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Dog Breed Bans: Yes or No?


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
By now, most of us have seen that brutal photo of the bull terrier after a porcupine encounter. What strikes me from that photo is not the extent of the injury so much as the idea that it must have taken so long for the dog to finally stop. What if, instead of a porcupine, it had been a baby, child, or teenager?

Are there certain breeds of dogs we can be confindent knowing won't do this sort of thing? Are there others we can't be sure about? If so, should we make such a distinction between them and ban them from private pet owners?

Personally, the idea of banning pitbulls isn't far from a bad idea. After walking around a corner and startling a young pitbull, it barked and gnashed its teeth at me -- I very nearly wet myself.

There are animals that are hardwired for agressive behaviour. And I believe there are some breeds of dogs that are much the same. Of course, I believe training and a consistent master can quell those instincts, but really, is the average, urban dog owner a perfect master?


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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Personally, I would vote to ban evil breeds of dogs like Manchester terriers, miniature dobermans, chihuahuas, yorkies, pomeranians, toy poodles, and any other kind of furry rat that yaps instead of barking.:D :p

Obviously, Fido in the picture wasn't smart enough to realize that getting a face full of porcupine quills would hurt; that's more stupid than vicious.

I think you'll find that in most cases, something like this is due more to the idiocy of the dog's owner.

arf, arf, woof woof, bark, bark...


White Knight

New Member
Sep 29, 2004
Dirty Money
The problem is not dog breeds - it's the dog's owners. Ban the owners! No, you can't ban dogs by breed.

If a dog is trained properly, no matter what the breed, it should not be overly aggressive. Some people just don't get it. They don't spend any time training their dog.

It's just like... If you don't properly discipline your kids, they have no respect for anyone and steal cars, etc. If you don't train/discipline your dog properly, it can be vicious and attack people. And, the more aggressive that you are towards your dog, the more aggressive it will be towards others.

In the city, officials can force dog owners to put their dog through a training course before, it can be licensed for the 1st time.

As for the picture of the Pitbull... Pitbulls have a much higher tolerance for pain than other dogs - that's a sick breeding trick. The pitbull's curiousity got the better of it and when attacked by the porcupine, the stupid thing didn't know when to stop fighting back. Did the dog kill the porcupine in the end? I bet it did!


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Silly to say that they should be banned...banned perhaps from areas with certain population densities...
The dogs are probably as dangerous as cars... a well trained driver can sometimes make mistakes causing accidents where liability is involved due to injuries... Dogs are property... dogs deemed dangerous should, like cars, be insured. so that if in the event of an accident there is means of recovering "damages"... now lets say that the victim is a child... well children die in car accidents as well so... I'm only basing this on the example set by motorvehicles... if you own property that could cause injury to someone... motorcycle, car, house even... you are supposed to insure. I think that the same same should apply to dogs. or maybe alicensing program... but we all know how well that works with guns...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
White Knight said:
If you don't properly discipline your kids, they have no respect for anyone steal cars, etc.
Or chase down innocent drivers at high speeds through a crowded mall parking lots in their Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor. Interesting analogy, eh?
White Knight said:
Some people just don't get it.
You've got that right.



Well said MP.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
One problem with the dog lover's argument: even if the problem is the idiot owner, it's the dog mauling the child. It can be argued that the problem doesn't start w/ the dog. But, the problem is it finishes w/ the dog. To that note, Pitt Bulls, as Iand pointed out, have been bred to have a higher pain tolerance, and many have been bred to be aggressive. Again, not the dog's fault, but if I'm walking down a street w/ my kids, and a dog of any kind running loose attacks my kid, it is the dog I'm going to defend my child against, maybe kill in the process. At this point I'm not concerned about it's owner.

We give people too much credit assuming that laws will make them do the right thing. Sometimes stupid people are just stupid people, and if these people insist on breeding aggressive dogs, we need to terminate the dogs, because law won't allow us to terminate the person.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I bet you all there are more small hyper little dogs that bite people. We just don't here of them on the 6 o'clock new because they do little damage. But whenever someone gets bit by a pitbull, ****ing Entertainment Tonight and everybody else makes a story of it. It's all about the owner. If they also did a study of what type of people had what dogs, they would find the problem in the owners. Half the people with these dogs, buy these dogs, knowing there image and want that type of dog. They are the idiots. I say 7-10 guys I see are the tank top, silver (surrey central) chain, tatoos, eminem living, no ****ing idea kid walking his pitbull down king george, mad because his dad didn't come home and finish that story when he was 6. They are trying to pose for some hip hop music video. No wonder the dogs crazy, imagine there kids.
c'mon now!!


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Interesting topic.

We have a Golden Retievor, that turns 3 on Friday. Kids have already bought him bday gifts. Fantastic family dog. All the neigbourhood adults,more importantly kids love him.

Anyone approaches our front door, he is right there, either licking their hand, or growling at them, if not familliar with them, but would never hurt them. The odd time he barks as he senses something/someone he doesn't like. I can tell him to stop it walk to the door, and see what's going on. Our doors have kids gates on them.

My son, received 5 stitches, after a fall in the play ground, our dog Innish,knew something was wrong. And tried to lick the stitches better!

The same dog, will also growl,bare teeth to protect my kids,and or my wife, and I. And would maybe go further, if warranted.

If he did go further, and bite,injure someone?

Does that mean, we should put him down? I think not! Not an aggresive breed/dog.

A dog that is agressive,and bred for that, if they even nip someone should be put down. Not always pitbulls, but other breeds. Once those dogs,get a taste of blood,game over!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Cside, if he bit someone in an unprovoked attack (ie, not defending himself or family), yes, he should be put down. Sorry, but he's a fcuking dog, and dog's don't take precedence over humans in these situations. If the dog is dangerous, destroy it.

Christ...let's get real here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Don’t mind him cside. Dudes parents needed to tie a pork chop around his neck just so the family schnauzer would play with him. It couldn’t have been easy for him walking to elementary school, our lady of perpetual voyeurism, having something hang on to his leg like that either. It certainly took show and tell to a whole new level didn’t it? Hello – This is my dog, Huggy. My dad said he really likes going for walks and my cotton sweat pants.

I think breeds with a history of violence should have to be licensed and insured. I don’t see why any reputable owners or breeder should mind either.

Lion, the reason you don’t hear about the neighbors Shitzu nipping Dude is because their bites only create a sore bell end and don’t require 75 stitches and plastic surgery to fix. Chances are those ‘victims’ were sticking their hand, face, something where it shouldn’t have been in the first place. The dog was probably only protecting its area, they’re animals after all it what they do. These ‘reports’ and such you’re seeing are about loose Pitt-Bulls eating through their CHAINS, running away from there home and chomping down on some poor kid playing out front of his/her house. If the dogs are doing that they need to be destroyed and the owners held accountable for their dogs actions. It’s not like they finding these kids in the dog back yard holding on to the animal’s favorite squeaky toy they’re out on the street being attacked.

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