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2017 FVSL Rumors

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
We gotta stop with the valley vmsl stuff facts are facts vmsl is better football ther is no question about that. The better kids growing up all still seem to be attracted there. Maybe that might change but still as it stands to this second in our lives vmsl is still the better league. Maybe not run as well (that's a fact) but teams are better there is no doubt. Ya the odd game one offs any valley team could beat a vmsl team but shake your heads. Delta won league moved to vmsl div1 and came third, got humped in vmsl prem now I bet under coastal banner (coastal did not wanna be in vmsl, that's why they r in valley) compete for a top 3. Unlike a lot of you having played for delta I don't see why they left and moved, it's a stab in the back to all those who played for delta prem to have the team packed up and moved,cause coastal fcuked around so much and couldn't build a decent team for the last 5 years. I guess when u get paid and want to maybe one day become a tech director it's worth it to move. Anyways all the best to you all. Have a safe year. My dumb opinion displayed with horrible spelling and misuse of punctuation. I'm gonna say tigers win league, it happend to leister so I say why not!

Interesting post.

First, it comes off as bitter.

Second, do you think it's fair that one coach should shoulder all the financial burden of running a premier team, or should the club?


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
No guy u read my intentions Wrong. Far from bitter dude. Have no mallace toward that outfit at all. I am sad that they lost that prem team in Delta though. If you keep having mergers, and folding and moving teams this may as well be called vmsl B. As you can see clubs tend not to really care too much about the adult portion of it as much. Hence why coastal couldn't figure out a decent side in 5 years. There are some responsibilities I think the team should front for sure, if u wanna switch leagues for some crazy reason then that should be your money not clubs, especially since 2 years later they return back to the old league, grass must have been Brown on that side of fence. The adult program in Delta was fronted by one guy for years. He paid all the guys adults reg and waited to be paid back every year. I feel for him cause he put years and years and lots of his own time and money in to the program to see the top team just up and leave,to a club that never seemed to care enough to build a prem program since the peace arch days. Now you care how your prem team looks? I'm old, have no bitter taste, just feel bad for all the people, coaches, parents who put time and effort into building that delta prem team to have it walk away to another club. Joke, always will be in my books. Seems like bleeding red turned into just another saying. Respected the old values.

I honestly wish them well and hope they do good as they got some good dudes on that team. As for me ima go drink and maybe post again in an hour. Go tigers. Ha


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@dopeashell I think what you're missing is that the ND coach who fronted everything and built the team is the one who took them to coastal. They didn't ditch him. They followed him!

He felt going to Coastal was the right move for him at this time. I'm still not convinced it is the right move for the team/players in terms of level of competition and how they'll develop, but maybe they just weren't cut out for the rigours of VMSL premier.

Hi @LION :p


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
No dez sorry buddy, JM fronted the money, when I was there at least and had done for years before as well. Lion did good building delta back after the delta lion prem team. He deserves an applause for that but there's more than u know I think dezz. My mouths shut though. Not trying to upset anyone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
You're right my knowledge of ND history doesnt go that far back. I assume you were with the mid 2000s ND team that lost the provincial b cup final to Richmond All-Blacks. Between that time and ND winning FVSL premier and switching to VMSL I honestly didn't pay any attention. Just figured they were another bunch of Valley muckers all those years. No offense :angelic:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Does it suck that delta doesn't have a premier team, yah it's a tough pill to swallow. I personally sat in over $2000 debt for 2+ years with delta. Reality is Valley provides money to league champs,
Coastal helps the premier team. It takes weight off the people trying to run it. As players don't care, they want to show up and play and not deal with all that stuff. As someone who put many years into building ND joining Coastal Which in reality means becoming Coastal is saddening. But once you have kids and other priorities, how much time and money can volunteers be expected to give. As a whole I don't think the board of clubs, Coastal included understand the importance of Mens programs. They talk about soccer for life but the reality is they mean a youths life. Most youths probably don't go pro they play here. Ok the VMSL but whatever.


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Valley offered money even when they left though bud. Seems the scene change was just a "taking my ball and going home" type act. Seems u brought the same ball back to the same party only painted it blue. #freshstart-sameshit. The best part is stirring the pot. I love this shite.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
The main fact I got wrong was the LUYSA part. We as a men's club were independent at the time- LUFC. There was a working relationship there but no formal affiliation. Not the fist time I have forgotten that. The move to LFC was from LUFC, and I was disappointed because it severed our tie to the Masters Premier side.

Still, kept a GREAT group of lads together, but there were petty motivations.
....one thing. @robj was more facilitator than protagonist. He or RF didn't force the move.

@knvb - your move as messy?

Dude we were a part of LFC, Regan Mostat cut a deal with Mike Wagner {I believe for field allotment purposes as the two Langley clubs were fighting at the time} and all the LUFC teams moved under the LFC umbrella it was a year later a decision was made to move all clubs to LUSA by the mens, I don't know the reason why as I had just become president of LFC. I asked our team to vote if they wanted to stay or not and we did. 5 teams ended up staying the rest left. That's all I know. I actually was interested in trying to get a fresh start with and trying to get some peace but Kasper would have non of it. I believe there is some peace now and clubs are taking more time in their own clubs then bickering at each other.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
LOL, now it's all coming back. That and some texting help w/ RF.

The "LUFC" vs. LUSA" always turned me around, then throwing LFC into the mix..there are a lot of "Langleys" there! Funny, I was packing up my clothes yesterday, and have kept all my Langley kits. A few different logos, even one jacket w/ "Lord of Langley" logo (IMO, the best one), and I don't even know what banner we flew under then.

