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Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - November 2005

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New Member
Sep 22, 2005
Dirty Money
Langley-0 PAU-1
It was a typical boring Peace Arch performance with four sweepers. nil-nil draw probably would've been fair; nevertheless, they got a goal. I didn't picture cainey as such a wee ginger boy. ***fire crotch*** What a diver... don't ruin the reputation of football by throwing your body on the turf. or maybe you are just that small...
I never believe the refereeing has an outcome to the match; and i don't think it did tonight.. but wasn't he shocking? why was he out there...you may feel otherwise on this because he knew all of the PAU camp by first name and back sides but he was terrible. Regardless.. take the points, we will move on; might be a bit of a break at our camp since our next two matches are on grass.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
BSLU said:
Langley-0 PAU-1
It was a typical boring Peace Arch performance with four sweepers. nil-nil draw probably would've been fair; nevertheless, they got a goal. I didn't picture cainey as such a wee ginger boy. ***fire crotch*** What a diver... don't ruin the reputation of football by throwing your body on the turf. or maybe you are just that small...
I never believe the refereeing has an outcome to the match; and i don't think it did tonight.. but wasn't he shocking? why was he out there...you may feel otherwise on this because he knew all of the PAU camp by first name and back sides but he was terrible. Regardless.. take the points, we will move on; might be a bit of a break at our camp since our next two matches are on grass.
I thought you were the next great one? Experience 1-0 young bitch 0....and I do not really care. Off to the grey cup experience :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
Dirty Money
Stepchild said:
I thought you were the next great one? Experience 1-0 young bitch 0....and I do not really care. Off to the grey cup experience :rolleyes:
And you are....hmmm...one of the old guys that looks like me when i stay in the hot tub too long. I believe we are still ahead of you in the standings.. but our games are the only ones you try in..so congrats.... go back to mediocrity.
Are there anymore lurkers out there...
don't be shy..apparently if I say something people will respond.
"young bitch"... yet another keyboard tough talker, its ok ... i can take it. Although you don't even know who i am...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
BSLU, FYI, Stepchild doesn't play for PAU and before everyone piles on poor BSLU for posting so quick, let me just say he was in the Langley change room for at least three pints after the game. He didn't drink any of them, but there was at least three pints drank before he left.

I'm not going to lie.... I've seen sewing club meetings that were more eventful than tonight's tilt. PAU got a scramble style goal early in the second as a winner. As BSLU said (I wonder where he got that from :rolleyes: ) a 0-0 would have been a fair result.

At least it wasn't cold out.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
I will be your worst young (30) night mare, and the thinest bitch to own you. I welcome your KNVB any day.........ya ya, we have all heard your shittt so let this be my last post on this.
Post after you have DONE something
.I'm young........yawn......best.......has been..........bitch........ sorry to steal some phrases out of your dic....Tough loss Lagley, but

Hopefully mom made some taste hot chocolate tonight.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
4:46 AM, eh "Doc"? Quality. :D

The only way you'd be a nightmare is if he had you do some of that back cracking stuff on him.

Where's my bendy pen? I expect one this Christmas, being a "patient" now. There's gotta be some payback somewhere in this relationship.

Dude-who'llneveradmitachiropractoractuallyhelpedhimwithhisbadback. ;)

Knees United

Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
BSLU said:
Langley-0 PAU-1
It was a typical boring Peace Arch performance with four sweepers. nil-nil draw probably would've been fair; nevertheless, they got a goal. I didn't picture cainey as such a wee ginger boy. ***fire crotch*** What a diver... don't ruin the reputation of football by throwing your body on the turf. or maybe you are just that small...
I never believe the refereeing has an outcome to the match; and i don't think it did tonight.. but wasn't he shocking? why was he out there...you may feel otherwise on this because he knew all of the PAU camp by first name and back sides but he was terrible. Regardless.. take the points, we will move on; might be a bit of a break at our camp since our next two matches are on grass.

You are one stupid kid. I don't know what's worse, your post or your play. I have an idea, next time "an old guy" is interested in a 50/50 tackle you should jump so far out of the way that even your own team is embarrassed for you. You my friend are a flake - you won't last because someone is going to break you.....oops, I forgot, in order for someone to get a piece you have to be willing to tackle. You're a weak player and even a weaker man...eerrr...I mean boy. You my friend should have been left in a kleenex many years ago.

FYI....PAU from opening kick off took it to you and never looked back. First 10 mins we could have scored two. You had 2 chances to score all game, otherwise nothing.

LFC2 et al. You guys are alright - get rid of the weak - much better without shite like him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Knee's next time try not to hold back. Be sure to tell us what you really think...

Give me your jacket.


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
Dirty Money
knees knees knees.... another lurker waiting for someone to jump on. yes i jump out of every 50/50 tackle, and i get made fun of by all of my team mates, and oh yea.. i won't last.. get off your knees you're blowing this thread! Its always refreshing to hear words from someone's whos sh*t don't stink.
But its ok.. i know if i was on your team things would be much different; cause i'm like this all the time.


New Member
Nov 23, 2005
Dirty Money
BSLU said:
Langley-0 PAU-1
It was a typical boring Peace Arch performance with four sweepers. nil-nil draw probably would've been fair; nevertheless, they got a goal. I didn't picture cainey as such a wee ginger boy. ***fire crotch*** What a diver... don't ruin the reputation of football by throwing your body on the turf. or maybe you are just that small...
I never believe the refereeing has an outcome to the match; and i don't think it did tonight.. but wasn't he shocking? why was he out there...you may feel otherwise on this because he knew all of the PAU camp by first name and back sides but he was terrible. Regardless.. take the points, we will move on; might be a bit of a break at our camp since our next two matches are on grass.

No longer a fire crotch... word is that he was picking the tar out of his hair from swimming on the turf so long that he didn't have the luxury to enjoy his pints at the Shark Club.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Langley 0 PAU 1

After finally recording a shutout this season and getting a ref that isn't card happy PAU did the business... BSLU is absolute pish!!! Was he on the pitch last night??? Langley battled hard as always, but at the end of the day PAU were the better squad no matter what knvb says!!! :rolleyes:

Originally posted by:knvb
I'm not going to lie.... I've seen sewing club meetings that were more eventful than tonight's tilt.
BTW, (to compare our apples to your orange) I was at the Sapperton - Burnaby match yesterday and also went to the Surrey United - Clanbus match today and your shite does stink mate... The VMSL is not more "exciting" or "thrilling" than the FVSL... Sapperton don't exactly play sexy football and Burnaby were just a bunch of Wops looking to get into a brawl... Surrey and Clan both have loads of talent, but the muck bog you played in made it a shambles to watch in such warm weather!!!

What'supwithNukessittingnakedbesideFenian??? :eek:


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
week 12 standings:

# team gp points +/-
1 chilli 11 31 +29
2 lang 12 26 +7
3 nd 12 25 +14
4 geu 12 21 +8
5 pau 11 21 +6
6 dmu 12 20 +8
7 gn 11 5 -12
8 poco 11 5 -20
9 dewd 12 5 -24
10 whal 10 4 -13

massive gap between the top six and the bottom four, any one of which could be automatically relegated by season's end.
thanks pau for the result at langley :D
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