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Casey Printers Watch


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
First NFL Exhibition vs the Texans

Played the last bit of the first half and all of the second for the KC Chiefs.

Threw for 71 yards (6/12) that included a 44-yard bomb. 1 INT. 1 lost fumble. Sacked 3-5 times (can't remember the exact number but more than 2). Rating: 33.7

Interesting to see if he gets the same amount of time to show his stuff in the remaining games...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Printers may not get the same amount of time in the next pre-season games if the other QBs come off injury soon.

I saw the hi-lites after listening to part of the game on Kansas City Chief's radio broadcast and he was struggling to get comfortable.

After the game I heard the coach, Herm Edwards, laughing about his night and the toss for an INT on the deep throw and then how he got a penalty for tossing the ball away some 8 rows up in the bleachers. He said he'd focus on the positives and that he saw this as a learning experience and how he got more than he wished for in being the only other QB to the starter to be ready.

In fairness, KC played a lot of new guys and their O line got outplayed by Houston according to the announcers.

No matter what happens in training camp, Printers has this year's money guaranteed and if cut, can sit out and become a free agent next year in the CFL if he doesn't make KC or get picked up by another NFL team.

As Edwards said this was a tough game for him as he is new to KC and what they do and played at home in Texas adding some more pressure.

The back up Damon Huard didn't play last year much anyway. Apparently Trent Green is tough and doesn't miss games. The other guy, Brodie Croyle is injured now so who knows what he could do yet.

Right now Printers showed the coaches and fans he is no Warren Moon but a rookie who for them is not their draft pick so that hurts him a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Another example of the growing gap in the talent level between the two leagues. The CFL can not be viewed as a major professional sport. At best it rates up there with AAA Baseball. At worst it's little better than Arena league. Having said that, looks like the Lumsden kid signed for Washington. Wish him all the best!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Printers is so Overrated it is unbelievable.
He needed another year or two in the CFL of grooming.
He has all kinds of raw talent, and no brain or patience.
He has all the tools, and no tool box, as they say.

His incessant whining in the media and me first attitude ripped that lockerroom in two pieces last year,
I don't agree with your assertion that the divide is growing between the CFL and NFL.
The same argument applies to Ricky Williams.
Shouldn't he have devistated the CFL before his injury?! He didn't, but there are all kinds of built in excuses for him
Don't get me wrong, I am no CFL apologizer. I hold seasons for the Hawks with friends, and only go to Leo's games when tix are gifted to me... But I don't think the CFL gets enough credit.
If they could sort out their Officiating problems and rules issues they would be fine...The players are all great athletes.

My belief is that other than the top 10 players on every NFL team, all things being equal such as size etc..., the skill level of the players between the NFL nad The cfl is very similar.
The NFL is just a more appealing game to ME.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I could not disagree more that the divide between the two leagues is exclusive to the top 10 players. I would venture to say that the top 10 teams in NCAA division 1 would beat any CFL team on any given day. The rules are a mockery as is the standard at which the game is played.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Bronco: Lumsden didn't burn up the CFL now did he? Just a little fact for you.

Secondly, you talk (and I have) to players who went from the CFL to the NFL including none other than Leon Bright and they will tell you that the two games are different and that the CFL is loaded with talent and good teams.

Name one who has been successful in both leagues who trashes the CFL after going to the NFL?

The markets and the money in the US are both huge. Perhaps that explains the perceptions of those who are in love with four down football.

The CFL is more exciting and less predictable. That is not to say that the NFL doesn't have great teams and great players - they do.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Reccos makes a good point. I have never heard a player, after going from the CFL to the NFL and being successful in both (Warren Moon, Theismann, Flutie, Garcia etc.), trash talk the Canadian League. In fact, it seems to get a lot of respect. That said, I certainly feel the athletes in the NFL are at a much higher level and I much prefer the U.S. game.

Yes, I know, saying Flutie was succesful in the NFL is a bit of a stretch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't count Casey Printers YET!

Just reading the background on the injured Brodie Croyle (injured before hitting started!) and he sounds good but injury prone. Not only that he was a third round pick for the Chiefs was the 7th taken out of 12 QBs. This is not a big NFL QB by their standards as Croyle is 6'3" 204 lbs.


If Croyle continues to be hurt, then this gives Printers the 3rd QB spot at least to start with Croyle sitting on their injured list and unavailable to other teams.

I think the NFL rules on practice roster players is that other teams can take a guy but must sign the player to a contract first and them activate the guy meaning the player must agree to sign. They can't just take a guy and put him on their practice roster. If I understand this correctly, it is not a high risk thing to put a QB on your practice roster as few teams would dare sign and activate a rookie QB who a) wouldn't know your system and b) takes up a spot that might be needed if someone gets hurt. On the other hand some analysts think Croyle is more than a project QB but is actually a guy with better potential than several taken before him in the draft. If that is the case, they might stash on the injured list thus freeing up a third QB spot for their other project, Casey Printers.

