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[FVSL Div. 2] Banter and results. Sept. 2006

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New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
I would say phil played better than Buble, overall this team really showed how not to play. The game was over from the whistle, it seemed no one was interested in playing at all. No form, no passing, no talking...not much more to say other than a team with 2 games under their belt is going to take some time to gel....just as the Rams did when we went 1-7 to start the summer. After everyone gelled it changed to what? 8-0? Either way White Rock played a different team the week before. Its early in the season still for making too many decisions.

It definately didnt help with the ref threatening us to sub certain players or he was going to red card them...first time ive ever heard that from a ref. He was absolute shite. We are still missing an experienced keeper as well, something we are keeping an eye out for. Gazza's 2 goals were by far your best and I think tyler was the best player on the field for the rams.

Furious George

New Member
Sep 17, 2006
Dirty Money
LTD maybe if you spent more time on the touchline your team would be more successful. Oh yeah I forgot your old man is the coach so we no that ain’t going to happen. If you want I can forward you Bluebird’s cell number so your pops can ring him and get some pointers on how a proper coach operates.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Furious George said:
I can forward you Bluebird’s cell number so your pops can ring him and get some pointers on how a proper coach operates.

you guys can talk sh1t all you want to each other but keep me out of it their coach will do fine once he gets his head arround it :mad:


New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
Another phantom player on the Wanderers vs Rams soap opera. You obviously have no idea based on what you have said. You even pissed off Blu well done! Why waste my time with a reply, everyone who has any idea already knows this story.


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
Poco City Athletic 2 Langley Bandits 2. sigh we were up 2-0 with five minutes to go. We were down to 9 men, they had 10. The racial slur from the midget was great at around the 20th minute, red for him and red to our player for calling him out. Another red for us on a retaliation call at about 70 minutes. I am happy to report though that I am card free. :)

For the most part they have a clean team, they could stand to just get rid of three or four guys, absloute trash. Besides the racial slur, I got pushed into the goalpost,(good thing I'm Dutch and have a wooden head), our second red should have been a red the other way but the ref didn't see it,(thats way you DON"T retaliate)

Oh yeah we had no subs to start and no goalie, chirst almighty, doesn't matter the reason no way we should have blown that 2-0 lead.

On the obviously improved Wolves next week. Woody are we still bringing up the rear?

I've rambled on enough I'm bloody tired, christ down in nine men and you expect me to run around like I'm in shape? **** me I'm goi zzzzzzzz
As this was my first experience watching a FVSL Div 2 game, I feel it necessary to comment.

First off, the blue team (Langley, I think) were taking the piss out of PoCo for almost the entire 2nd half. Except, of course, when one PoCo striker single-handedly walked virtually the length of the field as the lone Langley defender almost tripped over his own goalie as he backed up into his own net. 2:0 at that point, I believe.

Not sure if the ball made it out of the PoCo half after that.

Regardless, that half was the most embarrasing display of... I guess you'd call it "soccer", that I've ever seen. Whining, bitching, and swearing like 10-year olds. Fcuk me, you even had the ladies playing after you shaking their heads as they were running their warm-up laps.

Thank God I had the fortune of missing the first half.

~Happytojointhediscussion. :D

Furious George

New Member
Sep 17, 2006
Dirty Money
LivinTheDream said:
Another phantom player on the Wanderers vs Rams soap opera. You obviously have no idea based on what you have said. You even pissed off Blu well done! Why waste my time with a reply, everyone who has any idea already knows this story.

And who started this soap opera by trying to move a GEU team to Poco? If KH wasn’t such a moron he wouldn’t have brought your old man in to coach to begin with. By the way I like how Poco ran the table against GEU this weekend.:rolleyes:

And for your information Bluebird is a crusty old fart so it doesn’t take much to piss him off.


