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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter - November 2004

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Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter - October 2004


any comments on the officiating of the match against the Leopards. Is that referee on of the top officials in the lower mainland? If so, that really shows the level of which all of our football is at.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter - October 2004

Truthfully Junglee, I didn't think Doc did a bad job. It's completely obvious to everyone that you guys don't like the physical play. Any team looking for a weakness of yours need not go any further than a good hard tackle or a few solid shoulder to shoulders while running down a ball. The 3 of you that actually stood on your feet while contact was being made didn't fair much better than the 8 flying Melendez' bros. were. Chances are they were too busy having a whinge or looking for a free call to worry about the ball anymore. AFC is a skilled team and if you give them any amount of time on the ball they'll hurt most sides in this league, but if you kick first and ask questions later...well, they're not nearly as effective. Just ask the Firemen who gave us the idea in the first place.

Now, if you're refering to the 2 PK's we were awarded well, again, I must side with the ref. The first I think even you'll agree was a no brainer. Cam was chopped down with-out a doubt. The second... again, easy call a because your keeper quite obviously took down Cam by grabbing his ankle. The questions is or was, was in the box or not? I couldn't see it so... no comment other than to say we'll take it. Where you would argue was he in or not we could argue should he have been sent off for taking down a man being last man back? Which would you have preferred 10 men for almost the entire second half or the PK with a pretty solid keeper in net?

You may have had a case on the free kick you got right on the top of the 18. I was right there and I think he had half of his body in when his legs got clipped out. That had to be a tough call for the Ref who was behind the ball. Linesman definitely would have had a clear angle at it, but said nothing... Ref can only call what he could see. Case in point the cheap little shite who kicked our right back in the shins while the ball was out of play with only a few witnesses.

Anything else you want me to clear up don't hesitate to ask.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter - October 2004


How about that cheap red headed shite wearing #14 who tackled the Columbus player from behind tearing his ACL.

BTW hes doing fine!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes how about that cnut? I had heard just this last weekend that he might be done. I'm certainly sorry to hear, now that I know it was his ACL. It's definitely regrettable, but I think you know there was certainly no malice intended. His back foot got caught under my hip/ass as I was sliding around him and just so you know that was the only part of me that made contact with him. It was an accident and I may send an email to his office apologizing when I get in tomorrow even though I apologized at the time AND after the game. Dunno know what else I can say or do short of naming my next kid Jason. I know as well as anyone how shitty it is to tear an ACL, my own and now someone else's.


New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

it's obvious we didn't like the physical play (????) Where'd you come up with that sort of idea? there may have been a few tackles that were questionable but from the GAME that I was watching there wasn't too much of the rough stuff. From where i was, we were giving as much as taking.

My question to you regarding the refereeing was pretty much directed at the two pk's that were called and directly made a difference in the outcome of the game. The ref not having the balls to call one for us, for a foul committed about 4-5 yards in the box is another story!

The 2nd p.k. for surrey was an obvious no call. There was no way you can say that a 'supposed' top referee would make that same call over again. As a 'top' referee you have to be in good position and use discretion at a time like that, even if it means moving your fatass from the middle of the field.

that's the way I saw the game and for obvious reasons your views differ. However i would think that if you're gonna spend the time to post over 7800 times, you would have the decency to tell the truth one time.

Give your head a shake, your team is not all that you think it is. On that day in sunny surrey, we TTP (tookthepiss). ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
it's obvious we didn't like the physical play (????) Where'd you come up with that sort of idea? there may have been a few tackles that were questionable but from the GAME that I was watching there wasn't too much of the rough stuff. From where i was, we were giving as much as taking.


I’m not talking about nasty or questionable tackles I was referring to all the whinging that goes on when one of your guys was muscled off a ball or a push didn’t go your way. We started off being physical and it threw you off and I thought it was obvious comparing it to our first go around together. It was a bit nippy out, but I don’t think I saw any ear muffs on your side line I’m surprised you didn’t hear it.

The 2nd p.k. for surrey was an obvious no call. There was no way you can say that a 'supposed' top referee would make that same call over again. As a 'top' referee you have to be in good position and use discretion at a time like that, even if it means moving your fatass from the middle of the field.
Obvious no call?!?! You must be fcuking joking! Cam was free and clear to round your keeper and he did. He touched the ball past him and your keeper grabbed his leg. What was to miss? Hell even Walks could have made that call. You should come see me next time I’ll get you some better seats for the game and then you can see the ref was no more than 10 yards away when his ‘fatass’ made that call.

that's the way I saw the game and for obvious reasons your views differ. However i would think that if you're gonna spend the time to post over 7800 times, you would have the decency to tell the truth one time.
Never mind my 7800+ posts, perhaps you should try being honest before you post any more. I like how you left out that the PK you wanted so badly was or could have be a moot (Captain Shamrock 01-04’) offering in the last 2 minuets of a 3-1 (at the time) game. You weren’t coming back, IMO.

