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Div 1 2012/2013 Predictions, Banter, etc...


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Shaven...you going to come watch the action on Sunday?
we are playing the Impact @ Trillium, 6p

Not a bad idea, if the weather isn't too horrific I may just do that.

Fair points about having a 'full' squad and believing in it, however you need a few wins at this point
and by the time the players you're expecting return I hope you've managed to get them.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Jaguars 0 WCFC Impact 0

this was a great game to watch...so i have been told
lots of action in the center of the pitch and lots of break outs for both teams
i was the busier keeper of the 2
we had a few chances but just could not get it on net, and when we did get it on net, their keeper was there to make the save
the Impact had way more "quality" chances...majority of their shots were on target but i had a big game in goal tonight

with about 10 minutes to go, their striker got a good low hard shot off and i had to dive to make the save and just got it out for a corner kick

looking forward to our next meeting already

Shaven...you have the chance to check this game out?
it started 40 minutes early due to some tourney happening and I guess they thought it was ok to just play until they felt like it??



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
40 minutes LATE that is...oops

Didn't get the chance to come by, and given this note I likely wouldn't have stayed for the kickoff.

Nice to see a positive result, though again the lack of goal production must be an issue? By the read of your post, you played most of the match in your half so still not generating enough possession particularly in the final third. Seems a better result, from the same script.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Nice to see a positive result, though again the lack of goal production must be an issue? By the read of your post, you played most of the match in your half so still not generating enough possession particularly in the final third. Seems a better result, from the same script.

~ shaven

they weren't in our end most of the match at all
yes, they had lots of shots on me, bust majority of the play was either middle or in their half to be honest
yes, we are still lacking on the scoring side
one of the problems we are having is accuracy of our shots. our players tend to want to burn a hole in the net with their shot which causes a lot of shanking...we need to concentrate more on the quality of our shots and not so much the power of the shot.

we play the 1st place team this weekend @ 9am Byrne...ugh!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
The Jaguars 1 Rush 2

this was probably our best game together as a team no matter the score in the end
we kept up with this young Rush team and gave them a run for their money
both of the Rush's goals were unlucky on our part
the first one coming from a shot just inside the 18 which i would have had if it didn't deflect off of our defenders back and change direction on me
the 2nd one, both of their players were at least 10 feet offside...and they knew it, hence the non existent celebration as they headed back to the centre circle...WHERE THE REFEREE WAS STILL STANDING!!!!!!!!! fml
this is the 3rd game in a row for us that the Referee has been the game changer...and the reason is because they are completely out of position to make the calls that they are calling or not calling
we had a goal called back a couple games back vs. Dasmesh that would have been the winning goal

our goal was from a hard low shot that their goalie just couldn't keep her hands on and our striker popped it home

next game is vs. PCOV



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
The Jaguars 1 Rush 2the 2nd one, both of their players were at least 10 feet offside...and they knew it, hence the non existent celebration as they headed back to the centre circle...WHERE THE REFEREE WAS STILL STANDING!!!!!!!!! fml
this is the 3rd game in a row for us that the Referee has been the game changer...and the reason is because they are completely out of position to make the calls that they are calling or not calling
we had a goal called back a couple games back vs. Dasmesh that would have been the winning goal

Are you filing match reports every week, and noting your feelings/observations on the referees performances?

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
i heard we lost this past weekend to PCOV
another nail biter 2-1
another Referee robbing us of a goal that would have tied the game 2-2
i wasn't there so i can't really comment but a few of my team mates are still fuming about it
supposedly their goalie made some pretty huge saves that kept them in the game

next game is sunday @ 9am
we need a win...yes Shaven...we need a win


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
The Jaguars 2 Red Sox 1

Yes, we won
Was it pretty? not the prettiest, but we won

We were up 1 nil at half from a nice passing play...our winger took the ball down the side, head up, crosses a beauty in the 18 and our centre mid buries it low and hard. Great goal
Second half, we controlled most of the play. We hit a couple posts, a couple shot right at the Keeper, a couple cross bars and could only bury 1 more.
Our stopper goes for a run and takes it deep near the corner...cuts along the touch line and puts a cross in low and hard on the ground hoping someone gets a foot on it...their defender goes to block the shot and ends up with an OG (nice low shot...ha ha)

Their goal was a nice one...their 1 player who they fed all game gets just enough space to get a shot off just inside the 18. Opposite side of the goal as me, top corner...beauty. no chance on my part.

