF, Matty Omerode to Sporting now Rob Sing? Is there and age requirement to be a Rover theses day?

Croatia signed Nick Dasavic(sp)

The Apprentice to appear on the reality show The Biggest Loser this fall...

Millar's TTP name is Softhead

Also, the VMSL has decided to have the league final early this year to avoid Imperial Cup conflicts. Metro Ford and Surrey play boxing day... :p


New Member
Oct 4, 2002
Dirty Money
No big shock in 'sing' going BACK to were he belongs @ MF....

I would say it's confirmed though as he played against uz tonight in a quiet xbition game @ 'gates'



New Member
Oct 4, 2002
Dirty Money
'quiet' means we didn't score! A gd run for our young lads who haven't been lured to the evil empire VMSL though


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
A typical stunt by MF, to sign Sing now, and to force players who have played very well up to now, to sit on the bench. If I were a MF player, I'd be pissed, knowing that I helped MF build a large 1st place lead, only to be forced to the bench when someone new comes along.


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Whoever said Sing is good enough to start with MF. He has been back and forth to Italy and everywhere else in the past couple of years trying to stick somewhere, only to come back to the VMSL. He is a quality depth player who could potentially work his way into the lineup.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
"I heard a rumour" (no not that Bananarama song)
GN from the FVSL are going to sign a decent player from the VMSL... Whoever this may be please take note...
They absolutely stink!!!
9th place G W D L GF GA PTS.
GN Sporting Club 12 1 2 9 14 32 5
Don't be a dumb dumb like knvb, stay put... GN have nothing to offer... They play on Friday night @ 9PM WITHOUT changerooms!!! They rarely have a sub to be seen at away fixtures... They always talk big BUT never put up the numbers!!! Unless they plan on winning Div. 1 next season???

Merry Christmas to all and to GN goodnight!!!


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Spacamuro said:
Whoever said Sing is good enough to start with MF. He has been back and forth to Italy and everywhere else in the past couple of years trying to stick somewhere, only to come back to the VMSL. He is a quality depth player who could potentially work his way into the lineup.
Sapacmuro, Ezra Levant would be proud of your spin/damage control to try to make incumbent MF players feel they won't be discarded. In the process, you have slighted Sing. You can't believe Sing is only a depth player. Sing at 18 years of age last year was a regular midfielder for Sapp, a team which almost beat Inter for 1st place, while MF struggled last year.


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Metro Ford got better this year due to the signings of emilio and russell bottom line. Aaron Beattie being finished at SFU and subsequently being moved from midfield to defence also improved their play. Sing, no doubt is a good, young player and eventually will work his way into the lineup, but to suggest that immediately he will put into the lineup to a team that hasn't lost this year is just another classic case of someone in the VMSL shooting off without ever having won anything or knowing what it takes to win a championship and keep his players happy. Fortunately at MF, their coaching staff additions this year are a lot smarter....hopefully!


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dirty Money
why do you come on here so often and make idiot remark after idiot remark when you have absolutely no relevant playing history to show for it. Perhaps you should think about actually being part of a team that actually wins once in awhile. Bottom line, i like MF as much as you do, but that doesn't change the fact that the boys in charge have completely changed the direction the club was going from last year. You can't argue that fact. Now they can be included in the list of dominant premier teams with Inter and Surrey.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Spacamuro, You are proving yourself wrong time after time. You probably know very little about my playing history, and besides my playing history is not the issue.
You also proved yourself wrong when you said that Rob Sing was a depth player. After I challenged you on it, you then admitted he's a good young player.

The MF team has done well thsi year, but the issue is whether the coaches are treating their players fairly. A month ago, they brought in Francisty, and after only one practice they played him for the whole second half of his first game. They then had him play the full 90 for the second game. Meanwhile regular players were consigned to the bench. Now with Sing joining them, is it fair to have more regular players sitting on the bench. If the MF players are happy, then they would probably says its fair, but are they happy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
MF also lost a starter to travel (Australia) so there is room for someone else to come into the team.

You also have to remember, and the players from the club know this from a young age, that the club continually produces players and that every week you must battle for a spot or it will be taken. JP and BM have brought up 3 youth players this year and stuck them into the line-up to give them experience. John and Blair have coached a lot of these boys in youth and they are doing a fantastic job of turning this team into a real contender.

