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Div 1 [FVSL Div. 1] Mid-Season Report Cards

What has surprised you the most this season?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm by no means the resident Div. 1 guru here, but here is my take on Division One at mid-season.


This team had one goal at the start of the year. Get back to premier. They would have been there after last year, but faltered down the stretch. Their early results showed a team that was dominating. They are still winning games, but not as convincingly as at the start of the year. I see them maybe dropping some points in the second half.

Grade: A


The Rangers are about where they wanted to be at the midway point. First would have been better, but second is nothing to shake a stick at. Considering the fact that they haven't played their best game yet(lots of ugly wins)look for them to make a charge for the top in second half. The Pak starts in January and this team, no matter who's on it, shines in that tourney.

Grade: A-


The Raiders just sort of snuck up on everyone this year. No one should be surprised though. They don't practice, and they are good. The have owned the Rangers in the past two years, and have taken some big points off of them. They start the easy portion of their schedule this weekend so look for them to make a push for the top. Let's not forget, these guys played off for the 10th Premier spot two years ago.

Grade: A

Port Moody

Port Moody started the year off great. They beat up on all the lesser lights and entrenched themselves near the top of the standings. They have seen a dip in form over the last few weeks though and are starting to lose touch with the top two. They also start the second half with some easy games. Look for them to move up a little.

Grade: B-


In my opinion, the surprise of the first half. No one thinks much of the Div. 2 teams coming up. You don't really give them much of a chance. These guys, like the BK's last year, are starting to prove that theory wrong. They have played well and will maybe upset a top team or two in the second half.

Grade: B+


I think the first half of the season can only be summed up as a disappointment for the Highlanders. They are a perenial favorite in Div. 1 but haven't lived up to that in the first half. Who knows, with a bounce here or there, they probably could be a lot higher in the standings. But they aren't. I think a league top two is out of the question, but look out for them in the second half.

Grade: C


A lot of people expected this team to be good. Very good. They are far from it. They have a ton of induvidual skill, but as a team, they just don't rate. They are dangerously close to relegation. For a team that was in Premier a year ago, to a team that is fighting for it's life in Division 1. All and all, pretty sad.

Grade: D


I haven't got much to say on these guys. I haven't seen them play at all. This team is sort of what you would expect from a Div. 2 promotion though. Judging by their record anyway.

Grade: ??


How do these guys stay up? With the displays of domination getting further and further apart, Sporting looks like a good bet to be playing in Div. 2 next year. A new coach and a new philosiphy haven't worked for them this year at all. As with GNSU, a lot of talent, but no good as a team.

Grade: D


Contrary to popular belief, it does pain me to see them struggle so bad this year. There is no way you should be showing up to games with only 10 guys at this level. You won't win many games in Div. 3 doing that. None in Div. 1. Maybe they can suck it up and upset some teams in the hunt in the second half. Hopefully that will start next week vs. Aldergrove though. ;)

Grade: F

There you have it. Again, just my thoughts, so let's hear yours.


New Member
Oct 7, 2005
Dirty Money
Nice to see the Raiders getting some backhanded compliments. We'll take what we can get.

Geu: I feel sorry for these guys. Individually they have some skill they just need more individuals. Even against an old team like the Raiders you have to have more then 10 players.

Grade: D

Aldergrove: They are not as good as there record indicates. When we play them on a smaller sized pitch (unlike our Olympic sized field) the result will be different. Raiders hate Aldergrove!

Grade: A

Rangers: A good teamno question. Raiders always have good close games with them. Similiar styles.

Grade: A

Port Moody: There D is slow and can be beaten with speed. When we played them our 1 guy scored 4 goals on them. An average team at best.

Grade: C+

NDFC: Missed our first game of the season against them. Can't say much other then check out match of the week forum.

Grade: N/A

Highlanders: Always give us trouble. They have some skill just haven't put it together yet.

Grade: C+

GNSU: Our one game got canceled against them.

Grade: N/A

Whalley: Ship them back to Div.2 lets try adifferent team.


Sporting:I don't know why we have trouble against this team. Apparently no one else does. Fast forwards but get down on each other when they get behind.

Grade: C


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money

Go back and re-read my post in the MOTW thread and have a look at it with a different eye as if I was being sarcastic instead.
Because I was. ;)

You get it now right.... :cool:

Oh, and Rangers: A+


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
It is difficult to grade teams without seeing them play a few times.

I would grade the Highlanders season at this point a C due to disappointing performances to NDFC and GNSUFC.

In our last 4 games we have 1W, 2T and 1L against Raiders, Pt Moody, Rangers and Aldergrove, so it appears as though we are coming on.

With 5 games against the bottom 3 teams and a couple of games in hand, I think we can still come 3rd. Top 2 is out of the question.

Other grades:
Aldergrove A -ready to play the moment the whistle goes
Rangers B+ -always find ways to win, except vs Raiders
Raiders B -because they are average at best, but find ways to win
NDFC B- -strong transition to Div1 thus far, 2nd half gets tougher
Pt Moody C+ - big improvements over last year
GNSUFC D -a demotion team from prem should be better
Sporting C -generally finish mid to bottom half
Whalley C -didnt earn promotn but 2 wins with less talent aint bad
GEU C- -fill in team for BK's, expected a bit more from them


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice grading system, Millhouse. An A for Aldergrove for being ready at the whistle is brilliant. My dog is ready to play the moment I whistle too. He also runs around in circles after a he shits. What's my point here? Exactly.

I like the B you gave the Raiders for being average on their best day too. When I went to school a C was still average. I wish you were writing up my report card.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that Rangerforever is a B for being "average weight" or that Stepchild is a real doctor.


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
I was going to give Aldergrove an A because they are really fast but that sounded stupid. :p :D

The Highlanders generally get their warm up in during the first 15 minutes of the game. :rolleyes:

Moderators Report Card

Regs A - humor, forum control he brings the full package to the table
TheRob B - witty in slightly retarded kind of way, "plays" for Rangers
knvb C - he makes people cry, ask outkast & Luc



Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Take a look in the Gallery section of the pics from the past Friday Night Ranger game.

Nice Kit!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Milhouse said:
I was going to give Aldergrove an A because they are really fast but that sounded stupid.
You're right an A for being ready when the whistle blows was a much better choice.

Moderators Report Card

Regs A - humor, forum control he brings the full package to the table
TheRob B - witty in slightly retarded kind of way, "plays" for Rangers
knvb C - he makes people cry, ask outkast & Luc

Don't get too excited just yet TheRob according to Millhouse's bell(end) curve system, your B means you're average at best and Regs runs in circles after he shits.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't riun in circles after I shite but sometimes I really hope the toilet paper doesn't run out.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
The prodigal son has returned! How nice of you to grace us with your presence. Hell, I didn't even know you were still registered on here. I just figured you were to busy breast feeding your kid or dusting the furniture, Mr. Mom.

Uh, I don't even remember posting that. I guess that's what mixing beer and vodka will do.

By the way, this thread was DAB. Dead At Birth. Not even one page of posts and it's the 17th today. Poor effort lads.

P.s. I give Aldergrove an A.

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