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Premier SFC Gate


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Pegasus kicked out of Cup?

The word on the "streets" ie from our manager is that the GEU-Pegasus match friday night is off. Apparently we played an illegal player in our Pak Cup match last Sunday vs. Langley.

Dude - any comments?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

The real story before you hear the rumours:

1) The player in question is signed to our div2 team, the Royals

2) our manager asked the fvsl vice-chair in advance if the player could play

3) the fvsl vice-chair said YES, THE PLAYER CAN CUP-TIE WITH PEG

4) the player in question didn't play any cup games with the Royals

5) he was on our team list Sunday

Now the vice-chair is apparently outright denying that he gave our manager the go-ahead. Wtf? AND, it looks like we're getting booted out.

Well, good luck to everyone else in the Pak Cup this weekend. Let's hope the fvsl league officials don't have any other teams in their target sights like they've had ours this year. Politics in soccer = bullsh** IMO. Let's do what's best for the game already.



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money

Question,why would your manager even ask to play a player in a cup game that was not already signed to the premier roster by January 15th?


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm confused

Girth is right. Why would you do that? Going into cup play did your team feel you needed more players on board? If the Vice chair is who I think it is then I'm not surprised the denial. Coward!! I hate the politics too so I'm there with you Bollocks. That is why I left that club years ago.

Hope it gets worked out so you can play today. I'd watch but I've got a Sunday game to attend and get liquored at. It better not snow because a BBQ might be in order. Or maybe not.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, here it goes…

When I saw that player playing, I knew he was “illegal”. I thoroughly checked out those rules before signing the transfer papers, because I wanted to make sure I was Cup eligible. Most people are under the impression it is a matter of Cup tying, but apparently you have to be signed to the team you play for in the Cup, with the exception of youth call-ups. In fact, I thought that the league had advised me incorrectly, because everyone was telling me otherwise.

After the game, we discussed it in the room, and it was agreed that you guys deserved the win. In fact, I was of the opinion that we should protest (yeah, I was mad and bitter), but after a beer, and calming down a bit, I changed my thinking too. Everyone knows that particular player only played one game for the Royals, and was in fact the premier coach for 90% of the season because he couldn’t play due to injury. He’s played premier for how many of the past few seasons? Besides, it wasn’t like that player scored the winner or set up the tying goal or anything.

So having said that, I’m surprised. We all agreed to keep it to ourselves, and not protest. I told a couple of guys from Peg after the game that they should double check the rule, just to be 100% sure, but that was about it.

I also agree with the denial of statement you apparently received from the VC…if that indeed happened (why would Pete make that up…he does his homework), absolute BS.
How did this come about? Did the league check everyone’s name on the list? Is it their policy to check every list during Cup play, or just Peg’s list?

Does this mean we now have to go to Albion and play? This is all fcuked up…


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
email from SFC Peg Chairperson

In response to your questions ... we only had 11 players signed after 4 players cowardly left our team on the week of the signing deadline. We considered folding due to lack of players but the 11 of us who stayed stuck it out. In order to finish the season we called upon our youth, the Royals and the Rangers for call-ups. The 4 "sell-outs" didn't give us a chance to "shuffle" up our teams and fill out our roster. That is why we needed the extra body in our Pak cup game - sheer lack of players.

In response, here is the email response I got this morning from our club chairperson:
Yes, according to the FVSL the player was ineligible but the following is also true:

The FVSL Vice-Chair has admitted he said the player could play in the Pakenham

The SFC Chair checked the written FVSL Constitution, Rules and Regs supplied to the Club by the FVSL and in that document you are allowed to permit "inter-Club players of a lower calibre for League playoffs as long as the player plays in only one Cup"

This problem with the player is not the result of a Langley protest but the FVSL Secretary just happenned onto this when he got the Referee's report, I repeat just happenned onto this. And I just happenned onto flying pigs!!

This is the same person who has taken SFC to task several times this year and made the Club reassess its participation in the FVSL.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
"inter-Club players of a lower calibre for League playoffs as long as the player plays in only one Cup"

This is surely ambiguous enough to for you to challenge the ruling, and if need, go to BCSA on it.

The rest of the response is pretty good too...TTP worthy!

So it seems that your list was specifically examined. Again, is it their policy to go through every team's list at Cup time?

