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[MWSL Premier] 2005/06 Preseason Banter & Rumours

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
After meeting with the new TTP MWSL Moderator over a few bevis last night, I thought I'd add some excitement to her new job :p

I heard a few rumours last night and I'm just wondering what kind of changes we can expect in the 'Premier' division this year :confused:.

I'll start, I hear Surrey U is training quite hard to bring the National title back to BC, that and a few new faces will join the team for the season :eek:



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Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: MWSL [Premier] 2005/06 Season

The SBAA Premier team has now disbanded.

I have seen some of their players posting for teams to play with on the MWSL bulletin board.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: MWSL [Premier] 2005/06 Season

Poco Premier will get some new mothers back in the roster (Mrs. Yoda), and they have brought in some new talent and youth. Should be a top team, other than the big 3 of course.


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: MWSL [Premier] 2005/06 Season

Yoda said:
Poco Premier will get some new mothers back in the roster (Mrs. Yoda), and they have brought in some new talent and youth. Should be a top team, other than the big 3 of course.
Glad to hear things are looking up at Poco - last I heard (from a very reliable and involved person) they were struggling to find quality players. I was even asked to play in a exhibition game as they didn't have enough bodies. Good luck this year!!

SC said:
After meeting with the new TTP MWSL Moderator over a few bevis last night, I thought I'd add some excitement to her new job

I heard a few rumours last night and I'm just wondering what kind of changes we can expect in the 'Premier' division this year .

I'll start, I hear Surrey U is training quite hard to bring the National title back to BC, that and a few new faces will join the team for the season


SC - always stirring the pot aren't you ;) We started training last week with just one session but we are now going to two-a-week with a few exhibition games scattered in there. Our team (on our own initiative) has also started a once-a-week sport-specific training session at a gym in White Rock to help with fitness. Needless to say, 3rd place last year at nats did not sit well with us and we want to be in top shape by October (should be fun to get in shape after all the bevvies this summer :rolleyes: )

In response SC's comments about new faces, as it stands right now we have 14 healthy bodies for nationals (with hopes that Summo will be healthy and ready to go by Oct and make it 15) and both of our keepers from last year may not be there. So the only somewhat official signing we have is Theresa Nuttal (sp?) the keeper we poached from the now-defunct SBAA premier side. Lucky for us, her team didn't play in provincials so she can play at nats. Outside of anyone from SBAA, it is very difficult find pick-ups for the tourney as BC Soccer states that they must have been registered last year and can not have played in a provincial Cup game. Any other rumours about signings for the winter season are just that... rumours - I don't even know if there is any truth behind them :confused:

Welcome Wagon

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Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: MWSL [Premier] 2005/06 Season

Yoda said:
Poco Premier will get some new mothers back in the roster (Mrs. Yoda), and they have brought in some new talent and youth. Should be a top team, other than the big 3 of course.

Hey Yoda,

How's it going?? So, what new talent is Poco getting?? Last week I heard from a very reliable and involved source that Poco was hurting big time for players and having a tough time fielding a competitive team. Other than the 3 returning mothers, who are they getting?? And I know that the coach quit last week and then changed his mind and decided to stay one more season. For the sake of my friends on the team I hope you are right and Poco is able to play well and field a decent team. It is about time. Also, Jen (goalie) will be there for a full season so that should make a large difference as it was rather annoying having at least 2 crappy goals let in per game, especially since we were hard pressed to average more a goal a game. Sort of deflating. Anyway, can't wait for the season to start on my new team.



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Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: MWSL [Premier] 2005/06 Season

Welcome Wagon said:
Other than the 3 returning mothers

+SCjustforYogi :D


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, there is only 1 returning MILF..................I mean mother. The other 2 are still waiting for their due days.
When i was at their exhibition last week, they had more than enough players to field a team. We'll see how many they have to tonights game.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

I know the 3 moms won't be able to play for quite a while. At least a few months I think and that won't include the process of actually getting back in good enough shape. If they end up playing that should help make Poco more competitive. BJ should help toughen up the midfield as well.

Having a large roster is one thing but that does not guarantee having enough talented players to make the team competitive. If anything, it makes for far more of those fabulous "line changes" that Poco was so famous for. I hope for the sake of the players that they will be coached to win and not try to please 100% of the players because if that is the case, as it has been every year since Poco became a premier team, it will be a long and frustrating season, even if they happen to get decent players. The huge "line changes" destroyed the team game in, game out, so I hope that doesn't happen any more for the sake of the players. Many players on other teams asked if we were purposely trying to lose because once those drastic changes happened we almost always went from playing well to losing.

Yoda, where are you playing this season?? Still GEU??



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Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
Having a large roster is one thing but that does not guarantee having enough talented players to make the team competitive.

