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Div 1 [FVSL Div 1] Results, Banter & Predictions November 07'

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Andy was reffing the game and I don't think there would have been too many complaints after this one.

Hate posting twice in a row, but I had to comment. Andy was excellent and the best referee performance I have seen this season.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
I think the "1 goal in a cup game" junk was refering to was the 2 goals 13 put behind us last year in regular season. I dont see in his post where he said he wasnt any good, the guy gives more trouble then any other single player on a team we've played this season... That being said, I have to agree that other then him you guys did not create much at all. I think the main factor behind you guys taking control of the latter part of the first, and our taking the entire second half has got to be the wind. Fcuking Impossible trying to kick the ball into those gusts.

and if your possesion numbers are correct, 55-35 = 90, i guess the other 10 percent goes to your keeper who chased every ball that went off the end line. Maybe your not playing for the tie, but the slow jog after the ball (when there is one in the back of your goal) says otherwise - You know the ref isnt stopping the clock every time. One of those games we wouldve walked off pissed if we tied, and i think you guys would have been more then content. Either way we got the win when we needed to, and continue to hope for the chance to be brought down to earth next season against the top 8 prem teams :cool:


New Member
Sep 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: allity

Keeps was unbelievable stopping yet another clear out break-away,
and 2 incredible saves off the line.

Langley showed life around the 85th minute mark, with chances from clear out counterattacks.
Kick and run was their huge factor, in their beating they recieved until the late dying minutes.

Giving credit to a team that got hammered and shift
changed 5 players every 8 minutes; take it.

Yes; Sporting did have 2 shots on net, one
coming from a free kick and one from Langleys def.

Seems like this Sporting team might need to shoot the ball?
Relying on thier clinical free-kicks will only get them so far.

Curious to see how Sporting reacts to this lose.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
That's the other thing we kept hearing from you guys..."Kick and run is all they have", when the reality was that we held a way higher percentage of possession.

Sort of like our game two years ago when one of your guys shouts out "they have no fitness", when we were clearly out running and out pacing you.

Again- your outside halves had NO INTEREST in marking.

You were beat in the final minutes of injury time because we were more determined. Our fitness is higher, and our possession was greater. Had Canuck not been OUTSTANDING last night, it would have been a very ugly result in our favor.

Let's get real.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Fcuking Impossible trying to kick the ball into those gusts.

and if your possesion numbers are correct, 55-35 = 90, i guess the other 10
percent goes to your keeper who chased every ball that went off the end line.

Yeah Wind was tough... I guess land just North of an airport is cheap.

Posession numbers were minutes not %, hence the Nike 'total 90' analysis.

You guys probably didn't hear me bitching out the keeper for chasing the ball then, maybe he wanted the game to end but we'd never draw things out unless we were up by a goal and hanging on for dear life. We want to win just as much as the next guys. Keeper is from D3, I am sure he wanted the game to end, from his perspective it was only a matter of time with those corner kicks and I am sure he didn't want to be the goat. He did very well.

Sorry If I was a little hot in my response, I think our team deserves better at times and certainly works hard to try and earn the respect of our opponents. I don't accept the fact that because your #1 and we are like #14that we should be happy with the result, and I am sure you guys would feel the same should the roles be reversed. Anyhow, good match for sure, hopefully see you again.

On another note with the Two Langley teams being involved in the last few posts here, seems like quite the alter-egos. One team showed up in the final 10 the other one subbed out. lol.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money

You guys have given us a run for our money in both games in the last two seasons, and more trouble then you would think with your place in the standings. Better luck with the 2nd half of the season

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Does anybody have any comments on Tsawwassen? Tsawwassen dominated us with their sharp passing, dashing runs, and blinding skill for 3/4 of the game. They had a free kick from 19 yards out, and one of their players got a yellow for complaining for 10 yards AFTER he watched the ref count it out. Later on he gets another card and is gone. 3) If you play the offside trap with no official linesmen, you WILL get burned, and that's not the referee's fault (Even Martin makes mistakes). 4) If you're gonna stand over someone with your fist in the air and tell them your gonna hit them, you'd better do it before you get dummied by their goalie. If you're gonna talk the talk, you better walk the walk. To the rest of the league: Run up the score against these kids so that the rest of the teams in Div 1 next year don't have to waste any more weekend games against this shite team. Au Revoir!

ya, actually I do have some comments dickass. I haven't been on here cuz I was in the hospital after tearing a ligament in my knee from that collision with your striker, no fault of his, just bad luck on my part. You want to talk about childish, how about all the ****s on your sideline telling me to "get up you pussy"! I've rarely in all my years playing heard a team blatanly tell a hurt guy on the opposing side to "get up" when he's down, terrible sportsmanship! You think they're fooling around when they're rolling around on the ground in pain! Bravo assholes.

I'm not one to complain about referee's, but that referee was by far the WORST referee we have had in years. The guy doesn't even speak english, not that that effects his skills as a referee, but fukc COME ON!! the guy was atrocious! our player that took that red for 2 dissents has a long LONG history or taking cards for dissent, in fact it was only his 2nd game back after a 7 game suspension from last season due to accumulated cautions for dissent, so it's a personal problem of his. As for the 10 yards on the free kick, lets not kid ourselves, that was no where near 10 yards, the ball was inches outside the 18, you guys were about 5 yards off the 6 yard box, that's 3 yards we were shorted! you could tell just by looking it wasn't 10, again poor reffing. maybe I should mention how after he counted it out the first time, instead of moving the wall back, he moved the ball further away from the wall!!! WHAT THE ****? never seen that done! this is the same ref, on a drop ball a few season ago, lines up two guys for the drop ball, then tosses it to the goalkeeper from about 25 yards out, we have it on video! doesn't the name suggest you 'drop' the ball, and sportmanship provided an opposing player kicks it back to the keeper?!?! just terrible!

