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[TTP TV] Up Front Episode 10 Archive


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Up Front Archive Episode #10

The tenth Up Front webcast from last week is now available for listening on-demand.

Until further notice, this will be the last show that is archived in a complete format - so make sure to tune in LIVE!

A big thanks to those that listened live as well as our featured guests Dale Mitchell, Brian Halliday & Corrado Lenzi!

For those listening for the first time, please let us know what you thought of the show overall.

The archive player can be found on the Up Front main page:


Just scroll down the page a bit and you'll see the episode 10 player link.




Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
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Has anyone listened to this?

One of the reasons that the availability of future archives is on hold is because a load of work goes into them and there is zero feedback other than Dude being 100 miles off the mark a couple of episodes ago :)

Are the shows that bad? Do people just not care or can't be bothered?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Are the shows that bad? Do people just not care or can't be bothered?
On the contrary, I think they're very good. The guys have really developed a great flow and the guests, soccer wise, are second to none.

I’m glad Dale is interested in the position, but I assume he’ll just run directly into the same damn pitfalls Yallop had with CSA and its brass if they go with him. (He would be the natural fit) He obviously said all the right things but I would have been interested in hearing what he had to say if Reedy or Thomo had asked them ‘why hasn’t anyone been fired at CSA yet?’ I know Dave Pratt flat out asked Lennard Bobaduzzi and he had no answer. I still maintain that until there is a increased recognition of what is really going on, through the press, there won’t be major positive feedback from the masses. They need to feel the pressure. They need to know they are being watched.

Canucks hire a coach - Front page news. Our National soccer team coach quits ¼ page story on A 67.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Are the shows that bad? Do people just not care or can't be bothered?
I've been thinking about this question over the course of the day, and I think it ultimately comes down to a combination of subject matter and timing.

The shows are great and I quite enjoy them -- in particular, the phone calls, emails and discussion thereof. However, I believe the recent show has seen a dip in "ratings" due to the fact that the peoples heads are primarily in the World Cup and and the World Cup alone. With three or four games per day (and most of them on while people are at work) TTPers are likely choosing to spend a large part of their evenings watching the rebroadcasts than spend two hours listening to the trials and tribulations of the non-World Cup Canadian National team.

Granted, there was some World Cup discussion -- but even then, I believe it simply comes down to timing. Even I have to admit, I haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing yet.

I'll stamp a Mark Messier-guarantee on the fact that throughout the fall and winter, during the respective VMSL and FVSL seasons, TTPers far and wide will be clamouring to listen to the latest edition of Up Front. When they've got time and motivation (read: self-importance and concern about their own team/league) people will be all over it.

That said, I think an all-World Cup show in the right time slot (perhaps on a day between quarter final matches) would go like gang-busters.

Just a thought or two....

Keep up the great work -- everyone involved!!


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I would like to echo KNVB's and Keeper's comments. The shows are quite good as well as entertaining. And the guests are absolutely top-notch. I think the problem right now, as has been touched on, is simply timing. With it being summertime, and the local competitive leagues shut down, people are reluctant to be in front of the computer on a summer evening when they could be out playing footy or spending their time on other leisure activities. I imagine there will be quite a resurgence once fall comes around. Regardless, the shows are excellent. Thanks for all the hard work you and the others have been putting in, Regs.


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Canucks hire a coach - Front page news. Our National soccer team coach quits ¼ page story on A 67.

Great point KNVB. That point is worthy of a discussion here, no?


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
My two cents. Loved the early episodes when it focussed on the local scene. Personally I have heard all that really interests me about Yallop or Mitchell from mainstream media. No knocks against them or you as they are great guests, but I know I would make more time to sit down if there was a larger focus on the local scene, not the Whitecaps though. The VMSL, FVSL, even the MWSL. The draw you did and the shows around the provincials were fantastic, and I look forward to listening in the fall. However I speak as a FVSL'er and would ask to see some more on this league. Getting away from the perceived quality of the league, you have 100 teams out here, so potentially an audience of 1500-2000 members. Depends on who you envision your audience being I guess.

