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Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hands of Stone said:
This is no Mr. Woo, but still worth 10 bucks in the hat.
The skeleton is no match for Mr. Woo, but I've seen the Captain make much more $$$ than him... and that's without a hat... :eek:


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
You don't need to keeper. Anyone who would post a link to the aforementioned web publication must think the world of their self.

I'm not one to post Private Messages since the nature of such messages is, well, private. In this case however, Mr Better Than Me (aka keeper) pm'ed me to ask me when on earth he posted a link to his self-glorifying homepage, the Cornwall Times.
I will post a link to the Euro thread where this magnificent homage to all that is keeper was thrust upon us all. This is no doubt neccesary as the bulk of us lowly TTPers would have no hope of finding this link if the great man himself can't remember offering this community a doorway to his incredible existence.

Did he mention he's better than me?

ps check out post #14

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ouch, that has to hurt. And to think he had the audacity to say that other people are full of themselves. Good stuff, Jinky.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
So while I'm not sure to whom I'm replying to (it seems that when I reply to Captain, Jinky replies back and vice versa) I suppose I'll have to just expect that it could be for either of the numpty brothers.

First off:
I'm not one to post Private Messages since the nature of such messages is, well, private.
Here's a news flash for you: you are.

Frankly I'm surprised you can't see the difference between sharing photos of a European Cup celebration and what you suggest to be self-glorification. Granted, I was too cheap :rolleyes: at the time to buck up for a premium membership, thereby preventing me from the posting the photos directly on TTP. In lieu of that option, I thought that the average TTPer (even someone such as yourself -- although I don't enjoy thinking of you, if I can help it) would be mature enough to see that difference if I presented them on my own site. They were already there, so why go out of my way make them available in yet another method? I'm really surprised you can't see that.

But more than anything else, I'm disappointed you decided to ignore the nature of the PM I sent you. I thought by asking a simple question (devoid of any offensiveness, aggression or sarcasm, for that matter), I might receive a polite response from you. But now I see that was too much to ask. You still don't have the decency or respect to send a simple PM reply.

Well, there it is, then. If the local soccer community is indeed interested in the on-goings of my "incredible existence", you've certainly made it more available and public than it ever was before or ever intended to be. A warning though: if you're looking for the Greeks on Broadway, they were taken down a while back.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
First off:Here's a news flash for you: you are.

A news flash? Will that be the headline for the next edition of the Cornwall Times?

Keeper said:
Frankly I'm surprised you can't see the difference between sharing photos of a European Cup celebration and what you suggest to be self-glorification. Granted, I was too cheap :rolleyes: at the time to buck up for a premium membership, thereby preventing me from the posting the photos directly on TTP. In lieu of that option, I thought that the average TTPer (even someone such as yourself -- although I don't enjoy thinking of you, if I can help it) would be mature enough to see that difference if I presented them on my own site. They were already there, so why go out of my way make them available in yet another method? I'm really surprised you can't see that.

I call bullshit. You posted a link to a website glorifying all things keeper on a website called TakeThePiss.com. What the fcuk did you expect? That action invited ridicule and you know it. Or mabey you don't. In an answer to a question given to me by the administration concerning the nature of piss-taking, I posted that I think you get it (ie: pisstaking) but that you just weren't very good at it. I've changed my mind. You really don't have a fcuking clue. You left that tidbit of information out there thinking that it would never be used against you? You should be more careful. This is how piss-taking works, not just here but in the changerooms as well. At it's heart that is what TTP is. Just as it was in the Peg Forum days, TTP is an extension of the banter in a soccer changeroom. You dissed me by saying that you were better than me and I nailed you back. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I fcuking crucified you. Are you above piss taking? You seem to think so. I'm actually glad you posted as weak as that comeback was. It means you didn't go off and top yourself. You did go two days without posting which is a long time for you.

Keeper said:
But more than anything else, I'm disappointed you decided to ignore the nature of the PM I sent you. I thought by asking a simple question (devoid of any offensiveness, aggression or sarcasm, for that matter), I might receive a polite response from you. But now I see that was too much to ask. You still don't have the decency or respect to send a simple PM reply.

Again I have to call bullshit. Your PM was not polite. Here it is in it's entirety,

Keeper said:
When on Earth did I supposedly do that?

If you had said "When on Earth did I do that?", then I would have to agree but by including the word "supposedly" you were intimating that I was being deceitful. Hardly what I would call being, "devoid of any offensiveness, aggression or sarcasm".
If you doubted the fact that you had indeed posted a link to your homepage, then why did you send me such a pm when it could just have easily been a post? I'll tell you why. It's because you chickened out of the argument by trying to take it off the record. The lesson here is , "don't start piss-takes you can't finish."