Great point WW. Perhaps someone can explain why so many players feel they are at a higher level which in fact they shouldn't step near a Premier A sideline (yet alone a 'selects'). I think (hear) there are many teams facing this issue, too many players but not the right skill level. :(



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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree, there are a few teams with players that should never even see the pitch at those levels, but when your trying to field a full premier division but there are teams who don't want to play the "Elite 3", they stay in div 1 (selects now i guess) and then teams struggle to find others to fill holes.
As for the Poco team, they had an exhibition game against SFU last night and it finished 2-0 SFU. I think Poco borrowed a goalie as they didn't have theirs.
By the sounds of it, Poco has lost a couple of players to Div 1, Cherise and her sister. But they have added a couple new faces, will acquire a couple of college players after thier season is over and a 3rd from the Whitecaps reserve or something.
Sounds like they should be able to have a decent team. Can't see them knocking off the top 3 quite yet but mid pack as usual.


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow poco team is sure popular on this site. Good to hear. Not too popular in reality though cause people have no loyalty to the team. Quite upsetting to have players constantly leaving, it's another shame for women's soccer. Also so many players that should play in premier don't because the top 3 teams think it's best to stack their team and beat teams 5 or 6 nothing. Then when the struggling teams scout and get some good players to make them more competitive; the better teams (coquitlam) :eek: come along and wager with the players that they shouldn't play with a shitty team and should come sit on their bench. How is that helping women's soccer in bc??? SBAA folded despite having a starting line-up that deserve to play in premier, yet they have a few bad games and teams think it's necessary to beat them 7 nothing. I know that we choose to play competitive and that's why we are in premier, but if the league continues like this then you can guarantee that you'll only have 4 or 5 teams total. What's the answer in keeping premier women at this level and not being discouraged to either quit or drop down a level?


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
No offense Lionheart, but you must be under the age of 30. All of the above has been a struggle in the Premier Division for well over 10 years.

This cougar(in training) certainly 'shared' your frustration, but it's up to players like you to keep your team(s) alive.

I wish you luck this season :)



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
That's one thing i've never been able to figure out in women's soccer.
Girls would rather sit on the bench on a top team than get playing time on a mediocre team.
Good lord girls, grab a couple of your bench sitting buddies and go to an up and coming team that could use you and make that team more competitive.
But i guess saying you play for coquitlam (when in actual fact you don't play at all) makes you feel more special than saying you play for Poco or whomever then by all means keep your warm spot on the pine.
Maybe some girls can enlighten me on why this is so? Friends on the team? Status of being on one of the top 3? Too shy to meet new people on a new team?

I believe there were roster size limits set for teams in the past to stop teams from hourding (sp?) players but i don't know if that has solved the issue.


Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
lionheart said:
Wow poco team is sure popular on this site. Good to hear. Not too popular in reality though cause people have no loyalty to the team. Quite upsetting to have players constantly leaving, it's another shame for women's soccer.


Why should anyone show loyalty to Poco the way things were going??? The reason Poco loses good players is because over the past few years that Poco has been in the league the team has been getting progressively worse, even though they are getting a few better players. Players who play in this league, at least I'd assume most players, want to actually try and win games. On Poco winning did not seem to be a priority at all. The main priority seemed to be making all players happy by trying to make the playtime as "fair" as possible, which in premier is a total joke. This system instead frustrated a lot of the players, not only the top players but even those who were benefiting from playing more when they didn't deserve to. This is a huge reason why a lot of the better players are leaving and going to play on other teams. We did have the potential to have a decent team. Never enough high caliber players to be a top 3 team, but we should have been far better, but we were not making the most of what we had. I know you were frustrated with this too Lionheart, as were most of the players.

When did Sharise decide to leave?? I spoke to her a few weeks back in Kamloops, and her sister as well, and she was going on and on about how great Poco was going to be this year. Granted, it was at the bar and they had been drinking :D. And also since I left I thought she'd be happy b/c she'd maybe get to play left back, seeing as she always wanted to play there.

Anyway, hope your season goes better than the previous few.


PS- Congrats to JMac and RP for having their baby girl on the 23rd!!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know of any "good" players that have left WW. Anyone that has left has not hurt, or will not hurt, their chances of having a better season.

I think they finish exactly where they belong each year. Mid Pack. Not good enough to beat the elite but can still beat the weaker teams..........most days.

No offense the the current forwards but they need some more scoring. If they could put more balls in the back of the net, they'd do much better.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
lionheart said:
Wow poco team is sure popular on this site. Good to hear. Not too popular in reality though cause people have no loyalty to the team. Quite upsetting to have players constantly leaving, it's another shame for women's soccer.


Why should anyone show loyalty to Poco the way things were going??? The reason Poco loses good players is because over the past few years that Poco has been in the league the team has been getting progressively worse, even though they are getting a few better players. Players who play in this league, at least I'd assume most players, want to actually try and win games. On Poco winning did not seem to be a priority at all. The main priority seemed to be making all players happy by trying to make the playtime as "fair" as possible, which in premier is a total joke. This system instead frustrated a lot of the players, not only the top players but even those who were benefiting from playing more when they didn't deserve to. This is a huge reason why a lot of the better players are leaving and going to play on other teams. We did have the potential to have a decent team. Never enough high caliber players to be a top 3 team, but we should have been far better, but we were not making the most of what we had. I know you were frustrated with this too Lionheart, as were most of the players.