I'd say Flutie was a success in the NFL if you look at what he has done when playing. Yes, age and circumstance worked against him in recent years but apparently, it was his call to retire or come back this coming season. Even the no. 1 QB stated that in public. He is hugely popular apparently in New England. When he was in the CFL the Boston papers ran his stats just like they did the NE QB.

Again, guys go to the NFL from the CFL for two reasons: money and that is where they come from - most are Americans and that is home for them. Some may go for the added prestige and lifestyle that the NFL and the $$$ brings them.

Leon Bright told me repeatedly he left BC to play 3rd down passing situations as a receiver and a kick returner solely for the money. He liked the CFL game better. More fun.

Toronto have a number of players who are NFLers who like the more laid back life style in the CFL over the NFL and it is not just Ricky Williams.

Too many Canadians crap on the CFL game without thinking or merit just like many sportscasters crap all over soccer which most on this site would disagree with completely. Yesterday Shane Foxman was complaining to Javy Glatt of the Lions about how crappy soccer is because of the diving. While Glatt conceded he didn't like the diving, he did not agree as Foxman suggested that soccer was not a good game to watch. He had to tell Foxman that is the biggest game in the whole wide world something lost on many sports casters.

There is parallel in the logic between those who cast aspersions on the CFL game and who profess to being huge NFL fans. I played both 3 and 4 down football and prefer 3 down any day of the week over 3 four yard running plays.


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Reccos said:
Yesterday Shane Foxman was complaining to Javy Glatt of the Lions about how crappy soccer is because of the diving. While Glatt conceded he didn't like the diving, he did not agree as Foxman suggested that soccer was not a good game to watch. He had to tell Foxman that is the biggest game in the whole wide world something lost on many sports casters.

Javy had to say that - his bird is a soccer player and would've kicked his arse or at least cut him off if he trashed soccer. :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
But soccer IS crappy because of the diving. We're the laughing stock of all sports. It overshadows all of the great things about the game.

Doesn't EVERYONE YOU KNOW who doesn't play or follow soccer always point out the diving and feigning injury whenever soccer is brought up in conversation? Everyone I know does.

How can you blame Foxman? He's part of the masses, not us.

...and I'm off topic. Sorry.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
I have played football at a high level in both the 3 down and the 4 down arenas. At the game/sport level it is very difficult to compare them. They both have their merits and detractions. The CFL is a much freer flowing game in my opininon but I do not dislike the NFL game of attrition with a greater emphasis on the run.
What hasn't really been mentioned is the marketing. 4 down football has been so well positioned in the media for so long that many Canadians prefer it to our own. The managing of the CFL is, however, a whole topic on its own.
From a athleticism perspective, the NFL has way more freaks of nature( ie 325lb lineman running 4.6 40's) but my experience showed that the CFL is a professional game and the players treat as such with regard to training, conditioning etc. There are a lot of exceptional athletes in the CFL. As demographics dictate, the US because of population size (and culture to some degree) have more of them.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

You had me till this:

I played both 3 and 4 down football and prefer 3 down any day of the week over 3 four yard running plays.

I'm not sure if playing back in the days of leather helmets qualifies you as a reliable source for comparing today's games. ;)

Personally think Casey should have stayed one or two more years, simply for the reps, and the PT. I think he'll stick in KC, but whether he'll ever get a real shot in a game, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:

You had me till this:

I'm not sure if playing back in the days of leather helmets qualifies you as a reliable source for comparing today's games. ;)

Personally think Casey should have stayed one or two more years, simply for the reps, and the PT. I think he'll stick in KC, but whether he'll ever get a real shot in a game, who knows.

Not quite old enough for the leather helmets, Dude, but they weren't of the quality they are today.

Like you, I think Printers should have established himself in Canada first. Although he says he wants to follow Warren Moon's footsteps he sure showed he never learned the lesson. Moon began as no. 3 in Edmonton and eventually took over from Tom Wilkinson won what 5 Grey Cups(?) and then joined his Esks coach in the NFL who went to Houston as their HC. Casey has only his agent and some scouts touting his horn.

A conspiracy theorist would suggest that the no. 2 guy, Huard and the rookie, Croyle sat out faking injuries so this new threat had to show his stuff before he was ready thus guaranteeing themselves jobs.

Six of One

New Member
Jan 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Reccos said:
A conspiracy theorist would suggest that the no. 2 guy, Huard and the rookie, Croyle sat out faking injuries so this new threat had to show his stuff before he was ready thus guaranteeing themselves jobs.

And risk losing their jobs if Printers did well? Come on now.

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