New Member
Jun 5, 2006
Dirty Money
Well to start yes the rams went 1 and 7 to start the summer, and i think they have alot to thanks there former coach to thank for that. He made them a better team weather they like it or not. And in saying this I take nothing away from there current coach. But lets not forget what got to them where they are now. Having said that.. Yes they kicked the ever living sh!t out of us the Poco Rams, let it be know that my name is Michael McInnis, and if any Ram is gonna talk shite about my coach or any of my players, you had your chance. You beat us fair and square, I think we took that loss with a little bit of class, and untill i logged on to this web site I thought you guy s won with class. I don't know who posted such BS but if you have anything further to say, I am sure you can get my number off some one on that team. Grow some balls and say it to our faces cause this little teen girl bull sh!t is just that bull sh!t, you have somthing to say about my team say it to my team or attach your name don't hide behind a fake one!


New Member
Mar 3, 2006
Dirty Money
Langley Poco was a bad first half game, was on the sidelines when the reds were dished out. I had no one shite talk, bad mouth or hack me which was good and I did the same, no card for me either canuckboy. Have nothing bad to say about the Poco team except for the field but I always enjoy a game on the grass. Second half was not bad and we started to get our shite together but did it a bit too late could have put in a few more. The ref did a good job only a few missed or bad calls but what can you do no ones perfect. The girls game after was good more than a couple of hotties and a few of them could play not that all of them couldnt. I dont know about anyone else but I know the ladies didnt shake their heads at me cause I hung out with a couple of them after the game and gonna go to their fundraiser. shite Boys we gotta get out of summer soccer mode and play like we did in last 20 mins.

Furious George

New Member
Sep 17, 2006
Dirty Money
Nice to see you come to your boyfriend’s defence mikeym. You really should spend less time trying to come up with Oscar worthy angry rants and more time practicing PK’s. And 6-0 isn’t a loss it’s a slaughter.;)


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Holy shite... Two games in a row Langley's accused of over trash talk and dirty tactics on the park and bad mouthing from the bench.... and they think they're angels...

could the other teams be wrong ?!?

Are the Ass Bandits really misunderstood!?

Tune in next week, when the Titans make the early morning trip to MAP. .... any Titans on TTP??

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
If you read my post you can see Mike I was giving you guys some credit, it's two other players that are talking shite, Am I glad we spanked your team yes of corse I am, but that's where it ends I'm not talking shite about you guys, it's just a game good luck next week and we know next time we play you guys it will be alot tougher.


New Member
Sep 9, 2006
Dirty Money
Wah wah wah my names Mike wah wah wah say it to my face wah wah wah I suck at penalties wah wah wah...SHUT UP you lost and you suck, what's next weeks excuse going to be???

You turn coats are dicks, KH you're lazy, fat and useless and you try and make friends with poeple who slag you off all summer, We stick up for you and stand by your side and you always act so nice KH, get a back bone these Arseholes tried to ruin your team, that you have ran for four years now. seems like we care more then you do.

Anyway I'm bored of Poco, bring on whiterock, and sometime we'll get a real team like Aldergrove or N.Delta


New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
Furious George said:
And who started this soap opera by trying to move a GEU team to Poco? If KH wasn’t such a moron he wouldn’t have brought your old man in to coach to begin with. By the way I like how Poco ran the table against GEU this weekend.:rolleyes:

And for your information Bluebird is a crusty old fart so it doesn’t take much to piss him off.

You know who started the soap opera? It was KH actually who wanted the team to chose between the coach and KH. And what did the team do? They chose the coach. You whine like Raj....

Im not sure how you look at us as turn coats when 3 days before we secured our Div 2 spot (which everyone said wasnt going to happen) most of the team decided to go back to Maple Ridge. We had a meeting to discuss everyones thoughts and all we ended up with was a second coach in the other room who couldnt come and sit down with the rest of us, a drunk player who figured playing sherades on the meeting clip board was more successful, and a guy who i was ready to call my captain sit there and say dick all for the entire night, only to spring on us the last practice that everyone was going back to ridge. If all went right in the first place, we would all still be playing in Ridge and easily have challenged the Div spot.

