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Larrson to join United on loan

Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Larsson to join United on loan December 01, 2006

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- Veteran striker Henrik Larsson will join Manchester United on loan during Sweden's winter off-season.

The 35-year-old will go to United when the transfer window opens Jan. 1 and return on March 12 before the Swedish league starts, Larsson's club Helsingborg said.

"Alex Ferguson called last night and welcomed me to the club," tabloid Aftonbladet's website quoted Larsson as saying at a news conference in Helsingborg. "It's a good time period, not too long and not too short. I discussed it with my family and when they said `OK,' there was no hesitation."

Ferguson said Larsson, one of Sweden's greatest ever players, would be a "terrific boost" for United's attack with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Alan Smith sidelined with injuries.

"Henrik has great pedigree and character. He also has goalscoring ability and can change games -- we're very pleased," Ferguson said on United's website.

The eight-time Premier League champion inquired about the former Celtic and FC Barcelona player 2{ weeks ago and a contract was signed Thursday, said Krister Azelius, secretary of the Helsingborg's board.

He said Larsson would be able to play in the Champions League for United, because Helsingborg did not play in Europe this season.

Larsson turned down a contract extension with European champion Barcelona last season to move back to Sweden to finish his career.

He was one of Europe's most prolific scorers while at Celtic, where he had 174 goals in 221 games in 1997-2004.

However, Larsson's first season with Barcelona was largely ruined by a knee injury, and he was mostly a substitute his second season.

Larsson said his fitness would not be a concern.

"There are no problems. I would never have done this if I didn't feel like I could manage," he said.

"I've seen United quite a bit -- a few times in the Champions League and when they faced Chelsea last week. There are really good players in the team. I have played against many of them. Hopefully, that will make the situation easier."

Larsson said it was not yet clear what role he would have at the Red Devils.

"I guess there will be a substitution here and there, maybe a match from the start," he said. "It feels like a very fun thing to take part in something like this so late in my career."

Larsson earned his first cap for Sweden in 1993. He scored 36 goals in 93 matches before retiring from the national team this year.

Larsson was made a Member of the British Empire in May for his sportsmanship and services to soccer. He was nominated for the honour by Celtic fans, who came to refer to the striker as the "King of Kings" during seven successful years.

Interesting move, but will love to see Larrson in a united jersey.

Hope they can pull through and get hargreaves as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
My most hated player playing for my second most hated team now. grr...
He is a talent, always has been, always will be. A little slower, but definately has been a game breaker with a great nose for the net. Hopefully, for his sake, he can avoid the Striker injury bug at Old Trafford.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Billy boy said:
You're only pissed because Spurs didn't get him.:D ;)


So very true, Billy Boy. :D

Made me think a bit though(which is rare) but does ManU not have a good youth academy? PLayers they're bringing on.....Are they not happy with their current batch of strikers? To bring a 35 year-old who has basically retired twice in doesn't say much for the rest of the squad. I guess that's why Celtic beat them 1 - 0 last week.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Pretty Much.
They have one stud in the Staging Pen, Giuseppe Rossi, the half American half Eye-Tie that will be a wonderkid for them in a year or two.

other than that My perception, and experience in Football Manager 07 ;) is tha the cupboard is bare.
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
alikira said:
So very true, Billy Boy. :D

Made me think a bit though(which is rare) but does ManU not have a good youth academy? PLayers they're bringing on.....Are they not happy with their current batch of strikers? To bring a 35 year-old who has basically retired twice in doesn't say much for the rest of the squad. I guess that's why Celtic beat them 1 - 0 last week.

What are you on about? He (Larsson) is only signing a short term contract. He's not there long term, which would'nt suggest that there's a problem with the youth system. His goals per minutes played last year at Barca were amazing. A great(short term) signing for United.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Inspector Blake said:
What are you on about? He (Larsson) is only signing a short term contract. He's not there long term, which would'nt suggest that there's a problem with the youth system. His goals per minutes played last year at Barca were amazing. A great(short term) signing for United.

I'm on about them not having SHORT TERM faith in the players in their system. Once again, the strikers there right now must be wondeiring whta they're doing wrong. :D

1 - 0 GIRUY

Come on, Benfica.
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
alikira said:
Once again, the strikers there right now must be wondeiring whta they're doing wrong. :D

1 - 0 GIRUY

It's not a case of the current strikers wondering what they're doing wrong. Infact, Utd have out scored everyone else in the EPL, including your beloved Spurs.:) So there's not a problem with the strikers other than there are only 2 fit at the moment. Simple really. I'm sure the strikers at Utd understand, perfectly the situation. Naturally of course Celtic and Barca fans will be Tic-d off that he snubbed them for a once in a lifetime opportunity, to play for MUFC:D:D
Again, congrats on the 1-0 win the other day. A well deserved win:rolleyes:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Inspector Blake said:
It's not a case of the current strikers wondering what they're doing wrong. Infact, Utd have out scored everyone else in the EPL, including your beloved Spurs.:) So there's not a problem with the strikers other than there are only 2 fit at the moment. Simple really. I'm sure the strikers at Utd understand, perfectly the situation. Naturally of course Celtic and Barca fans will be Tic-d off that he snubbed them for a once in a lifetime opportunity, to play for MUFC:D:D
Again, congrats on the 1-0 win the other day. A well deserved win:rolleyes:


Hail Hail


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The Captain has a point, What he is inferring here is that the reserve team and youths at united are being shown no signs of promise. Larsson isn't going to come in for his loan period and be a world beater, that is not Fergies intent, he is at Old Trafford to act as cover. They have 2 strikers from their first team fit, Smithy and Ole Gunnar are hurt. But they couldn't bring a kenny Cooper or Giuseppe Rossi in as cover for the first team!?
Saha and Rooney command a tonne of playing time. I know they need to fight for points to remain in the chase for the Medal, but surely a striker from their own set up could be brought into the first team to play the token 10-15 minutes of garbage time against Reading or Wigan or Newcastle...


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