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Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter November 2008

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Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Johnny blue,,your always sticking up for the rules and good for you,,But hanging a man for speeding is crazy,,Rules are put into this league to stop teams from cheeting. I think we all agree here that no one cheeted and only had paperwork mistakes. Points takein away are for people caught playing illegal players (like we did(and didnt know)div 2)are what these punishments are ment for,not clerical errors or mistakes. If so why dont we get money back when the league makes mistakes,,Ive had 2 league mistakes so far this year that cost me money and Grief. They said sorry. Fines are great for management mistakes but point deductions is absolutely crazy and a huge league blunder. In my case there was no where to see or check or be tought how to fill the paperwork out correctly,,Call me an idiot for not doing it right. Even say I cheeted ,,But if there is no spacific rule on a matter you can NEVER deduct points from a team doing something not in the rules. Thats like arresting a person for sneezing and being told after that they got 6 years in jail for breaking the law,,,WHAT LAW? My players in question were not checked off as playing. their name just appears on the friken list with a N/A beside the name,,The Ref never checked our guys in question as playing just the names are on the paper ,,thats it and no where ,anywhere does it say they cant be on the list..
If you say you should have known I ask you, how am I supposed to know?,,I have done the same every year we have been in the league and it took till now to be told I am wrong?????? Why now and not before the season started,,If its plainly in the rules do you think I would risk loseing points when all I have to do is take the names off the list,,Comon Man!!, I NEVER PLAYED AN ILLEGAL PLAYER as it says on the website,,NO TEAM DID. This is all Bullshte and will be fixed Im sure of it. If not,well we got some major problems to fix and its not paperwork!!!


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Who's going to do it?

Being the FVSL president might be the single shittiest task in soccer anywhere. The pay is SFA.

Sheesh. Guys have to look past the co-incidence of the clubs involved on the execs. Fact is, there will always be guys from the clubs involved; because they have a love for the game and the league, and want to see it do well. You couldn't pay me (well, you could, but you couldn't afford me) to be on the executive, let alone president.

Give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and let's see what comes of this.

great point

if he diddnt do it who would ....jb ....mortenson..... ghouse
i was asked about 3 yrs ago if i had any interest in getting involved and i said no ..... i did it in the uk for a short spell .... a very short spell and swore i would never do it again its one of the most thankless tasks i have ever been involved in where you are dammed if you do and dammed if you dont .... not unlike being a ref
whistleblower ( the leicester git ) would do a great job until shite happened and sff masters benefited then we would have to hang him too ..... fcuk it hang all i say hang em all :p

no finish

New Member
May 23, 2002
Dirty Money
when you talk about the situation with a smirk on your face or think it is comical and your an exec of the league, it probably wouldnt sit well with people. obviously it is a serious matter that needs to be resolved or we wouldnt be talkin about it this much. mistakes were made YES but teams and league officials were involved in these matters, i dont think blame should be placed on either, have a meeting and sort the situaton out and if it happens again then punish the team or teams at fault. but taking points away from teams three weeks later is crap, thats my two cents


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Points deducted for ?

The shitstorm may have passed, but this story is definately not over.

Points can get put back in the standings just as easily as they've been taken away! As Dude suggested (although I was way ahead of him), Peace Arch Soccer Club has formally put in an appeal and are getting a hearing by FVSL. I wouldn't think BC Soccer would get involved in this, they can't be bothered. That's why the FVSL has its board of directors and why we as members should appeal to them directly. A fair hearing is our constitutional right! ;)


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
i guess part of the problem is there are teams out there just plane cheating
the league knows it guys on here know it and the league has to do somthing about it
perhaps the first step is to get everyones attention and get the paperwork sorted
well they have everyones attention and i bet people will take a bit more care about their paperwork ...... thing is whats next ....who's next ..... one thing for sure the cheats will be a little more carfull for a while

last year in div 1 a player transfered to geu half way through the season and was caught playing for his old team 4/5 weeks later


