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Field & Facility Shortcomings


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
knvb said:
I can hear the hamster on his squeaky wheel from here...

turn up your hearing aid.......thats just dial and jinky in the next room. one of these days the retirement home will get new, quiet beds.


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Frankly, I think if your going to put money into something don't you think you should take your time and get your monies worth?

knvb said:
I'm not surprised.

Here, I'll translate into FVSL div 8 for you - If Dial paid to shag your mother, 1. He'd be the first and 2. don't you think he would want to take his time instead of (here comes your big clue) speed through it?

I can hear the hamster on his squeaky wheel from here...

Knvb, I comprehend at a FVSL div 2 level and I have no clue what you are talking about too.

Walls, I appreciate your info.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuking morons...

Please tell me someone else see's it? Please?

Bloody sad state of the youth today...
walls said:
finally someone who wants to put money somewhere other than skateboard parks and speed humps.
It's quite possible you two are the biggest putz's TTP has ever known. I'll put the important bits in bold for the nugget twins to figure it out together. Did you two fail open book tests as well? Bonus points if you get your name right.

Bleachers are nothing to laugh at...


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
I will be honest I missed it as well, but knew better than to offer up my neck.

I hear the bell going, schools out.


Aug 21, 2001
Dirty Money
getting tired of hearing the ignorant remarks from walls.
though i do agree with allocating funds towards bettering
the sports facilities in my hometown (and KNVB's for that
matter), the grad class of 1992 takes offence to your
dimwitted remarks regarding our physical condition :mad:
tell you what wee man, once your peg heals up get your
superfit adonislike carcas :rolleyes: out to one of our training
sessions, then we'll see who can't do the business for 90 minutes.
you really wanna get kicked all over the pitch by beer-swilling
rednecks, there's your invitation :p


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
i understood it 6 and 1/2 hrs ago, its quite simply not funny. ha ha ha....get your monies worth....thats fcukin hilarious :rolleyes: . humping my mom?? again , not funny. why would you take your time when you have such little to spare? i would hope that a fcukin NO-LIFE loser such as yourself would be able to turn that information into something yourself, and the rest of the elderly hilbilies could snicker over at the shady toes retirement castle over a pint of prune juice and a game of old maid. your such a fcukin DORK!!! i hope that when you look back at your elongated life you'll be proud you spent it overlooking every single post on this site. i know why your post are always so short.....you can't type on the keyboard for longer than 3 minutes without having a spontaneous ejaculation all over it. we are quite happy you limit yourself though. the rest of us able-bodied tax payers are sick of paying for new ones. i'll see in we can have the parks board install a diaper change station as well, so that you, regs, jinky and dial poo-poo-poo can feel comfortable while watching us "youths" play at the mackie turf.


Aug 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: wakie wakie

yo dickfor, youth would put you in the u 18 age bracket,
so i guess u use a fake i.d. at the lion??? :eek:


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: Fcuking morons...

knvb said:
Bloody sad state of the youth today.....

come on knowone....you still just reading the end of the story and trying to pass the class??? you should have just rented the movie. ;)


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

what exactly are you going on about?
I don't work at Wal-Mart. Nor do I live in an old folks home. I don't think anyone on TTP lives in an old folks home. Why do keep insisting that some people do?

I'm going to guess that it's because you are a delusional balding dwarf seeking attention.

Am I right?

Yeah I thought I was probably correct.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Is this where you are hanging out now, Walls? I thought you and I had a pisstaking match going on in that other thread and then you disappeared...for two days. I looked for you, but you never seemed to be visiting the site. Log in problems?

I even hung out at the Walmart looking for you and was quite excited when I overheard some guy on crutches telling Bob in sporting goods about how he used to play lacrosse from 13-19 and was thinking of picking the game up again since his experiment in soccer failed miserably. You mean there's two of you out there?

This guy also asked Bob to sign a petition that states anyone over 28 years of age be banned from playing Div 2. FVSL or higher since they are taking all the good spots and are forcing you (well, I thought it was you) to play lacrosse, or worse still..in the FVSL Div4.

So where have you been? What happened? Were you working on new material for your piss-taking repertoire? Doesn't look like it.

Miss you,

Dial (and Dial's mom)

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
walls said:
i understood it 6 and 1/2 hrs ago, [sic] its [sic] quite simply not funny.

Er...I don't think you did, Walls. Here's what you said "6 1/2 hours ago":

walls said:
dont' quite understand what you mean knvb?????
do you not think this is worth it???

At least your math skills are improving.

walls said:
humping my mom?? again , not funny.

