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Jewellery on the pitch...


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
geeser said:
Today at our game the ref said if the jewlery is worm it can not be seen, covered or padded can be worn if they are covered .

So I guess you can wear worm jewlery as long as you cover it up?


New Member
Sep 5, 2005
Dirty Money
The story goes (a ref told me a year or 2 ago..) that some ref had not told players to take out their jewellery and she went for a header and got her stud poked into the side of her head, and it bled and caused some kind of nerve damage (i dont get how that would happen tho..) apparently,the league, or association wouldn't pay legal fees for the ref since he/she did not enforce this rule and he had to pay for his costs, and he was having to sell his house for the money or something. Im not sure if that ref just made it up to make us stop whining or what.

That safe ref said that they were going to try to make it so as long as the ref informed the teams of the no jewellery rule, if you chose to wear it then you were responsible for any injury caused by it. I guess that didn't happen.

once again, that was just a story I was told a few years ago!! so whether or not its true, i have no idea!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
sweeper16 said:
The story goes (a ref told me a year or 2 ago..) that some ref had not told players to take out their jewellery and she went for a header and got her stud poked into the side of her head, and it bled and caused some kind of nerve damage (i dont get how that would happen tho..) apparently,the league, or association wouldn't pay legal fees for the ref since he/she did not enforce this rule and he had to pay for his costs, and he was having to sell his house for the money or something. Im not sure if that ref just made it up to make us stop whining or what.

HA HA HA HA HA...I pray to god that ain't true because DAMN that's a funny story...how big was this stud?!! Wouldn't it have to puncture through her skull first in order to do any real damage? I ain't no Doctor, but come on now...


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
* Players are not allowed to use tape to cover jewellery. Taping jewellery is not adequate protection.

* Rings, earrings, leather or rubber bands are not necessary to play and the only thing they can bring about is injury.

If you can come up with this, then why are you questioning it? No taping means no taping.

Player safety. I am pretty sure you will be the first to remove your earrings once you have it ripped out of your ears and you having to wait 2 hours at the hospital. I have seen ear studs ripped out before and the funny thing is, it WAS taped up too.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Once more we've been saved from ourselves by those who know better.


Having previously played with both hoops and studs (a VERY long time ago) in my ear for almost 25 years, I can tell you that I've been subjected to a lot of interpretations of this rule, especially the "covered up" part.

Getting drilled by the ball in the side of the head while wearing studs wasn't much fun (lost both of them as well), but the worst I ever got out of it was two vampire punctures. A stud that's in your ear already doesn't have enough length protruding out the back to stick through your skull (unless somebody's kicked you in the side of the head, in which case you're more worried about the foot than the studs...). Agreed with striker14 on this one....bullshite!

Never suffered any injuries while wearing hoops, nor had anybody tear or yank on them - they're not big enough to get a finger (or any other part of the human anatomy) through. Do I have potential for this type of contact? Constantly - I play sweeper/stopper or keeper.

Referee: I've seen broken legs before too, and players getting their jaws/heads split open. But this had nothing to do with wearing jewelry. It's all really about one thing: the fear of insurance costs.

Back in the dark ages when Tio Trece was younger, you were actually allowed to play the beautiful game without shin guards, too. There was even a law on the books that said (I'm paraphrasing slightly) that "if enough players on both sides were willing, the game could be played in bare feet," too. The point is that the onus of safety vs comfort was ON THE PLAYER to make the decision whether footgear or shin protection was warranted, not mandated by FIFA or any other august body.

Then all this changed in 1984. Some paranoid wag decided we all HAD to wear shin guards because there was the possibility that somebody with AIDS could be playing in a game and blood from two open cuts could get intermingled, and a lawsuit result from somebody else contracting AIDS. The whole premise was ridiculous (what if you had a cut somewhere else on your body?), but nobody knew properly then how the disease was spread, so the rule stuck. This also evolved into the rule we have now about not being allowed to play while you are bleeding.

Will I take my earrings out? I wasn't asked to on Sunday. I would also choose to say no, possibly even if threatened with a card - it's just too much hassle for too little risk. If a referee is that insistant, however, this could get fun...maybe I can claim it as part of my religious beliefs? (note that this is meant to be funny and not a slag against Sikhism...:rolleyes: )

Demo: keep the worm covered up.

Regs: I vote for nipple rings, too.

Covering up a MedicAlert bracelet defeats the whole purpose of wearing it - what putz thought that one up?




Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
trece verde said:

Once more we've been saved from ourselves by those who know better.


Having previously played with both hoops and studs (a VERY long time ago) in my ear for almost 25 years, I can tell you that I've been subjected to a lot of interpretations of this rule, especially the "covered up" part.

Getting drilled by the ball in the side of the head while wearing studs wasn't much fun (lost both of them as well), but the worst I ever got out of it was two vampire punctures. A stud that's in your ear already doesn't have enough length protruding out the back to stick through your skull (unless somebody's kicked you in the side of the head, in which case you're more worried about the foot than the studs...). Agreed with striker14 on this one....bullshite!

Never suffered any injuries while wearing hoops, nor had anybody tear or yank on them - they're not big enough to get a finger (or any other part of the human anatomy) through. Do I have potential for this type of contact? Constantly - I play sweeper/stopper or keeper.

Referee: I've seen broken legs before too, and players getting their jaws/heads split open. But this had nothing to do with wearing jewelry. It's all really about one thing: the fear of insurance costs.

Back in the dark ages when Tio Trece was younger, you were actually allowed to play the beautiful game without shin guards, too. There was even a law on the books that said (I'm paraphrasing slightly) that "if enough players on both sides were willing, the game could be played in bare feet," too. The point is that the onus of safety vs comfort was ON THE PLAYER to make the decision whether footgear or shin protection was warranted, not mandated by FIFA or any other august body.

Then all this changed in 1984. Some paranoid wag decided we all HAD to wear shin guards because there was the possibility that somebody with AIDS could be playing in a game and blood from two open cuts could get intermingled, and a lawsuit result from somebody else contracting AIDS. The whole premise was ridiculous (what if you had a cut somewhere else on your body?), but nobody knew properly then how the disease was spread, so the rule stuck. This also evolved into the rule we have now about not being allowed to play while you are bleeding.

Will I take my earrings out? I wasn't asked to on Sunday. I would also choose to say no, possibly even if threatened with a card - it's just too much hassle for too little risk. If a referee is that insistant, however, this could get fun...maybe I can claim it as part of my religious beliefs? (note that this is meant to be funny and not a slag against Sikhism...:rolleyes: )

Demo: keep the worm covered up.

Regs: I vote for nipple rings, too.

Covering up a MedicAlert bracelet defeats the whole purpose of wearing it - what putz thought that one up?



Bravo!! All very good points and I am still laughing at the nerve damage caused by the stud earring...CLASSIC!! :p


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
Exactly, our choice. I'm willing to take my chances. :eek:

I had some little freak at Sportstown grab my ear and she managed to rip out a stud earring.... I would've let it go if it had been an accident but that's another story.... :mad:

A friend was asked to take off her cancer band this weekend. The ref I had didn't say a word to me about mine so there's still no consistancy in the league-go figure. :rolleyes:


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
So i guess the new Fifa rules would not allow this then?
Not that anyone in their right mind would actually wear one.


New Member
Sep 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Im not saying that the story was true or what I actually believed it. it was just what was told to me a few years ago!!!
I don't know how someone could have gotten any kind of nerve damage from a stud earring unless it was a stud that went straight through their own head..

Ive played with earrings most of the time, but I take them out now since they seem to fall out all the time now. I have never been hurt by my own earrings or anyone else's.

I would be more concerned about shitty fields that some teams end up playing on and people get hurt, then someone wearing an earring on the field.


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Our team was advised by the ref last Sun to remove it or leave the game. He didn't actually enforce it, but many did remove what they COULD. I played in goal, and he saw my nose ring and my upper ear piercing. I can remove my nose piercing, but not the upper ear piercing ( unless I had pliers). So after our game, I took my butt down to the local piercing shop and purchased a special earring that I can put in and take out of my upper ear, so I can play with no drama. The rules suck, but they ARE the rules.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
flygirlkimba said:
So after our game, I took my butt down to the local piercing shop and purchased a special earring that I can put in and take out of my upper ear, so I can play with no drama. .
That's the best idea contributed in this thread...thanks for taking the lead on that :)

We had no issues with our ref yesterday (nose/ear)...someone did however, have to snip off their hemp beaded bracelet :cool:

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
SC said:
We had no issues with our ref yesterday (nose/ear)...someone did however, have to snip off their hemp beaded bracelet :cool:

SC...what about the Louis Vuitton handbag? Did it have to go as well?

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