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Knights Cup Final

Who will win the Knights Cup?

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Must have been a hell of a final. Nothing posted since the games finished 7 1/2 hours ago.

All I know is Coachmen 2 - Arsenal 1.

Anyone care to elaborate?

Jack The Lad

Jan 20, 2002
Dirty Money
It was indeed a 2-1 victory. We went up 1-0 early with a great buildup and header by Summo. Then they tied it up 20 minutes later. Then shortly after we went ahead 2-1. Second half was fairly even but they became very chippy and I think it cost them. We went down to 10 men late due to a red card but then we seemed to control the play at that point. Anyways great celebration. Now we have to decide if we want to go for the treble.


Osame bin madden

New Member
Feb 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to the Coachman, they were clearly the class of Div 2 this year. The whole acbc fiasco was unfortunate , it sounds like Ghouse mouth didnt help his team. I read in an earlier post he cursed at some fans for standing in the wrong side of the field, he did the exact same thing when we played them, he made a huge deal because our girlfriends and Mom were sitting on the wrong side..idiot.. Maybe he should have kept his limousine ride to the airport to himself, Ghouse did your players send you a postcard from Europe??
I wish I could have made it to watch the game, but one question? was the knights cup played at the same time as the Pak.? I thought I read that somewhere.. Ridiculous if you ask me..

Poor odog64, he calls out a couple of old timers and before you know it he has his TaiL between his legs and is apologizing to anyone who listens. Dont let Ranger scare you dog, sure his team has won some cups and a lot of div 1 titles, he cant tell you himself, just ask him , he had the best view from the sidelines, he was the guy holding the clip board for the coach and passing water to the players, just ask him..;)


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
No emails or postcards yet but ill let you all know how they are doing, glad you asked. And it was our team bus your hating not a limo. And yes I do like players and fans to be on opposite sides of the field, no yelling just asking the ref before the game to move them,,and my mouth had nothing to do with the mess we were in, it was my trust in a stranger.
I really hate to say wait till next year but thats all i can say.
Odog64 you can hang with me anytime. Even on our team bus. Ill save you a seat.
Congrats to the Coachmen,,,,We were so looking forward to playing you.
So how about that game for beers now.Oh and what was it,?,cheerleaders, and hotdogs too.
I will arange it all and you WILL get what you ask for.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
.... And yes I do like players and fans to be on opposite sides of the field, no yelling just asking the ref before the game to move them,,

I have no doubt you love this game more than anyone should... it's fairly obvious you'll do anything it takes to play games, including moving a team from Coq. to Burnaby (outside the catchment area I must say, which irritates me no end) Even Coq. is outside, but at least it's tollerable, because there has been Coq. teams for as long as the league. All that aside I have to comment on your temper. I've been kicked out of a few games as a coach for complaining too strongly about viscious play and non calls, however, I have never gone 20 yards onto the park taking my jacket off to attemt an attack on an opposing player, which happened last season on our park. Now, to reply to your comment on requesting the other team go to the other side. This didn't happen till 20 minutes in. The game in question by Osame was again our team. In Burnaby, on a extremely rainy, extremely cold night, we had our canopy set up beside the bleachers for our families to stay dry. We also kept it to one side of the field as to keep seperate from your team. We had one substitute, (ten minutes into the game a player went down with an injury, which now left us with no subs.) and 20 minutes into the game, you roamed the entire sideline bitching and yelling profanities to the official, and to our players. It was requested by a parent that you keep the language less offensive, and you turned your focus and swore at our parents... with children right there as well... this isn't rumour, I was standing beside you as it happened. I asked you (yes quite calmly) to stay to your side of centre, just to keep anything from errupting, to which you retorted with more profanities. During a stop in play, I asked the ref (yes... again calmly) that he ask you to stick to your side. To which you refered to the yellow pages of the FVSL. I'm well aware of these rules, however, in view of the circumstances of the weather, and the fact we had no player subs, that our families were already huddled under a canopy in the freezing cold rain, and our bags etc. underneath, with the game in progress, you INSISTED to the ref that he immediately have us move to the far side, with no cover or seating.

