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Premier [FVSL] Premier 2016/2017 - Results & Banter

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Perhaps during the Holidays or at the end of the season. We really would like to play with the tough Valley boys.
You know after a while it can gets boring playing the same teams/managers/clubs. We had Rinos X 3 this season, and other than them and Norvan we do not have any other real rivalry. We had some players visiting from Africa today, and it was nice to see the intensity with those players. Really good / hardcore intensive duals and football. My players need to toughen up a bit and I have not seen a VMSL team with enough grit. Perhaps only Harps and Greencaps matches this fighting spirit.
Are these the teams from your league?
I am pretty sure that we can beat them on a good day and if we have our full roster.

Didn't even know this livestream existed. I've turned down the volume, these two guys are brutal. Obviously hockey guys...

"Great kicks"
"The goaltender couldn't handle it"
"Wow, these guys are athletes, man!"
"Play in the offensive zone..."
"Booted in front...the kick...and a goal!"

Fcuk me.

@knvb, couldn't you have arranged for Tomo and Reedie to both provide insightful commentary and TTP the FVSL at the same time?

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
You know guys, I really admire that you are trying to promote soccer in the Valley. You are essentially in the fringes/frontier of the soccer world and should be commended for it.

I do tease you, specially @Dude, but has a good point. In theory, the FVSL should eventually surpass the VMSL. The issue is that you have to play your cards right. Having two leagues is not bad as it forces competition between the two and this helps the teams and players. It keeps both leagues working hard to deliver the best product to the teams and players.

You do have the upper hand in the long run because of the demographic location.
Perhaps a few hints:
1) Invest in good refereeing.
2) Think creatively. You have to come to us and not they other way around. Do not do things the way has always been done.
2.1.) Acknowledge that the soccer market will be mainly composed of New Canadians or foreign born individuals. You need to target the Asian and Latin American and South East Asian communities.
2.2) Do not do home and away games. This is the killer guys. You really have to come to us if you want teams from here.

The same goes for the VMSL; if they want prosperity; they need to aggressively get into the Surrey soccer market. They can not sit on their laurels. Losing SU is a big loss and they should work hard to bring that club back.

I am happy now in the VMSL, but who knows a few seasons from now. (i.e. relocation, getting bored of playing Rinos all the time, etc).

All the best to you there guys, who knows perhaps one day I will be living right beside @Dude.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Ps. Think efficiency. Teams should move up and down quite quickly. This a big problem in the VMSL. We have a bottleneck in Division 2 and Division 1. They should have relegation of three teams each season or do it like in many Latin American countries where you have "apertura" and "clausura" tournaments. In other words, two tournaments per season. This way teams go up and down quickly.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Business must be good or your obsession with Mcivor/Demerit is increasing to stalking levels.

Hoping its just Mcivor but the way the athlete/babe thread was going for a while before I swooped in and saved it ya never know I guess. Perhaps this is what @Soccer Coach is confusing the TTP FVSL premier thread with matchmaker.com



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You know guys, I really admire that you are trying to promote soccer in the Valley. You are essentially in the fringes/frontier of the soccer world and should be commended for it.

I do tease you, specially @Dude, but has a good point. In theory, the FVSL should eventually surpass the VMSL. The issue is that you have to play your cards right. Having two leagues is not bad as it forces competition between the two and this helps the teams and players. It keeps both leagues working hard to deliver the best product to the teams and players.

You do have the upper hand in the long run because of the demographic location.
Perhaps a few hints:
1) Invest in good refereeing.
2) Think creatively. You have to come to us and not they other way around. Do not do things the way has always been done.
2.1.) Acknowledge that the soccer market will be mainly composed of New Canadians or foreign born individuals. You need to target the Asian and Latin American and South East Asian communities.
2.2) Do not do home and away games. This is the killer guys. You really have to come to us if you want teams from here.

The same goes for the VMSL; if they want prosperity; they need to aggressively get into the Surrey soccer market. They can not sit on their laurels. Losing SU is a big loss and they should work hard to bring that club back.

I am happy now in the VMSL, but who knows a few seasons from now. (i.e. relocation, getting bored of playing Rinos all the time, etc).

All the best to you there guys, who knows perhaps one day I will be living right beside @Dude.

I'll bite...

1.) Agree 100%, been saying this for years, but an increase in referee pay now will only serve to draw over the better VMSL guys, which is to say, more of the same. It will take years as young referees stay with it to work up the levels to actually get to a spot where the pay is pretty good extra cash. As it is now, like pulling teeth to get former players to take it on, but some have.

2.) No idea what you mean here.
2.1) You just described about 1/3 of the FVSL, maybe more. You do know the league is predominantly based in Surrey, right?
2.2) What league doesn't have home & away matches? Honestly...
3.) I like the concept of the "apertura" and "clausura" tournaments. To the FVSL's credit, this has been done in years past, I remember being involved in a couple. I'm pretty sure it still happens, just don't know the exact format, and really don't care, actually.

In the VMSL threads you go on about collusion of big clubs vs. single entity teams, like yours. If this is a concern you have now, the FVSL is not going to make you feel better. The league is largely club based, and with that, erm...large...clubs. Not sure how many are Saudi owned, however...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Hoping its just Mcivor but the way the athlete/babe thread was going for a while before I swooped in and saved it ya never know I guess. Perhaps this is what @Soccer Coach is confusing the TTP FVSL premier thread with matchmaker.com


Only an indirect benefit (becoming neighbors with Mrs. Demerit), but then, Mrs. Dude has a hankering for one Mr. Demerit. I know. Weird and potentially kinky stuff, and I should probably not be sharing this on social media.

Thank God nobody reads TTP anymore, and specifically this thread.

Although, maybe if the FVSL actually wrote up a match report once in a while? @thomas mills (smiley emoticom, rolleye emoticom)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I am trying to expand my horizons. I drove the other day past the Port Mann bridge and it was a bit of a shocker. Almost everybody looks Caucasian, dress differently and speaks differently.

Well when you still live in your Moms basement it isn't all that surprising!?!?
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