I think I've killed the poor reffing thing, but let me add that the PK you guys got was definitely questionable, and you're 3rd goal, as your comments suggest, your guy was offside by about 5 yards, if a ref can't see that he shouldn't be reffing at the div.1 level.

That was very well played by our player not to punch yours. Ya maybe he would've gotten smoked by any other keeper in the league, but it would've made the refs job even easier in sending off the keeps anyways. Trust me, we have no problem walking the walk if it had come to that, but I'm glad it didn't cuz no one wants to see that on the field.

Finally, we were missing 7 starters, 8 after I got injured in the first half, so next to the terrible ref, that also led to our lack of discipline I believe, bunch of guys that don't usually see that much field time. I hope we see you guys in cup play so we can destroy you like we should have, our team of subs dominanted you guys (as admitted by you) but our lack of discpiline got the better of us, and shitty refereeing! Either way, we'll be seeing you next year in div.1.


New Member
Sep 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Sort of like our game two years ago when one of your guys shouts out "they have no fitness", when we were clearly out running and out pacing you.

Again- your outside halves had NO INTEREST in marking.

You were beat in the final minutes of injury time because we were more determined. Our fitness is higher, and our possession was greater. Had Canuck not been OUTSTANDING last night, it would have been a very ugly result in our favor.

Let's get real.

WHy dont you start your own thread
"How come no-one cares what you did 5 years ago"


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
ACBC 4- Peace Arch 1
Worst cold rainy windy time,,so no fun.
scored off a corner cause the wind blew it in,,No shi7,,funniest thing I ever saw,,well close and soccer related.


New Member
Feb 2, 2007
Dirty Money
I have to agree with Dude, without canuck as sportings goalie they wouldn't win or tie as many games as they do. You replace him as your goalie and you guys go from a mid pack team to a bottom dweller. Canuck in my opinion is in the top three if not top two goalies in division one and no I'm not including odog in that.

I don't care for lists or your opinions. I know what I am, and I deserve better than div. 1, but ACBC is the best team in the Province and Ghouse is the best coach in Canada, and currently we are in Div. 1, so be it. So who cares if I don't make your top 3 or 2, I'm so saddened.

4-1 ACBC over PAU. This was a real shite game. The wind on one side was ridiculous, and made the ball move so much it would stop in mid air, and then move the opposite way.

Felt bad because PAU were a decent group of guys and their keeper made some good saves in the game, but this was stupid for both teams.

Anyway, enjoy the games while I'm away and have a good TTP to everyone while I'm gone. I'll be trying out for AS Roma in a week, wish me luck!

BTW, be scared as Fuss is gonna stone your teams big time!

As a side note, I did go to River Rock and meet Steven Seagal, lol, the Mojo Priest!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
WHy dont you start your own thread
"How come no-one cares what you did 5 years ago"

I don't care about 5 years ago, I care about two nights ago, when we out worked and out skilled you. The score was way closer than it should have been. You guys need to cozy up to Canuck before Ghouse signs him to replace Odog.


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
geu 0 ndfc 1..was a good game with lots of hard tackles...they came out and had us on our heels bigtime and looked to be a good squad..we made it outta the half at 0-0 and played a lot better in the second..id say in the second half we matched chance for chance on their goal..although they had like 3 break aways..i missed a close header and a few other shots i should have had like five goals but hey im a sweeper give me a break..they are a good team and once again im pretty surprized to see that they are not higher in the league...lots of really good guys on the team to..was a fun game to play in...dopeashell a striker...i fu*king doubt it..later


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow. Again, another baffling result and game report. I'd have thought you guys would ave walked all over GEU like we did, if not more, given your place in the standings.

Just goes to show...I think this division has two teams that are clearly in a class above everyone else, and two teams that- based on results- deserve to go down. We get PAU this weekend, and we can't take anything ligtly. We already know that we can't score in a Surrey whorehouse, so even if we camp out on their 18 all game, we may end up in a scoreless draw.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Good result against Canuck and team Sporting. PAU is much better than their record - don't take them lightly!


Sep 22, 2006
Dirty Money
geu 0 ndfc 1..was a good game with lots of hard tackles...they came out and had us on our heels bigtime and looked to be a good squad..we made it outta the half at 0-0 and played a lot better in the second..id say in the second half we matched chance for chance on their goal..although they had like 3 break aways..i missed a close header and a few other shots i should have had like five goals but hey im a sweeper give me a break..they are a good team and once again im pretty surprized to see that they are not higher in the league...lots of really good guys on the team to..was a fun game to play in...dopeashell a striker...i fu*king doubt it..later

was a really good game, wish we could have a rematch. game could of easily gone either way, we shoulda finished on a bunch of chances, as could of ndfc. their goal was a combination of miscomunication on our part and a nice little flick of the side of the foot on your guys forward that snuck through or goalies legs. big saves on both ends by the goalies, the game could have easily seen way more goals if it wasn't for both of them. ndfc a good clean team classy guys to play against, good luck the rest of the way


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd have thought you guys would ave walked all over GEU like we did, if not more, given your place in the standings.

I think it's more our place in the standings that makes things deceiving.
Our game against you was not our usual performance, in fact it was a close tie to be our worst with the game against Aldergove.

You guys took advantage of a defense that was missing it's sweeper and stopper for the first half.

I feel a turn coming though for the rest of the season. Mark my words.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

November 12, 2007. Yoda feels winds of change, and not just because he wears bean squeezers.
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