I know this much: that vote meant us severing our ties to the Master Premier team, which was areal bummer for me, as most of my ex-teammates were there, and I liked playing up on occasion. Allowed me to have the best of both worlds: get in some MP action, but not have to commit to the whole thing. I also remember the vote being something like 6 to go LFC, one to go LUSA (with the MP team, I suppose), and the rest (22 or something guys) abstaining, saying "whatever allows us to stay together". You were the only one that had the balls to speak publicly on why you voted to move, which I 100% respected then and now. It was the other 5 that remained quiet that I wasn't impressed with.

That all said, the year we made that move was seriously one of the most enjoyable I've ever had playing men's footy. Bar-b-qs almost every match, always 15-20 guys at a given match, everyone getting good playing time, and winning. So fun.

Also, I kinda wanted to reel you in to post. Took longer than I thought, LOL.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Valley offered money even when they left though bud. Seems the scene change was just a "taking my ball and going home" type act. Seems u brought the same ball back to the same party only painted it blue. #freshstart-sameshit. The best part is stirring the pot. I love this shite.

So, I've been following this a lot closer than you may realize, but indeed it does appear you are more shite disturbing than anything. Which, as a fan of TTP, I of course support. Grinning teeth emoji.

Kinda like the move @robj and I (and @Rangerforever ) were rehashing above, often times the move needs to be made based upon the support a club is willing to give to the team. In our case, primo fields and field times were up for grabs, as well as fairer costs / registration, and new kits (always a bonus). In Master, those field times are like gold. When it comes to Masters, a Friday night KO at 8:00 is a deal maker for signing guys, vs., say, Sunday at 11:00, when 1/2 or more of the guys are busy coaching. That's what we were up against, and in the end, it served it's purpose for us as a group. But that's just Masters, you are kinda on an island, and trying to find the best island. You aren't concerned about building an open men's program, just a good squad, hopefully with some affiliation to draw upon.

In the case of the whole Delta - Coastal move, so much more. When it comes to building a program and a legacy, it needs to be long term sustainable, not just year-to-year. The parent club then serves a major role when it comes to open men's, in terms of support. The "feeder system" is truly just lip service, as @bulljive eluded to, except when that club has a BCPL franchise. These kids will all be moving on to high caliber footy. Some into university here, East, or South. Some maybe into professional academies. Others, well, they need a place to go to, and for these guys, having the opportunity to step into Men's Premier is not a bad consolation prize to at least remain playing competitively at a high level.

Yes, I do see it as a reciprocal relationship, when done right. I've seen good examples of leveraging those relationships before- Mike Wagner was always quite good at this, starting early w/ Robbie Keam and his graduating youth. I think that's what the better clubs are striving to do, truly capture the concept of "cradle-to-grave", but it's always tenuous, almost year-to-year as executives change and evolve, and motivations evolve.

That's what I see w/ this Coastal move. The incumbent Coastal Premier team clearly wasn't working, and obviously the club saw that a change needed to be made. I saw ND as seeing a need for more support they simply weren't getting. If you think a coach is being greedy by taking those financial supports instead of another year of financing the squad himself, well, you truly are living in a fanciful charity land. One club obviously valued having the men's Premier program (complete w/ building blocks for long term sustainability), the other didn't. If clubs and Premier Men's teams aren't thinking about this, and placing those building blocks in place now, they will be left behind.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
The reality is dude Coastal has been financially supporting the premier team for years and years, they let it basically be run into the ground but now they are seeing HPL players aren't going to want to play for the current premier team. This was a quick fix for them without really building a cradle to grave program.

We ND had the men's club in order but at the youth level metro and HPL are out of Coastal. Long term that needs to change, ND should be having a metro program if Coastal has HPL. I think that will be rectified eventually with ND controlling a few metro teams But currently you only have gold teams playing out of ND. Makes recruiting tough as its a rec club with a rec attitude. ND always got players from Kwantlen(no more program) or Douglas(now coached by Peg guys). So really something needed to give.

Tough for me, the whole point of starting to build this with Lion was to knock Coastal off their pedestal(for me anyway). I don't think they beat us for 4 straight years and I enjoyed every minute. So handing them our work and now more so Lions work sucks. However I guess you make a decision to join Walmart or watch your small business eventually be swallowed.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
When the Peace Arch old boys finally moved on, you could see what needed to happen a million miles away...it just...didn't. No doubt, Coastal has everything going for it in terms of facilities, infrastructure, player pool, and associations (BCPL). It should work. Why it didn't, well...I'm far too removed to even speculate.

Are you staying on board, @bulljive ?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
LOL, now it's all coming back. That and some texting help w/ RF.

The "LUFC" vs. LUSA" always turned me around, then throwing LFC into the mix..there are a lot of "Langleys" there! Funny, I was packing up my clothes yesterday, and have kept all my Langley kits. A few different logos, even one jacket w/ "Lord of Langley" logo (IMO, the best one), and I don't even know what banner we flew under then.

I know this much: that vote meant us severing our ties to the Master Premier team, which was areal bummer for me, as most of my ex-teammates were there, and I liked playing up on occasion. Allowed me to have the best of both worlds: get in some MP action, but not have to commit to the whole thing. I also remember the vote being something like 6 to go LFC, one to go LUSA (with the MP team, I suppose), and the rest (22 or something guys) abstaining, saying "whatever allows us to stay together". You were the only one that had the balls to speak publicly on why you voted to move, which I 100% respected then and now. It was the other 5 that remained quiet that I wasn't impressed with.

That all said, the year we made that move was seriously one of the most enjoyable I've ever had playing men's footy. Bar-b-qs almost every match, always 15-20 guys at a given match, everyone getting good playing time, and winning. So fun.

Also, I kinda wanted to reel you in to post. Took longer than I thought, LOL.

I do agree one of the best seasons ever!

Yeah I am not on ttp as much as before but will be paying a little more attention as the new season begins ;).
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