Emilio and Russel have been fantastic additions but you also have to consider the other additions like Kingsley at the back who has been an absolute rock and the Bird man in goal. The team is very young and very keen on winning. I wouldn't be surprised if more former MF youth players find there way back over the next year or so.

Competition for spots tend to open up when players move on to the Whitecaps and go away to school in the states. Although I would rather seeing these players playing at a high level, it is nice to see these guys coming back to put back in what they have taken as youth players. If only we could get them to help out in the coaching at the youth level. :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
Dirty Money
MetroFord, welcome to the life of Inter and Surrey. For the last 3 to 4 years, these teams have had a number of good players sitting on the beach due to both teams having a number of good players.

Some people don't realize that you need to continously add youth to a team for the team to be successful. That is why Inter got rid of a number of older players 4 years ago and rebuilt their team. From what I remember, the older guys at Inter were angry that the younger guys were taking their spots in the starting eleven. Inter realized that most of these players were past their prime and therefore needed to be replaced.

MF has done the same and now are a top team in the Premier league. Kudos to them

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
It's funny how you win a few games and people start talking about how they know everything that's going on with Wolves.
First off, the addition of Rob Sing will definitley help the club, but he isn't a player who is going to knock someone out of a starting spot. Who would he replace in the middle? Andy Veer, Rich Price or Kevin Todd? These 3 have been amzing all year and the best part is that they are still young but have been playing Premier since getting out of youth. Rob is a decent player, but if the 3 guys I mentioned keep playing the way they have been, it will be very hard for him to get a starting spot. Rob knew that when he signed. He just wanted to come back to the club where he played his youth, be part of a winning team (finally), and play along side his best mate (CCG).
Which leads me to my next point. How can you say that the players are upset with some of the coaching decisions? You have no idea what goes on with the club. Every player on the team is best friends with each other. Everyone. From the coaches, to the the guys on the first team, to the guys on the CAT team, everyone is best mates. We all stay late after games and practices, and we all hang out together on the weekends. The thing is everyone is committed to the cause this year, so no one gets pissed about their playing time.
Maybe you should go back to posting about other teams and don't worry too much about us. We'll be okay, guy.

p.s TO the guy who posted about welcome to the likes of Surrey and Inter, I know it was meant to be a compliment, but I think you mean welcome BACK. the club has done pretty well since it became part of the VMSL Premier (1986?) Couple of Provincial titles, and produced some of the best players to come out of BC. Also, only team to have never been relegated.


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Well said Larry Dallas, as always PV has nothing better to do with his time than talk about something he knows nothing about. Whatz that old saying, "a team that drinks together is a team that wins together". I think the best teams in the league right now are the closest. Having said that, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Inter ever being relegated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Surrey are 10-1-1 and don't drink after practice or games so I don't know about the the team that drinks together wins together thing... Also, half of us can't stand each other, in fact, most of us flat out hate Millar and couldn't be bothered enough with him to walk across the room to tell either. That fact is, MF are such a close bunch because the all share the same cross dressing fetish. It's been that way ever since jonsey introduced Manifold to women's undergarments back in 89. Why do you think Smiley left? Pink lace is in no way flattering to the big man.

PS. We've never been relegated either. :p


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
dudelove said:
MetroFord, welcome to the life of Inter and Surrey. For the last 3 to 4 years, these teams have had a number of good players sitting on the beach due to both teams having a number of good players.

That is so rad dudelove! I like sitting on the beach too. Sign me and I'll chill with you guys. It'll be gnarly. But hopefully you've got a women's footy team sitting there too as I'm not so much into dude love, er, dudelove. Not that there's anything wrong with dude love, dude.

VMSL Premier update:

-Wolves are the only team never to be relegated. Besides Inter that is. Oh ya, and Surrey (who, admittedly, have only been in the Metro League for fifteen minutes).

-Surrey are 10-1-1 in case anyone didn't know. Thanks for the update KNVB, we were all just dying for that information. Also, SU do not drink together. They drink separately which is lot more boring but just as effective, apparently.

-Rob Sing will be starting for Metro-Ford. No, he won't. Yes, he will. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Ha, got ya!

-KNVB is using all his elementary school tricks to woo Millar. Next up is pulling his hair, pinching him and telling Millar that he hates him even though he actually likes him. These tactics rarely work but maybe Beaker had some success back in Grade 4 and thinks its worth a shot. Good luck KNVB!


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Oopsy, did I just say KNVB would be pulling Millar's hair? Damn, it'd probably be easier to bail water from a boat with a fork.

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