You may have a great passion for the game, but your actions, game in and game out versus our team make you look the jerk. There is no need for your negative emotion and profanity. Sure there are times when a coach needs to "nudge" the ref a little in a direction of sorts, but you yell and scream almost the entire game. Not just at the officials, but at your teams opponents, to the fans and to their families who come to watch.

My suggestion to you is to curb that emotion, or at least redirect it to something possitive, and away from other people... Allow some concessions once in a while on a Rainy Sunday.... these games are not life, they are a part of it, and should be an enjoyable part for all who play and watch. Right now you make it the opposite.

As I said, you have great passion, and in that you can be a good influence on your players, and people like yourself are necessary to this league. However, you're also a detriment to the league and your players when your bad side shows. (case in point: Last season after you screamed non stop for the entire first half, then in the second, a player of yours did the same. I mentioned to you after the game who it was, and the actions he took. He was trash talking my daughter running the flag on the sideline. He was saying all sorts of nasty things to her that I won't repeat here... he also called her onto the park! ! WTF!)

Anyway.... shitty about being duped with the signing of the illegal player, I feel for you and the team. I think it would have been a good final, but the Arsenal put up a good one as well.

oh.... and next season, trash the mittens and spandex :) While I'm on it, (this is not directed to your team) I think there should be a league rule that no collar be allowed to be "up" unless it's accidental in the process of the game... do these kids realize how stupid this looks, along with the sox over the knee's.... maybe I'm just getting old (no maybe there:( ), the game isn't about fashion (fcukin posers)...


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I do remember that game and I was out of line and I have no excuse for it except we were playing you and we really get into playing your team as you were good. The rainy night game though I see it different than you and wont go any farther than ,I felt I was right.
As for posers,,well we are and we are proud of it...Thats who we are, we wear mittens and matching boots and we pull our sox up over our knees,,,just like almost all the teams in the Premier UK league we see on TV and admire. Our heroes. We are haveing fun and thats how we have fun...And if you think we are bad posers now I can assure you that next year we will be twice as bad. We love to be the team that is loved to be hated. And when we beat you we will rub it in all over the place,,as teams have and are welcome to do to us. TTP is a great fun site and we will be useing it to its fullest. On and off the field we are proud of who we are and what we stand for and we love it. Cocky, boot shineing, ground kissing,back flippin, shirt pulling ,world cup goal scoreing attitude. So hope to hell we dont kick your ass next year cause you will know it 10 fold. PS that goes for Summer Soccer as well.
We can back up our attitude. And just wait to see what I have instore for next year.
ps I will make dam sure all my players are signed correctly cause that was fricken embarrasing and a huge let down as I feel we would have won the Knights cup as we were getting better and better every time out. My youngsters are getting older and smarter and starting to play together as a team.
I also forgot to thankyou for that. For helping me get that point across to them. I made them read a post or 2 on here where you spoke about certian players on my team ,about how they were a 1 man show and how they might get hurt one day because they held the ball to long and were to fancy. I cant remember exsactly what you said but it woke them the hell up. It was what I was always saying but not sinking into their heads. Your post here made them see I wasnt kidding and so again I thank you for wakeing them up.
Always a good show when we play Celtic and as much as it sucks to say" wait till next year".
Have a great summer and we will see ya around.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The rainy night game though I see it different than you and wont go any farther than ,I felt I was right.

As I said... according to the rules, you are in the right... according to the spirit of the "game" and sportmanship, you were wrong.