It's not? But I always laugh whenever you use that line. And what about my mom? She's still waiting for you to call her back.

walls said:
i would hope that a fcukin NO-LIFE loser such as yourself

Some of us don't have an exciting biography to retell like you do, Walls. The lacrosse years were my favourite. I think that story about that guy who caught you from behind on that two-on-one you flubbed should be at least a chapter's worth in your memoir. Maybe you can just cut and paste excerpts from that thread you started when your knee hurt a lot.

walls said:
...the rest of the elderly hilbilies could snicker over at the shady toes retirement castle over a pint of prune juice and a game of old maid.

Classic pisstaking here. Does prune juice clean easily? I hope so, because I spilled mine all over my new slippers when I read this. Funny stuff, Walls! No, really.

walls said:
your [sic] such a fcukin DORK!!!

I should stop here, but there's more.

walls said:
i'll see in [sic]we can have the parks board install a diaper change station as well, so that you, regs, jinky and dial poo-poo-poo can feel comfortable while watching us "youths" play at the mackie turf.

Good idea, Walls, since we'll all want to shite our pants after watching you play.

Still miss you,



New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
way too much time on his hands said:
So where have you been? What happened? Were you working on new material for your piss-taking repertoire? Doesn't look like it.

unlike you oldy moldy's i do have other things to do other than TTP to make it through the day. i think its hilarious that i post some good info that some people might care to hear, and you guys see i'm back on here, so you start talkin shite again. i didn't respond cause i felt it was like beating a dead horse on the other thread, not cause i was hurt by anything you said, or that i thought i couldn't get you back.
its quite obviose i ruffled a couple feathers over on the other thread, or you guys wouldn't be so infatuated with what i'm doing, where i've been, or when i'll post next. i'm glad i can be the highlight of all your guys' day. maybe i'll make a live appearance at the club house this weekend if i have the time to show my grattitude to the little people who obviousely care so much for me. keep up the good teamwork gentlemen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
walls this isn't the place to write anything worth while. I've tried it and it doesn't pan out. although I don't know if you can call what KNVB said a piss-take, I just thought it was stupid. i guess thats because I am from the valley though. We don't get a proper education out here to busy working on the farm with ma and pa. Apparently delta has become a worse place to live then surrey, I guess it's just the delta guys going over to surrey stealing cars and killing each other that gives surrey the high crime rate. walls their is no point arguing with this breed they are city workers,they are on the job as we speak 6 hours of the shift on ttp is in the contract.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The reason you get ripped in threads where you are obviously giving good info is because you are such a moron 99.9% of the time elsewhere here on the forums.

Case in point: seven-a-side thread

TTPers are presented with 2 points of view. One is full of threats, cussing, and is presented in a gramatical style that a 5 year old would cringe at. The other is very articulate. All things being equal, it's a no-brainer on who is going to be given the benefit of the doubt here.

The piss-take you are taking issue with was due to a simple typo, i.e., Humps instead of Bumps. If I or any other long-term TTP member had done the typo, KNVB would have posted the exact same thing.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs said:
The reason you get ripped in threads where you are obviously giving good info is because you are such a moron 99.9% of the time elsewhere here on the forums.

The piss-take you are taking issue with was due to a simple typo, i.e., Humps instead of Bumps. If I or any other long-term TTP member had done the typo, KNVB would have posted the exact same thing.

simple typo??? let me lay it down for you guys that don't yet know............
a speed bump is one of those little things you see in the wallmart parking lot that impedes your progress for a millisecond and has no effect on your vehicle if you so decide to speed over it.
a speed hump, on the other hand, is the full width of the road and about for feet long with a high center. these speed humps can be found all over north delta and tsawassen, and the municiple government has spent about $1,000,000 on them over the past five years. they are in place to control traffic and stop slurrey scumbags from using our roadways as shortcuts to richmond where they steal cars and kill innocent people. when you speed over a speed hump it will make almost all vehicles bottom out creating damage to ground effects, the chassis and suspension.
my five year old neice knows the differance between the two, so now who's the fcukin moron??!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs said:
TTPers are presented with 2 points of view. One is full of threats, cussing, and is presented in a gramatical style that a 5 year old would cringe at. The other is very articulate. All things being equal, it's a no-brainer on who is going to be given the benefit of the doubt here.

The piss-take you are taking issue with was due to a simple typo, i.e., Humps instead of Bumps. If I or any other long-term TTP member had done the typo, KNVB would have posted the exact same thing.

cringe, cringe, cringe...........


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for the lesson on speed bumps and humps. Learn something new every day. Well, one of us does.

Please rewrite the sentence I used that you are taking issue with above so that I can learn from my errors. Wait till tomorrow though as my quota for the day is done.

PS. Are you saying you are a 5-year old?

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