One idea, small segment on each show with possibly an interview with a colorful TTP member. Tell me you would not get a spike getting Dude on the air for 5-10 minutes.
Anyhow, we watched a similar print idea go defunct a little while ago, unfortunately the name escapes me, and I stopped looking for it because there was too much international stuff in it. Can get that anywhere, anytime. I hope you stick with it and find your audience.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No feedback because I'm busy today not only working but trying to become the first TTP Millionaire, so after I write this, kindly fcuk off.

I'd like to echo KNVB, Keeper, Dap, TheRob's, and LFC2's statements. That said, it would cost you a hell of a lot of tokens to get me impugning myself on the air. I do that enough here, and on the field, for Christ's sake. I don't need to give the peanut gallery more to work with.

Honestly though, love the show, and make an effort to at least have it on when I'm home. I tuck into the office to listen a bit, then retreat when, say, I have to go dish out a spanking, read "Princess Diaries" for the 8th time, or spend the required, painful "quality time" talking w/ Mrs. Dude. Personally the time doesn't work well for me, but that aside, I think the slot on a whole is fine. Time of year, well, you can't do anything about that.

As somebody not nearly as smart as I once said: if you build it, they will come. I would be willing to bet 1,000,000 TTP tokens that if you stick w/ this show, enough guys will hear, and it will slowly build. Once September hits, and guys heads are back into the local scene, you'll see it blow-up (on a small scale, mind you), just like TTP readership blows up at this time of the year.

Finally, there is the "problem" of being on the internet, not radio. You'll just never get the big numbers. For one, guys who tune in to radio are typically in their cars, especially at that time. If not, they are likely in bed early, maybe reading a book, trying to find an alternate to listening to Dan Russell. I hope that interest picks up enough to get somebody's attention at the mighty TEAM...that they have a couple of guys here, that although amateurish now, and predictable as Muppets go, have great personalities that rally come out on the air. They are, though their and your relationships, able to garner better soccer guests than anyone, and able to get more out of the guests by being knowledgeable about the game and the current events.

Clearly, there is an audience in Vancouver for this format of show. If this years WC following doesn't prove that, nothing will.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Haven't listened to Episode 10 yet but must say, for the seventh or eigth time here, this will be bigger than you and Rob and Niall are probably predicting and will be awesome come the Fall.
Keeper is bang on with the Mark Messier call.

Traffic slows down a bit here after the season's over as you well know.

Thanks man and chin up,


Mar 13, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
On the contrary, I think they're very good. The guys have really developed a great flow and the guests, soccer wise, are second to none.

I’m glad Dale is interested in the position, but I assume he’ll just run directly into the same damn pitfalls Yallop had with CSA and its brass if they go with him. (He would be the natural fit) He obviously said all the right things but I would have been interested in hearing what he had to say if Reedy or Thomo had asked them ‘why hasn’t anyone been fired at CSA yet?’ I know Dave Pratt flat out asked Lennard Bobaduzzi and he had no answer. I still maintain that until there is a increased recognition of what is really going on, through the press, there won’t be major positive feedback from the masses. They need to feel the pressure. They need to know they are being watched.

Canucks hire a coach - Front page news. Our National soccer team coach quits ¼ page story on A 67.

Personally, I don't know how anyone can sit thru Pratt talkng about any soccer topic at all. He actually referred to the penalty area as a goal crease and the Round of 16 as the "Sweet 16". The guy is a knob and isn't worth listing to on any soccer-related topic.

Regardsing the schow, I do enjoy them but man it's annoying listing to Niall act appologetic when asking a semi-difficult question to a guest (Steve Reed). As well, as to contantly refer to him as "Reedy" was annoying and bush. We all know that you know one another, just call him by his name!
Keep up the good work.

Regs: on the topic of BCSA tabling a motion to accpet private clinics, I may still have a copy of the BCSA Constitution and Bylaw ammendments for 2005 and will pm it to you. Your bang on. people are forming opinions with out all/or accurate info. Just what's out there.

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