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RRSL 2016


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Westside unbeaten in 5 taking on the "gardeners, cleaners, servers, and customer service representatives" who are winless in their last 3. Yup, these teams are polar opposites. Westside are in the ascendancy, and their opponents are crashing and burning.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Westside unbeaten in 5 taking on the "gardeners, cleaners, servers, and customer service representatives" who are winless in their last 3. Yup, these teams are polar opposites. Westside are in the ascendancy, and their opponents are crashing and burning.
You can make it 6 wins for Westside, and 4 losses for Campo.
Teams do not have nothing to worry for next season. It will be a walk in the park for the other teams next season.
I hope these makes you happy, and I sincerely hope that you guys do not recognize the picture below.



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
Your picture states you love being an underdog but how does that make any sense? You keep stating you play superior soccer to anyone else in BC. You challenged Metro Ford saying you would win and then you go and act like you are an underdog? You are fcuken Idiot not an underdog

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Your picture states you love being an underdog but how does that make any sense? You keep stating you play superior soccer to anyone else in BC. You challenged Metro Ford saying you would win and then you go and act like you are an underdog? You are fcuken Idiot not an underdog
Thank you for the post, Stringer. I can see that it does not make sense to you, and I really do not expect that I will make sense to you. You have to reflect why you feel annoyed, uncomfortable and upset, and have the need to insult.

If the comments were inconsequential or would not deeply question some of your core values, you would not even bother to respond. But you do, because at then those ideas, thoughts, and concepts defeated your beloved team in TWO cups.

You will not be able to move on until you accept the reality. You will try to resort to distorting my comments to avoid the crux of them.
1.- Campo became stronger and surpassed the playing of Guru Nanak which is why GN lost in two competitions to Campo.
I understand that this is hard to accept. The team that you used to trash on the field and off the field stood up to your arrogance. You used to beat Campobasso 5-0 and the like, but now this is not the case. You tasted in your mouth the dirt of painful defeats.
2.- With Campo, we try to play a more refined soccer than just simply doing kick and run and throwing our bodies into the opponents. Deep down you know that this is true. What soccer philosophy your team tries to play? Any from India (ranked 152th in the world)? Please tell me what soccer style Guru Nanak is trying to articulate? Nothing relevant. Guys simply angry at each other, the referee, and the opponents and looking at every opportunity to hack the player. This what your team did. Nothing pretty to watch or to play against.
You know that when I see GN (Guru Nanak); You and your fellow teammantes remind me of V.S. Naipul. He got it right in his books. He made the characters in his books (South East Asians) really eager ackward in to assimilation. His characters hoped that not one would not recognize them as non westerners. Hoping to forget their collective heritage.
Is this why you always hide the true name of you team? Yes. It is not GN. It is Guru Nanak. Are you ashamed of it?

Does it bother you that we are not ashamed of our heritage and ancestors? Is this is why you would like that we change our name to C.A. or C. Athletic?
However, if V.S. Naipul is too much for you; perhaps Russel Peters can explain to you.

In one of your posts, you mentioned something. You said. I do not understand why soccer coach comments bothers me so much. Well now I have spell it to you. There is no imgres-1.jpg soccer heritage or past that you can connect with. Nor there is any present. What you are going to post videos of the India, Sri Lanka or Pakistani soccer league?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
Seriously, what are you saying?

I don't think you will be able to move on until YOU accept reality:

1. You are a racist twat

2. Your team is shite, you got promoted due to a "rule" not deservingly. You can shove those 2 cups.

3. You are fcuken idiot

4. Oh yeah, you are a fcuken idiot

5. See all of the above

If not able to accept reality, please read steps 1-5 again.

