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VMSL Masters Selects Vs England/Scotland Masters Selects.

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Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Feb 17 at Pacific Coliseum, the VMSL Masters Selects are playing the Calgary Selects and a Masters Select tem from England which features ex EPL and SPL players. This will be followed by a return leg in Calgary on Feb 19.

Some players scheduled to be there: Bob Bolder (Liverpool/Spurs), Paul Walsh (Liverpool/Spurs), Kerry Dixon (Chelsea), Jason Cundy (Chelsea/Spurs), Lee Sharpe (Man Utd), Kevin McAllister (Chelsea), Frank McAvennie (Celtic), and many others!

Tickets (I think) are $20 or $49 or $125 for game ticket and dinner with the ex pros!

I have access to a limited amount of half priice tickets (about 10 or so). If interested post here or PM me, I need to know by tomorrow!!

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Ticket deal

I just got the following email from SCP...and any TTPers interested are invited to take advantage of this opportunity...

"In response to requests for special children's admission, Legends of Soccer is providing two complimentary kids admissions with every paid adult admission for all U/12 and under youth players. Make sure to wear your team jersey and cheer for the Vancouver all-star team Friday night! This offer will apply to all price levels except the meet and greet trickets..."

And JAGS don't try to sneak in Dickens as a U/12...

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Tonight at the Coliseum, saw Coach, Trece Verde, etc out supporting, thanks for that.

Calgary won the tournament defeating Scotland I think it was 3-2 in the final. The Vancouver side lost our first game to Scotland 3-2, defeated England I believe it was 6-2 in the second game and blew 2-0 and 3-1 leads to Calgary to lose 5-3, a game which we could have reached the final with a tie. We are getting used to this indoor thing still, but I thought the Vancouver team played an attractive, attacking game...we just have to sort out a few mistakes etc due to inexperience at this style. We are going to be a fun team in Calgary. Sarge, Sal, Randy, Besty, Frank C, Danny, Rob were all strong for us, it was a good mix...just wish we could have gotten together a bit sooner, we have a good side. The Scottish and English guys are all good guys, and Calgary are very competetive.

Off to Calgary...there should be some verrryy good stories...

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sir M:

Thanks for the props. Wasn't able to make it to the Shark Club due to the familia, but still had a good evening out of it.

Calgary looks like they get a lot of time indoor. Lots of patience, good ball movement, and great shooters. Having just a few 31 year olds doesn't hurt either...:rolleyes:

John Wark for man of the night on the pitch. The guy was everywhere. Absolutely no signs of slowing down.

Was it only my viewpoint, or did the whole English side look like they were either still jet-lagged, or that they'd all had too much at the banquet right before?

How's Rob's back? He had a hard time getting up after that one save, and Besty told me he'd been having back spasms... I know he's got a bit of sunburn on the back of his neck:D (but not as bad as the England keeper)....

Kudos to all involved, even though it looks like Mr. Simon is going to take a bath on last night. Ange, Miro and Gerry all set a good standard for local reffing. Like Ange said before the game, "it's not about us." Is Mauricio listening?

Good luck tonight in Calgary, boys.




New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Trece, should have known you would be there, couldn't find anyone to take in the game with, should have sallied forth solo. I take it by the "bath" comment that the place was relatively empty -- perhaps they should have come to the Mother Corp for help. Next time...

and were the rumours true, was Old Bill's grandmother suited up for England?



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
last night

It could have been much better if this event was advertised properly... It was a disgrace to see the old Coliseum soo empty for a soccer event in BC... I thought there was more people registered for soccer than hockey in this country???Embarassing really... Jerry Dobson is a muppet, but tried his little heart out...
Kevin Gallacher and Gordon Durie were a class above the rest by a mile!!! Their deft touch and great vision was on a different level...
Frank McAvennie is still a wanker and Sal Ciccone is still my hero!!!:rolleyes:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

It was actually a working night for me; I got drafted by SCP into helping out. Still an entertaining evening.

Re familiar faces, I had a heckling section of Stevie "pads" Smith and Big Brian right behind me, so you would have fit right in. Apparently BJ and Olde Jimmy Jackson were in the crowd as well. A regular Saturday Socco gathering...

Didn't see Old Bill's granmuvva out there, but the way that England played, she would have had a starring spot in the lineup. They couldn't have done much worse.

My guess on the numbers would be a generous 2500 or so, with not all of them playing customers (a number of kids like mine taking advantage of the 2 freebies for the under-12 set).

Gerry wasn't too unbearable; I offered $20 to see if any of the kids could peg him off, but none of their parents would let them. Some people are just too easily wound up....:rolleyes:

J - see you later this aft....


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
See the VMSL Masters site for a report on Calgary. I would close this thread, but Regs, I dont know how...:eek:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sir M,

This is a better place for this banter really so I'll ask here:

How much of a crowd at the Saddledome?

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
They said 3500-4500 but I don't know...the fact that it went on right when Canada was playing Finland in Mens Olympic hockey was a bit of a mistake I would think...

They need to notify/promote it a lot sooner. It is actually pretty entertaining to watch from the feedback I have received. Everyone said Scotland and us were the most entertaining sides. They need to adress the age issue though, they should make it strictly over 35. The England PFA promoters, due mostly to the youth and numbere (a lot) of Calgary players available for selection dropped the bomb on us when we arrived in Calgary that we had to cut our roster from 12 to 10 on Sunday (in conflict with the written rules we had received). That was a really pleasant job for Sir M to tell two guys who had left their families/jobs etc to go to Calgary that they were not available for selection all of a sudden. It didn't seem to make much difference though :p .


Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Sir M said:
They said 3500-4500 but I don't know...the fact that it went on right when Canada was playing Finland in Mens Olympic hockey was a bit of a mistake I would think...

They need to notify/promote it a lot sooner. It is actually pretty entertaining to watch from the feedback I have received. Everyone said Scotland and us were the most entertaining sides. They need to adress the age issue though, they should make it strictly over 35. The England PFA promoters, due mostly to the youth and numbere (a lot) of Calgary players available for selection dropped the bomb on us when we arrived in Calgary that we had to cut our roster from 12 to 10 on Sunday (in conflict with the written rules we had received). That was a really pleasant job for Sir M to tell two guys who had left their families/jobs etc to go to Calgary that they were not available for selection all of a sudden. It didn't seem to make much difference though :p .

A few points of calrification if I could:-
re Calgary team age - we were told to have a 12 man roster - same as Van - however we were also told that we could have 6 over 35 and 6 @ 30+ - we ended up with 7 over 35's and 4 of those were over 40. The over 30's were actually 33/34 except for one player who was out till 8.00 am celebrating his 31st!! - needless to say he was shite. These were the rules we used last year as well. Also the Brits are not above a bit of "ageism" either as last year Lee Sharpe came over and he's not 35 yet (born May 71) - he was phenomenal by the way and was a joy to watch, pity he couldn't return
We also had to sit a GK and did not want to cut a guy so we traded one of our best - Scotty McGeoch - to Scotland - and he scored his first ever for his country v Van in the final
crowds were brutal - they did say 4000+ here but it didn't look it - last year we had 9000+ and it was a blast - hurt by Olympics, poor advertising and return of NHL I think - not sure if they will do it again

as I'm in a good mood we won't talk about how lucky you were to beat us in the last 30 secs!!

hope it happens again

Nobby Stiles

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
NobbyStiles said:
as I'm in a good mood we won't talk about how lucky you were to beat us in the last 30 secs!!

Nobby Stiles


Til next year then Nobby...
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