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Russia Invades Ukraine


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I don't comment much on politics but I'll dab a pinky from time to time. I as well find the woke culture exhausting ie. 'Gender Inclusivity' etc. etc.

However, when people say they want a leader with 'a brass set' are you implying you are want some one running the shite show that is willing to risk your own child/sibling/parent's well-being just to prove a political point?

Agreed, history of Germany and the beginnings of WW2 with appeasement and lack of action resulted in catastrophic outcome. That was before everyone had nukes. Are you solid in your belief that a NATO military response now is the best course of action to 'de-escalate' the issue?

I'm not a JT fan, I didn't vote for his party. I do think there is a middle ground to politics though. Trumpism just makes me want to punch an ignorant red hat wearing ass. - sorry flames fans but that includes you.

All conflicts should be settled on the pitch. 1 game winner takes all. We'd all be speaking Spanish.
Or maybe everybody would be speaking Canadian :wa::wa:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This is a scary time. Way scary and we don't even live in the Ukraine... can't even imagine :(
Yup. Made me sick to my stomach yesterday, and the worse part? The wokies don't seem to understand. COVID is NOTHING compared to this, yet my kids didn't even know it was happening. I told my daughter to call her Ukrainian friend, and see if she was OK. "Why?

I explain. She had no idea. Her Ukrainian friend was born there, raised here from about 1 or 2. Speaks it in the house. And guess what? She ALSO didn't know. And her brother still lives there.

These kids are so focused on the wrong fcuking things. They are so concerned about masks, and vaccinations, and demonizing the unvaxxed, meanwhile, the Ukraine has mandated all men must stay in the country, while women and children can flee. I explained this all to my daughter, and she started to tear up. Yeah, you'd better cry and wake the fcuk up.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Trump wouldn't have tolerated this either. There's a reason Putin did this now, and why Assad gassed his own people after Obama warned him not to. World despots are keenly aware of which other leaders have a brass set, and which do not...
The ONLY reason, IMO, Putin hasn't done this earlier. The fact Trump was the exact opposite to Biden, a loose cannon with a red button at his fingertips.

Putin is playing his hand right now. Timing and world politics couldn't be better.

If the US had a strong leader, like Bush Sr., or Regan right now, would this be happening?

And @Rangerforever , for me, Paul Martin, but yes, I'd take Harper back in a nanosecond.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
putin has the world by the balls because we all listened to a mentally ill 16 year old tell us that oil and gas must stop -
Putin has Europe dependant on gas and oil and he has threatened a nuclear strike if the west interferes.
You sound more and more like Trump everyday.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
The ONLY reason, IMO, Putin hasn't done this earlier. The fact Trump was the exact opposite to Biden, a loose cannon with a red button at his fingertips.

Putin is playing his hand right now. Timing and world politics couldn't be better.

If the US had a strong leader, like Bush Sr., or Regan right now, would this be happening?

And @Rangerforever , for me, Paul Martin, but yes, I'd take Harper back in a nanosecond.
Dead on with the Trump comment.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Putin has Europe dependant on gas and oil and he has threatened a nuclear strike if the west interferes.
You sound more and more like Trump everyday.
I think the whole point of @mtkb's comment is that the the West made themselves dependent on Russia's oil and gas because they divested from extracting and refining energy in their own countries in order to appease the vocal green-leaning lefties in their midst..

There's nothing inherently wrong trying to move away from fossil fuels, but you shouldn't cut production without first cutting consumption. Otherwise, you just end up importing oil and gas to make up the difference, and becoming energy dependent on other countries.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
There have been several posts cricizing biden for not standing up for Ukraine militarily and for biden pulling US trooops out of afghanistan and suggesting putin would not be invading ukraine if Trump were still President. Trump did nothing when putin went after Crimea and Trump started the withdrawl of US troops from afghanistan.
A nuclear war over ukraine is not wise and its better to use all sanctions including telling russians playing in the NHL to return to Russia if they won't renounce their russian citizenship.
The complaints about wokeism and personal pronouns in this thread belong elsewhere.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The real sad part….how many Russian soldiers want to March on Ukraine? Not long ago these were their countrymen. Neighbours. It’s seriously ducked what we are seeing.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Maybe the Russian invasion will encourage more countries to reduce fossil fuel consumption and invest in alternative energy.
Meanwhile Ovechkin and tennis #1 Medvedev are saying they don't support war, but they are afraid to criticize the invasion. They are rich and can live anywhere so they don't need to be cowards.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Maybe the Russian invasion will encourage more countries to reduce fossil fuel consumption and invest in alternative energy.
Meanwhile Ovechkin and tennis #1 Medvedev are saying they don't support war, but they are afraid to criticize the invasion. They are rich and can live anywhere so they don't need to be cowards.
Do you think clean energy is actually clean?

What goes on inside your head?

Hydro: massive infrastructure and nobody in their right mind would consider Site C environmental impact clean. Never mind that is every car in BC alone switched to electric right now, we’d likely blow the grid.

Biofuels? Want to know the energy impact of a biofuel facility? And if you are using biofuels, the most common is wood pellets, so even though you are hogging up wood waste, requires the harvesting of logs to get the waste.

Nothing is free. Wind may be the closest to having the least environmental footprint…..but people don’t like wind because they are ugly. I see those farms and my impression is, smart use of land…..but I digress.

