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To Vandals


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Whose a Wanker Than,


I will never understand vandals. Stealing I can understand. I have an item worth a certain Value, you steal it, sell it and see a reward. I don't understand the theft of wire and copper etc, because the cost of the damage doesn't relate to the value you receive when you sell it, but thats a whole different issue for another rant.

This rant relates to vandals. Last night in my quiet Langley community, after two years of trouble free living you happened to walk by my truck and KEY it. This was done about 15 steps after you keyed my neighbours car, and obviously this delighted you, because you carried on down the street keying several more. You stopped at my truck, opened the door up and went through my glove box, you stole a few CD's and meaningless items, and then destroyed, (NOT Stole) my Kid's in-vehicle tv. Its worth about $600, if you'd taken It I would have understood. You obviously found my knife in the glove box, and you used it to cut my leather seats. This just cost ICBC $1800.00 for one seat alone. When you as a probable "N" driver go to get your insurance on your 1991 POS that you probably drive, and you have to pay too much for insurance, you have yourself to thank. You SHOULD have stolen my TV to help pay for your inflated insurance premiums. You wandered off down the street, distributing my items and my neighbours items along the way, then slashed some tires on the vehicle of a elderly lady at the end of the block.

The net winnings by our account was about $45.00 with of CD's (Yes, they were real cd's...my wife refuses to access my mp3's), you didn't even look in the back seat. If you hadn't been too busy vandalizing my tv and had bothered looking into the back you would have found my soccer cooler full of beer, and our team beer fund with about $330 in it.... or wait, maybe you left it for me out of the goodness of your heart.

So.... Stealing seems like the better choice. Especially when I outline the possible side effects of vandalizing or stealing and you realize they are basically the same.

If I catch you stealing, you at least get a serious beat down. If I happen to come outside accompanied by my dog, you for sure get beat, and then bitten. This is followed up by a police visit, and restitution to ICBC for the damage you caused, blah blah blah. I institute this punishment regardless of whether you steal from me, or just break my stuff.

So I suggest you do your best to pay yourself some compensation for the beating that will eventually come to you, should you maintain a career of being a vandal.

Yours Truly,
Angry Owner


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
you didn't even look in the back seat. If you hadn't been too busy vandalizing my tv and had bothered looking into the back you would have found my soccer cooler full of beer, and our team beer fund with about $330 in it....

I had almost the same incident a few years back (minus the TV). I also had my soccer and baseball equipemnt in the back. It is amazing what some punk will do for "kicks".

Sorry to hear about this suburbanator as it is a major violation of your personal space, a terrible feeling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes. Langley has gone downhill.

Actually, likely it was someone within a block of here...sad..sad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The sad part is, other than your fanny team still had a full cooler of beer, is that one of these days yours and your dogs dream will come true and the same idiot will run, trip on his own shoe lace and break his face in your yard putting you on the hook for a million dollar personal liability suit.

All for a Billy Joel CD.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
, other than your fanny team still had a full cooler of beer,

Brilliant! :D

Sorry to hear about that though Subby...makes no sense at all what people get kicks out of...
Except for full coolers of beer left untouched...;)

Looking forward to helping you relieve them tonight.


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
My back Alley had a visit from a couple of Junkie's on Bike's toteing two huge Jerry can's
and Tubing .... being scared off while emptying a Mini van of the new Gold ... GAS

they left everything .... felt bad for my neighbor who's selling ...having a Open House
and people having to drive by this Min van with Tubing coming out ... "just keep driving Ward.. get out of this ghetto "


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money

No doubt the same punks will take a run at our hood soon.

Your hood is my hood, your house just happens to be 22 years newer. I go by your house on my daily jog, and I cannot jog very far yet so you are within a couple blocks. ;)

I will do my best to rid the hood of the cnuts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
T your fanny team still had a full cooler of beer,


Nope... I pre-loaded the cooler for tonight (and learned a lesson to not leave it in the truck any longer). We manage to finish off our cooler most nights.

They left the Celine Dion CD but took Gwen Steffani, Queen and Madonna.. go figure.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
As stated earlier...I live and work in Maple Ridge where theft has become part of every day. At my work we catch people every day ripping us off. Luckily I have been able (with help from others) to beat the crap " accidently" out of a couple of these losers as they started fighting after we grabbed them. I can recall the one that we rammed his head into a wooden bench and got it stuck between the back rest and the seat. We then pulled it out only to notice that his nose was broken from nailing the bench. The RCMP don't even respond most of the time unless he / or she has a warrant. The ones that do go to jail spend the remainder of the day there then get released with a court date that they'll never show up for anyways??


