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Pakenham Cup The Pak Cup Elimination Stage.

Who will win the Pakenham cup?

  • Surrey United

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Townsend Park

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Surrey City Pegasus

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Poco City Dominion

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Delta Metro United

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Surrey City Rangers

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • Golden Ears United Ultra

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Aldergrove United

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Surrey Boy

A great game today out in Surrey, unfortunately a few rowdies had to ruin it for the rest of us.

A hard match but then a few Surrey players took it to the parking lot and I witnessed them kicking in the car of a Delta player. Is this soccer or just bad sportsmanship? Leave the game on the field and don't give Surrey a bad name. Frank McCann surprised me by not getting kicked out of this game and he was even allowed to be there this time. Oh, and Mr. Martin Reid, Sir, a player does not get a red card for being punched in the head. It just goes to show you that even the "best" of referees make mistakes ;)

May the best team win next week!


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
surrey boy

Your first post and you want to talk about class!
Rip and stomp a few more jerseys,and then you
might hear a wee bit of sympathy.Does #9 on your
team represent CLASS?That fcuking joker is going to
get seriously hurt someday.I have been reading about
that clown all year.It's funny hearing the peace arch
and townsend boys, say today how they hope someone
sorts that twat out soon.That little shite got what he
deserved on the feild.And better yet,he's gone for the
final.(nice team guy!)

I do hope it's a good final, and yes may
the best TEAM win!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Too bad Peg. Great run for a team on the first year of a re-building plan.

Can't wait to watch next week's match. For the sake of the Delta boys, I hope they have St. John's Ambulance on hand...and lots of demerol & morphine.

mmmmmm....morphine to sooth broken leg....arghargharghargh..... :eek:


New Member
Sep 28, 2001
Dirty Money

well even though we our out of the cup I am happy for the sfc rangers. atleast one team gets their revenge on those classless fcuks from delta. #9 missing the final, not a surprise. no i in team last time I checked you idiot. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Surrey Boy

I will agree with all of you that the Delta boys have their moments and aren't the classiest players at the best of times. No team is.
What I don't understand is why players have to take a great game off the field and damage someone's car. There's no point to that.
I've never worn a Delta jersey in my life and don't even live in Delta; I was just a neutral person out watching a match on a Sunday afternoon. I honestly thought it was a decent game that could have went either way; I might even say that it was pretty clean. It just ruins the sport and gives the league a bad name when players have to show themselves and the league up with crap like this. It's uncalled for. If it was my car, I'd be sending the bill to SFC or Roy Mitchell. But like the old saying goes, what goes around comes around ;)

selective attention

shocking ignorance

I can only sit back and read all the garbage that has been posted on this site for so long. I honestly cannot believe that there has been so much traffic devoted to calling the delta team classless players. It is especially shocking to me because of the amount of threats that are being directed at them. How can you all call delta classless punks when you are just as bad. Hospitals? Morphine? Take a real look at what your saying, and open your eyes. Is that what you would consider to be classy sportsmanship? Cheap tackles? Fights? Kicking car doors as people are driving away? Pegasus showed no more class than the people who they have berated for the past week. Everyone has been piping up with the same garbage over and over again about how something needs to be done by the league. About how this league is average and amature, and the league should take corrective action to fix this problem. Everyone is talking about fines, suspensions, and getting kicked out of the cup. By the same standar, surrey pegasus should be dealt with heavily. If the supposedly "classy" rangers were the team they said they were, then they would go ouit and play a clean hard physical game next week, and prove to the league that they are who they claim to be. I dont doubt the rangers one bit. Every time I have played against them, there has never been a problem, and I agree that delta displayed shocking sportsmanship a few weeks back. Surrey pegasus are another group altogether though, and should not be put in the same class as the rangers, in either talent or sportsmanship. To anyone who watched the delta-surrey game, it has been proven that they are a bunch of classless punks with no sportsmanship. Surrey has always been a shocking side, and will always continue to be in my opinion. Their display on the weekend was no exception. I imagine that their will be no outrage berating the surrey team though. Why not? Does everyone think that their behavior is acceptable. If you do, then this league will never develop. Surrey pegasus should just pipe down and practice hard all summer long. Maybe then, they will shopw up next season as the team that they are pretending to be right now.