As for posers,,well we are and we are proud of it...Thats who we are, we wear mittens and matching boots and we pull our sox up over our knees,,,just like almost all the teams in the Premier UK league we see on TV and admire. Our heroes.
Don't take this out of context, I wasn't refering to your team specifically (Again as I stated previously) But the pro's these people aspire to be, aren't worthy of it. They are posers as well, and do a significant injustice to sport. Pro's of today are money oriented, and are extremely selfish. It's hard to find a good role model today. Steve Nash and Sidney Crosby come to mind, but the ultimate is Bobby Orr. Rarely did he even raise his arms after a goal. A gentleman, and a true sportsman. Selfless, and forever deflecting the spotlight.... I could go on and on about him and how he handled the spotlight after scoring. The unfortunate thing about his most recognized goal was scoring the Stanley Cupwinning GWG in overtime, he raised his stick, but had his legs liffted over his head to make it look like a diving goal, in fact it was a severe trip. All the hoopla after goals now are rediculously selfish showman ship, not sportsmanship. One of our young players put his jersey over his head after a game once... I benched him. TRhis kind of stuff is not a team thing, it's individual accolades that I don't tollerate. Bobby Orr was a hero, what you see now is distastefull and pathetitc.
But I've always been in the minority...

We can back up our attitude. And just wait to see what I have instore for next year.

Perspective... you play Div 2... it's not the world cup... even those guys should be ashamed of thier antics... Bobby Orr would be turning over in his grave...... if he were dead ...

You have a good up and coming team, and will in all likelyhood be promoted next season... The one thing I would stress to your team though is: perspective. This is soccer.. a game, not life. It's a team game, not individual efforts... and most of all, sportsmanship, because a team doesn't end with your latest signing, it encompass's all of the players your guys play against as well. Play hard, play to your best, but do it within the laws, and with respect for everyone players, refs and coaches... and fans & families. Because after the game is more important than the game itself.

Sermon by Guru

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm glad Guru is here to remind me on how great his team is. They are all saints with no ego's total team players. full of sportsmanship. Complete gentlemen on and off the pitch. they should be Knighted. and ACBC should be burned at the stake. Bastards having fun individually, raising there arms and cheering after they score, they should be shot. I can't believe they let teams play soccer that pull socks over ther knees. Guru who cares???? if they act like dicks then let them. Karama is a bitch. you of all people should know this. being an all knowing Guru. now on to more pressing matters how do they get the caramel inside the caramilk bar?

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Wow, Guru of all people is complaining about cheap tackles, collars up and celebration:rolleyes:

Do I need to explain Guru really:confused:


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm glad Guru is here to remind me on how great his team is. They are all saints with no ego's total team players. full of sportsmanship. Complete gentlemen on and off the pitch. they should be Knighted. and ACBC should be burned at the stake. Bastards having fun individually, raising there arms and cheering after they score, they should be shot. I can't believe they let teams play soccer that pull socks over ther knees. Guru who cares???? if they act like dicks then let them. Karama is a bitch. you of all people should know this. being an all knowing Guru. now on to more pressing matters how do they get the caramel inside the caramilk bar?
Hmmmm lets see now... I call these people posers... and suggest that they are individualists, and you cut me down ..... and say what..... that these SAME PEOPLE are "Dicks", and Karma" will get them.... does this suggest that you find distaste for these people as well? ?

Please educate me... for it sounds as though, by your own words, that you think they're "dick's" for doing this...

And I never said they should be shot, I said what I did was sit one of them... the person I sat was a very individual type player when he came to our club... took several yellow cards every year, played "with an edge" (meaning dirty. Or 'Iginlaesque'). He's now a very important "team" player, Had no yellow cards, (took one red for laying on the ground being kicked by two players, in which he kicked back at one).

Sometimes you have to sit individuals to get it through them that this is a team game... Even if it's after they just scored the winner, and go flying downfield with a jersey over thier head. He's become a much better player, and person.

Like I said, this is a game, not life... but what you take from it IS life... good and bad.

.... BTW, we only have one "Saint" on the team, we let the other go...

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Yes.... actually.... please do....

Okay lets start will collars up, I don't know there names but you lanky centermid and the little short blonde hair kid have had there collars up every game I played against them, beaken off you do more of it then actually play, whether it's on the sideline or on the field.