You are right, societies should and need to invest and Canada has been piss poor as compared to many European nations but the world is not even remotely close to being ready, and we haven’t even talked about South America and most of Asia, and Africa, where Governments largely are corrupt and horde money.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Putin has Europe dependant on gas and oil and he has threatened a nuclear strike if the west interferes.
You sound more and more like Trump everyday.
Europe has Europe dependant on his gas and oil. It's time societies starting owning their own mistakes instead of blaming others. They appeased the woke greenies who live in an alternate reality at home, sought oil elsewhere, and are getting it shoved up to them right now. It's on them. Putin, cruel bugger that he is, is just playing the strongest hand he will ever have.

He has not threatened a nuclear strike. Cut out that fake news crap. "the likes of which the world has never seen" - well Japan would tell you the world HAS seen nukes, as it happens.

Enough with the "you sound like Trump" bs. Just because I'm not on your alternate reality, far left wagon doesn't mean I'm a bigot, white supremacist, terrorist, anti-vaxxer, MAGA hat wearing, God knows whatever other non-sequitor "you people" want to come up with. What I am is rather near the front edge of the swing back to the right that is coming, accelerated for better or worse by what's going on in the Ukraine...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
There have been several posts cricizing biden for not standing up for Ukraine militarily and for biden pulling US trooops out of afghanistan and suggesting putin would not be invading ukraine if Trump were still President. Trump did nothing when putin went after Crimea and Trump started the withdrawl of US troops from afghanistan.
A nuclear war over ukraine is not wise and its better to use all sanctions including telling russians playing in the NHL to return to Russia if they won't renounce their russian citizenship.
The complaints about wokeism and personal pronouns in this thread belong elsewhere.
No, the complaints about personal pronouns and tranny generals and green energy tanks and all that fcuking nonsense absolutely belong here, and I'm going to keep referencing them whether you like it or not. The world is at war - my patience for people fretting about things that DO NOT MATTER is fcuking done. We are in this situation because the west has been obsessed with namby pamby platitudes and social justice idiocy for far too long. Meanwhile, Putin (and Xi, by the way) have been getting their ducks in a row. Men agains boys.

Biden accelerated the pull out because the Taliban gave him a deadline. Do you really think Trump would have done the same? They wouldn't have dared give him a deadline because they would have been smart enough to know thats the best way to get him to keep boots on the ground - order him not to. Biden pissed of his entire allied base by cocking that up - how you can somehow turn that around on Trump is simply astounding.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Maybe the Russian invasion will encourage more countries to reduce fossil fuel consumption and invest in alternative energy.
Meanwhile Ovechkin and tennis #1 Medvedev are saying they don't support war, but they are afraid to criticize the invasion. They are rich and can live anywhere so they don't need to be cowards.

Ovi's parents, wife and son are currently in Russia. Still think he's a coward? He said about all he could say.

As for alternative energy, you are simply delusional. This is going to be a huge wakeup call to countries that can to start producing their own oil and gas again, and for others to start relying on western allies for it instead. Canada and the US need to get as many of the cancelled projects back on line as soon as possible, and get that damn energy to market. That's how you cripple Putin longer term - take away a significant source of income.

Reality - clean energy is not scaleable at this point. We need energy. Therefore, we need less clean sources - and lots of them - for now. Nuclear would be an option, but the greenies love to vilify it - so we don't go there.

The other thing to come out of this - most of Europe has let their militaries atrophy. This is a giant wakeup call to divert money to fix that - ideally away from SJW nonsense. The public is about to get a lot more interested in defense of the homeland, as they should. Not going to be a particularly green development and I absolutely could not care less...


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Do you think clean energy is actually clean?

What goes on inside your head?

Hydro: massive infrastructure and nobody in their right mind would consider Site C environmental impact clean. Never mind that is every car in BC alone switched to electric right now, we’d likely blow the grid.

Biofuels? Want to know the energy impact of a biofuel facility? And if you are using biofuels, the most common is wood pellets, so even though you are hogging up wood waste, requires the harvesting of logs to get the waste.

Nothing is free. Wind may be the closest to having the least environmental footprint…..but people don’t like wind because they are ugly. I see those farms and my impression is, smart use of land…..but I digress.

You are right, societies should and need to invest and Canada has been piss poor as compared to many European nations but the world is not even remotely close to being ready, and we haven’t even talked about South America and most of Asia, and Africa, where Governments largely are corrupt and horde money.
Barrons and other media are reporting the US government just sold wind power rights in an area called New York Bight for $4.37 billion. Some oil companies, including shell, are among the purchasers.

CJ Mundy

Sep 8, 2020
Dirty Money
I'm finding it hard to figure out what's really going on - on the ground in Ukraine as I have zero faith in the mainstream media. The best information I can find is usually in the comments section of on-line news stories - or right here on TTP.

Anyways, this might be incredibly trivial in the big picture but I see Poland is refusing to travel to Moscow to play its WCQ. Scotland also hosts Ukraine on the same day so it will be interesting to see what happens.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm finding it hard to figure out what's really going on - on the ground in Ukraine as I have zero faith in the mainstream media. The best information I can find is usually in the comments section of on-line news stories - or right here on TTP.

Anyways, this might be incredibly trivial in the big picture but I see Poland is refusing to travel to Moscow to play its WCQ. Scotland also hosts Ukraine on the same day so it will be interesting to see what happens.

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