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
As stated earlier...I live and work in Maple Ridge where theft has become part of every day. At my work we catch people every day ripping us off. Luckily I have been able (with help from others) to beat the crap " accidently" out of a couple of these losers as they started fighting after we grabbed them. I can recall the one that we rammed his head into a wooden bench and got it stuck between the back rest and the seat. We then pulled it out only to notice that his nose was broken from nailing the bench. The RCMP don't even respond most of the time unless he / or she has a warrant. The ones that do go to jail spend the remainder of the day there then get released with a court date that they'll never show up for anyways??

I am in Vancouver now but working in Hong Kong and each time it is clear how much Vancouver has become like a typical US city with its crime rate and revolving door on the jails and a##holes who don't show up for court dates or who don't pay their fines. There are tons of those who simply stay out of the province they did the crime in to avoid paying their dues to society.

In Hong Kong, I am blown away by the way goods are sold outside stores where easy to steal goods are on the street out of the sight of the shopkeepers. At night many of them hang their goods in plastic bags up on the awnings outside their stores where with a pole that gets them up there, they could easily be stolen - but the point is - they aren't stolen primarily due to the reality that foot patrols are how they police work in Hong Kong and they are everywhere. You see very few police in cars there and even fewer traffic police but you see teams of police patrolling every neighbourhood. Granted the 7 million people live in a relatively small area between Hong Kong Island but the police presence on the streets is a huge deterrent to crime. The police seem to have greater power to stop and check people in the streets which is no longer the case in Canada and for the most part I agree with this here.

Oh, and you can drink alcohol whereever you want and you can buy it in 711 or wherever. You don't see fights in streets or bars like here. No triad action in the streets at all. Basically you can walk late at night without being mugged or being concerned if you see a gang of teens walking toward you as they are not about to rob you or whatever.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Isn't that the name of the Vietnamese restaurant that used to be on Renfrew south of Grandview Hwy?

Anybody hear anything else about the knob who keyed 600 cars?

not sure but i caught a hooker using my garage to give dome jobs on saturday morning. her client was vietnamese (a couple blocks off kingsway)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Stealing I can understand.

First - I feel for you. What happened to your vehicle is nothing but just shitty.

But, I am going to disagree with you. Stealing, I don't understand, or said another way, I can't tolerate. It is something done by lazy dishonest bastards and sociopaths. It is a complete disrespect for everyone they come into contact with. It must be a pretty lonely life - if you steal, you can't be trusted. If you can't be trusted, who in their right mind would want to be near you? And, I am guessing that pretty much every one of your victims would like to get you alone in an alley with a baseball bat for a while.

I do like the new VPD Chief, Jim Chu's proposal to give very stiff jail sentences to multi-repeat offenders. Lock em up, put'em away, and let's not have to worry about this kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
This is bad but it does feel pretty damn good to give these losers a good shot. The rcmp always say...um why is he hurt and we just state... he was fighting us and this happened in the scuffel. The cops know that this is the only punishment these losers will get as our couts do NOTHING!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
I wish to share a vandalism story that hopefully puts a smile on your face lads. Where I live there are many farms with mailboxes by the side of the road. I was getting sick of mine getting smashed by punks playing baseball with it. I truly don't understand what fun there is swinging a bat at a mailbox, but hey these guys enjoyed it.

After spending two nights in the ditch waiting for these little fcukers I almost gave up, but the third night was very rewarding. I heard a smash, 3 seconds later another smash this one being a little closer. I was patient and waited till the van pulled right up to my mailbox. I had cammed my face so they couldn't see me. As his arm came out to swing I jump up with my bat and swung full force and broke his arm then I swung at the side window and smashed it and hit the body of the vehicle twice more before they sped off. I felt like Rambo total smile on my face and the thought of the explanation for the broken arm and smashed up van to their parents. My mailbox has not been smashed since. I like to think I retired the little bastards.

The hardest part was explaining to my wife what the ruckus was about and why my face was cammed. She was horified when I told her what I did, but deep inside I think the thought of getting those bastards was AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
There is nothing disturbing about that story at all…

Why a bat though? Wouldn't a hatchet been more apropo?(sp) That way you not only take away his ability to smash mail boxes but also ever enjoy a good wank.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
There is nothing disturbing about that story at all…

Why a bat though? Wouldn't a hatchet been more apropo?(sp) That way you not only take away his ability to smash mail boxes but also ever enjoy a good wank.

The problem with that is I have a 50% chance of cutting the wrong arm off and that would defeat the purpose.

I do love it when they cry like little girls. Reminds me of the guy that was whinning about Millar last night. What was with the spandex body suit on that guy I wasn't sure if he was ready to play soccer or go lugeing (sp).

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