I frankly give to shits about abcd and showing off celebrating or beaking off as EVERY team does it at least a handful times in the season. You may have personal issues with him and kids and I agree he needs to watch what he says but I believe you also swear like everyone else on the pitch so whether your playing or not foul language is part of the game


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Okay lets start will collars up, I don't know there names but you lanky centermid and the little short blonde hair kid have had there collars up every game I played against them, beaken off you do more of it then actually play, whether it's on the sideline or on the field.

I frankly give to shits about abcd and showing off celebrating or beaking off as EVERY team does it at least a handful times in the season. You may have personal issues with him and kids and I agree he needs to watch what he says but I believe you also swear like everyone else on the pitch so whether your playing or not foul language is part of the game

If they do/did, I am/was too near sited to notice. I'd smack them in the back of the heed if I saw it.
(you know what's gonna happen first game next season now.... everyone on the Celtic will have collars and sox up)

As for yappin, I'll give you that I do yap... but more often than not it's at my own team, but if I do yap, it's strictly for an unpunished bad tackle or intent to injure. I hate that shite! Players don't give a shite about other players. They'll go in studs up, or go in with the intent to injure and try and make it look clean, they don't care, and it's a sign of the times more than anything. There were bad tackles back when I started as well, but nothing remotely like it is now. Either referee's were much better as well, or they just can't keep up with calling everything that happens now. There would be a whistle every 30 seconds, and cards all over the place...

The thing I do completely disagree with you on is: "whether your playing or not foul language is part of the game"

That my friend is a sad commentary. I used to think that (and I quote the Snowman on this) "If every house for two blocks around doesn't know every foul word, and every name on your team, then you're not talking enough, or loud enough." I used to subscribe to that, now I'll take out the language.... that isn't necessary. However, back then I refered to the language as directed to your own players to motivate them, not towards the opposition.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
It's hard to find a good role model today. Steve Nash and Sidney Crosby come to mind, but the ultimate is Bobby Orr. .....

Sermon by Guru

I mistakenly left off one other : Trevor Linden.... the best of our day now... Class personified!

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Guru you always go on about other teams try looking in the mirror. I don't hate ACBC (well I did hate one guy but he left lucky for him and I have a very good reason to dislike the fckuing pussy) Ghouse was yelling when we played them in the cup, big deal. Yeah he has possers on his team am I going to lose sleep over it. no probably not. I just don't understand why you need to carry on about ACBC? you tell me how crap the Rams are and haven't played us, oh wait you did and we knocked you guys out of the cup four years ago when our two teams both sucked. I don't care about any team but my own. what goes around comes around.;)


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Guru you always go on about other teams try looking in the mirror. I don't hate ACBC (well I did hate one guy but he left lucky for him and I have a very good reason to dislike the fckuing pussy) Ghouse was yelling when we played them in the cup, big deal. Yeah he has possers on his team am I going to lose sleep over it. no probably not. I just don't understand why you need to carry on about ACBC? you tell me how crap the Rams are and haven't played us, oh wait you did and we knocked you guys out of the cup four years ago when our two teams both sucked. I don't care about any team but my own. what goes around comes around.;)
Don't be a daft twat.... I never said I hated anyone. People irk me with thier poser attitudes, but 'hate' is not something I'd say about anyone. I don't dislike the ACBC coach either... where do you get that from... I commented on his temper.... he's not an idiot, he knows he has one. And he knows the game I was talking about, and he knows he was out of order in that. Yes we all holler, and I've made an ass of myself on occasion. No one said I was a saint... my speel was just my oppinion. I commented on ACBC teams mittens etc as a piss take, and he's fine with having them.... a difference of opinion... I think I'm god, and I know he's a cnut ;) .... so.... now that that's settled,

and let's not keep going back to the game we played against you 4 years ago... let it die after this... we were a team from juvenile, all 18 year olds from bronze and silver in youth, and got pushed up from a mid 4th div to 3rd div without earning it, (cuz they got rid of 4th) then came 2nd place in 3rd div. and got promoted because a 2nd div team folded. You played us in Div 3, and if you'll look at our dismal playoff record, we've lost to teams MUCH worse than the Rams... So don't be too high on yourself.

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