As for coach, you are the epitomy of ignorance. A post was put up saying that a few bad apples on surrey ruined it for everybody, and you say "its your first post, dont talk about class". what difference would it make if he had made 1000 posts. The facts are that pegasus are an average squad filled with classless players. Kicking opposing players cars has never been a part of soccer, and never will be. Why dont you go back to the hole you live in that you call surrey, and take that sort of crap with you. Wake up and take a look at yourself. I'm glad that you find it amusing that peace arch and townshend have put priority on injuring players, rather than the game of soccer. If you cant recognize such blatant disrespect for the game and the league, then you have no place in the game of soccer!!!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

A lot of good points made above, but don't forget...a lot of this is about taking the piss! About having the ambulance on hand- have you seen the size of the Rangers, vs. the relative lack of size of Delta? What I am saying, is that sometimes: bigger player meets smaller player in tackle = broken leg on smaller player. It happened to one of our players in an exhibition last week against Club I. I've personally been on both ends a couple of times each- some may say I have a 50 / 50 record! I agree that the Rangers will play hard, and be all class no matter what the outcome. I'm also saying that I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to put a little extra force into their clean tackles. Nothing dirty about that.

I left early in the 1st half of the Peg / Delta game yesterday, but from what I've heard already, it sounds pretty ugly. If it did spill over to the parking lot, you're right...nothing to be proud of on the side of either team. We all know how good Delta is at provoking others though- they have already proven to be the most classless in victory- so perhaps blame for the incident should be equally distributed.

That's all I'll say on it for now. I have no first hand or second hand knowledge, so everything I say at this point is speculation.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
selective boy

Not once did i say anything about breaking legs?
Anyone who has played the game knows,that if you
run your mouth off enough,or show little respect for who
you are playing against game in, and game out.Sooner
or later,someone is going to SORT YOU OUT.It happens
at every level.If you can't deal with that, then maybe you
should go crawl back into your cave,you wanna be preacher!

By the way,in now way at all do i condone
anything that goes on after the final whistle.
If someone from our club or any other club,kicks
a car,or a person at that.That is way offside.
If that did happen,and i know that non of our
lads did that.I can promise you that it will be
dealt with as a club.(that is just not acceptable)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Preaching 101 is in session....

Just like Football 101 was in session yesterday.:D
Just kidding.

To the TP guys: to battle the Champs on the Friday and make the trip with 11 guys against us yesterday, I tip my hat to you. We have the world of respect for you and the scoreline is no indication of how it would have been had you been more rested.
However, that's soccer and having a deep bench is the key to success in this game unfortunately.

The hate-on for Delta took a bad turn yesterday obviously.
Marilyn Manson I suppose finally shot his mouth off one too many times. The kid just doesn't get it.
Rest in Peace #9 and enjoy the final from the sidelines.
You are getting everything you deserve.
Maybe if you wouldn't shoot your mouth off from your car as you're driving away (GEU match) it wouldn't get kicked in.
Welcome to MEN'S league Tit.

Martin Reid did his best to calm the scenario by moving the 'Gers away from the sideline and as much as it pissed us off, obviously he was trying to prevent what eventually happened anyway.
But when this cnut scores and then taunts the sidelines and mocks the episode 3 weeks ago, what the fcuk do you expect?
People now have two choices in our club:
You look like beligerant bullies or candy-ass pussies.
Like I said that guy and his club provoked it - period.
No one likes to see what happened, but can you fault our guys?
I Certainly don't.

For all of you who doubt our class, come out on Sunday, you'll witness it for yourself.
If we didn't have the class, it would have been dealt with on that Friday night a few weeks back.
To the league: don't worry about it, it's fully handled.
We've already talked about it, in fact, we talked about it right after our win.
It will be a good final.
Are we stoked? FCUK YEAH.

One last shot - Sid: please make a final third prediction regarding our demise. It's working fcuking wonders.

That is all.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Couldn't hold back, eh coach? Remember your medication and to keep using that newfangled breathing technique: deep breath in...deep breath out...repeat 10 times.:D

BTW: care to share any of your meds? Please? With sugar on top?

Out of respect for the superstitious Ranger, I'll decline to predict a score for the Pak final. Intrigue out the ying yang though. Certainly more than the friendly they'll be playing in the Imperial Cup. Too much love in the air over there.



New Member
Jan 19, 2002
Dirty Money
The Truth!

all right lads, here is a report from the peg delta game from someone with no connection to either.
1. Cheap shot punch from the young fellow. I have no problem with someone trying to sort another out, but when he is being held and can't defend himself, it is gutless to throw a punch.

2. that being said though, #9 Delta twat that is going to be the least of your problems if you keep that shite up. have some respect. this league would be nothing if it weren't for the fellows you ran pass with your RVD impression. the marshalls, klassens,and killers gave this league so much, so shout up punk.

3. Frank McCaan may be a little noisy and yappy on the sideline, but that's his job. he wears his heart on his sleeve. Always had, always will. Nuff said.

