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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and banter - DEC. '04

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Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Hurricanes have not beat the last place team Coyotes this year either.........have you tried humble pie ????


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
Um why would i get banned? I dont remember using excessive profanity or talking about anything unrelated to soccer. Chopper you just need to hit a near by field and get a good practice in because your going to be in for a battle come this saturday. Also we are playing you guys in the new year and i hear you guys play on turf. Is that true?
Chopper said:
Hey some of us have better things to do before christmas then to play a game of soccer on a saturday( wow did that really come out of my mind). Some of us have families and since there was not going to be any games scheduled then some of us made other plans. I wonder how long before this clown is banned?


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Shaven, we would cut them some slack, but it was Curious who came on here and repeatedly called us out for not wanting to make up the game before Christmas. HP didn't want to schedule the game for this weekend as we have a few guys also away for the holidays, but when Curious kept calling us out, we decided we would play no matter who was away. We have 3 guys who won't be able to make it but we feel confident in our depth. I will change my original prediction of a 4-0 win to a 2-0 win as we are missing a couple of scorers. The defense will be ready to go though.

For those that want to watch, the game is scheduled for 12 pm at Cloverdale turf on Saturday.

shaven said:
Let's bear in mind that the FVSL declared before last weekend that there were not going to be any games SCHEDULED for this coming weekend...Lads with families, g/friends and such likely had gone ahead and made other plans, knowing that they would not have a match. Its a fair reason, not an excuse. Cut the old men Clones some slack, eh? :D



New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Great defense usually beats great offense (especially when the great offense is missing some key ingredients). I've seen the Canes play a few times, and they are great to watch as they are an exciting, uptempo team to watch, but I stand by my prediction of Clones 2 Canes 1 on Saturday. I gotta work Saturday morning but I plan to be there to see the 2nd half of this game.

jigga said:
Our starting fowards, midfielders, and defenders could all be missing and we would still lay a shallacking on the clones. Im sure the clones will battle hard this weekend but we will come out on top. My prediction is 4-1.

Keeper #1

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
The Canes also have great defence, Maybe it wasn't there at the begining of the season but its there now and thats all that matters. Great defence, great offence will beat a just a great defence. My prediction 3-0 Canes.


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
I dont know why everyone thinks our defense is so bad. At the start of the year we had only one regular starter on defense and because of our depleted lineup we would fall behind so quick and we'de push everyone up to get goals. Our defense is awesome right now and they are not just good defenders, they have the ability to push up into the play and get involved offensivly as well. Team that up with our stellar goalkeeping and its gotten pretty hard for teams to score on us as of late, just ask our opponents.
Keeper #1 said:
The Canes also have great defence, Maybe it wasn't there at the begining of the season but its there now and thats all that matters. Great defence, great offence will beat a just a great defence. My prediction 3-0 Canes.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Stal18 said:
Wow Guru ur such a pervert .... for as much time as you spend on here i am certain half of that is spent with ur hands down your pants
:confused: Why am I a perv for having my hand down my own drawers? ? And where did this cum from?
And why aren't you a Darwin Award finallist??


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Even if you knock off your first 3 games when you had injuries, you guys have given up 8 goals in 8 games which is solid. The Clones though have only given up 9 goals in 12 games period! Your defense may be solid but it doesn't compare to that of the Clones which is 2nd only to NDFC in Div 2. Plus your goalie doesn't get enough credit as you guys give up quality chances every game with the way your defense is always pushing up. I would say your goalie is the best in Div 2 and probably top 3 in all of FVSL, including Premier. If he has an off day, you could give up a ton of goals on any given weekend.

My original prediction on the game was a 1-1 tie but with the overconfidence I sense from the Canes, that can only spell disaster going up against a veteran team like the Clones that has been together longer than most of the Hurricane players have been allowed into bars. Clones 2 Hurricanes 1 on Sat.

jigga said:
I dont know why everyone thinks our defense is so bad. At the start of the year we had only one regular starter on defense and because of our depleted lineup we would fall behind so quick and we'de push everyone up to get goals.

Keeper #1

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Regulator, its true that the Canes goalie has played outstanding during the season. He comes to play every game with determination. It is not always their goalie but he credits alot to his to team for the confidence that they give him even when he does screw up. Bottom line, great goaltending, great defense, great offense equals a 3-0 win for the Canes. Regulator the goalie appreciates your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
We can go back and forth all day with whos team is better, whos offense is better and whos defense is better, but it will all come down to the final score on saturday. We had all sorts of this talk leading up to the poco game and we went in and responded with a 3-0 win. Im sure the clones defense is great but ours is great also and when you mix that in with a great offence i think it might be enough to overcome the clones. Should be a great game though cant wait.
TheRegulator said:
Even if you knock off your first 3 games when you had injuries, you guys have given up 8 goals in 8 games which is solid. The Clones though have only given up 9 goals in 12 games period! Your defense may be solid but it doesn't compare to that of the Clones which is 2nd only to NDFC in Div 2. Plus your goalie doesn't get enough credit as you guys give up quality chances every game with the way your defense is always pushing up. I would say your goalie is the best in Div 2 and probably top 3 in all of FVSL, including Premier. If he has an off day, you could give up a ton of goals on any given weekend.

