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Captain Shamrock well respected!


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
From Delta OPtimist. read highlighted quote. Shoc-king.:D

Sun Devils finish third at soccer provincials

by Mark Booth

Arguably the most overlooked team at the B.C. High School Girls AAA Soccer Championships nearly snuck away with the biggest prize.

Despite coming out on top in one of the most competitive zones in the province, the Fraser Valley champion South Delta Sun Devils were only eeded fifth in the 16-team event staged last week in Chilliwack. While most experts pointed elsewhere as possible title contenders, the Tsawwassen school quietly went about their business, going unbeaten in pool play to earn a berth in the semi-finals.

The Devils then gave eventual champion Argyle all it could handle in a 1-0 loss before rebounding to defeat Mt Douglas, 3-2 in penalty kicks, to take home the bronze medal.

"I think the girls took it to heart that we were only seeded fifth," said Sun Devils' head coach Stephen Burns. "We've been in that (underdog) role the last couple of years and we really thought we could win it this time."

In a rematch of the 2002 provincial gold medal game, the three-time defending champion Pipers scored just three minutes into Friday afternoon's semi-final and withstood a late charge to advance.

"I thought the last 25 minutes we really pressured them," added Burns. "It was a frusterating game in that there was no flow to it. There just seemed to be a lot of stoppages and they also resorted to some questionable time wasting tactics in the end."

Argyle went on to defeat Oak Bay in Saturday's final but had high praise for their previous opponent.

"South Delta knows us well," Argyle coach Greg Hockley told the Vancouver Sun. "They pressured us by playing a lot of balls through the middle of the pitch. It was our best performance of the season."

Caitlin Davie had the Sun Devils' best chances to score, sending one drive just over the crossbar and another inches from the post. The Grade 9 striker finished the tourney with six goals.

The locals rebounded from the tough loss with what Burns' described as his team's "best game of the year" in the bronze medal win against Mt. Douglas. The Victoria school had forced extra time on a penalty kick with 10 minutes remaining. The Devils went on to prevail in the shootout (3-0) behind the goalkeeping of Becky Atkinson.

Earlier, the Sun Devils opened the tournament with pool play wins over Kitsilano (3-2) and Spectrum (3-2), setting the stage for a first place showdown with Okanagan champion Kelowna. With the tournament's fourth seed needing only a draw to advance, the Devils produced a clutch performance in a 2-0 win.

Midfielder Katie Weldon was named her team's most valuable player, while defender Laura Miller was chosen most inspirational player. The pair are two of of eight players slated to graduate this month joining Jessica Elliott, Caitlin Kettlewell, Courtney McEwan, Jacqueline McGuire, Alex Poje and Atkinson.

Burns, a former Vancouver Whitecap and now a highly-respected coach, should have some solid returning talent to work with next season with 10 players slated to return.

They include Kira Carre, Laura Craig, Jamie Elliott, Teryn Emslie, Jackie Kenmare, Jessica Renshaw, Shea Sinnott, Kaitlyn Widsten, Amber Wilson and Davie.



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I heard he had a magic right foot. He was so clever with his right foot that he could make it look like he never touched the ball with it. So I'm told, I was too young to ever see him play.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I'll field that one, Regs. I played for them apparently, as I received an invite for all WHITECAPS/86ers Alumni to show up on July 9th. Quite funny actually, as it was signed by Mr. Lenarduzzi himself. I'm sure it killed the man to actually waste money on a stamp to my address. Either way, I might just take part in the evening. It appears that everything is free AND we get introduced at half-time. This might be the greatest honour EVER in my 'career'. :rolleyes: :D

Yes, Blazearmy, you can see why the 'well-respected' part came from when looking at the mime outfit. Too bad they missed the Viking and 70s outfit, complimented with wigs, at the provinicials. We take coaching to a whole new level. We don't know what direction or whether it's good or bad but we certainly take it to a new level. The important thing is that it is all about ANGLES. Besides, who cares what people think when YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.

Hail Hail

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
And yes, CDK, I did have a magic right foot. It was amazing how much punishment it endured over the years, as it was planted 99% of the time when I was attempting to shoot, pass, and tackle. Actually come to think of it, I used my left foot instead of my head on many occasions. I'm still thinking about assembling a left footed team for a tournament before I officially retire. God bless left-footers........:)

BTW, CDK, Croatia is going to get stuffed in this tournament for your sarcastic comments. :D Although, I still want them to get through instead of Ingerland. I couldn't handle listening to Mr. England if they actually make it to the second round. BTW, how is Ireland going to do? :mad:


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money

DITH showed me the viking outfits Tuesday. Never have so many tablecloths gone to so great a cause. They were truly the class look of the tournament. They had to be. Next time you go you guys should rent some tuxes and drink out of champagne flutes, that would be a classy look.:D Congrats on your season and the hard fought "highly respected" moniker.


The not respecetd by anyone BlazeArmy

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