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Div 2 [FVSL D2] Banter and Results February 08'

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
New month, probably same amount of games played. I will no longer predict first for us, as I think we're in trouble for the Rams game, missing too many important guys already. Hopefully the Rams will be in the same sort of situation so we can still have a good match. Any guess as to how many games get played this weekend? Nothing more I'd like then to have the second round of cup pushed back again :rolleyes:


Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
tom binnie should be cleared by sunday night
cloverdale is cleared and westcoast vs. pumas should be a go unless we get more snow.


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Dirty Money
I think the Reverand is smoking crack to think that PA would be mid pack Div 1 with the guys we have now. We have a lot of older guys (like me) who once were decent Div 1 or Prem players that just don't want to train and work hard anymore. If we move up to Div 1 that is great and we will have to pick up 2 or 3 new starters for our D and Midfield. Speaking for myself my minutes would drop unless i could get my fat ass off the couch and drop a few pounds. We are close to being a decent team but need a couple more pieces.

Franchise, the PAU Div 1 team is very frustraiting to see. The talent on that team is phenominal but they are all individuals who don't play like a team. I played with them a couple of years ago and we won Div 1 with basically the same group that is there now. The biggest thing they are missing is a strong coach that will kick some ass and make them play like a team. I would suspect if we move up we will look into picking up a couple of those guys but they would have to be the right fit.

And for the record Westcoast is still a wanker.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Kinda sounds like our club....if guys played at the level they should we would have a strong prem, div1 and div 2 sides.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Lets take us back to a few months ago.....Whalley and the Rams are playing a game for first place scheduled for Sunday afternoon.... during the week the game is changed twice and ends up being scheduled for a friday night game which a a chunk of our guys couldn't play because of work issues and not being able to switch their shifts 2 times in a week. Hector phones the coach to see if we can switch the game back to the original time and the coach reply's "I have looked into a crystal ball and don't see us in div 2 next year, we will take wins anyway we can get them, you can forfeit if you like" so we play them with our half ram half u21 team and tie.

Today the numbnuts (Whalley coach) phones Hector to ask if we can switch our game next week from Saturday night to Sunday sometime. He says that his guys are watching Hockey Night in Canada triple header and some guys can't come. He asks if we are going to watch it, in which Hector relies were english and hockey doesn't matter right now, and tells the coach to bad about the game time...see you next week. I wonder when and what time the game will be;):confused:

What a "donkey" this guy is:rolleyes:, I still reminder him yelling at their defender to take our guy out when he beat him one on one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Lets take us back to a few months ago.....Whalley and the Rams are playing a game for first place scheduled for Sunday afternoon.... during the week the game is changed twice and ends up being scheduled for a friday night game which a a chunk of our guys couldn't play because of work issues and not being able to switch their shifts 2 times in a week. Hector phones the coach to see if we can switch the game back to the original time and the coach reply's "I have looked into a crystal ball and don't see us in div 2 next year, we will take wins anyway we can get them, you can forfeit if you like" so we play them with our half ram half u21 team and tie.

Today the numbnuts (Whalley coach) phones Hector to ask if we can switch our game next week from Saturday night to Sunday sometime. He says that his guys are watching Hockey Night in Canada triple header and some guys can't come. He asks if we are going to watch it, in which Hector relies were english and hockey doesn't matter right now, and tells the coach to bad about the game time...see you next week. I wonder when and what time the game will be;):confused:

What a "donkey" this guy is:rolleyes:, I still reminder him yelling at their defender to take our guy out when he beat him one on one.

I kind of figured that was going to happen. We didn't have any control over the game changes in the first one, but aren't you glad we got it in because we haven't had a game in forever, and that would just be another one to add to the list. And don't lie your whole team was there ;)

The only reason he asked is a bunch of key guys (our defence) are going to Kelowna to see our a guy from our team last year as he always has a huge Hockey Day in Canada party (you'd have to see the shite at his house to believe it) and it was fine when the game was on Sunday, but now being Saturday they're going to miss it.

Either way, we're going in to the game expecting to win. Just as long as we keep you out of our end :D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 22, 2007
Dirty Money
Lets take us back to a few months ago.....Whalley and the Rams are playing a game for first place scheduled for Sunday afternoon.... during the week the game is changed twice and ends up being scheduled for a friday night game which a a chunk of our guys couldn't play because of work issues and not being able to switch their shifts 2 times in a week. Hector phones the coach to see if we can switch the game back to the original time and the coach reply's "I have looked into a crystal ball and don't see us in div 2 next year, we will take wins anyway we can get them, you can forfeit if you like" so we play them with our half ram half u21 team and tie.

Today the numbnuts (Whalley coach) phones Hector to ask if we can switch our game next week from Saturday night to Sunday sometime. He says that his guys are watching Hockey Night in Canada triple header and some guys can't come. He asks if we are going to watch it, in which Hector relies were english and hockey doesn't matter right now, and tells the coach to bad about the game time...see you next week. I wonder when and what time the game will be;):confused:

What a "donkey" this guy is:rolleyes:, I still reminder him yelling at their defender to take our guy out when he beat him one on one.
Now that's funny:D:D:D. Anyways, even if Hector agreed (and I'm glad he didn't;)), I'm not sure the league would have allowed it. The same happened to Ajax and Langley Wolves for the Grey Cup, both teams wanted to change from Sunday to Saturday, both coaches e-mail the league, but were turned down with the explanation that only changes "due to field closures" or "exceptional circumstances" would be reasons for a game change. Lions lost in the semis so it didn't matter anyways!

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
No Stallion you didn't see the full team, close but no cigar. Tyler wasn't there when we played the first time. And with him passing away you never got to see one of the best players we had. Our Irish assassin wasn't there. our Capitan crunch English/Italian mid wasn't there. and our newest young center mid wasn't there. I can't remember who else missed the game. I know Franchise missed and open net and I got a yellow card and I was only on the feild for three minutes lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
plus I want the two teams to be at there best for this game. I hope you have a full team or close to it.

Well we didn't have a full team either so there ;) Basically we'll be missing our centre mid, starting centre back (the only big guy on our team), and our starting left back. With all the injuries, we're missing more but we've been without them most of the season. It should still be a good game, as we have a lot of depth (in the middle of the park anyway). Well based on how much we've been training (none), and from what it sounds like you guys are the same, it might actually be a horrible game to watch :D


anyone know status of cloverdale turf? supposed to play sunday at 6...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Jimmy Jones is the Rams verus Coyotes game still on or not?
ya franchise we're on for tomorrow night city of surrey just plowed the snow off binnie yesterday about noon....anybody that wants to come watch one hell of a game tomorrow night come out tom binnie at 8pm....


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Dirty Money
My god! If I was to complain about everytime our team did not have our "full squad" I would be bitching every week. We are usually missing a key guy every week for some reason or another. We are still managing to compete to move up to Div 1. My left nut was sore last game who f@#king cares! Lets talk about something else, like how much of an A-hole Westcoast is.
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