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Canucks 2015/16 season

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Go figure it out Vrbata is alive. Prust scored now we need Burrows and Higgens to score. And it will be fun knight. Must be young Hutten coming back in to line up. Team has a better look with him in the line up.
We might yet get a win after all that shyty hockey lately.
Trace it is bingo bango tonight. I hope it lasts.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Very smart move by the GM. By sending Vertinen to Utica for four five games it will do him grate deal of good.
It might bring Jakes scoring back. Team played with way more zest last game. Green in Utica plays high tempo games with bit more D responsibility than WD.
I hope we see Nick Jensen in Vancouver soon. He needs a chance same goes for Archibuald. Archi could add same element of grit as Prust and Dorssett on a third line.
Now if they could spoil coach V day it might be even better. This team drives fans nuts, they are all over the place like mushroom hunters.
One day laughing one day in pain.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
With Hammi seriously hurt one wonders who will the team bring in from Utica. Fedun or Perdan. In my opinion Perdan would be my pick due to size and strength around the net. Fedun has size,very seldom uses it.
Both will have tough task to replace Hammi. I see Club has singed young Gilluame Brisboise to an entry contract. One could see trade done in next little while. In my opinion face cage should be part of uniform in NHL if coaches want players to block the shots. It is nuts to see so many players hurt due to that. Soon players will have keeper pads to play D.
If I was Hammi I would go in the office and say take this job and show it I am not doing it any more.
Ferraro and his second wife have both boys playing soccer forget hockey.
As coach Quinn used to say we pay keepers to stop the puck we play D to clear the zone.
Where the heck did checking go is all you have to do flop down an collect pucks.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
That's US Utah them guys shoot each other. Canada has shrum hunters. Some laugh for days and than have sore ribs for weeks. WD might need bit of shums soon as he goes for six game road trip and the smallest D in the league. God help him. Negrin,Fedun or Perdan might take away his blues.
Oh god Benning needs to make a trade. Dumb guy last Corrado for nothing see now the kid would have been here. They need to make a trade with Torts Kennins for Falk. Both are in the miners. Both teams would improve. Torts loves Kennins for his tough play. Falk could clear the net area for us.
Remains to be seen. Some young guy will come up in Chicago to help on D. David Shield a big guy has gone to Utica on a PTO. He was with ST Lui. 6'4" 205 D. We might see Prdan here.
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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Two young men that Linden and Benning should look at are Juri Smejkal LW-6'4" 200 and and Dryden Hunt 6'1'' 200. Both guys born in 1995 kids that love the game and show up for every game. One area Canucks need to improve in future.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Utah ginseng hunters are coming here, both Andey Perdan and Kennins are recalled again. Canucks division is getting tight. WD must be thinking how to steer the ship bit more. I see Jonston got the but in P-Burg.
It makes for shyty Christmas for mike and Gerry. Tacks still has the job X Canuck will be the head coach in the Burg.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
We are toast, time to start giving more ice time to the youth and unload a couple of vets early while they still have some value.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs yes they are tost but blame has to be on Linden and Benning. They knew they have seven guys thirty four or older on a team. They are done. If it was not for Twins and Hensen team would be laugh the NHL. The only good thing is line one and four rest is shite be on shite. Miller is a lost dog. At least go and get Bernier from Leafs and try to fix the keeping. Markstrom and Bernier would do better job than Miller and Markstrom.
Vrbata would bring Bernier here. Burrows and Shinkaruk could bring Hamonick here to fix the D.
Team has three guys in the miners that can step up.
Benning and Lindon must make a trade or team will fire WD.
At least give Bertuzzi job on the bench to pump the guys up. As of now only Lidster is trying to get to guys. Bo must move to third line with McCann and Gernier from the farm. Higgens should go fishing he is a total waste of time.
Wao not easy to watch. Guys played way harder for Torts. It sure looks like to me that guys have given up on WD. Oldtimer you just like trumps wife, can not blame you. Now that's one FUG runing for USA president. He must have red all the Himlers books. Good thing we live in Canada. See our young cheef is give Syrians a chance on second life. Good on him and Canada. Cheers all the best for Christmas and New Year.
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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Chistmas wish of mine.1. Hamonick joins Canucks 2 Higgins joins Torts 3 Burrows joins Montreal. Gaunce and Gernier and Jensen join and stay with Canucks.
Biggest wish Vrbata to Toronto for Bernier, Miller to Ducks for round two or three pick.
I no Senta with a possible run, but my true wish is Benning and Linden try to bring youth and fun.
Big Burt needs a job no better place than this town.
Papa Luie make a move watch big Burt do the shoom.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs we sure need way more than Corrado. Edler mistake after mistake Weber the same. Higgens has given up. Burrows is worn out. WD is destroying his future. Dam it call three guys from Utica and put then on 4 line. Prust and his line can easy play third line. McCann with Deniel and Vrbata. Markstrom did very good against Flyers.
It looks like they will come home 0 and six on the road. WD will get kick in the ars from the owners very soon.
The owners are very proud people, there is no way that they will let this go long.
As a Canuck fan I am very sad to see this. Buy older guys or let more youth it just does not work the way it is.
Miller can bring D to this club. Two teams are looking for top end keeper. I am not sure why Benning and Lindan do not get Johensen from Columbus, even if the club has to give Bo and Shinkaruk.
GM must think faster or it will turn it to kybush. As of Saturdey it al will freez for two three weeks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm totally fine with the losses. You can't expect to put 5-6 rookies in the line up and win lots. We are rebuilding, plain and simple. I rather us lose and win a very good draft pick then be a first round and out playoff team. We are not winning the cup, and we are not a piece or two away.

