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Rest in Peace, Bob Baldwin


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
One of the founders of Westside, in those days known as Miloni, died over the weekend. Make sure you pick up a loaf of bread on the way, Bob.

Bobby Baldwin was an inspiring man who, as our goalie (he was a promising rugby player before his knees gave out...why else would anyone become a keeper?) and trainer would run us into the ground, always giving it his all, then lead us to the Jolly Alderman--we felt safe because the cops used to drink there--and play crazy drinking games (fizz-bottle, a red hen) until the wee hours.

We were impressionable guys in our late teens and early twenties and Bob was an elementary school gym teacher at Kerrisdale elementary. He had an aura of authority that commanded respect. He used to take the piss out of Vince Alvano, who was always too serious, on a regular basis.

The last time I saw Bob was during the summer when he received the Queen's Golden Jubilee Award in North Vancouver. I hadn't seen him in years and I knew he had been sick for a few years with cancer. He looked as strong as ever that day: his broad chest proudly displaying the medal he had been awarded. And I had my last pint with him that day and we talked about the old days and what fun we had.

As part of the 25th Anniversary Celebration we had last summer, Westside awarded the first Bobby Baldwin Award to my friend Bob Heseltine (the only guy I ever saw beat Bob Baldwin in a chug...Baldwin then proceeded to make Haz chug against him for the next hour or so until Haz passed out and I never saw anyone beat him again). This award will be handed out yearly to the Westside player, coach or manager who best encapsulates the dedication and spirit on and off the field that Bob Baldwin always showed.

The following is a message from Bob's family ....

When we first learned that no further treatment was possible for Bob, we had optimistically expected several more weeks with him. Such hopes were dashed with his admission to hospital last Wednesday, and unfortunately, Bob passed away peacefully early this morning at Lions Gate Hospital.

Our family is deeply saddened by this great loss. And we want to express our gratitude to all who called him friend, colleague, teacher and coach and collaborated with him to fulfill his passion for service to others.

His drive, determination and devotion were fueled by this great support, not only to Bob, but also to Patti, Scott, Eric and Amy. They are strong and brave, but the loss of such a remarkable husband and father leaves a tremendous void in their lives that will take a very long time to mend.

The following are details of plans for the funeral and other information that may be helpful to all who wish to pay their respects to Bob:

Service - Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 1:00 pm
Reception Following
Place - Highlands United Church
3255 Edgemont Blvd,
North Vancouver, BC

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to either of the following:

Terry Fox Foundation
211B - 2264 Elgin Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2B2


Bob Baldwin Memorial Soccer Resource Collection
c/o M. Mapleton
Lynn Valley Main Library
1280 East 27th Street
North Vancouver, BC V7J 1S1


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

That's a lovely tribute, Peter. My condolences to the Baldwin family and all his friends, he sounded like a true Canadian character.

Ian Ascough.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Sadly, I can't say I knew Mr. Baldwin, but as one of the founding fathers of Westside, his memory and legacy will endure. My heartfelt sympathy goes to all who knew and cared for him.



Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
So long Bob....

It's always a great loss for everyone in the soccer community when one of our own passes on. On behalf of myself and the North Shore Coaches League, I would like to send our deepest sympathies to the Baldwin family and friends.

Glenn Leonard

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