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Bring on the Highlanders!

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Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
bring on the highlanders

we'll, we fought hard, and came through with the victory, after having a pk called against us to tie the game at 2 with about 5 minutes left. We went into ot and in the second half of ot were pressing hard, when the keeper had a ball skip through his hands while Corey was coming across the line to clean it up, but before he could get that last touch to the net, he was brought down from behind, we were awarded a penalty, and the tigers were handed a red. Kevan, Cory, and Corey were big threats as usual, Kelly played a great game in the middle of the park, valente was solid at the back, Scott was having just a great game, controlling the whole park, until he was injured going up for a header on an opposing cornerkick...thanx to all of the guys for playing hard in front of me, and we are all looking to take a piece outta Nick and Matty:D , see everyone next week, i'm not sure who is playing in the final of the pak, but we hope to watch a rangers victory after our own, good luck to everyone with the rest of their seasons

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Gool Luck Lions. I hope your mothers get you to the park on time. Everyone into the mini-van. With any luck Valente will bootleg for you and you may even get a few pops after the game.
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I won't lie to you, that was a good one, we are all just hoping we make our curfews for next saturday night, we are supposed to be having a fundraiser, i can't remember if it was at chuckie cheeze or crash crawly's though

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Who is coach? A question for the ages. Here's a potential profile: he likes late night posts, the Maple Leafs, poor grammar and his boys are soon to star in a Doublemint Gum commercial. Here's another profile: father played for the Whitecaps (NASL), has the world's strongest baby boy and he was previously charged with "phone stalking" Dan Russell.

Where are all of the Lions players? Perhaps their parents have limited their access to the internet. We know Brent is with his dogs and the courts have ruled that his relationship is legal. Beastiality's best Brent, beastiality's best.

Is Joely the Goalie speaking for his entire team? I understand his team has been fundraising to get him a "hands" transplant, they are just looking for a suitable donor. That's a beautiful gesture but it may exceed the abilities of your team doctor. I think he's limited his work to pectoral implants so you guys can take your shirts off in any situation. Kjellbotn's still awaiting this procedure.

I would love to see John Gaull's words recorded, translated and posted. I have tried to cross reference what he says with Groundskeeper Willie and Billy Connolly but no luck. They must be from different dialects.

Congrats to the Lions on pulling things out in OT. Good luck and regardless of the result, Delta wins and POCO poops the bed. (Thanks for that one Gnu!).


Joely-Rangers Ball Boy

"Matty , see everyone next week, i'm not sure who is playing in the final of the pak, but we hope to watch a rangers victory after our own, good luck to everyone with the rest of their seasons"

Joely, why are you so keen on a Rangers victory?

Are the Lions in bed with the Rangers? Could it be that the Delta Lions are the Surrey City Lions next year?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Och Aye, Shrek's on tae somethin'

Easy on Joely son.

He's only speaking from his heart and what a loving heart it is at that.

Those Lions remind me of a side that switched out of a North Delta uniform and into a Surrey one, oh, about 12 or 13 years ago.

The accolades have been pouring in ever since. :D

Will history repeat itself?

Isn't everyone keen on a Rangers victory?


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

Sounds like the Lions may be in bed with you guys. :D Is there a merger in the works? Either that or Joely is looking to upgrade his team.

You actually comparing them to the team that left 10 yrs ago. Not even close. That team is still spanking teams like the Lions around the park now. Hate to say but the Lions will never be that team.

I look forward to next week to see how the old guys fair vs the young guys. I hope Johnny and Roger keep their moaning to a whisper though. They are a little annoying out there. Joely remind them that this is mens now and not youth soccer. They don't scare or intimidate anyone now. :D I don't know how you guys put up with it. And please tell the guys to keep there shirts on!!!

Good luck and see you on the pitch.

And I expect the Rangers to be cheering for the Highlanders next week. :D

FN Highlander

New Member
Mar 31, 2002
Dirty Money
Match of the Year!!!!!

Holly Crap!!!!!!!!!

"War is scheduled for Sunday in the Pez Cup Final!!!"

I have few words to say about this matchup so bear with me guys.

1. Valente: Get you head out of your dog's ass and get to the game! There will more Dog shows but I've seen the talent on the Lions and this may well be the last time that team will make the fianl of anything. Besides your not 18 anymore!

2. Experience vs Youth: Lions will have youthfull exuberance on their side and the the Highlanders have a cageness only experience can buy. I will not make a prediction because there are waaaay too many invariables.

3. Carruthers: Has he scored his "goal of the season" yet? If he hasn't then he is "due".

4. Heany: Even though he is a Catholic Celtic supporter, (Rangers felt sorry for them the past two seasons) hates to lose! He even hates losing in practice. He will personnally take out few lions.

5. Pitkethly: I'm so damn excited I've booked my ticket just for the match. I'll be wearing my kilt so who ever is looking after the beer coolers...buy extra!!!!!

Good Luck guys. Looking forward to a great game on Sunday!!!!!

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
FN Highlander our Northern Light

Support for the highlanders is coming from all over B.C. as Pitkethly pipes up for his mates. Great to hear. In fact it leaves me feeling the same way that Luke Skywalker must have felt when he could hear the voice of Obi Won Kenobi guiding him through the challenges he faced.(For you Lions who are trying to read this, there were Star Wars movies before Jar Jar Binks.) Once a Jedi always a Jedi. It is the same for Highlanders with a few exceptions (Brent, Russ, Scott P., Scott G., Kevin O., Tim, Kevin G., John G.). Interesting that our seasonal records have continued to improve despite these losses in talent. The whole must be greater than its parts.

