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Champions Tourney

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

What's to sort? Is that not a valid point? Why should only two of the players 4-9 in the standings be offered an automatic berth in the final? They have a potentially easier route to the final than anyone else. I don't have a problem with Double In having an auto berth if he wins his pool, he won the league so that is his reward.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

One Dart said:
Is that not a valid point?
No. As usual, your point is MOOT.

The winner of the Green pool gets a second round buy to all the finals because it's the pool with the #1 in it. (not my rules it's the tourney format!)
That's the format of the tourney bro' ....... can't do nothing about that. I mean really, if SW or BD are drawn in that pool, how do you imagine they'd get 1 win against DI, not to mention two ?? I mean the same thing could be said for your pool and your brother's pool (as you've mentioned earlier). Sorry SW and BD ....... I'll see you in the B pool :rolleyes: . Let's be honest here, the semi-final is OD and The Power. I don't think the rest of us have a chance (over 3 games) beating you both. Final is DI and obviously the winner of the semi-final. Just a dose of reality :rolleyes: .

I think the format / bracket makes sense, I don't have any problem with it as long as I don't get drawn in the Green pool. I hate that seeded cnut.

If we had more members, we could have 4 groups but we don't so now, my point is MOOT. That would be ideal in a 'tournament' as this one but at the end of the day, someone has to get a bye.

Win or lose, the Prince is getting hammered .........

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

You said what I was thinking all along. Really, the whole point of the exercise was to make fun of Sidewinder and Bravedart. Let's hope Tilly comes out and everyone has an equal chance at glory.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

One Dart said:
Really, the whole point of the exercise was to make fun of Sidewinder and Bravedart.
Fair enough OD - I should've read between the lines. They could be in for the lump-ings of a lifetime tonight :D

Mind you ........ so could I :(. Hopefully Smallsy can make it, the punching bags need all the support they can get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Interesting conversation in here for once...

OD has his right in asking these questions, but the simple facts are it's a tournament. If things like Neo starts not being hungry, Walks pulls a decent looking bird for once, Whirlwind starts to subtract with-out a calculator and BD or SW actually beat mean enough times to win the pool then good on them. They'll deserve their weight loss, shag, graduating from grade 2 and their bye and birth into the finals.

It's random draw for each group so Green group could pull anyone... It can also be a positive OD, to be top seed in you're own group seeing as you can pull two punching bags of your own and coast into the semi. Same can be said for anyone else for that matter... They're all probably hoping they get into your group knowing full well how bad you choke at things like this and could easily get them selves as shot.


One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

As Tilly will tell you, and has time and time again, only as good as your last match Sunshine. Who's the reigning POM?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Think back walnut, your record was shite compared to mine. You only got it because you attended 3 of 4 and I could only make 2 of 4. That and all the crying and blubbering... can't stand a man blubbering...

Is there any fines to be paid? It's been a while and I can't remember.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

One Dart said:
HOS what are you up to tonight?

I kinda have a game that I should make it to, but I could blow it off for the DCS, I am a huge supporter.

I guess I could come by after my game, what pub is it at and how do I get there from Bear Creek, perhaps the great Regs will make an apperance too.



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

Hands of Stone said:
I kinda have a game that I should make it to, but I could blow it off for the DCS, I am a huge supporter.

I guess I could come by after my game, what pub is it at and how do I get there from Bear Creek, perhaps the great Regs will make an apperance too.


The Sundowner
Go south on King George.
Take right on 64th.
on corner of 64th and 120 th behind petro canada.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

BlazeArmy said:
The Sundowner
Go south on King George.
Take right on 64th.
on corner of 64th and 120 th behind petro canada.

How do I get to Bear Creek from Kits, and are there Bears out there, should I bring some spray.
I should probably be leaving 15 minutes ago.

hos may stop by the Sundowner if there are free Nachos from all the fines.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: DCS Dart Night - February

Good tourney last night.

The group drawings were

OD, Sidewinder and Whirlwind

The Power Outage , Brave Dart and Neo

Double Cnuting In, Dart Vader and the Prince.

Group winners were Neo, OD and Double in with DI getting a berth straight to the final. I beat OD 2 to 1 in the best of 3 semi setting up a Neo - DI final.
Lost the final 2-1 .

I'm not sure what happened in the other pools and frankly who cares.

I believe the punching bag pool was Brave Dart, Dart Vader and Whirlwind.

All in all a quality evening.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, yet more hardware for the old trophy room. I'm going to have to build a special DCS wing if this continues... I'm almost now wishing someone else would start winning if for nothing else than a change of pace... I can hardly keep up with it all.

The tourney, not with-out it's flaws was, I think, a great time. Anytime you can have, first round upsets, top seeded players playing for their darting lives, punching bags with glimmers of hope and tons bantering back and forth on different scenarios, who needs to win what, by how much, I think makes for a good dart event, which is exactly what we had. Certainly we can change the format up a bit next time, as discussed, but as Neo said, all and all a quality evening.

