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VMSL Masters Div1 and Div2 Results, Banter, Predictions 2020-2021


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
We were leading 2-1 but Harps grinded out a 4-2 win even though being down a man for 60mins! I know they're playing with 10 men but the offside rule still applies..pertaining to their 3rd goal!
The goals scored in this game weren't exactly beauties but blame covid for that. lol
Overall, the game hasn't changed much except for the kick-ins instead of throw-ins.

I have no idea how the tables work for this Covid Cup. For example, we played Harps who are Div1 and they beat us(Div2) and take their points to the Div1 table. I'm guessing there weren't enough teams so VMSL decided to combine Div1 and Div2? So why not have just one joint table for Covid Cup?

What happens after this first cohort grouping? Fresh new cohort group?..if so, is there a rhyme or reason as to who will be in the next grouping?

Horses out of the gate with a big win and looks like a couple of @Sir M men have landed with them.

Strathcona with a mini upset vs Green Devils.

Just happy to be playing ball again.


FC Red Star

Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
Dirty Money
We were leading 2-1 but Harps grinded out a 4-2 win even though being down a man for 60mins! I know they're playing with 10 men but the offside rule still applies..pertaining to their 3rd goal!
The goals scored in this game weren't exactly beauties but blame covid for that. lol
Overall, the game hasn't changed much except for the kick-ins instead of throw-ins.

I have no idea how the tables work for this Covid Cup. For example, we played Harps who are Div1 and they beat us(Div2) and take their points to the Div1 table. I'm guessing there weren't enough teams so VMSL decided to combine Div1 and Div2? So why not have just one joint table for Covid Cup?

What happens after this first cohort grouping? Fresh new cohort group?..if so, is there a rhyme or reason as to who will be in the next grouping?

Horses out of the gate with a big win and looks like a couple of @Sir M men have landed with them.

Strathcona with a mini upset vs Green Devils.

Just happy to be playing ball again.



Your team (Div 2) and Harps (Div 1) are in the same Covid Cup. VMSL, I think, has some technical issues posting results in this Cup properly since teams from different divisions are mixed in the same cup.
That is the reason that some teams (from lower division; play in upper division cup) are not listed in the same group (online).
If you look at the Premier you will see 3 groups, 11 teams total listed but 12 teams are actually in that Cup (Metro Ford Wolves decided not to participate so it seems that a spot was given to Westside FC A (they were fourth last season in Div 1; first two placed teams joined Premier, Metro Ford Lupi decided not to participate so then Westside FC A, as the fourth placed team last season in Division 1, was given a spot in Premier Covid Cup).

That alignment in Premier Cup trickled down to all other divisions so, for example, you have in Division 1 Covid Cup teams added from Division 2 (NK Hrvat and Binger's Army which replace Westside FC A that was moved to Premier Covid Cup and Metro Ford Lupi, a team that did not want to participate in Covid Cup).
To add more confusion to all this, FASA (which was relegated from Premier league last season) "gave up" their spot in Division 1 to Shaheen so Shaheen (which was Division 2 team last season), Shaheen "gave up" their Division 2 spot to Faly A so Faly was added to Division 1 Covid Cup to replace regular Division 1 team Vancouver Strikers (they also decided not to participate).

Obviously there are all kind of alignments for this Covid Cup, mixed divisional teams, etc. which is OK since this, in fact, is an unofficial competition with no impact whatsoever on any promotion and relegation. Again, this happened because some teams decided not to participate in Covid Cup so their sports were replaced with teams from lower divisions which moved up (for Covid Cup).


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Sir M: I think @machel is referring to some players from West Van Masters Prem currently playing with the Flying Horses, and he's assuming that you are somehow in charge of said Masters Prem team as opposed to just being a fanboy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Machel who are the Div 1 and 2 teams staff should be scouting for the rankings?

The rankings have been a nice read over the years. You've been lazy lately! :p

I guess the teams to look out for will be more evident after a few games but div1 has been fairly competitive the last couple of seasons with Rinos going for the 3-peat(haha) and Harps B-cup champs leading the way. And of course West Van flying sandbaggers joining the mix ;)

I have no idea about div2. I'll find out as we go!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Machel who are the Div 1 and 2 teams staff should be scouting for the rankings?
Add Tesla to the list. They spanked us 6-0. Everything was going in for them, including a couple of screamers, and we couldn't hit water if we fell out of a boat!

The other game in our group saw Harps over Shaheen 5-1.

Other scores:
Strathcona(d2) with another win against higher opposition with a 4-1 win over Serbia(d1).
Rinos scrapes by with a 1-0 win against another div2 side South Delta.
Another decent outing for East Vancouver FC(Falconettis?) as they tie the Horses 1-1.
New West(d2) tying Green Devils(d1) 1-1.

Anyone else on here playing in this division? Game reports?

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