Thanks for the support BP. Hope to have you at the game in person or in spirit!

P.S. Barc you were a little harsh with regard to Brent and his dog's butt. He only did that once and he's been hearing about it ever since. Give the guy a break!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Match of the Year!!!!!

Originally posted by FN Highlander
Holly Crap!!!!!!!!!

"War is scheduled for Sunday in the Pez Cup Final!!!"

PEZ Cup is right. It will be a couple of CANDY ass babies playing against each other on Sunday.


Best of Luck to both teams.

Will anyone go to watch this final?



New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money
where the fcuk is or ever will geu be

hey jack ass just cause both delta teams kicked your candy asses what even makes you think you have a right to slag. Maybe if your teams could even make it to a semifinal you may get the right to slag until then shut your fcuking yap and keep shining those clubs and maybe you can think about nex't year but from what i see that comes from out there i won't bet on it.


Re: Re: Match of the Year!!!!!

Originally posted by Yoda

PEZ Cup is right. It will be a couple of CANDY ass babies playing against each other on Sunday.


Best of Luck to both teams.

Will anyone go to watch this final?



Sounds like you're intrigued by the Lions v Highlanders final. There are a few ex-highlanders on the lions and many other angles to the game which you probably don't know about.

One of the biggest stories on the wire tonite. Brent and Tim from the Lions actually are brothers who were separated at birth. I guess that's why Timmy went back home to the Lions this year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: where the fcuk is or ever will geu be

Originally posted by gnu
hey jack ass just cause both delta teams kicked your candy asses what even makes you think you have a right to slag. Maybe if your teams could even make it to a semifinal you may get the right to slag until then shut your fcuking yap and keep shining those clubs and maybe you can think about nex't year but from what i see that comes from out there i won't bet on it.
I love this quote feature. Very cool!:D

Where has GEU ever been I believe was the question?

Let's see. Presidents cup final three of the last five years. One win(3-0 over GN Sporting)Two loses(3-0 to SU when they were good, and 3-2 in OT to the Rangers back when they were young;) ) Semi finals the last two years in a row.

Win Sunday then spout off Gnu. For what it's worth, TheRob will be cheering for the Highlanders. The Lions are a decent team, but I can't stand guys who dive, and whine like a bunch of little girls.

Prediction? Highlanders 2 - 0 Lions.


New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money
no spouting here just mad

The rob hey i wasn't spouting i was just pissed off because one of your mates is trashing our guys. And after taking advice from a certain person on protecting your mates cause he thinks i'm not a team player not mentioning names rangerforever;) I am just getting pissed off because our team is a very classy bunch of lads that deserve no disrespect.We go out every weekend play hard and don't whine,mock or take our shirts off because no one would want to see our flabby asses. We have just had an exceptional year and are proud where the season has taken us. The final means alot to some of the guys cause of knowing who each other is. Anyways rangerforever i hope i made you proud i'm learning baby steps. good luck on the weekend it will be a battle you guys showed you belong in the final to retain your title.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Prez cup

Originally posted by Balsa
And I expect the Rangers to be cheering for the Highlanders next week. :D

Of course we're cheering for Delta.:cool:

Mr. GNU, esq., Sir:

I'm almost done with the fatherly advice except one last bit.
Yoda, who is always game to wind people up, I believe was being a little sarcastic.
My only inclination was after he made those comments he posted a ":rolleyes:".
I've been known to be a wrong once in a while, but .........

Actually, I'm not up for cheering for either side in this cup final.

Do I pick the young whipper snappers, who are ALWAYS up for the Rangers and whipped our arses in the summer league, or, do I pick the cagey Highlanders, who are ALWAYS up for the Rangers and who continually take points off us in the regular season?

You both can go and fcuk yourselves.:mad:

PS Mr. gnu :rolleyes:


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Hook, Line, and Sinker

It's been a while since one has bit as hard as GNU but TTP is a "catch and release" lake only so it's time to let him go.

Ranger hit the nail on the head, just trying to get you guys riled up before the cup.

Thanks to TheRob for setting it straight as to where GEU has been in the PEZ cup for the last few years.


Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Lions vs. Christians

In final preparations for the big game, the Highlanders were out in force at practice tonight. Nathan Erker, A.K.A. White Lightning and Centre of Forever, was lighting it up in hopes of doing some damage against his brother-in-laws this weekend. Good luck Nate, Martha Stewart will be watching.

The Highlanders practice was very traditional with games of pig, high-ball and World Cup. John Gaull would be envious of the intensity and the taut nature of the training session. The Highlanders even had Dominic perform his "Clamp Down" defence (after he arrived 45 minutes late).

Good luck to Brent Valente and Munster at the Dog Show this weekend. That is leadership. Apparently Markus Naslund will be missing the next Canucks' game because his gerbil is in heat.

Should be a great game this weekend and best of luck to all of the participants, especially the Highlanders!

Let's hear from some of those Lion players!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money


You mean I went all through that support help over the last week to get you into the site for that? :rolleyes:

In any event, welcome to TTP...

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