My original prediction on the game was a 1-1 tie but with the overconfidence I sense from the Canes, that can only spell disaster going up against a veteran team like the Clones that has been together longer than most of the Hurricane players have been allowed into bars. Clones 2 Hurricanes 1 on Sat.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Stal18 said:
Wow Guru ur such a pervert .... for as much time as you spend on here i am certain half of that is spent with ur hands down your pants

I am the second best soccer player in div 2 , behind CJ

GEU Wolves 2-1 odds to win it all
everyone els who gives a shiit cause its only Div 2 soccer

Hurricanes Rule all!

Listen Stal 18 I know you are good but you lack the, err proper number of years to be considered player #2. I think that there are other players here on this forum that may be deserving of best player #2. Now take Guru for instance, if he was as good on the field as he is on this forum, no wait, he's as shitty on this forum as he is on the field. I would say that judging from the amount of crap coming form the Hurricanes they have the #1 through #20 best players in the world. Stal 18 you'll have to settle for #22 in the league.


Dec 4, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey I said nothing of us not playing, i just said i wasn't sure what was going on. I said that SOME of us have other plans. Curious never said that we were never going to play just that he didn't know either. Hey I practice every thursday, but not sure if i can play with my ankle, I was going to wait till the new year but if we are playing then i might lace the boots up. I haven't felt my shoulder planted in a soft chest this year. Jigga we do play on turf.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
the official word is that the clones vs canes match is a no go .as i said in an earlier post we have a lot of christmas family things planned as a lot of our players have young families and family comes first in my opinoin .so the big match will have to wait so canes post away that we are scared or whatever you like but please enjoy your holiday season with your friends and families and i look forward to our matches in the new year :D

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I'm sure that the Canes are relieved that the match isn't a go this weekend, as this will allow them to get down to the local shopping mall and get their picture taken on
Santa's lap.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree Curious, family does come first. But aren't your kids in their twenties? Too bad the Clones won't be able to lick the candycanes this weekend, would have been a nice warm up before the TTP party. I wonder how big the clones will be after all those Turkey dinners?

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Stal18 said:
Wow Guru ur such a pervert .... for as much time as you spend on here i am certain half of that is spent with ur hands down your pants

I am the second best soccer player in div 2 , behind CJ

GEU Wolves 2-1 odds to win it all
everyone els who gives a shiit cause its only Div 2 soccer

Hurricanes Rule all!

hahaha, who gives a shite who the 2nd best player in div. 2 is dumbass. soccer is a team sport. but i guess by your strange logic every player in div. 1 is better than you :rolleyes: and CJ ain't shite. so i guess you both suck ass.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
utah said:
I agree Curious, family does come first. But aren't your kids in their twenties? Too bad the Clones won't be able to lick the candycanes this weekend, would have been a nice warm up before the TTP party. I wonder how big the clones will be after all those Turkey dinners?

what the hell are you doing in this thread and not really in their twenties they just turned 20 in nov.i was refering to the average aged clone (37) as of course i am above average . and yes many turkey dinners will help in our overall feild coverage wont it .more of us less room on the pitch and in the new year squish go the canes. no friends in any other threads eh ?


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
:rolleyes: and CJ ain't shite.

If I recall from playing the 'canes last season, and if CJ is who i think he is, and wears/wore #10, then I agree with all the smack talk here directed his way. From what I recall, and again this only applies if its the same player, he went to the grass like a sack of potatoes at the mere suggestion of a tackle, and let out the most bloodcurdling yelp as if he'd just taken the most brutal hacking of anyone's career. :rolleyes: I sincerely hope this is not the same player, but if it is he's got a lot of maturing to do if he hopes to have any success in the Men's game. If its not the same player, my opinion is moot and I retract this statement. Perhaps whack or Keeper #1 can confirm if indeed this is the same player. :D


P.S. This is my one and only post on this subject; I will not wade into these waters again.
P.P.S. On a topical note, too bad the 'canes and Clones match is not on for Saturday, but bravo to those lads for taking care of their home lives first and not trying to field depleted lineups against each other. I suppose all the trash talk will continue over the holidays. :rolleyes:
P.P.P.S. Notice my effective use of the quote feature?!...Hope some of you are paying attention! :D :D :D
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