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Seven a side....2006?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't know walls the drunker heavy head does remind me of you but the picture would not hold up in court.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Considering Walls has admitted having his "friends" testicles on his head at some point and now there is a picture to strengthen the statement I'd say Walls would be shite out of luck in court. Of course, depending on whoever his cellmate turns out to be could be in luck judging by the state of things.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
rick, rick, rick...i can see your still not at peace with the fact that i fcuked your girl in your home, on your bed repeatedly. don't you think for one second that i don't have photos of me and your x-date having happy endings at your expense. i won't be posting them cause i've got way too much class to be stooping to your level, and i would't want you to ever see her in your bed with a happy face. plus you wouldn't be able to access the x-rated sections without a credit card. how do i know you don't have one???? cause you have no credit. how do i know that?? i was woked up by the postman 2 yrs ago at your house.......he was dropping off your bankruptcy documents(no joke). i guess you could send post dated cheques to TTP for a premium membership but i'm sure they feel the same way the bank does in regards to cheque chasing. or maybe you could cash in your teams earning from the moose pub and pay them in cash....i know you have no problem doing that....at least you never used to. your a fcukin skid!!! i hope that in 5 yrs when your bankruptcy claim matures you will have done the same. next time we meet up i'll be posting pictures on here of your painted face but you won't be passed out. just one more cheque you've written that your ass can't cover hey. don't think you'll be able to claim this one on your bankruptcy though. see ya soon. i hope you enjoy!!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
walls said:
way too much class to be stooping to your level,

I don't know why I'm compelled to respond but...

You must be fcuking kidding me?

How did someone say it recently?
You are an insecure little goof.

Nice ear muffs buddy. :D

Now run along, make a ton of useless fcuking tit posts, to make yourself feel better.

As you do.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
the day i need this site to make myself feel better, or the day that someone posting shite about me on here makes me feel insecure will be the day before you read my obit cause i'd fcukin kill myself!!! find a new fcukin hobby ladies.

On you go.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Now I don't mean to side with walls here because that is some pretty funny shite but who hasn't passed out and had something bad happen. I remember on my friends birthday he got his eyebrows shaved off and a hot dog weiner with cheese whiz shoved up his ass. i am sure all of you can think of a story like that, which either you did to a friend or have been unfortunate like walls here and had it posted on the internet. yes its funny, actually extremely funny but I would be more concerned with having a insecure little goof
fukc my girlfriend in my own house. Not to mention he came home in the middle of it and didn't do anything. yes moose the picture is good but not having the "balls" to do anything when somebody is fukcing your girlfriend in your own house is even better.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money

I heard some weird shite goes on out in the valley, :rolleyes:


Ballz on Walls, Bulljive shoving a wiener up some guys arse.... :(

Weird indeed. :D


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
wow..lots of sh*t being thrown back and forth here its great...id have to side with walls though as passing out when your drunk you are at the mercy of your buddies and these "buddies" took advantage of his state...on the other hand i find fuc*ing ricks x in his bed while hes out has to top the pile over that pic on here....i think its great you took your balls out and put them to use for the pic cause by the way it seems you never got to take them out when you were in your bed... unless you were alone of corse...also i got a question for rick here how does it feel knowing that when you sleep in your bed at night your sheets have been tainted by love juice from another man....another man that you never invited to bed cause i know that youve had many mens love juice on your bed since that day but you invited them....here are some words to remember for next time...if you walk in on a dude fuc*ing your girlfriend in YOUR bed DO something about it..dont make them a cup of tea and ask them to leave....try to enter manhood and stick up for yourself...pussy or maybe i shouldnt call you that seeing how you couldnt even hold on to the one you HAD...well done plug..oh yea on a side note you really really suck at soccer and i mean bad.....very very bad....out


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
walls said:
the day i need this site to make myself feel better, or the day that someone posting shite about me on here makes me feel insecure will be the day before you read my obit cause i'd fcukin kill myself!!! find a new fcukin hobby ladies.

On you go.
So by telling TTP readers you were balling Rick's missus behind his back you weren't trying to pick yourself up? If you say no you're fcuking liar. I can't believe you guys think that's something for public consumption. I think it's quit possibly the lowest and classless thing one could do and before you try, no, no one did that to me. The bankruptcy bit? Comedic genius. You're simply picking yourself up at the expense of another. Well played. I trust you'll top yourself at the earliest possible convenience. Please make it slow and painful.

Run alone like the little insecure bitch you are. You parents must be so proud. Have you told them you were running around banging a good for nothing cheating bitch behind a mates back?

If you ask me walls, you have fcuking zero class and I wouldn't take the time to spit in your direction.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
First off I would like to clarify I was not the one who stuck the cheesy weiner in his crack. although I thought it was funny to see him past out with a hot dog weiner hanging out of his ass and no eyebrows but thats just me and everyone else that was their. although this walls stuff is none of my business and I agree with you KNVB it's not stuff that should be posted on the net but either is a picture like that. plain and simple pay back is a bitch some people sluff stuff off like getting two sets of balls on their head, others get revenge. Personaly I don't think fukcing sombodies girlfriend is cool its pretty low but posting that shite on the internet is pretty low too. I'm just surprised somebody hasn't closed this thread.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
you all don't even know the half of whats gone on between us in the past. but plain and simple, who is the one that signed up on this site just to try and dis me??? how many posts has he made and who were they directed towards?? i'm simply standing up for myself and taking shots back at a clown who's been trying to egg me on for years. like i've said all was once forgotten, but you wanted to strike up the chorus again rick.....so be it.......let the band play......i won't be posting in regards to this shite anymore(just responses as usual). i don't think we need to act like little boys about it, so we can handle it like men. and if i need input on how to run my fcukin life knvb, trust me i won't be asking anyone here. i wasn't "ballin" her behind his back......are you just a selective reader?? don't bother answering that i already know. picking myself up at the expense of another???? she picked me up. i have zero class yet you'd spit at me?? my parrents are very proud of me piccolo dcik, it really hurts my feelings that you aren't. thanks for lifting my spirits jive & dopeashell, i was really feeling insecure and in the dumpster after work but i think i'll go for some sodas tonight with yuz since knvb gave me a new outlook on life. see ya'll at the one-twizzle.............whoever wants to show.
now please leave me alone........i'm teadering on the edge and just don't know how much more i can take..........gotta run, moms just called me for dinner and then we're having a security meeting.....the homesteads been insecure as of late too!!!!


bulljive said:
I'm just surprised somebody hasn't closed this thread.
I'm surprised that jokers like knvb haven't done anything about this thread as well. Last time I checked advertising (The Moose Pub) and using actual (full) names were against TTP rules. Shouldn't you be enforcing this knvb or are your hands too busy in your fire crotch getting off on this? I'm sure if it was anyone other than walls it would have been dealt with appropiately. All you guys take this site too seriously and let walls get under your skin.


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I agre, this thread should be closed!

It's true what they say about you valley people being fcuked up. No doubt it all started with Surrey!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No really...

I've seen it all.

By the way, KNVB...it was I who sneeked into your home, shagged that blow-up sheep under you bed, and left it with a cheeze wiz covered frozen weiner sticking out of it's ass. I feel horrible, even more so for posting that on TTP now. That stated, I thought it was somehow appropriate revenge for your comming out to the LUFC training sessions, and begging Chuck for gay love. He has a missus, you know. Sasha...and he loves her. Says so on his shirt.

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