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Div 2 [VMSL Division 2] Results & Banter - Sept. 04'

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

As I posted here earlier - several years ago the league instituted a rule that if a new team wanted to join the VMSL they HAD to enter as the CAT team for an existing club. I believe the last team allowed into the league in the open division was Point Grey Rangers B (they couldn't come in as an independent and had to have the same name as an existing club but did not have to go into CAT). They then changed their name to PWC Rangers and now Douglas Park Rangers (what will it be next year? Should we have a poll?).

NOW - because of teams dropping out of the VMSL they are back to letting independent teams in with no club affiliations an no requirement that they enter the CAT divisions. WHAT THE FUKC??? It doesn't affect me either way other than bewildering inconsistency. The left side of my brain aches...

As also stated here earlier - the VMSL should go the way of the VISL: Div 1 (10 teams), Div 2 (10 teams), Div 3 (10 teams) and so on and so on...no more Div 2 A, B and C - it's garbage. New teams start in the lowest division (it could be Div 6) and pay their dues. The calibre of each division is way more consistent and teams settle into place with their ability. The only abnormality is when a very good team has to start in Div 6 and kills everybody until they get to where they belong. So be it...



Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Div 6 I don't know about that bandcamp. (I know you are just using that as an example) I agree there has to be a better system. Div 2 has way too many teams in it.

I don't pretend to know what the solution should be but I understand your aches and pains. I was a little disappointed that they threw the top 4 teams in last years div 2 cat A and B in one group this year. I predict Lobbans will win cat 2 B.

Changes need to be made otherwise there will be 50 teams in div 2 at one point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Trust me - it works and the level of play is more consistent. The division number is inconsequential (except to the ego). In that system you will not have what happened to us on the weekend: a team that is new to the league being thrown in WAY over their heads because it's the lowest division available to them. If we were using the VISL's system that would never happen EXCEPT in the scenario where a new team is very good and is working their way up through the divisions.

Another scenario that would never happen is the dozen or so (I exaggerate) div 2 teams that were promoted to div 1 this year. What a joke. It should be 1 team up and 1 team down in every division throughout the system.

What is not realistic is the predicament the VMSL finds itself in. They can't really go through the existing structure and allocate teams to a new divisional structure. They would have to take 4 current premier teams and tell them that they are now in div 1 for next year; 14 current div 1 teams are now no longer in div 1 next year - IN FACT only 10 of those team will make div 2 next year and the 4 others will be dumped into div 3...and all the way down the line. THAT'S UNREALISTIC. It's what they should do IMHO but they won't!


Valid points made by all. Unfortunately, I think Therapist put it best - "The league doesn't care about Div 2, never has, never will." If the league does not care about Div 2, then these legislative changes that are necessary will never be implemented - thus causing this debate to happen year after year with no resolution and our love for the game forcing us to deal with it. Any points we raise will simply fall on deaf ears by the likes of Azzi and Tremarco. Sadly, like most other sports, politics, finances and economics are the determinants of what transpires, what changes, and what stays the same. Short of placing a call to Bob Goodenhow, we as players (unofficially part of the TTP VMSL Players Union or TTPVMSLPA for short) are just supposed to show up, pay our dues, run through tall grass and listen to refs with sub-par mid 70's FIFA handbook knowledge.

I think Bandcamp should lead a Crusade and be our leader/voice in trying to make the VMSL a better league. If you think about it, all great war heroes and dictators were short........Bandcamp is physically, or should I say vertically suited for this role.

My two cents - I am an accounant, thus I am cheap and dont like to give away my own money when I can give away others!

~Little General


Mar 3, 2003
Dirty Money
AT LEAST Ronald MacDonald scored once today. Not bad 2 games= 1 goal for and 19 against, only an average of 9.5 goals against per game. Like i said earlier, i know that the league can't kick out teams, but they should try and regulate the teams that are allowed in. McDicks is sponsored by a real estate comp, but did they check the players background, b/c they are suppose to, or atleast thats what azzi told me. Fair enough, if nobody else applied, then the only team that applied should get it, ortherwise there should be a background check in terms of sponsorship and players that are committed.

Anyways to Regs and Captain Shamrock, can we set up a pool as to what scheduled week Ronald will fold his team or when they will salvage a point from one of their games?


New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] fury 4 - yaletown 1

burnaby fury spanked yaletown 4-1 on sat.This is another div 3 squad that will have trouble getting points this year ,maybe not AS bad as micky-d's but still shocking to say the least.David lam was in mint condition and the grass was even cut.The league really needs to have a lower division for teams like this.Should be a better test next week against champlain


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
NK Hrvat with a 7-1 victory over the Point Grey Strikers. Point Grey went up 1 minute into the game when the Watcher, playing sweeper, made a back pass to our goalie. Unfortunately, he chose to pass it ten feet to the left of our keeper, and into a yawning open net. Even if he had a measuring tape, the Watcher wouldn't have been able to put the ball any more dead centre than he did. In the Watcher's defense, he's fat. :p


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Yomama! said:
Unfortunately, he chose to pass it ten feet to the left of our keeper, and into a yawning open net. In the Watcher's defense, he's fat. :p

Absolutely Brilliant, Watcher! Ah, yes, life can be good sometimes.