We just aren't scoring on our chances and we have A LOT of chances every game. Our forwards are trying to burn holes in the net when they just need to get the ball on net. A lot of shankin' today...unacceptable.
BUT...in the end, we got the well deserved 3 points

Next game is vs. Wickham
we have yet to meet them this season



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
The Jaguars 2 Red Sox 1

Yes, we won
Was it pretty? not the prettiest, but we won

We just aren't scoring on our chances and we have A LOT of chances every game. Our forwards are trying to burn holes in the net when they just need to get the ball on net. A lot of shankin' today...unacceptable. s14

Congrats on the first win, striker, well done. Hopefully something to build on vs Wickham, who don't look like they're setting the division on fire thus far so should be a match ripe for a Jags result.

I'm curious about your strikers continuing to try and burn holes in the net, you've mentioned that in prior posts and I'm wondering why this isn't being addressed in training? I assume you have a coach, and this is something easily remedied with a bit of guidance and training.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats on the first win, striker, well done. Hopefully something to build on vs Wickham, who don't look like they're setting the division on fire thus far so should be a match ripe for a Jags result.

I'm curious about your strikers continuing to try and burn holes in the net, you've mentioned that in prior posts and I'm wondering why this isn't being addressed in training? I assume you have a coach, and this is something easily remedied with a bit of guidance and training.

~ shaven

our 2nd win ;)
you know what...we talk about it all the time about the need to want to kill the ball, but when it comes game time, the desire to take as hard of a shot as they can is tempting and so our accuracy is lacking

this is a tough pool we are in
sure, the red sox, mavs and us are in the bottom 3 but we have all had some really tight games with the top teams
the only game i can think of on our part that was a disaster was our first game vs red sox when we lost 5-1
other than that, all games have been tight!
you can't take any team in our pool for granted and every game is a battle

hopefully we can pull out a win with wickham


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
our 2nd win ;)
you know what...we talk about it all the time about the need to want to kill the ball, but when it comes game time, the desire to take as hard of a shot as they can is tempting and so our accuracy is lacking

Right, wasn't intending to invalidate the first win ;-)

Talking about it might be the problem, though, should be training on it more and talking about it less. I'm guessing that your strikers (and other positional players) still have their default setting at 'hammer' instead of 'place'. More repetition in training, more doing in different scenarios will hone their instinct to placement over power. Time and place for power, of course, but must have the technique and mindset straight first, power then comes as a natural progression. Your coach should be able to do a lot here, about this.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
The Jaguars 3 Wickham FC 2

another win! :wa:

this one started out fast paced and didn't let up until the final whistle
Jaguars went up 1 nil about 15 minutes in with a great goal by our centre midder pushing the ball past the goalie and taking a hard shot from pretty much the touch line and roofing it. BEAUTY!!
they come down into our half about 2 minutes later...our defense are caught napping and the girl breaks in all alone...i come out hard because really, do i have a choice...and she slides it under me as i am trying to be as big as possible. nice goal for her
10 minutes or so later, the same girl catches our defender trying to dribble out of our zone with wickham all over us, the same girl takes it from her...comes in tight on my right post, she fakes a pass so that i juuuuuuuuust leave my post enough and she pokes it in the few inches i left open for her. another great goal for her...not so much our defender.
it is still 2-1 at half time
About 15 minutes into the 2nd half, the ball comes out to our stopper and she boots it back into the area and it ends up sailing up and over their goalie...tie game.
Jaguars had a few more chances that we didn't capitalize on and majority of play was in the Wickham half, so another goal was bound to come...and it did. We had a corner kick...it bounced around a bit...came to the back post where our girl was standing and she headed it...their goalie got her gloves on it but in it goes. YAH!!
Their goalie ended up bowing out the game right after due to injury I believe?
It was tight all the way up until the last few minutes...the Wickham forwards were pressuring hard and they got a good low shot off that I had to be solid on and I was. Game ends 3-2

Next game is a rematch vs BGSCCFC Rush
Bby Lake Turf #1 @ 9pm Friday night



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Our pool is a tough one as I have said

The Mavericks and Red Sox came out with draws this weekend to hold the Impact and Rush to only a point

The Jaguars are climbin' up slowly. Next game vs. the Rush is a big one as we could leap frog Wickham for 5th place, although they only have 8 games


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