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
bluebird playing for a team your not signed to is one thing but miscomunication and paperwork errors is another

yeah i know and if what happened to you guys had happened to me then yep i would be on here screaming blue murder and launching appeals etc

but the fact is there is people out there cheating and it needs sorting out and they have to set a minimum standard

from what's been on here there was nothing underhand everything was done out in the open and i could have so easly done the same thing if i was in the same possition as you guys and i would have truly believed that it was all ok so i would have been mega pissed as you guys are
i think jock is right you will get over it and yes i think you will go on to win the league peace arch is the standard to which all teams are measured and in the second half of the year you will get points where others will miss out
win or lose your appeal wont make much difference to us. today we are 1 point off top on sunday we were 2 points if we dont win fridays game the whole situation changes all we can do is hang arround near the top and enjoy the ride.... to me the big winner is langley not us not poco they will be your closest rival this year and they just got lucky big time ...aint there a langley guy on the exec what the hell hang him too ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Their are several point deductions for failing to follow the leagues rules for this in all divisions. I understand that in Premier every point matters but unfortunately I don't see how they can go back on this and if they do you should just throw all rules out then going forward.

Question...what other rules can we disregard as well?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Their are several point deductions for failing to follow the leagues rules for this in all divisions. I understand that in Premier every point matters but unfortunately I don't see how they can go back on this and if they do you should just throw all rules out then going forward.

Question...what other rules can we disregard as well?

Well apparently you don't need to have lined fields to play a game. I think that is more of a means to take points away then paperwork issues. What has the league done about a team not having a lined field 3 or 4 times, fined them $20. That has more of an effect on a games outcome then a player using a drivers license instead of a player card.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Holy fcuk the kid finally has an extremely valid point.


Back in my day if you didn't have appropriate changerooms/facilities you got relegated.

God damn I'm enjoying this debate.
With scotch in hand of course,


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Back in my day if you didn't have appropriate changerooms/facilities you got relegated.

God damn I'm enjoying this debate.
With scotch in hand of course,

Crap, I am officially old. As you say, 'back in my day' - the first year I played mens soccer there was one team in Vancouver Div 1 that didn't have a change room and they had to come up with one or be relegated. All Div 1 and Premier did have and should have proper facilities.

I rarely read this thread as it is pretty boring normally but this had made for good reading. No scotch busy at work and old but younger than Ranger!


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
I rarely read this thread as it is pretty boring normally but this had made for good reading. No scotch busy at work and old but younger than Ranger!

I'm guessing at least half his size as well;)
Anyways, cheaters aside....Prem got a little more interesting if all of the suspensions stand. ACBC now playing for pride (unless everyone sht's bed), GEU has lots of pressure and has to win some big games (obviously). Is langley for real? Poco, well I have no idea about them....and PAU cannot blow games as I feel they have the deepest team in the league. Repeat champions will only be sweeter if they run the 2nd half table

Osame bin madden

New Member
Feb 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Johnny blue,,your always sticking up for the rules and good for you,,But hanging a man for speeding is crazy,,Rules are put into this league to stop teams from cheeting. I think we all agree here that no one cheeted and only had paperwork mistakes. Points takein away are for people caught playing illegal players (like we did(and didnt know)div 2)are what these punishments are ment for,not clerical errors or mistakes.

Totally agree with Ghouse..
I also agree with Bored, ACBC back to div 2...
I think the proper punishment for screwing up the paper work should be, bearing the idiot up to his neck and stoning him to death.. :bronco:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Points deducted for ?

Peace Arch Soccer Club has formally put in an appeal and are getting a hearing by FVSL.;)

What ever comes of the appeal, could you boys please do another X-Mas shirtless photo shoot, we need to see new players knvb, knowone, and Jacko in the mix, at least we will all get a good laugh with all this serious stuff going on.

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