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] fury 4 - yaletown 1

rikashay said:
burnaby fury spanked yaletown 4-1 on sat.This is another div 3 squad that will have trouble getting points this year ,maybe not AS bad as micky-d's but still shocking to say the least.David lam was in mint condition and the grass was even cut.The league really needs to have a lower division for teams like this.Should be a better test next week against champlain

It won't be a better test if we play like we did today. Credit to Alemania as they kept capitalizing on their chances/gifts from us. They will be a tough team this year and we just got our asses wooped today. On to next week and hopefully the guys will be hungrier. Dap we could have used you out there today.


Sep 14, 2004
Dirty Money
It was a tougher game today against Alemania, but not what the score suggests, the difference was we missed our 8 chances and they finished on 4 of their 7. I thought they were the better team today but not by that much. I promise a better effort next week from our boys. It will be nice to have Dap there also, and we were missing a couple of other players today. We also started a new goalie today that will only get better as he was fighting a rough Saturday night as was midfield from crashing a stagette party accidently at Balthazars the night before that didn't get the boys in till 6 am.
Well there's always next week.
May 12, 2004
Dirty Money

Well the Bomabstic boys are off to a fantastic start to the season playing great football but seem to have left something behind. 6 points!! Last week was hard enough losing 2-1 to Knights after being up 1-0 and relly dominating the game (credit to Knights though as they made the best of the last 20 minutes) but to do it again against Bingers. Rather than let one in the last 5 minutes like last week manged to do so in the last 5 seconds. I didn't see the game but had a few discussions about it. Team looks solid and depth is there this year will as strong B team to feed from when in need but all said and doen. 2 under the L is hard to take.

B team in Cat watched carelfully last week and learned well by doing the same and letting one in against Norvan SC B with 3 mins to go. 1-1 but an excellent outing.


New Member
Feb 1, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Bombastic

Not finishing our chances and not enough pressure on the middle of the park was our undoing. Bingers is a decent squad but nothing special. The winning goal resulted from a punch out by our keeper, and as a result of no pressure on the ball, it was turned to the 3 guys waiting by the back post, banked hard off my hand as i challenged right to a Binger hanging by the near post for a tap in although Greg made a valiant attempt at a goal line retrieval. Fcuk! Marco was dumped in the box earlier-no call-and I don't think he saw my handball either but not an inspired game from the ref. Our ball winning has to improve, along with the intensity.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
kastro23 said:
as he was fighting a rough Saturday night as was midfield from crashing a stagette party accidently at Balthazars the night before that didn't get the boys in till 6 am.

Is there any way crashing a stagette party is an accident? :D

I certainly don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
cham 1 - al 4

Alemania scored three quick goals in the first half by taking advantage of our defensive unforced errors. their first goal was a beauty strike from about 18 yards to the top corner.

The second half saw our team come out alot stronger. And the final score could have been a lot more respectable had I capitalized on some chances. I'll blame the jungle forest of a pitch on a few chances. :D

Both keeps played well and a suitable score could have been 6-4 or so for alemania.

Can't wait for next weeks clash. cheers.


New Member
May 19, 2004
Dirty Money
robj said:
Div 6 I don't know about that bandcamp. (I know you are just using that as an example) I agree there has to be a better system. Div 2 has way too many teams in it.

I don't pretend to know what the solution should be but I understand your aches and pains. I was a little disappointed that they threw the top 4 teams in last years div 2 cat A and B in one group this year. I predict Lobbans will win cat 2 B.

Changes need to be made otherwise there will be 50 teams in div 2 at one point.
After the hammering Slobans received last weak from the Crows,I don't see them doing shite this year. The Socceroos are going to win Cat A.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC Cat 2 Club Ireland Hibs 0. A good game all around, RUFC went up one early in to the second half, then got its second about ten minutes later on a great shot by Wally . Club I had a couple of chances later on , one due to my in ablility to get the ball out of my feet, luckly our keeper made the save.


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
hey champlain.
do you guys have enough players for your games? just wondering if you needed a defenseman.
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
(quote) After the hammering Slobans received last weak(week :rolleyes: ) from the Crows, I don't see them doing shite this year.

Is that you Peter spouting off?
Lobban's will be solid this year.
I see your lot are off to a flying start. 0 points from a possible 6 ;) Excellant!!
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