Get a top 3 pick,
Trade miller for futures,
Trade Vrbata,
Move what you can and get future picks and prospects. This will be 3-5 years, so let's do it right.

If they want to still be competitive now,
Johansen would look good hear. That could turn hank in to a 2nd line centre. And give us two scoring lines. Vrbata, a pick and two higher end prospects could do it.

Let's just except we suck and need to rebuild the team with youth. And winning won't come till the youth core is 23-25 years old with 3-4 NHL years under them.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Lion we only head one youth player in that last game. And on top of it he was better than three mature hockey players. In my opinion team has no pride and no defensive formation. Most times D is chasing the puck in the corners like pond hockey. In orther for them to develop youth when they all play would be have one guy clear their net area second guy plug the middle. They on the other hand have two sometimes thee guys caught behind the opponents net chasing the puck.
Horvat is playing at fifty percent, he lost every face off and in my opinion should sit three four games to get the wake up call. Hutten is doing better than his partner on top of it he is twenty three years old in prime years for hockey.
They can say all the want but team is small has no physical push back, only fourth line. Line two and three are dog feeders. Bringing Vey to play with them is a backwards step. Next year in September yes. Clean the dog-f and move on. Twenty percent of losses are Miller doings. 168 Lbs keeper in NHL will not cut it.He plays hard one game out of three. Markstrom is a way better keeper than Miller,he needs a true chance. It will be again like last year with Lack, Markstrom has to be put in or WD will get the boot. Every time Markstrom is in net team plays with more hart.
If they think that they will rebuild from Utica there will be no play offs and possibly third last place in NHL. See I would send Bo and Shinkaruk for Johansen from Columbus to have second line centre push Sutter to third line when he comes back, McCann to fourth line and PK.
Owners must be going nuts when coaches talk about development in NHL. They all played 15 years of hockey before they come here. If you have it you stay if not Utica is a place for development.
GM must make moves for better of this club. Giving kids jobs is a joke and his inability. There is four over age players in WHL that would do better job than Higgens does now undrafted.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Cam Ried latest addition to Utica. Delta BC guy 6'3" 209 LBS centre. Drafted by Nashille. Greener is one alert guy. Oh god we get two points tonight. Youngster scores that's even better. He looked good with Daniel.
Nuts this season. Even owner was present in tonight's game in Detroit. Might we see a trade?
Trace tonight was bingo bango boom. I wish we get more of these games. Fun to see they guys win.
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