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Development League Results (U-21's) 2004


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, we've equaled out win out-put of all of last season taking down a pretty good Fraser Valley Action 2-1 last Wednesday night. Our side this year, anchored by, an incredibly good U-18 metro team and some returning U-21's from last year should make us more than a competitive side this go around. Unlike last season when the team was full of 16 year old "gold players". Surrey United's youth system is really starting to come into fruition this year. We now have teams from mini all the way to U-21, Metro Premier and Masters. And with a solid club philosophy to promote from with in it's helping attract the most talented players around, no doubt about it. (not to mention all the hardware we keep winning. :D )

That said... we lost a close one today :rolleyes: A tight, but even game versus a seemingly older Richmond side. We weren't with-out our chances, but missing 4 key starters (2 forwards) to graduation (you have no idea how old that makes me feel) hang-overs, grad camping and the like... was a bit much for us to handle, but we did well. Fitness will have to increase so these guys who rarely had fitness training in youth can adjust to the pace of some of these older guys. Next up a very good Victoria side next Saturday.

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