Keeper said:
Well, there it is, then. If the local soccer community is indeed interested in the on-goings of my "incredible existence", you've certainly made it more available and public than it ever was before or ever intended to be. A warning though: if you're looking for the Greeks on Broadway, they were taken down a while back.

And thrice, bullshit. Don't blame me for drawing attention to the link. The link was your own doing, not mine. And before you go on and think me an asshole, another TTPer sent me a link to even more of your online life which I would never post on here because it's not funny and you didn't throw it on TTP for anyone's perusal. It's nobody's business really.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
WTF...I came here looking for discussion on the skills of Mr. Woo. Where's a moderator when you need one? I hate it when people get off topic. :rolleyes:

The lesson here is , "don't start piss-takes you can't finish."

More like...don't bring a knife to a gun-fight.

Shamrock...Jinky...whatever I did or may have done to you that upset you the slightest...I am SOOOOO sorry! No, really.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Call bullshit all you want; the fact remains that you damn well know the intent of the original post:
Trojan Horse holds up traffic on Broadway.

Fantastic result!
In the spirit of the moment, virtually everyone was caught up in the excitement, and pictures of Broadway in action were likely found interesting by most, if not all on TTP. That's where and how I had them uploaded at the time, and I wasn't about to go out of my way to make extra work for myself in posting them in some other secondary fashion.

Piss taking I've got no problem with, but your previous comment was a bald-faced lie. Suggesting I was glorifying myself on TTP through my own personal site is way off the mark and you darn-right know it. As knowledge of it was out there already (me forgetting about it or not), by all means -- I agree -- it's for piss-taking consumption. But not in such a way that you suggest untruths or misrepresent my intentions.

"Supposedly". Sure, you're damn right. I didn't believe it. For the life of me, I did not at all recall ever posting a link to it, because I didn't recall posting it as a publication of my "entire website". My thought at time was just to share some photos of the Greeks. My mistake for forgetting about it? Yes, certainly. But there's no reason that "supposedly" comes off as offensive, aggressive, or sarcastic. It's a legitimate question from someone who was doubtful of such a post. What you should have done is respond to me first, and then you'd be free to post and take the living piss out of me. But you didn't do that did you? And STILL to this point you refuse to reply to a private message.

And lastly, why mention that you're not going to post another link to my "online life" that you yourself say is nobody's business? If it's nobody's business why mention it in the first place? Is that to show how morally upstanding you are? Your hypocrisy astounds me.

By the way, if you'd follow more closely, I was telling the Captain that I was better than him. The reason I referred to him as "Jinky" was due to the fact that he has feels it necessary to jump in and respond for you when it obviously isn't. We already know you're better than everyone else.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
This is going to end up being that defining moment that only a few TTPers have had during these illustrious three years.

See, lots of interesting characters have had them. Guinness made the epic mistake of proclaiming his lust for that pug fugly 18-year old Canadian National Women's keeper with the rooster hairdo. I believe it was about her having "spunk in the bedroom" or something along those inherently peverse lines. That basically killed Guinness right there.

Dazza's came with openly arguing for the art of protesting inconsistent officiating crews by pulling the Mermaids off the park. Everybody respects a man who, in the face of adversity, takes his ball and goes home. Later dubbed "The Rosa Parks of the VMSL", Daz reverted to breaking down possession percentages as a means to get his point across. Despite this, nobody ever really forgot that the man basically adhered to the "if life hands you lemons, just quit" philosophy, which probably explained why he never bothered posting anything unless his team was winning.

While he may be gone, the memory of Sid will live on in the minds of Metro-Ford brass and Sylvan instructors worldwide. For all the positive things he brought to TTP, my guess is that Sid might be remembered for borderline psychosis dealing with Fatro-Ford. Sadly, he is cemented in TTP history not for his fine grammar or exquisite spelling, but rather how many derogatory nicknames he had for Brad Leitch.

And so, we come to the Cornwall Times. No offense to keeper, who probably isn't that bad of a guy, but this is straight weiner material right here. You may as well put on your Wang Computers tee-shirt and squeeze with anticipation of the atomic wedgie. I mean I do some dorky shite, like play on the internet at 9:56pm on a friday night, but even I know that Sensei's Unicorn World website is NOT for TTP consumption. Even though I have some sweet drawings of 'Corns and Ligers. Not for TTP consumption.

Anyways....I'm telling you man, this is the defining moment, happening right before our eyes. You don't believe me? Watch in 15 years when people are coming up to KNVB's kid asking him for copies of the Beaker/Michael Jackson photo. Then you'll know.

Then you'll know.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
My thought at time was just to share some photos of the Greeks.
But there's no reason that "supposedly" comes off as offensive, aggressive, or sarcastic.