Red pool had OD (3-1), SW (2-2) and WW (1-3). OD advancing on game difference. WW was his typical poor loser, wanking self last night. Kicking chairs and disrupting the peace and harmony the DCS strives to achieve each and every week with-out him. Even telling dear sweet Sidewinder to shut his old gob at one point... ZING!... Made for a few hardy laughs for the rest of us. SW did nothing to spur on the anger though did he? :rolleyes:

Blue pool had TP (2-2), Brave Dart (1-3) and Neo (3-1) Neo advancing on game difference. Surprise of the night was Neo advancing out of the blue group and not #2 seed Power. Both players having lengthy waits on BD to arrive. Almost 40 minutes from their last matches I think it was. TP does have a right to moan,(and probably will) but shouldn't because Neo had the same wait time. Though, didn't lose to BD, who was more surprised than anyone he had just beaten Power after only a 6 dart warm up. Neo played extremely well early and was consistently scoring well. Finishing was the key to his pool victory I think.

Green pool had DI (3-1), POM (3-1) and DV (0-3) DI advancing on the tie breaker, total score. A combined (206+148+98) 452 to POM's (22+20+2) 44 saw the tourney's #1 seed earn his bye into the final. Well, deserving I think. DV, who has been practicing still looked awful. POM who had been drinking didn't look as poor as normal. I thought DV would have put up more of a fight than he did after he shellacked me 2 on the bounce at 2:00am after my surprise birthday piss up last week, but now I know it was just me being hammered and not him actually improving. Good. I thought the world had gone mad for a moment.

Semi's- First in red (OD) and first in blue pool (Neo) where to face off in a best two out of three semi. Same went for 2nd and 3rd. Which pitted SW vs Power for a shot at POM for the B title and WW vs BD for a shot at DV for the punching bag bowl. Remembering all of green pool had byes into the finals. Things went according to "plan" in the B pool with Power lump-ing SW and advancing, but we had another major upset with Neo bouncing tournament #3 seed OD from the tourney in 3 games. Cinderella story in the making.

Who the fcuk played who in the punching bag pool finals? I was playing and no one wrote it down!

Finals were set. The tension was high :rolleyes: for everyone. I came out on fire, but Walks quickly put me out and we started the match. I won the first in a 21 dart performance and a little think we at the DCS call a skunking. I thought I had broken the big man's sprit with that, but game two was a different story. Neo was the one throwing the big numbers and my overconfidence had consumed me. I was also having trouble concentrating with smallsy calling every 2 bloody minutes looking for updates and scores. I started throwing darts all over the shop and it cost me. Neo finished before I ever had my first effort to finish him... That left a one game show down for it all. As most finals go both players where a bit shaky to start, but after a few turns settled into a rhythm. I believe I won handily, but couldn't remember with all the cheering, jumping up and down and being carried around on the shoulders of the other members going on...

There you have it folks, Champions Tourney #1 in the books and new page in DCS history turned. Season II starts next Wednesday at the Landing. The Player of the month plaque was finally handed over to OD, which he'll keep until I win it back at the end of March. No February POM this time around, it would only go to me anyway... again



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I was 22 left when you finished me off. I guess that's beating me handily.(a gay looking word by the way)

Punching bag pool game one i think was whirlwind vs BraveDart
with the winner playing Dart Vader. I'm not sure, I could only concentrate on trying to perform way above expectations. That and I had too much to drink.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
DI advancing on total score.
Not to have a moan or that :rolleyes: but that was my only problem with the format last night. Normally, if the POM plaque was up for grabs or even if the night's winner was in question, DCS etiquette states that a play-off would take place. Ask Smallsy, he'll confirm that ........

Now, having said that I probably would've been lumped by 322 points but it's the general thought that counts here. So, in summary ...... Double In's a cheating cnut.

What the prat also failed to mention in his War and Peace saga is that in the 'B' Cup, the Prince lumped a distraught Power 2 games to none. To be honest, The Power couldn't give a toss about either game and gifted me the 'B' title ...... probably the only cnuting thing I'll win at the DCS.

One of the highlights of the night was Neo and the Prince engaging in a Fast & Furious drive down Highway #10. Neo being Vin and the Prince being that er, Paul Walker fella' ....... I think Vin pulled away 1 km before the Ladner exit and beat Paul to the finish line.

Cracking night last night ....... most enjoyable DCS night in a long time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
It's a tournament, the rule was posted, stated, devirginized and notarized before hand so your argument is certainly moot,though your objection has been noted and will be run down to the Ethic Committee head office as soon as it opens for review. Format changes are already in the works for the next tourney.

BTW, I can see how the ruling will go though a play off would be impossible becuase we were in groups of 3 and if DV had been able to pull his head out and beat both of us at least once each there would have been a 3 way way tie... Then what smart guy? Huh? Then what?

Fcuking thought so...

We could be playing play-off's all fcuking night if that were to happen, still though, I'll pass along your complaint.

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