Not every country plays football in the streets either you moron. Since you are such a poor club from a poor country learning your skills in the streets, think about this for a second, you lost promotion to a bunch of farmers from a poor country(where soccer isn't the primary sport) who have never kicked a soccer ball.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
@Gurps, I understand that this difficult to acknowledge. But the issue is there, and it is a reality that affects the dynamics of the soccer community. The observations about the eagerness to westernize and create an identity are not mine. Many people have expressed them, I cited V.S. Naipaul because is a Nobel Prize winner, and I assume that some people here might have read his books and the identity dilemmas that the people form South East Asia might face, and then Russell Peters since he might be more accessible. @Stringer is the one that countless of times has made reference to the names of the clubs, so eventually he has to reflect why he is trying to hide the name of his club and gets upset when a club refuses to fall into anglicism.
As for the wider cultural context, I am sorry but it is a reality. The FIFA World Cup Rankings do not have for an ulterior motive India ranked 150th. There are also very few players from India on the EPL or any European League. It is the reality that India has a very weak and limited soccer culture. I understand that this might difficult to accept for people from this heritage and community. Hence, there is a strong desire to overcompensate (i.e. an example of this is all the support that India receives in the Nations Cup).

As I explained to the Campo players, there are lot of things that I can convey to them simple because they have been immersed in cultures that have won World Cups or major tournaments (Italy, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile etc), but with people like @Stringer; there is simply no hope. Their understanding of the game is limited, and they do not even know it, so of course everything that I state might seem like non-sense, because it is non-sense to him. I do not know if you have seen Guru Nanak playing. It is not that they are bad players. The football that they are trying to articulate is unsophisticated, unimaginative, limited and overtly aggressive. Yes, they might get results by force and because some of their players are young they can outlast in the field other players and teams.

It could not be other way because their culture heritage does not include soccer.
It is like us getting upset because someone says that Mexico or Spain have little understanding of cricket. Of course, that would be a reality.

Once again, just reflect why is so important for some people in the Indo-Canadian that India wins the Nations cup. It is overcompensating. It is a simple normal social phenomena. Most of us have a team with a heritage that we could cheer in the World Cup, but if you are Indo-Canadian you do not have a team to cheer in the world cup. India made to the World Cup in 1950 after one team left the tournament. You can try England, but you know well that the doors have been closed there to players from South East Asia heritage.
@Gurps. I do not make the world. We might not like it, but there is no point in pretending that it is all rainbows and unicorns.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
you fcuken twat. My dad was born in England as was his dad and his mom. My mom was born in England as were her mom and dad. I was born in England and moved here at the age of 8. I am 36 yrs old this year and never been to India in my life. My great great grandfather was born in India. So now what the fcuk are you going to say?

I do not play for Guru Nanak Sporting Club, is that clear enough for you?

You received serious threats? Oh nooooooo. This site is about banter and you have come here and talked complete nonsense 98% of the time which everyone hated but lived with and now try going into racism. What did you think, that no one would take offense? I'm sure you wouldn't be able to say any of this stuff face to face whereas everyone else on here would be comfortable repeating stuff they say in a sit down environment over a beer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
you fcuken twat. My dad was born in England as was his dad and his mom. My mom was born in England as were her mom and dad. I was born in England and moved here at the age of 8. I am 36 yrs old this year and never been to India in my life. My great great grandfather was born in India. So now what the fcuk are you going to say?

Ps. Read Naipaul.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach

I take it the reported conversations you sent to the moderation team here in reality do not really bother you as you have since continued to post content that caused the commotion in the first place?

TTP has gathered a lot of stupid people over the years that I have had to deal with but in all honesty, you may take the cake in that department.

My philosophy for the most part has always been to let idiots who spout nonsense to dig their own hole and deal with whatever consequences that arise out of their own stupidity. The members here will eventually sniff them out and ostracize them within the soccer community in general. Of course this has some limits, I would never wish physical harm for anyone due to things they say / post on TTP... but not everyone is like me, you should know that.

To All,

We are very close to just shutting down the whole private messaging / conversation system here - I do not have the time really to justify the responsibilities that can go with it when potential criminal matters arise.

Please keep this in mind as you use the services provided here, yes, even the idiots who pay for it so people like @Soccer Coach can abuse it for free :rolleyes:




Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
You've beat me to the punch @SmartCoach .
Let's get back on topic here or we'll just close the thread to prevent anything further.

As well, this site is about having fun, and taking the occasional dig here and there, to go along with game reports etc. There is no place here for racist comments nor threats.

Clean it up or we'll start cleaning out accounts without warnings. Capiche?

Carry on

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