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2018 Whitecaps

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money

Because there is 14 hours left to get your season ticket discount and they want to be seen as making the changes for next year. They apparently didn't listen to me when they called to find out why I dropped my season tickets. It's not just Robinson it is Lenarduzzi, Anderson and all the people who are responsible for all the coaches they have hired, the players they brought in under their watch, thinking budget over wins. They need to clean house and have the mentality we are here to win and entertain, nothing less. Doesn't mean I want to spend like TFC but I want a smart front office that can make the right decisions that I can feel confident in. Not this group they have had more than their run and chance to get it right.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Good riddance, but yeah, the management team and roster both need to be burned down as well.

I wonder how candid he will be about the influence of management on his way out the door. If he wants another gig, probably not very, but he IS a fiery Welshman...

Dal is their top academy guy; he won't be looking over his shoulder because I can't for a minute think he has designs on the top job. I suspect this is a "let's get a fresh set of eyes on what we have" move, which I think is, shockingly, an absolutely sound decision. You're not going anywhere this year; time to sort out who can help going forward and who follows Robbo out the door.

As for the art show, my intent was to take the piss out of myself, not create a dramatic incident for them. It was a charity show and who knows how long it had been scheduled... that said, it's a remarkable miss by the public relations team, although I suppose they were probably too busy editing RT highlights for the season ticket drive to notice...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Have to think that @STD is on to something when he mentions the season ticket push. Otherwise the timing is just another bizarre decision. The time to replace him with some who could maybe salvage things this season was a month and a half ago, or at least before the international break. At this point the season is ostensibly done, so why not just clean house in the off season? Unless they have a ready made replacement who they think can perform miracles, but phrases like "comprehensive search" do not inspire confidence.

Regardless we will remain on the same hamster wheel until Lenaduzzi is finally shown the door.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
As for the art show, my intent was to take the piss out of myself, not create a dramatic incident for them. ...

It's a shame you missed it because I here Russel was planning on showing you the art of positional play starting with step one :foib:

FC Red Star

Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Fish stinks from the head down:

1) The ownership group
2) The management
3) The coach
4) Players

We have seen a fair share of changes among #3 and #4 all those years. Time to go up (#2).

If the current ownership group is not ready to make serious changes and invest some serious money into #3 and #4 then Whitecaps will remain exactly where they are at.

Also, changing a playing surface from artificial turf to natural grass would make a lot of sense (for numerous reasons) but that is probably never going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Truly a garbage club. They could hire Sir Alex for free and nothing would change. All top teams pay for talent. They won’t. The turf as mentioned before will hinder us in signing those big names that we won’t even pay for. Forever a club trying to become a Cinderella story. Couldn’t be happier in giving up my seasons years ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Not sure why this isn't getting more play in the local media? If it was the Canucks there would be a National Inquiry FFS. Or Maybe its become the expected from this club and they dont even bother anymore.

The media here don't have much idea on football.
They're mostly "Rah Rah".


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thank God.

Timing has to do with chasing MDS and ST drive I bet.

As for Sensai H, disappointed he’s not more pointed in his questions and criticisms when he has a chance interviewing Caps people and brownnosers like Pete Shaad.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Your thumbs must have needed icing after that one.

Bit late on the reply, busy day yesterday, but figured I'd address this and show you how wrong you are anyways.

Dude. I disagree with you. First for everything.

Ghazal just got called up to the Egyptian national team. A World Cup team with the likes of Salah on it. He has a resume. Starting a very young home grown talent over him right now would be crazy.
We lose with Norman Jr and everyone is asking why Felipe or an Egyptian National team player is on the bench. Double edge sword. I don't rate Ghazal as high as everyone else, he's inconsistent. Very good when on, but when off, a bit of a nightmare. Besides, there was a long period where he was injured as well. There were plenty of opportunities between injuries to him, and red cards to the other two nuckleheads to get Norman Jr. blooded. Besides, sorry coach, it is your job to bring along young players, and when you have a talented one who has proven it at every level, you owe it to your club who has invested in him to bring him along to the next level. It's your fcuking job.

Ghazal is the 6, RT the 8 and Reyna is the 10.
Usually the 10 is the one we are asking to create and find the holes. We all know RT isn’t a creative midfield. But he still had many good forward passes that broke lines in the last game. You are right that we need an upgrade in the middle. But we don’t seem like we have the players right now. We have seen them all this season. And I believe he is starting his best disciplined 3. You are correct, he is currently starting his most disciplined 3 (well, before, you know...). You know my feelings on RT. Davie is in Scotland right now anyhow, so moot point.

I am sure Robo talked about discipline tons this season with this group. And the ones that didn’t listen are now stapled to the bench. What else can he do? Waston has been pretty good. Much less trouble this season. Does Robo get credit there?
Reyna took a dumb card. The player. That’s not on the coach. OK, are you fcuking joking? Weather he did or not, it obviously had zero impact on many. Most undisciplined team in the league. It's not even close how poorly this country club has been run. This is a non-argument, the evidence is damning. Just look at Waston's comments yesterday: "Waston “I came cuz the coaches, not for the club.” Are you fcuking kidding me. Club has given him and his family everything. Robo had zero control over these guys.