All that comes to mind for me right now is, Keeper, Jinky, Capt., and a very scared Sheep. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the Love of Animals, hey, I am Scottish, but pictures on TTP, Now that is Funny, isn't Regs?

I love the Greeks, Its just the parties are a little too much for me, Save the Sheep.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial a gender,

I think you should decide which way you swing before posting anymore. No, really. How far is your nose up Regs arse now? I'm sure you wouldn't mind......oh, I won't bother. That might be embarrassing for you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
The only things getting embarrassed around here are you and Jinky. You two sound like fcuking little girls. You need to get over yourselves. Maybe even get out of the house every now and then. There is more to life than TTP and how shitty the posters are. I mean, if you don't like it here, and to me it's obvious you don't, then fcuk off.

Do you two even know keeper or is your hatred based on the fact that he bailed on a hockey pool five years ago? Fcuking hell. Grow up.

Go ahead and tell me how unfunny I am and how I don't know how to TTP and all that shite. I'm sure everyone wants to hear it.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
sensei_hanson said:
And so, we come to the Cornwall Times. No offense to keeper, who probably isn't that bad of a guy, but this is straight weiner material right here. You may as well put on your Wang Computers tee-shirt and squeeze with anticipation of the atomic wedgie. I mean I do some dorky shite, like play on the internet at 9:56pm on a friday night, but even I know that Sensei's Unicorn World website is NOT for TTP consumption. Even though I have some sweet drawings of 'Corns and Ligers. Not for TTP consumption.

It's the title, isn't it? I knew it. It's the title.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
The only things getting embarrassed around here are you and Jinky. You two sound like fcuking little girls. You need to get over yourselves. Maybe even get out of the house every now and then. There is more to life than TTP and how shitty the posters are. I mean, if you don't like it here, and to me it's obvious you don't, then fcuk off.

Do you two even know keeper or is your hatred based on the fact that he bailed on a hockey pool five years ago? Fcuking hell. Grow up.

Go ahead and tell me how unfunny I am and how I don't know how to TTP and all that shite. I'm sure everyone wants to hear it.

Good thing you edited that post, theRob. I'm still waiting for your top 10 posters BUT it will be moot now. That's right. The German humour.......Nice finishing post, Rob. Happy Thanksgiving.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Dial a gender,

I think you should decide which way you swing before posting anymore. No, really. How far is your nose up Regs arse now? I'm sure you wouldn't mind......oh, I won't bother. That might be embarrassing for you.

Actually, my nose is up your arse but you don't seem to feel it.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
At first I thought Mr. Woo was just a trickster footballer, but NO, look at all the shitt he was able to stir up on TTP, he could start in any mid-field in the FVSL Div. 1, no problem. Just like every other player in the FVSL, he doesn't look half bad on the ball, and he can sure stirr up the shitt off the ball, just ask GEU, they took him out to the bar last friday night. Regs, I don't know if that was funny, I may have to ask Millsey. Hey Millsey congrats buddy, I thought that was just a beer gut, but good on ya, now that is funny, isn't Regs?



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I've just enjoyed one fcuk of an evening. The Dirtbombs are an incredible band.

I'm very tired and I'm going to bed. Sensei did a very good job of framing the discussion. The Rob did a poor job. Rob, re-read your post. Neither keeper nor myself questioned the quality of posts on TTP. You owe both of us an apology.

Keeper, I tore you to pieces. Try to learn from it. It's just piss taking ya big girls blouse.

ps You don't get it.

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I support the Captain and Jinky

I just spent the last ten minutes reading the Cornwall times. I then spent the next ten minutes laughing out loud.Pansie.

I think Dial 9-1-1 has to relax a little bit with his posts and sucking up. If you want to be a moderator so bad, just ship Regs another Membership fee and I am sure there is a wrestling thread or something he can put you in charge of.

TheRob is just .....TheRob. Leave the guy alone, he already has to live with himself.

Fcuk TTP.Im Switching over to the Competition. www.thehun.com ;)

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: I support the Captain and Jinky

The Apprentice said:
I think Dial 9-1-1 has to relax a little bit with his posts and sucking up. If you want to be a moderator so bad, just ship Regs another Membership fee and I am sure there is a wrestling thread or something he can put you in charge of.

I requested the Canadian Idol thread but it hasn't been started yet. Sucking up to Regs....where have I heard that before? Oh yeah...Shamrock a few posts back. Glad to see that you can come up with your own original thoughts. Good Sheep!! BAAAAAAAA!

I'll be sure to post to everyone how far up Reg's arse your nose gets whenever you need your avatar changed.

HOS...how does that kettle/pot saying go again?

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