4. House Arrest - too bad about tha goal. But if you weren't so fat, then your left tit wouldn't have bounced up over your eyes when you were diving, blocking your vision.
Loose some pounds for the provincials. oops, sorry you won't be there.



Mar 17, 2002
Dirty Money
Rangers: You're NexT!

whats wrong with taunting the crowd? all you old guys cant handle it or what?If you cant handle taunts when you are watching a game. Just sit at home and drink your beers then.:D :D

Great goal by #9, no one out there could stop him yesterday. They had to beat him to stop him hahaha thats pretty sad slurrey.
He wont be at the final, but we have more guns.

Rangers are a good side, should be another good game.

Class or no Class Delta made it to the final. No one gives them credit. That is alright. We are at the dance. Where are all the premiere teams? ohh thats right the Rangers took them out. hahahah


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Selective Attention

Just a question:

If the supposedly "classy" rangers were the team they said they were, then they would go out and play a clean hard physical game next week, and prove to the league that they are who they claim to be.

Once the Rangers have done this can they then go and kick #9's ass?



New Member
Feb 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Peg vs Punks FC

The peg game was obviously fueled by emotion from both sides. I applaud both teams for their play when it was soccer. I have to say though, this style of soccer the Delta team plays for the most part is shocking. Congrats to the ref for finally carding that fool for diving. He played for Peg last year, and he is a disgrace to the Premier division. #9...when you grow up, maybe your skills will speak for you, until then, I truly beleive you will be sorted out. If we are talking about class...lets talk about OmSnot. He continually whines to the referee in a cup game that his team won...AFTER the game. Get a grip. You wonder why your car gets kicked after you try to run down some players? And then rev your engine like a punk at them. You will always be a pukey little cnut, and everyone saw you unable to control your emotions many times that game. Go play somewhere else until you realize that in Mens soccer, you have to be able to take some hard hits. Life goes on. #9 took a soft punch by the smallest player on the team. He GOT OFF LUCKY. I am surprised that he wasn't crippled leaving the field. Its okay to cheer after a goal, but the actions he made taunting with the jersey...just dumb. Wake up idiot, next year you had better watch out. And Good Luck Rangers...maybe now you'll have your "dynasty". All in all a great season for Peg, in the first year of rebuild. Hats off to all the players and coaches. I hope that the Rangers with their experience in the game may show these Delta punks what the game is made of...class, skill and control. Oh, and about fining players or chairpeople...we'll just take that out of the price to replace new jerseys for the Rangers...


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
it sucks to lose


Cheers to Delta for winning a hard-fought game. They scored, we didn't ... so they win and play the Rangers. As much as we both worked it looked like later in the SC Peg vs. Delta game that the game would come down to one chance ... and it did. Congratulations Delta.

It was strange to get the same officials for our game Sunday as we had vs. Surrey United on friday. BUT, I will say that the referee had his game face on. The yellow card given to the Delta 'diver' was an excellent call. Also, the dual red cards were a good choice -> Scotty Williams (aka Delta #9) elbowed Adam in the face ... that is why Adam reacted with the punching. So yes, both undoubtedly deserved the red cards.

GoldenGoal - you got it right - Omerod (#16) sure whined and cried about the call. I'm surprised the referee and the two linesman took his abuse ... very patient. I would've carded him right there.

The altercation after the game in the parking lot was unfortunate. With our SC Peg boys near the parked cars, Omerod and his old man continued the crying and picked up his car. Then #16 revs the engine and speeds up towards our crowd of players. Sheer class. Gee, I wonder why it escalated? :confused:

Delta: good luck in the final - you'll need it.



Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: The Truth!

Originally posted by TheFenian
Frank McCaan may be a little noisy and yappy on the sideline, but that's his job. he wears his heart on his sleeve. Always had, always will. Nuff said.


Nicely put.



Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Surrey Boy
If it was my car, I'd be sending the bill to SFC or Roy Mitchell.

Surrey Boy,

Good idea :rolleyes:

In that case, then a few more bills should be sent out:

How about sending a bill to Martin Foden for the changeroom damage done by a SurreyU FVSL premier striker not too long ago?

Did the Delta chair pick up the tab for a new set of Surrey FC jerseys wrecked that friday night when DM played the Rangers?

What do you think? Sound fair?



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Hmmm..... taunting sidelines and running cars at crowds.
#9 and #16 are the players involved.
Sheer fcuking coincidence?

Wake the fcuk up.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
No thread for you!

Coach(whoever the fcuk that is:rolleyes: )has opened a new thread regarding the Pak final. It happens to be called "The Pakenham Cup Final" Further posts regarding the Pak can be made there.

The new thread is here.

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