To be honest, there are only one or two players that would actually say anything about my old man coaching, cause everyone who played for him said he was a good coach and wanted to keep him for the winter season. THE ENTIRE TEAM SAID THIS. The only people that were not present include a few players whom i believe are the ones hiding behind their fake names. Your always welcome to come say this to my face, i dont see why you are still whinning....its a pretty pointless ordeal when everything has run its course and we all are playing where we want to play at this point.

P.S Mouthing off behind a fake name is nothing more than a pussy. Come and say hi to me, your only hiding because you know all too well what would happen had you grown a sack and said that shite to my face:eek:

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
I've always been up front and said shite to your face, didn't I call you the other day??? And I do think your Dad is a good coach. I've just carried on running my team as if nothing happened, read my posts, I say it how I see it. As far as the other guys winding up the Poco guys up, looks like it's working, this is just a website called TTP after all and they are doing just that taking the piss, not that I agree with everything, in fact I think it's just plane stupid, but who am I to Judge. anyway good luck next weekend.


New Member
Sep 9, 2006
Dirty Money
KH is a dick but he didn't start this LTD so wake up. anyway I would say it to your face but you got bad breath, you should really do something about that, and besides what would you do??? let me guess a bicycle kick??? chill out man this is TTP we rip KH on this site and to his face, fat bastard KH, focus on your team and who you have next week.

Furious George

New Member
Sep 17, 2006
Dirty Money
LTD your intention was always to move the team to Poco. Your pub is in Poco, do you really think that the boys were going to drive all the way out there after a practice on the Albion turf. You made a BUSINESS decision and for that I don’t blame you. But that doesn’t change the fact that I think you’re an overrated player and nothing more than your old man’s puppet.

KH this ain’t the Gaza Strip so quit trying act like a peacemaker. And quit trying to make friends with everybody nobody likes you. Just ask shonkey.


Apr 3, 2006
Dirty Money
I wish i was an eddy. I know i would start. There is way too much going on today. i guess me missing practice wouldnt be too bad in light of all the stuff mentioned before this post. I guess the Celtic are not in too bad of shape after all. Lots of drinkin - but no crazy shite!!!


New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
Hey, all this shite has been brought up before, everyone i talked too was surprised that KH decided he wanted to take the team back full bore. All my dad did was say, alright, make the decision as a team and ill be here if you want me here. Was it not the team who had to vote? So you cant say this was the plan in the first place. I believe I was approached to play for the Rams, as was my dad. I started on the team BEFORE my dad had anything to do with this, which shows I would be playing in the same position regardless. Its quite obvious knowing this fact that your apparent "fathers son" idea is bullshit.

If you honestly think i made a business decision for this team you are by far incorrect. I was always close even as a friend to everyone on the Rams team. I have never held a grudge, and if anything I do not feel that I am labelled a turncoat. I know its all shits and giggles on here, and i definately am not taking it as a personal insult, but I mean come on, we were so close as a team and it has come down to this? Bah. Like I said, id be just as happy to play in ridge, EVERYONE WAS AT THE PUB MORE WHEN WE PLAYED IN RIDGE THAN THE POCO MOVE, GET THE BUSINESS THING OUTTA YOU HEAD!

My pub is in POCO, i had nothing to do with the Rams till I was approached, blame yourselves for the outcome. I never even voted for the move at the end of the day. I realized the position I was in and thats pretty hard to be involved with the team as the kid of the coach. Id prefer I was not playing in that position from the shite I get labelled as but there wasnt much I could do at that point.

KH, you got plenty of heart buddy, dont read my posts as insulting to you. I just find laughable the sheer highschool drama that results by people who cant go to the pub, get pissed and say whats on their mind. As far as an over rated player, I agree 100% with that remark. I played at a level once where I could look in the mirror and consider myself a good player. Since then my life didnt include playing soccer, and only now have I started to get involved again. So i have some building to do...is there something wrong with that? I am slowly progressing, and working 70 hours a week isnt a bad level to be at right now.
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