Pardon me while I go shake my head.


New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

i'm pretty sure there was a substitution made for you in the 45th minute and then a return on your part at about the 75th minute. correct? so you must have the hookup on some great seats. i'll call ya next time.

you're gonna tell me that i didn't see the foul from the sideline when i was in the play, no more than 12 yards away. KNOB, where were you? on the sidelines about 30-40 yards away. thank you.

enough of the 'he' said, 'she' said crap. 'he' being myself.

you got the win on your home park, you're still in the hunt for relegation and your useless rants are at 7881 and counting. rock on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Which foul are you referring to now? If it was our second PK and you were only 12 yards away then why didn't you see the ref right in front of you? I had the perfect angle from my box seats to see that it was a foul, thank you very much. If you're talking about your hopeful PK plea then I was only 5 feet from the infraction and he wasn't, IMO in when he went down though he certainly landed 4 or 5 in like you suggest. Funny I didn't see any phone booths around for him to change in either. Again, AFC has some amazing speed some may suggest super.

Yes, we are still in the hunt for relegation, but with our game in hand we are also in the hunt for 1st on our side.... shhhh, don't tell anyone its wabbit season.



Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Knob, FYI Junglee is a guy he does not say stuff that is not true he is the most honest guy around and that is not coming just from me.So if he said this or that he is telling the truth. Pretty much the guy is square. But still a nice guy. So in other words shite that u say usually is bullshit so Knob go enjoy ur win. Yes u beat us regardless of the refs decisions. But please don't justify wrong calls. Cause u sound like a fcuking moron.


New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

the foul i was talking about was the 'supposed' pk where our goalie so 'clearly' stopped Cam from scoring. as i remember, Cam did get a toe on the ball and it almost went for a throw-in. hmmmmmmmm, CLOSE.

and i did happen to see the referee when he called the pk, he was about 7-10 yards behind me. Not a bad call, if you're from surrey!

it seems as though your surrey-mates, who WERE on the field at the time of the call had some views that differ from what you saw from your luxurious box seats.

we may have super-speed, but you got some $6,000,000 eyes!

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
larsson said:
Knob, FYI Junglee is a guy he does not say stuff that is not true he is the most honest guy around and that is not coming just from me.
Pretty much the guy is square. But still a nice guy.

From this post, I am going to take a guess at Who Junglee really is.

Sponge Bob Square Pants :eek:

A very nice guy.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, larrson I'm the moron. You've just played your best card, name calling, now what are you going to do? Bring out the mother jokes?

Even taking into consideration the source of your tear jerking praise Junglee, I'll agree to disagree with you. I'll give you your PK if you give us our 2nd. Obviously the ball got away from Cam with your keeper HOLDING HIS LEG. Either way, I still think we did more to win on the day and if you read my first post you will see I thought 6-6 may have even been a fair result had all chances gone in.

You may have been depleted, but that's the name of the game. 4 suspensions for one game are so very common around here. :rolleyes: I really don't know how you could do it. Speaking of beating depleted teams didn't your first three wins come against teams that played most if not the entire second half a man down? Thanks. I'll get your coat. (Captain Shamrock 01-04')

BTW, if you think pointing out I came of the park for 20 in the second half (3 times) bothers me, it doesn’t. Much.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
It is amazing of how many racists are amongst us. You wonder why no one wants AFC to do well. Before knob u answer i have played on teams like MF , Surrey United type teams.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Come on Larsson, you can't figure out why no one wants AFC to do well. Look at all the trash that is said on here by you and your team, about how good they were in Div. 1 and that they are going to rip it up in Premier. Of coarse no one wants a first year team to come in and do well, it makes the rest of the teams look bad. Stop the trash and I am sure your team will get the respect that they deserve, you guys are tied for first place.

As for the racist remark, are you saying that there are racists in the VMSL :eek: . Looks like Azzi is going to have to put on a few coarses for the Old Boys, get them up to date.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sorry but are you calling me a racist? I hope I’m reading that wrong. Or do you just figure I'll be the first to jump in on your completely fcuking stupid comment? One is a pretty safe assumption the other will get me to ask you to pull your head out of your ass. I’d love to let you choose on your own but I’m afraid you wouldn’t be capable.

Please. Remove your head from your ass.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

There is absolutely no place for that kind of shite on TTP. You have 24 hours to retract the statement.




New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

there's no defending the 'racist' card, however if fair-is-fair, i'm pretty sure there were comments made in the past about larsson who plays for AFC being a "black-scotsman".

if that is correct, things CAN be said blatantly. just stay away from the 'bad' words. larsson you're grounded.
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