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Bertuzzi decision to come next week...

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Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Bertuzzi reportedly to find out when he can play by ESPN.com news servicesAccording to a report from The Canadian Press, the NHL will announce its ruling on Todd Bertuzzi next week.The ruling will determine when the Canucks forward can resume playing in the NHL.
Earlier this week, The Province reported that...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Bertuzzi decision to come next week

This just has to be dealt with but to add another 10 - 20 games is fcuking crazy! I hear Bettman is going to visit Steve Moore first. Why? The NHL suspensions have no base to work from and it's almost a whim decision it seems. Stick to the head... ah he's OK 20 games. Punch to the face.... 23 and we'll check back later. They should have addressed that at the bargaining table too. I didn't know Burt has lost over $500,000 too AND they still won't let him earn a "living" playing hockey in the mean time.

This has really become a joke from a PR and a organization stand point...

Bertuzzi reportedly to find out when he can playESPN.com news services

According to a report from The Canadian Press, the NHL will announce its ruling on Todd Bertuzzi next week...

Earlier this week, The Province reported that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman would likely add 10 to 20 games to the Bertuzzi's suspension for sucker-punching the Colorado Avalanche's Steve Moore on March 8, 2004. Bertuzzi was suspended indefinitely following the hit. Moore was left with a broken neck, a concussion and no guarantee that he'll still be a professional hockey player.

Bertuzzi missed 13 regular-season games and seven others in the 2004 playoffs while losing nearly $502,000 in salary. He also was barred from playing in Europe by the International Ice Hockey Federation.

His return to the NHL is predicated on him being cleared by the commissioner. If not for the lockout that wiped out the entire 2004-05 season, this meeting with Bettman likely would've taken place long ago.

Bertuzzi first asked for his hearing in December, around the time he pleaded guilty in a Vancouver court to criminal assault and was given a conditional discharge. He faced up to 18 months in prison.

He wasn't allowed to play in the World Cup of Hockey last September and isn't on Canada's roster for the World Hockey Championship, which begins this week in Austria.

Moore is an unrestricted free agent after not being re-signed by the Avalanche.

He filed suit against Bertuzzi in Denver District Court in February seeking unspecified damages.

Bertuzzi was slated to earn $7.13 million last season, which was wiped out by the lockout. Due to the 24 percent rollback in player salaries in the new collective bargaining agreement, he is owed $5.421 million for the 2005-06 season.


New Member
Oct 26, 2002
Dirty Money
Whatever the case I have a hard time thinking he is worth almost 5.5 million. Too much baggage and one one season in his career where we went wire to wire as one of the best in the NHL who will be signing those type of contracts. I would say trade him but wiith that salary you won't move him for much except another big salary for a player not worth it. Don't get me wrong I think he is the best power forward in the game when he is skating, hitting and scoring but it seems to happen once every 4-5 games not consistently.

PS- And if you are thinking he is link to Nasland forget it. Forsberg seems to be more important so they have rumors of him possibly ending up in all places Colorado. Watch you head in practice Naslund. Oh, forget that, Moore is still injured.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Well we need a decision, REGARDLESS of the outcome and we need it as soon as possible. The Canucks obviously still have many big decisions to make regarding signings and contract offers, and those offers and decisions will no doubt revolve around Naslund and Bert being available or not.

If Bert remains suspended, does his salary count against the Canucks Cap?


Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The N-H-L is reinstating Vancouver Canucks forward Todd Bertuzzi (buhr-TOO'-zee).

The league issued a release today saying Bertuzzi is ``immediately eligible'' to return to the ice.

He was suspended indefinitely in March 2004 for his on-ice attack on forward Steve Moore, then of the Colorado Avalanche.

Moore suffered a broken neck and other injuries.

Bertuzzi was suspended for the remaining 13 regular-season games of the 2003-04 season and the playoffs.

Vancouver's post-season run lasted only seven games after the Canucks lost to Calgary in the first round.

Bertuzzi's suspension also cost him a chance for play for Canada in the World Cup of Hockey last fall and last May's world hockey championship.

The suspension cost Bertuzzi just over half-a-(m) million dollars U-S in salary.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Excellent news!

Now he can pummel (sp?) May right from the get-go of the season :D

When's training camp start? First part of September?


New Member
May 31, 2005
Dirty Money
Now we know what the delay was regarding the reinstatement. Bettman wanted the press release to coincide with the announcement of Gretzky becoming the Coyotes new head coach. This way there wasn’t as much negative publicity directed towards the NHL all in one day.

I think Bertuzzi is going to have a great year. Last season he had just signed a long term contract and probably felt he had nothing to prove, so he played with little desire. This year he has everything to prove and apparently he is in the best shape of his life. The main question will be his mind set, will he still go out and make guys like Barret Jackman his bitch, or will the probation deter him from that style of game… it fu*king better not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
September 12th I think Regs.

If I'm a GM of ANY of the other teams in Vancouver's division, the first thing I do, is(if he's healthy)sign Steve Moore. That takes Bertuzzi out of their eight meetings and any playoff games they might have. It's a brilliant stratagy really, and I'll bet the farm some GM will do it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
September 12th I think Regs.

, the first thing I do, is(if he's healthy)sign Steve Moore. That takes Bertuzzi out of their eight meetings and any playoff games they might have. .

I thought the criminal probation ended in December, and that would free Bert up in the new year to play vs. Moore?

In addition I loved the Bertuzzi putting Betman on hold article in the Papers today... "Gary, hold on I have to make this shot..." lol.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
One significant factor you're excluding in your theory, TheRob: would Moore sign? I'm thinking he would, but only under the condition that the courts waive the retraining order. Think about it: you're Moore, trying to carve out a career. Do you really want to be some team's pawn, just so they can't play Bert that game? That also would mean the opposing team would have to play Moore, who may not be the best choice for the line-up. So, here's a guy taking a spot away from a better player, just so that team can keep Bert off the ice. Moore is already somewhat thought of as a coward among many players for his civil suit...what would this do to his rep? He'd be a leper in the dressing room.

Besides, as Sub pointed out, the restraining order is lifted at the end of the calendar year.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
moore hasn't even been cleared to play yet, just work out(in the gym i think). the other i think a lot of people are forgetting is that steve moore is an absolute spooner who only got a sniff of ice time because the avalanch were plagued with injury last season. i don't think he's good enough to legitimately crack any lineup in the nhl, nevermind one of the teams in the pacific. also i trust that a lot of guys would not play with someone who has incriminated players in the league in a court of law. the guy is a fcuking baby who never had a career to ruin in the first place. its too bad that on ice confrontations have come down to this nowadays. cam neely should have sued ulf samuelson, thats a guy who had a stellar career plucked away from him by not one, but two blatent attempts to injur him by the same guy.
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