No matter what, this looks bad on the league.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
The FVSL website was updated last night and according to it, the game is still on tonight. Assuming it doesn't snow anymore.:rolleyes:

It does look bad on the league though especially when you consider GEU hasn't even played a Pak game yet due to forfeits. :(


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
"This is the same person who has taken SFC to task several times this year and made the Club reassess its participation in the FVSL. "

...this is obviously a fcuked up situation if all that's been said is true, but this sounds like laying the groundwork excuse for no sfc team in the premier next year ( I've heard the rumours)...that would be a shame.:(
In the end, it's the club's business - not mine - but one would think with all the players in the system that a fv premier team would be a viable option and desirable goal for many sfc players(if not now then in the near future)...realistically how many will see playing time in the metro league? And where do the rest of the decent players ( older non cat guys) play? I think the club could do better than div 1 ( right RF? ;) )

sfc may have taken it on the chin this year from a number of sources but I would hope they stick it out until they can rebuild...the 11 guys that gutted it out this season did and should be commended.

Shouldn't the league official be familiar with the constitution and if the official made a mistake, fair enough, but how can they penalize sfc?


New Member
Nov 21, 2002
Dirty Money
What a joke!

Does anyone know what the fukc is going on. According to our coach last night at practice he informed us the that the game was DEFINITELY off. He said even if Langley was awarded the win it wouldn't be fair to them to be able to field a team on such short notice.What really isn't fair is the complete and total incompetence of the the people running the FVSL. Are they trying to tell us that 7:00pm the night before a cup game they've decided to cancel it because of some controversy.What the fukc have they been doing since Sunday this is just unbelieveable.They seem to be worried about Langley's ability to field a team but not much consideration has gone into the fact we've been idle for 3 weeks and are getting a total run around.If they decide to re-schedule to next week, a supposed by-week, I personally can not play now after taking a job in Kelowna. I was told there would be no games the weekend of March 15/16 and now I see they have convienently changed the schedule to show make up/cup games.We asked the league for weeks to tell us at least what weekends that there would be cup play. How hard is it to say league or cup games are going to be on set weekends and if they are rained out or such, THEN fukcing reschedule them not the fukcing night before.If you can't tell I'm absolutely insensed and pissed off with the lastest development in a league that gets more bush by the minute. No wonder the VMSL TAKES THE PISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:


Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
This is pathetic...

what is FVSL brass thinking? I agree 100% with Millsy, GEU has been idle now for 3 weeks. Let me take a break from our very intense drive for the cup. Guys have taken off work etc, including myself to play on a Friday night game. From a Peg point of view I can feel your frustration because that happened to us last year against ALU. BS. Let the bush league bashing begin - KNVB? :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
The difference is Div. 1 finished and had no games scheduled. GEU has had a game forfeited(last weekend)and now this. Plenty of reasons to bitch.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The better question is, how does the league now backpeddal out of this one?

Bobby needs to step in and sort this out logically...as much as I'd personally love to play, Peg deserves to go on. They deserved the win, and they did everything right (you would think) in verifying the player was elligible.


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
GEU received the best draw for the Cup. They are the second best team in the Valley. What are they so pissed about? There was always the possibility of cancellations and having Cup games pushed back, so Millsy's work issue is irrelevent.

SFC is the only team that has reason to complain. They were provided bogus info regarding the eligibility of a player and it may cost them their game vs Langley.




New Member
Oct 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Should it not be up to us.The Langley fellows. We new during warm-up peg had an illegal player dressed. As Dude said we spoke with them after the game and told them they should check into the circumstances before they went on to geu. The fact is he was a non factor in the game. We didn't protest so why was this investigated by the brass at headquarters, and what took so long. Its no wonder teams are leaving the valley for greener pastures. I agree with TR sort it out and play the game either tonight or Sunday. The brass should swallow their lofty perch attitude and let the game go on. I bet they are praying for more snow so if the game doesn't get played it's not their faults. The VMSL teams must be laughing their asses off right about now. As far as GEU being idle, as previously said the div 1 teams had to deal with it. Serves you right for getting such a good draw. A possible 2 byes and getting everyone healthy and rested for a cup run. Come on now!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

Not likely that the GEU game will be cancelled.
I just talked to a friend of mine who works at a rental shop and he just had the GEU coach in to rent a snow blower. He'll be getting started on the Albion pitch this afternoon to clear it up.

GAME ON!!!!!

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