Also, we really don’t know what goes on at training. Players body language. Who the leaders are etc etc. Perhaps that keeper looks great on paper. But doesn’t have the respect from certain players, or doesn’t have a loud enough voice for his back line. Perhaps got in to it with a key guy at a session and didn’t mix well with the squad initially. So many factors.

Robo is an x pro player and I believe knows the game pretty well. Only thing that is letting him down is these cheap latinos he keeps bringing in. But if you only have a budget for those types, well that is what your going to get. Two words to start you out on your evaluation: Blondell, Rivero. Not to mention so many others, could go on and on, and it was under his stewardship that he brought them in. Never mind failures, how about the cash he's pissed away on these diamond-in-the-rough transfers?

If he had a budget to go for higher end disciplined professionals. Then we wouldn’t even be debating here. But he doesn’t have those guys. Do you honestly think there is more to squeeze out of these guys? Out of a 35 year old striker having his 2nd best year ever?
A 17 year old winger having a record breaking year?

Imagine if he goes with the local keeper and Young Norman. And we lose like we have, the average fan would go nuts that he is using guys with lesser rescumes etc. What is he doing etc etc? Again, not only his job, but he can point straight at performances from his key guys, lack of discipline, and simply say, "This guy has earned it in training, and my guys need to sit down for a match and observe what it means to be disciplined." Harden the fcuk up, coach, and have some balls to make toiugh decisions, and be tough on your players. Not have their back no matter what. As for Marinovic, wow, that's an easy button. he was injured, and your back-up was Rowe. Brian fcuking Rowe. Red light Rowe. That is when you play Melvin. Enough said.

The coach can lead the team to water but can’t make them drink it. He has them getting in the final 3rd. Great waves of possession. But we fail to capitalize with our possession and our keeper can’t make a big save. So we lose. That is footy. You're talking in isolation, one match, I'm talking in totality.

Also, the parity in this league is crazy. Look at the standings. Is anyone consistent? Toronto has the players and money but look at their form. This league is built for parity.

If anything I think Robo needs to be rewarded for bringing Davies along perfectly and making a record breaking transfer out of it. People wanted Davies playing 90 when he was 15 and Robo knew how to pump the breaks and bring him along nicely. He did that right, no?

We simply just need better players in key spots.
Give us back Parker and we have 6-9 more points. That isn’t on Robo either. Again, ownership doesn’t spend the money and Parker walks. His replacement is benched for not producing.

Do you guys think another coach would have better results with this team?
Or could have done better with Davies etc?

All these new guys were a bust this year. Felipe. Juarez. That striker that had some chances but did fcuk all and then Hurtado jumped him in the depth chart.
Who was brought in, other than Kamara, that improved this team?

Reyna and Techera are just not high end consistent players. Been saying it all season. And seeing it all season.

The guys who came in are Robo signings. Blondell is a Robo signing. The only point I'll give you is MAYBE Parker, but Robo is involved in that, too, so....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
IN contrast to Waston, listen to this..."I play for both the coaches and club...it's part of the business." Far more professional, and expressing his disappointment but not alienating himself from the club or fans. <div class='fluid-width-video-wrapper'><iframe width='350' height='auto' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen src='https://www.whitecapsfc.com/iframe-...d=default&brightcove_account_id=5537314762001'></iframe></div>


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
I've not followed this team much but when I do check out a game or highlights I see nothing but piss poor play of their back line and ball watching. I think I used to see better back line play when Regs played for Pegasus from all the top Premier teams. Or I'm deluding myself.

Interesting story.

"The Whitecaps’ decision paralleled the building interest around LAFC assistant coach Marc Dos Santos, who’s long been rumoured as a replacement for Robinson. Dos Santos, who reportedly shares the same agent as Robinson, is interviewing with the San Jose Earthquakes for their vacant head-coaching position.

The team insists they don’t have a specific person in mind, and are just beginning their “global” search for a new coach."


"Robinson was responsible for both coaching and scouting and, to a certain extent, player negotiation. He was given a budget by senior management, but given free rein to spend it as he saw fit.

There had been much speculation over his close relationship with agent David Baldwin and the number of players who had come to the team through that pipeline. The team hasn’t yet responded to a request to identify the players acquired through that relationship.

The optics of their arrangement led to much social speculation of backroom deals — one agent who had had dealings with the Caps in the past few years described it as “shady” — but agent-team connections are actually commonplace in MLS. "
Nov 25, 2012
Dirty Money
All this crap some people are saying about Robbo...don't forget we were one goalkeeping error away (against Portland on the last day) from finishing at the *TOP* of the western conference last season. Let that sink in.
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