When did Sharise decide to leave?? I spoke to her a few weeks back in Kamloops, and her sister as well, and she was going on and on about how great Poco was going to be this year. Granted, it was at the bar and they had been drinking :D. And also since I left I thought she'd be happy b/c she'd maybe get to play left back, seeing as she always wanted to play there.

Anyway, hope your season goes better than the previous few.


PS- Congrats to JMac and RP for having their baby girl on the 23rd!!


I understand your frustration BUT if players are signed to a team and make the practices every week(or as much as possible), then they deserve to see the pitch every week. The reason? None of us getting paid for this. The players in our club and the coaches get paid nothing so if a player is at training the majority of the time and their making it to games they play. If a player has missed 4 practices in a row because of work, they will play less behind the players who are there. If all is equal, the better players play more because they deserve to. Other players are the role players and if they accept that responsibility, then that is a huge bonus.

This summer has been the worst yet for us, in terms of getting players out to training, so all we can do is take this into consideration when we're selecting who plays in the Selects and Div. 1. The objective of our club is to give the girls the opportunity of playing at the highest level possible. This year, that level happens to be Selects and Div. 1, which is great considering we were in div. 3 and 2 respectively two years ago. We're a couple of years ahead of schedule BUT we want to keep making our teams stronger. Players come and go and we can't do much about that. All we can do is offer a fun/competitive playing environment for the players, which challenges their competitive drive, and also caters to their social needs(if possible). We are going to have a VERY difficult time this year in both divisions, particularly our division one, but it will give us a good gauge as to what direction we should be going to ensure we play at the level which is appropriate for our players.

Hail Hail and good luck to everyone this upcoming season.

Captain Shamrock
Club Ireland

Welcome Wagon

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Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:

I understand your frustration BUT if players are signed to a team and make the practices every week(or as much as possible), then they deserve to see the pitch every week.

CS, I agree that in most instances all players should see the pitch if they go to practices. However, what I meant is that teams should not just sub for the sake of making a sub, or guarantee that everyone plays. Players should have to earn their playtime. That is why we have so many leagues available for players to choose from. For the most part, subbing should sort of serve a purpose. For instance, maybe someone is tired, hurt, playing badly, or the team is winning or losing by a large margin. If so, a sub or few can be made. However, making line changes or certain very questionable subs in close games when the team actually has some flow going is not doing the team as a whole any good. That is what I meant. On our team we had some subs actually refuse to be put in the game because they thought the idea of making a sub at the time was totally counterproductive. When the actual subs refuse to be put in the game, that is saying something.

Yoda, I am not saying that Poco has lost any amazing goal scorers or superstars. In this league there are very few of those. I meant that for a number of reasons (ie. players going to different teams, babies, etc) they have lost at least several good players who were very valuable to the team, and some players who only stayed for a short while who could have been very good for the team and made a big difference.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
Captain Shamrock said:

I understand your frustration BUT if players are signed to a team and make the practices every week(or as much as possible), then they deserve to see the pitch every week.

CS, I agree that in most instances all players should see the pitch if they go to practices. However, what I meant is that teams should not just sub for the sake of making a sub, or guarantee that everyone plays. Players should have to earn their playtime. That is why we have so many leagues available for players to choose from. For the most part, subbing should sort of serve a purpose. For instance, maybe someone is tired, hurt, playing badly, or the team is winning or losing by a large margin. If so, a sub or few can be made. However, making line changes or certain very questionable subs in close games when the team actually has some flow going is not doing the team as a whole any good. That is what I meant. On our team we had some subs actually refuse to be put in the game because they thought the idea of making a sub at the time was totally counterproductive. When the actual subs refuse to be put in the game, that is saying something.

Yoda, I am not saying that Poco has lost any amazing goal scorers or superstars. In this league there are very few of those. I meant that for a number of reasons (ie. players going to different teams, babies, etc) they have lost at least several good players who were very valuable to the team, and some players who only stayed for a short while who could have been very good for the team and made a big difference.


Fair enough, WW. So it's the timing of the subs more than anything and the just making a sub for the sake of it.......That can be very frustrating. Good luck this season.

Hail Hail


New Member
Jun 15, 2005
Dirty Money
I heard a rumor that Norvan is looking pretty good this year.

Yah but then again, it's just a rumor. i heart lionheart :) [see ya @

the opener]

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Funbox said:
I heard a rumor that Norvan is looking pretty good this year.

Yah but then again, it's just a rumor. i heart lionheart :) [see ya @

the opener]

Yeah, I really think we should be pretty good this year. Lets hope the season goes as well as I think it should, as I think this is by far the strongest Norvan has been in a long time, starting in goal all the way up to the forwards.

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